I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 476 Crazy advertising fees!

There was an uproar.


There was a burst of controversy.

Everyone looked at Wang Jiancong who raised his hands and looked a little arrogant.

"Twenty-five million, I want it!"

Wang Jiancong took a deep breath, then squeezed through the crowd and walked towards the podium.

He didn't know how he came up with this data. Even if he got this advertising space, he wouldn't be able to use it. His [Wanda Group] didn't involve clothes at all...

I don’t know if I was stimulated by Zhang Sheng’s sonorous and powerful voice, full of blood boiling, or if I was instinctively unwilling to become a supporting role, or if I bought this advertising space and waited for Zhang Sheng to complete [Temple Escape]. The concept of the Global S1 Finals has been extremely hyped, and then they are selling a wave of advertising?


But the voice deep inside told him that he had to win this advertising space...

[Nerke] When Xu Song, the second generation rich man, saw Wang Jiancong walking through the crowd, his face instantly turned red. Then, a feeling of unwillingness to admit defeat surged into his heart. When he was about to call out the price, he saw Zhang Sheng came over.

"Sorry, Mr. Wang, you are not an advertising brand owner, please stop causing trouble..."

"Mr. Zhang, I will pay 25 million!"


Zhang Sheng did not speak, but handed the sign to Zhang Song, and then gave a wink to the staff behind him.

Immediately afterwards...

"Sorry, this [clothing] bidding is over. In order to better allow clothing brands to have better advertising effects, all the clothes of the same brand, please come back..."

"Mr. Wang Jiancong, please come back..."

"I'll pay 25 million!"

"Sorry, compared to money, we are more honest brand service providers..."



After a while of noise and commotion.

Several clothing brands were kicked out abruptly.

The conference room was finally no longer so crowded.

[Jianli Bicycle] Cai Yong, the head of the commercial department, looked at this scene. Although he didn't say anything, he felt like he was watching a clown.

Zhang Sheng is acting for others to see...

We invited Wang Jiancong, a "big-name actor", to show how responsible and honest his "advertising" is...

This routine is really too low-level!

Oh shit!

Isn't this being a bitch and setting up a memorial arch at the same time?

It’s embarrassing to watch…

That's what he was thinking.

But, I don't know why...

When he saw the next advertisement proposed by Zhang Sheng, Cai Yong instantly became excited.

He didn't know how he raised his hand, nor how he became nervous. Then, he couldn't help but said: "I will offer 17 million..."


Wang Jiancong was kicked out of the conference room.

A feeling of anger was inevitable in his heart. Based on his past temper, he might have picked up the bench and smashed Zhang Sheng's conference room.

However, at this moment, he neither cursed nor lost control. Instead, he sat on a chair and let the cold wind blow to calm him down.

A long time ago, he had listened to lectures given by "successful learning" masters, and even attended "business brainwashing" courses given by some foreign experts.

I was really excited at the scene, and I even wanted to do something irrational for a while, but after I left the venue and calmed down a little, that feeling disappeared. At the same time, I laughed at the absurdity of my emotions at the time...

Over time, antibodies develop.

But this time, my feeling after listening to the speech was completely different!

Time passes little by little...

It's been more than an hour since he was kicked out of the conference room, and he still has that sense of urgency and excitement deep in his heart...

It felt exactly like being in the conference room. If he were allowed to go in now, he would even spend 40 million to get the entire advertising space out.

"This person's speech ability is indeed terrifying, but judging from past experience, this person really cherishes his feathers..."

"Just like fishing for bait, he has been managing his own "partner" persona to ensure the interests of the brands to the greatest extent..."

“So far, none of the brands that have cooperated with him have lost money!”

"This is the most incomprehensible brainwashing king..."


[NC Entertainment] The sun outside is getting brighter and brighter, and the temperature is gradually getting higher. It is not as icy and snowy as it was in the morning.

Analyst Peng Jiashu's voice rang in Wang Jiancong's ears.

After Wang Jiancong heard this, he felt dazed for a while, then nodded: "What will happen if I shoot the advertisement?"

"Mr. Wang, you are not a brand owner. The advertisements you photographed are of no use. In Zhang Sheng's eyes, this advertising bid is actually another big advertisement. More and more brands are making money. , the brand's trust in him will only be stronger, and the brand's trust in him will be stronger, and the more capital he can harvest in the future..."

"Didn't Zhang Sheng talk to you about [the club]?"

"Actually, [the club's] player sales are one aspect of income. The biggest source of income is actually [brand advertising fees]..."

"He is actually developing his own credibility channels. When the time is right, when he starts the [club] model, those brands that have made money and have a little bit of capital will spare no effort to support his [club] concept... When more people enter this fish pond, the industrial cake will become bigger and bigger. When the cake gets bigger, as the actual controller and creator behind the scenes, he will be the biggest God!"


Peng Jiashu analyzed everything very carefully and thoroughly.

After Wang Jiancong listened, he felt an earthquake deep in his heart: "After the cake is made, there will be huge traffic. When the huge traffic flows into the pit, his [Jitu Video], even His [Honeycomb Extreme Free], [Qiangsheng Online Mall]... He actually built a network a long time ago!"

"Yes, Mr. Wang, we must not underestimate how a college student with a debt of two million and nothing can reach the point where he is today... In fact, I was already investigating him last year. This person will be around me All resources have been fully utilized. This person’s future should not be underestimated! Maybe he can reach the level of [Tengji Technology] and [Taozhu.com], as well as our [Wanda Group]..."

On the hall chair.

Peng Jiashu told Wang Jiancong seriously.

Wang Jiancong nodded.

Then, he thought of his [Humi Live Broadcast]...

He suddenly realized that giving Zhang Sheng shares was not a bad thing, but an opportunity!

An opportunity for [Humi Live] to break out!

Just when he made his decision...

The conference room door opened.

Another group of advertisers came out cursing, with unwillingness remaining on their faces. Some simply stayed in the hall, constantly asking Shen Xiaoxi from [NC Entertainment] next to Zhang Sheng if he had other advertising channels... …

However, Shen Xiaoxi's face flashed with embarrassment, and she just handed tea to the advertisers.

In the end, the advertisers did not drink tea, but left while chatting.

"This world is so magical. Damn it, an advertisement for a virtual game actually sold 17 million. This money is not money at all!"

"Hey, what did Cai Yong of [Jianli Bicycle] say? In the early hours of this morning, he vowed to let us boycott Zhang Sheng and that person to boycott Zhang Sheng. He also said that if we unite, we will never exceed the tens of millions level. Advertising fee, hey, this guy is like a fucking bitch, he ran over and licked it first, he’s crazy!”

"Yeah... forget it, let him lose it. With 30 million virtual advertising fees, Zhang Sheng is really crazy about money... he thinks everyone is a fool!"

"Anyway, a fool will take over, who cares..."


Listening to the conversations of these people, Wang Jiancong felt vaguely like sour grapes.

Time passed little by little.

Advertisers left one after another.

By about eleven o'clock, the thirty advertising spaces were finally sold out.

Wang Jiancong saw a group of people coming out.

He saw Zhang Sheng...

He rushed over.

"boss Zhang……"

"Huh? Mr. Wang?"

"Mr. Zhang, let's talk about [Humi Live]'s cooperation with you..."

"Have you thought about it?"

"Think about it."

Wang Jiancong saw Zhang Sheng nodding towards him.

But there was no surprise as expected, and he was brought to the office.

"Mr. Zhang, how much did you sell the advertisement for this time?"

"It's not much money... Taking into account the cost-effectiveness of the advertising, we basically sell it for several million to 10 million... If it's more expensive, other people won't be able to make money..."

"How much is not much?"

"You will know after reading the following Weibo news..."


Wang Jiancong was silent for a moment, and then asked the analyst Peng Jiashu who followed him to turn on the computer.

Then, he looked at the hot searches on Weibo.

Immediately afterwards...

His expression was extremely wonderful.


[Tengji Technology].

Relying on the huge chat system, although the download volume of "National Parkour" is higher than that of the latecomers, the total download volume still does not exceed that of "Temple Escape".

Of course, this is only a matter of time!

Obviously, Zheng Huateng is not very satisfied with the data of [National Parkour]...

On the morning of January 22, Qian Binrong, the head of the mobile game department, even scolded Qian Binrong.

After scolding...

He returned to his office.

There is a meeting in the afternoon.

The meeting was proposed by Zhang Xiaoqiang, the person in charge of the communications department of [Tengji Technology].

He said……

At present, the number of users of Q Dog is too bloated. Transplanting the functions of Q Dog into mobile phones takes up too much memory. Currently, the memory of smart phones is generally low and the market competitiveness is limited. They have to find an "office substitute"...

In short, they are preparing to develop a chat software similar to Qgou, but more suitable for current mobile phones.

They plan to name this chat software [WeChat]...

Zheng Huateng is not very interested in [WeChat], but he is always willing to listen to the suggestions of his subordinates. After all, Zhang Xiaoqiang was the one who proposed the future direction of Q Dog when [Tengji Technology] first developed Q Dog.

Time has proven that his suggestions are very constructive.

At noon, after dinner, he went to [Q Dog News] as usual to see what news was happening in the technology circle recently.

When he saw the headlines...

He was stunned!

He saw the news that [Temple Run] virtual advertising sold nearly 400 million...

At the same time, he also saw that China’s copycat mobile phone [Apple 4] launched an upgraded version of [Apple 4] [Apple Game Phone] not long after the news of [Temple Run] was released!

He looked down again...

He saw the news about the merger of Zhang Sheng’s [Honeycomb Jisong] and [Minuo Group Buying]...

He looked down again...


I also saw that [Pineapple Phone] also launched its own new gaming phone...

He continued to pull down...

Immediately afterwards, his face turned the color of pig liver!

Oh shit!

Wait, why was my [Q Dog News] occupied by Zhang Sheng?

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