"Games harm people!"

"Damn Zhang Sheng, don't you know how much you have done to my son? Ah!"

"Originally, I was quite inspired by Zhang Sheng's inspirational story. He is a role model for young people to start their own businesses. However, I didn't expect that this man would actually start doing all kinds of despicable things for money!"

"My child ran away from home just to play games! I didn't agree...and then he started breaking things!"

"It's the game that's causing the harm. My son used to be very good at studying and was one of the top three students in school. Since he started playing games, his studies have gotten worse day by day. Now he's in a vocational high school..."

“Damn, this is drugs!”

"He said, are you going to hold a game competition?"

"Isn't this going to poison more people? As for the country, why don't you care!"


When Zhang Sheng arrived at [Mitu Game], Zhang Sheng saw that the entire [Mitu Game] was surrounded by countless parents.

The door had been smashed into pieces, and the security guards tried their best to surround it, but they still couldn't stop the passionate parents.

Countless reporters were squatting at the entrance of [Mi Rabbit Games], constantly taking various photos.

Jiang Qin had never seen such a battle before, and was immediately frightened. Duo did not dare to come out of the technical department. Zhao Feiyang came out and explained to the parents over and over again, but it was completely useless. Instead, he was scolded bloody.

He saw the smashed windows of [Mitu Game], and also saw the staff hiding aside with pale faces, too scared to speak, and saw countless reporters excitedly taking various photos. In panic, he lost his backbone for a while, so he could only call Zhang Sheng...

About half an hour later...

Zhang Sheng walked over from outside and saw countless parents swarming around him, with anger on their faces. Zhang Sheng did not step forward to control the situation at the first time, but fell into deep thought.

Yesterday, everything was fine, but today, suddenly so many angry parents came and did all kinds of irrational things without saying a word.


There is someone behind the scenes who is controlling something.


He looked at these excited parents again, observing everyone's expressions calmly from beginning to end.

Some seem to be deliberately provoking trouble, while others are genuinely angry and don't seem to be staged...

He was still in the crowd, looking at the smashed door, the glass of [Mitu Game], and the security personnel who were constantly being pushed and slapped several times in the process.

Everything seems to be out of control.

But Zhang Sheng was not in a hurry to appear, but many thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind.

Video games, parents, family education...

Since the birth of the game, the three have been an extremely sensitive social topic.

When gaming seems to take up too much of a child's time, it becomes a scourge, an electronic opiate, and the source of all problems from grades to rebellion.

In the context of an increasingly troubled and anxious society, these things are like a powder keg.


It ignited at one point.

After a few more minutes...

The siren sounded.

Zhang Sheng saw a familiar figure...

Song Yao, the apprentice of Lin Xia's mother Gu Jiangyan, showed up at the venue in time with a group of people and maintained order...

After the police ordered and brought in several of the leading perpetrators, the chaos was calmed down, and the parents left one after another.

Zhang Sheng didn't show up during the whole process, let alone say hello to Song Yao...

After everything was over, Zhang Sheng walked into [Mitu Game].


As soon as he sat on the chair in the office and his butt was still hot from sitting, Zhang Sheng received a call.


Zhang Sheng watched as several people from the Ministry of Culture arrived.

During the chat with the Ministry of Culture, Zhang Sheng probably knew something.

[Temple Run] has been reported since yesterday. At the same time, nearly a hundred disputes arising from the addiction to [Temple Run] have appeared on the Internet...

It even once pushed newly launched "game phones" such as [Apple 4] and [Pineapple] to the forefront!

The Ministry of Culture spent nearly two hours in [Mitu Game], starting with the inspection of the content of [Temple Run] game itself, and then the development process of [Temple Run].

Although nothing special was found, the Ministry of Culture still issued a notice to suspend operations of [Temple Escape]...

Zhao Feiyang's eyes were splitting. If Zhang Sheng hadn't stopped him, he would have fought with the person in charge of the relevant department waving his sleeves.

"As a leader, you must be calm at critical moments. Don't rush into anything no matter how bad it is. Rushing will make it worse!"


When Zhang Sheng faced some people from the Ministry of Culture, he smiled from beginning to end, fully cooperated with various inspections, and suspended operations as soon as they were asked to do so, without showing any dissatisfaction.

He personally escorted the leaders of relevant departments out of the door.

One of the young leaders named Deng Baichuan was silent for a moment. Looking at Zhang Sheng's appearance, he felt a little bit unbearable.

"This public opinion is so fierce. I heard that [CCTV News] seems to be making a standard column about [online games]. However, don't worry, we will go back and report the real situation to the top..."

Zhang Sheng nodded.

Watching these people leave.

"boss Zhang……"

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang……"


When Zhang Sheng returned to [Mitu Game], Zhang Sheng saw a pair of worried eyes.

He waved his hand to signal these people not to be nervous.


He returned to the office alone.

When he just sat down, his cell phone rang again. This time, it was Shen Bingbing, a reporter from [CCTV News].

Shen Bingbing told Zhang Sheng...

The [Society] column in [CCTV News] will broadcast a piece of news related to [Underage and Games] tonight. There are countless contents in it that are extremely detrimental to Zhang Sheng.

"Preparations for this news started a few months ago..."

"The example inside is an example of the mobile game [Temple Run]!"

"[Temple Escape] The player with the highest running score will appear in the form of a mosaic..."


After answering the phone.

Zhang Sheng saw a pop-up window appear on the [Q Dog News] interface.

He clicked on the pop-up window...


I saw the headline of [Q Dog News] and it was [Shocked, the child stabbed his mother to death just to play [Temple Run]! 】

He frowned deeply.

After seeing the news content, I saw that the protagonist of the news was the player with the highest score in [Temple Run]. At the same time, the news was written in an extremely biased way, referring to the player named Zheng*Huan. The plot of how a student was led into the abyss step by step by the game, and how his life was ruined step by step, was vividly written, and Zhang Sheng was filled with indignation!


He looked at [Soudu News] and also saw [Daily Headlines]...

He saw skipping classes, fights, and even extortion to buy mobile phones to play games. He even saw people playing games until they went crazy and died suddenly...

The headlines on almost every portal website are reporting various “harmful” news about games.

Despite the title "Games Harm People", the pictures that appeared were all screenshots of "Temple Escape" without exception.

Time passes little by little...

There are more and more negative news about [Temple Run], and it was once even crazier than the so-called scourge!

Wait until after noon...

Zhang Sheng received a call from the cultural department.

The general meaning is that due to the large number of whistleblowers, the cultural department held an emergency meeting and temporarily suspended the promotion of [Temple Run] Global S1 Finals...

"Mr. Zhang, it's over, it's over, we're done!"

"If this event is stopped and our game is suspended, we will have to compensate those brands..."

"Nearly more than 400 million..."



The door opened.

Shen Xiaoxi ran in in a hurry.

Bad news comes one after another...

They [NC Entertainment] received calls from brand owners, and even a dozen brand owners came to the door with contracts and asked for refunds.

She felt unprecedented pressure...

Just as she finished her report, she saw another knock on the door in the office, and then Ma Hongbo, who was wearing an iPhone 4, ran over anxiously.

The upgraded version of [Apple 4] invested nearly tens of millions of advertising resources, but was stopped by the relevant departments overnight and was not promoted as a [game phone]...


It was also reported!

As soon as Ma Hongbo finished speaking, there was another knock on the door...

"You guys go back first, don't be in a hurry..."


"go back!"


In the office.

After all the panicked people saw Zhang Sheng's cold expression, they shuddered subconsciously, then nodded and left one after another.

Zhang Sheng stayed alone in the office until night.


He saw the [Social] column in [CCTV News].

He saw a teenager, roaring hysterically, beating reporters like crazy, even holding a knife, threatening everyone not to come close to him...

He saw the whole thing...

Although nothing tragic happened in the end, the shooting of the camera and the crazy voice of the young man seemed to be a human tragedy involving the loss of human ethics.

After reading this...

Zhang Sheng turned off the computer and opened the window.

Outside the window, a biting cold wind blew in, blowing Zhang Sheng's cheeks.

The phone on the desk kept ringing.

It didn't stop.

After being blown by the wind for a long time, he sat back on the chair, then turned on the computer and started typing in WORD [Regulation of Internet Game Plans], [Advocating Green Games for Youth], and [Future Revenue and Employment in the E-sports Industry] Waiting for the planning document.

Zhang Sheng, who had not stayed up late during this period, stayed up late again.

He wrote until the next morning.

The next morning, he called his wife, Xu Linlin.

"Zhang Sheng?"

"Master, I hope you can do me a favor. I want to meet the leader of the Ministry of Culture who is responsible for games..."

"What are you..."


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