I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 479 The attitude of the superiors

【How many families have the game ruined! 】

[The game is really causing too much harm, I suggest you ban it permanently! 】

[Online games are more poisonous than drugs, turning sunny teenagers into murderous criminals, affecting both physical and mental health. Affects eyes. Affect physical health. , there were not so many myopia eyes before! There is no such thing as psychologically unhealthy! 】

[Adolescence should be full of vitality, but because of games, it makes me feel depressed and depressed every day. There is no vitality that young people should have! The future of countless children has been ruined, and countless families have become enemies with their families because their children are addicted to games, and have even become autistic, self-mutilated, or exploded...]


In the office.

Xu Linlin saw countless reports and appeals on the Internet, full of angry and violent accusations, one wave rising to another.

In just two days, many Weibo influencers came forward to support parents, and even launched a campaign on the Internet to boycott games, starting with me.

She frowned deeply.

The birth of online games to their current vigorous development has indeed had a certain negative impact on society, especially for some minors. This has become an extremely serious social phenomenon that must be taken seriously. Since the turn of the millennium, The state has banned games for minors, first in arcades, then in Internet cafes, and now in mobile games...

Times are developing...

But in the field of games, there are always a group of people who are addicted to games, and then... well, Xu Linlin doesn't want to use the word "gone astray" to describe it, because she feels that the essential reason for going astray is not [games] .

As a person born in the 1970s, I have experienced reforms, experienced the changes of the times, and also studied abroad. I have also seen parents criticize novels, comics, TV series, movies, and cartoons...

She knows very well that [online games], like most other entertainment products, are just [catalysts] for educational issues.


[Online games] have formed a certain scale and commercial industry chain not only in China, but also around the world.

It is even one of the pillars of industry in some small countries, such as South Korea. According to a data, Korean games generated an astonishing US$2 billion in revenue from game exports alone last year, accounting for 58.05% of the total revenue of the entire Korean cultural industry...

On the Chinese side, this industry is even bigger. [Tengji Technology] alone...

"Dong dong dong!"

"Come in……"

The knock on the door at the office interrupted Xu Linlin's thoughts.

She saw Zhang Sheng coming.


The Ministry of Commerce values ​​GDP and employment.

The core stabilizing factor of a country is its economy.

In the office.

Warm sunlight shines through the window into the desk.

Zhang Sheng was not depressed because he stayed up all night writing actions, but was in high spirits.

He walked into the office with reports such as [E-Sports Industry], [New Game Formats], and [Chinese Game Industry].

"You mean, you want to treat [esports] as a national event?"


Xu Linlin feels that she is an enlightened person.

However, when she saw Zhang Sheng methodically telling her about the future of the gaming industry, deep down in her heart, she still felt that this young man with a gentle smile had a crazy heart hidden inside.

Not only did he want to accompany him to the Ministry of Culture to discuss the future plans for the game industry, but he also hoped that he could help introduce some people in charge of the [State Sports General Administration]...

He gave examples of basketball and football. He not only hopes to build games into a huge industry, but also wants "video games" to become a globally watched sports event.

The deviant remarks made Xu Linlin feel dazed for a while, and then she smiled bitterly: "These things you mentioned are too advanced..."

"Although it is ahead of its time, it is not unrealistic... This is an industry, and everything has two sides. Novels are good and bad, movies are good and bad, games have pros and cons. In ancient times, Dayu used water to control water. Instead of blocking... When we face new industries, we should not think about one size fits all, but try to accept it and plan step by step..."

"I hope that some young people can make a living by playing games... You can regard this as a job. At the same time, as one of the founders of [e-sports], I hope to build a club that recruits Players will be selected and rated at all levels. At the same time, they will have scientific and standardized training and guidance from professional coaches..."


The gaming industry of this world.

It is slightly behind the game industry of the original world.

China in the Original World In 2003, e-sports became the 99th official sport recognized by the General Administration of Sports of China.

In the original world of 2005, Sky won the WCG Warcraft World Championship, and "A Date with Luyu" produced a special program for the e-sports world champion, which was promoted by mainstream media.

And this world...

There are competitive and battle-like games [World War II Pioneer], and there is also the arcade game "Boxing Fighter"...

These games are being held in full swing abroad, and there are also competitions in China, but they have never been taken seriously or reported by the mainstream media. Most of the players who participate in such competitive events go abroad at their own expense out of hobbies.

After Zhang Sheng finished talking, he looked at Xu Linlin silently.

Xu Linlin did not respond, but remained silent for a long time. Finally, she picked up the phone and made a call to the cultural department.

After making the call, she looked at Zhang Sheng: "In the afternoon, you go to the cultural department. However, the department leader doesn't have much time. Maybe he can only give you ten minutes... The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and there are a lot of matters related to the Spring Festival Gala. , at this juncture, the culture department means to slow things down for a while..."

"Ten minutes is enough!"

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and nodded seriously.

When Zhang Sheng was about to go out, Xu Linlin stopped Zhang Sheng: "Zhang Sheng..."

"Teacher's wife..."

"Sometimes you have to walk your own path. Relevant departments always have a red line that cannot be crossed, let alone the evildoers who set the precedent..." Xu Linlin looked at Zhang Sheng seriously.

"I know."

"As for the sports department, I can't contact you now. As I said before, you have to walk your own way. After you walk out of the road, everyone can see the road and walk, and everyone can see everyone on the road. Will be "accepted"..."


Zhang Sheng stood at the door and was silent for a short time.

Then he nodded, and at that moment, he felt his heart warm.



It is managed by two departments.

One is the Ministry of Culture and Information.

The other is Radio and Television, formerly known as the State Press and Publication Administration.

Zhang Sheng met Zhou Songtao, the leader of the cultural department.

The other person is a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing glasses, slightly chubby, with charming eyes, and always smiling.

The other party didn't have any airs about Zhang Sheng. He always smiled, but the smile was not enthusiastic, and he was more of a listener.

Ten minutes...

It's just too short for others.

It was so short that I couldn’t finish a cup of milk tea, and it was so short that I could only squint my eyes a little, and the time just passed by.

But for Zhang Sheng, ten minutes is quite enough.

In ten minutes, Zhang Sheng explained his understanding of the [Game Industry], his distinction and understanding of [Temple Run] as a representative e-sports, and also explained that he will introduce a series of policies next. Used for planned training and talent management...

The last few minutes.

Zhang Sheng handed what he had written to Zhou Songtao.

Zhou Songtao hesitated briefly, then took the document handed over by Zhang Sheng and briefly flipped through it.

In fact, he had heard a little about the signatures of the Ministry of Commerce's "Home Appliances to the Rural Areas" document, and he showed great importance to the several reports submitted by Zhang Sheng.

"If Mr. Zhang trusts us, you can leave what you wrote first. We will seriously consider Mr. Zhang's proposal and use these things for our subsequent [Game Industry Standardization] and [Minor Games] Arrangements and references. Sorry, Mr. Zhang, I have to have a meeting. This year’s Spring Festival Gala has heavy missions and tight tasks..."

"Thank you Zhou Chu..."



Zhang Sheng walked out from the relevant department.

The brief chat seemed to yield nothing, but after receiving the documents, Zhang Sheng roughly understood the attitude of his superiors towards the [game] industry.

He probably knows it's stable...

After returning to [Mitu Game], Zhang Sheng looked at the anxious Jiang Qin and Zhao Feiyang...

"Just do what you have to do..."

The two of them were stunned after hearing Zhang Sheng's words. Then, Zhao Feiyang thought of something and suddenly burst into ecstasy: "Could it be that the superiors are treating us..."

"The higher-ups didn't do anything to us. Our [Temple Run] S1 global finals are in Brazil, not China..."

"But, we are doing this illegally...the relevant departments..."

"What's wrong with us hosting a private game? I'll pay for it myself, and I'm happy with it. What kind of law stipulates that we can't pay others?"


"Go and do it. If you have anything to do, I will take care of it. Even if I have to go to jail, I will go to jail. What are you afraid of..."

Zhang Sheng looked at the confused Zhao Feiyang, smiled on his face, and patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder.

Zhao Feiyang hesitated for a moment, then smiled understandingly, and then pulled Jiang Qin to the office area.

At this moment, Zhang Sheng stopped Zhao Feiyang.

"Mr. Zhao..."


"Give me Zheng Chonghuan's contact information and home address..."

"Mr. Zhang, couldn't you..." When Zhao Feiyang heard this, his smile froze, and then his pupils shrank sharply.

"What are you thinking? The person who untied the bell must tie it. I went to talk to Zheng Chonghuan and his parents. I read the news and felt that their thinking was a bit rigid and they needed to be taught a lesson..."


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