[CCTV News] After the end.

A group of reporters flock to the door of Zheng Chonghuan's house in southern Hunan every day.

Zheng Chonghuan didn't know which media these reporters were from, but he only knew that whenever these reporters came over, his parents would always drive him out of the door with sticks.


Under the illumination of the lights, I looked at the reporters dullly in the camera and asked me why I played games, why the games were addictive, and what effects they would have...

And parents, almost every time, show off their certificates from elementary school and complain tearfully about the harm of "games"!

They go back and forth, all they can talk about is [Temple Run], one moment they say how horrible [Temple Run] is, how scary it is in the middle of the night, the next moment they say how evil this game is...

Adding fuel to the fire made Zheng Chonghuan seem like a puppet trapped in a whirlpool, unable to fight any longer.

Zheng Chonghuan gritted his teeth!

He was still resisting.

The greatest resistance is silence. No matter what questions the reporter asked, he remained silent.

But he would still be beaten, and then, when he didn't even want to hide and was beaten by his parents without even saying a word, his parents became even more distressed and said that the game "Temple Run" has already He was completely destroyed and could no longer be saved.

Zheng Chonghuan sometimes thinks of escaping from this home...

However, after escaping from this home, as a 16-year-old young man, what can he do?

This family was so oppressive that he couldn't breathe. His parents beat and scolded him at every turn. They used to ignore him, but now they suddenly took control of him...

A few days ago, my parents also went to the vocational high school to make a fuss, saying angrily that the teachers in the vocational high school were not qualified to be teachers at all. They spent money to study there and learned nothing, and the children were ruined!

The parents asked the school to compensate for tuition fees and mental damages, and stayed at the school for a while. It was so hot that countless reporters desperately took pictures...

Looking at the students' abnormal, mocking, and once again eyes like looking at monsters.

He felt that his dignity had been trampled on the ground again, and he lowered his head.

At that moment, he didn't want to live anymore!

His life has no meaning anymore!

January 27th.

It’s a night about 5 days away from New Year’s Eve.

The weather is getting colder and colder, with temperatures reaching minus 4 to 5 degrees Celsius in some areas of China.

Zheng Chonghuan was scolded by his parents again, and even the staff of [Yuzhang Academy] were brought over.

Those staff members are rough and rough, and they are not good at first glance. Zheng Chonghuan once saw those students who came out of [Yuzhang Academy].

My once lively classmate was locked up for several months. When he came out, he seemed as if his soul had been stripped away. His eyes were dull and he was often frightened. He sat very straight, but he looked like a puppet.

It was a hell-like place!

After seeing these people, Zheng Chonghuan ran out of the house like crazy, yelled and left the house, and ran to a dark place in the cold night.

No one knows where this place is...

All he knew was that he couldn't be caught. If he was caught, everything would be over.

The night was quiet and frightening at the same time. He stayed in a field for a whole night. He was cold and hungry. He didn't sleep all night, and he didn't dare to contact anyone.

My cell phone has been smashed by my parents...

The next day, he found a dirty Internet cafe to stay. The bursts of heat emitted from the computers in the Internet cafe made him feel a little warm.

In the Internet cafe, he met many young people like him who stayed up all night, with disheveled hair and bloodshot eyes, like a walking zombie.

When he was about to sit for a while, he saw the door. Many agencies came over, shouting that they wanted to recruit workers, part-time jobs...

These young people woke up subconsciously after hearing the sound, and then ran over there immediately.

Zheng Chonghuan also followed...

Since he didn't have an ID card, there was nothing he could do to suppress him, but these people didn't say anything and just took him into a van.

When dignity is torn to pieces and trampled to the ground...

When all your relatives and friends look at you like a monster, and come to "consol" you on the surface and say that the prodigal son will turn around and pay for it, but privately, they will use you as a negative example to warn your children.

Your passion has been extinguished, you no longer have any sense of respect, and you don’t even know why you can’t control your life...

You resist hysterically, express your anger, and express your determination. However, under the deliberate posing, your resistance finally turns into a joke, a life ruined by the game, and a tragedy...

You were not allowed to touch any electronic products. You were locked in a small dark room. Your parents even listened to the neighbors and prepared to send you to the city center, the most famous [Yuzhang Academy], to teach you to be a new person... …


What would you do?


Although Zheng Chonghuan's home is in a rural area, it is easy to find.

Reporters were everywhere in the village, especially Zheng Chonghuan’s home, which was surrounded by the most reporters.

Zhang Sheng also easily saw Zheng Chonghuan's parents. He saw Zheng Chonghuan's parents standing at the entrance of the yard, yelling like crazy.

Before he realized what was going on, Zhang Sheng did not walk in rashly, but waited and watched among the crowd watching the excitement.

Zheng Chonghuan's father angrily complained to the media, complaining that their son was missing...

As for Zheng Chonghuan's mother, she collapsed on the ground and kept crying. She cried that her son, who had always been well-behaved, suddenly went crazy yesterday and ran away in the distance. They wanted to catch up, but they couldn't catch up at all.

The center of the topic is still the word "game".

Zhang Sheng looked at the hysterical parents and frowned slightly. Amidst the discussion of the onlookers, he knew that these two parents had gone to the vocational high school to cause trouble...

He forcefully asked for the money back and asked his son to drop out of school. Vocational high school was not considered compulsory education, and dropping out of school was a matter of course.

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses, thought carefully, and roughly guessed where Zheng Chonghuan was most likely to stay...

In this freezing weather, Zheng Chonghuan generally had no choice but to stay in some Internet cafes, and those regular Internet cafes did not allow minors to enter. In addition, Zheng Chonghuan did not bring his ID card, so there was a high probability that he would be in some Internet cafes. Staying in the dark Internet cafe, Zhang Sheng had stayed in Fatty Wang's Internet cafe for a long time, and he knew very well that these young people seemed to be able to go anywhere, but in fact, there was no way out.

He stood at the door for about ten minutes.

Watching Zheng Chonghuan's parents complaining over and over again, I once thought deeply about what I should do next.

After thinking briefly for a moment...

He left this village called Yucai Village and bought a room in a small hotel in the town.

In the hotel room, he took out paper and pen and carefully sketched the words and deeds of Zheng Chonghuan's parents on the table. Then, from the words and deeds, he analyzed the core thinking of Zheng Chonghuan's parents.

Judging a person's character is an extremely simple matter for Zhang Sheng.

After roughly determining the personalities of Zheng Chonghuan's parents, Zhang Sheng took out his cell phone and made a call to Zhao Feiyang from Mi Rabbit Games.

On the phone...

Although Zhao Feiyang knew what to do next, he was still worried.

[Temple Run] The resistance to the S1 Global Finals is still very high. As long as there is the slightest disturbance, they will be scolded on the Internet. Countless parents still come to [Mitu Game] every day to make troubles. Some colleagues simply cannot function normally.

This was a time of life and death for [MiTu Game]. Zhao Feiyang did not dare to be careless and tried his best, but he was still a little tired of coping.

"Close the door of [MiTu Games] first, and post a holiday-like notice outside. Except for Jiang Qin's technology research and development department, everyone else is on paid leave to help me do another thing!"

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

"You contact all the top ten people with [Temple Escape] scores... At the same time, you first help me make a year-end reward list. The first place will be given a bonus of 30,000 yuan, and the second place will be given two 20,000 yuan, the third place will be given 10,000 yuan, and the fourth place will be given 3,000 yuan..."

"Ah? This..."

"Besides that, you need to make an [e-sports] honorary certificate! Be quick and do it now..."

"Oh, alright!"

"After you finish all this, do some research to see which other family in the top ten has the most quarrels online, and take your team there personally..."


"You remember, we must maintain our responsible and tough attitude, we must maintain our core concept, that is, even if [Temple Run] is about to close down, we must give this reward... …In addition, in the past few days, you also invited a group of reporters to take pictures of our [MiTu Games]’s collapse and dilapidation…”


"We must get this done before New Year's Eve. After New Year's Eve and Spring Festival, there is no point in doing all this!"

"Okay! Mr. Zhang!"

"Well, Mr. Zhao, the survival of [Mitu Game] in this wave depends entirely on you!"

"Ah, Mr. Zhang, please stop saying that. By the way, what should we do now about the brands that cooperate with us? I heard that some of them want us to refund our money..."

"Refund the money to them. They are the ones asking us to give us some publicity resources. It's not like we have to rely on them to make money. How can the brand owners take advantage of us? We need to let them know who is the boss. !”


"By the way, please help me check if there is anyone working in one of our companies around [Yucai Village]. If so, please ask them to contact me..."


In the evening of January 28th.

Zheng Chonghuan's parents have been looking for Zheng Chonghuan for a day, but they still haven't found Zheng Chonghuan.

this moment……

They became anxious.

Just when the whole village was helping to find Zheng Chonghuan, they heard an inappropriate sound of gongs and drums coming from the east end of the village.

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