I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 483 I’ll pave the way for you

Many years later...

Zheng Chonghuan will never forget that cold night.

The scene where he and Zhang Sheng met for the first time.

When I think back on it years later, I still feel a bit magical and incredible.

Zhang Sheng, who was already worth a billion at that time, was actually able to play games and chat with these penniless young people, and then...

Let’s talk about dreams together.


February 2nd.

Hunan, Huacheng, a small alley.

Zheng Chonghuan ate barbecue, drank Sprite, beer, and chatted...

This young man wearing glasses has an innate ability to let people escape everything deep in their hearts.

In the first half of the night, everyone was happy, and no matter how cold the wind blew, they couldn't feel the cold. But in the second half of the night, while chatting, several young people suddenly started crying.

I don’t know who it was, but they started talking about the topic of “dreams”.

Focusing on the theme of "dream", he heard the story of his companion, a man named "Brother Shen".

Brother Shen, like himself, came from a remote rural area and didn't like to study. He went to the county town to look for a job in a daze. Later, he was defrauded of a large sum of money by an agency and his ID card was even stolen.

During this period, a series of stories also happened. He seemed to have struggled, but first he didn't know how to ask for help, and secondly he was instigated by others. He gradually became a frequent visitor to Internet cafes, hanging out with shady intermediaries and shady Internet cafes all day long. I had to work for one day and use the Internet for three days, living day and night, and then I gradually got used to it.

I also heard another person’s story…

Another companion likes to brag, talking about how great he was in fights in the past, and what happened after he injured his hand...

A group of grown men suddenly became particularly emotional under the influence of alcohol.

Zheng Chonghuan also told his story...

He talked about how he was once a "king", once ranked first in the [Temple Run] score list, and even almost became a professional player, going abroad to play games...

Then he heard jeers...

He reluctantly took out the news, and the ridicule suddenly stopped. Then there were bursts of sighs and lamentations. The young man named "Brother Shen" even patted him on the shoulder.

In this prosperous and colorful world, who would have thought that there would still be such a group of marginalized people here?

"If you were asked to live again, what kind of life would you choose?"

It was about four o'clock in the morning...

Or three.

After drinking bottles of beer, more and more emotions were expressed, but there was no longer that sense of sadness. Instead, everyone was extremely depressed deep in their hearts, unable to say anything.

The young man's face was silent. Under the dim light, his complete face could not be seen, but Zheng Chonghuan always felt that this young man looked familiar...


Never thought of it in any other direction.

"I think I just want to find a job with a higher salary and social security..."

One of them suddenly said this.

"Perhaps I will take the high school entrance examination, or a vocational high school, and then learn a trade..."

The other man hesitated for a moment, then scratched his head.

"Brother, live again, do you mean like the rebirth in the novel, do you mean to be reborn to the age of three, or to be reborn to the age of ten?"

"Brother Shen" hesitated for a while, then looked at the young man.

The young man smiled and said, "If you were to be reborn, when would you most like to go back?"

"I think, back when I was in junior high school, if I had studied hard and not skipped classes, I would have gone to a key high school now, and then I would be a college student now..."

After "Brother Shen" finished speaking, he felt that he was funny, but after a long time, he did not hear the other party's ridicule or teasing. Instead, the other party looked at him extremely seriously.

After a long while, "Brother Shen" sighed and fell silent.

When it was Zheng Chonghuan's turn, Zheng Chonghuan shook his head: "I don't want to be reborn, and I don't want to do anything else. I just want to participate in that game..."

"If you want to participate, you can contact [NC Entertainment]. Your scores were so high before, they will definitely be willing to accept you..."

"How is it possible? Stop joking. My news is all over the Internet now. Everyone is laughing at me. The game [Temple Run] has even been banned. Although it has been released, until now, [God Escape] has been banned. Temple Escape] There is no way to upload "scores" in the official rankings..."

"Is playing games your dream?"

"I... I said this is my dream. Is it ridiculous? I don't know if this is a dream, but it seems that apart from getting a little recognition in the game, I have always been devalued. ...Haha, to put it in a harsher tone, maybe one day I die outside, and my family will feel that I deserve it..."

Zheng Chonghuan has always lived in a denied family.

He suffered repeated setbacks since he was a child, and then gradually began to lose his self-confidence...

"Maybe... the game can confirm me. Although everyone says it is a spiritual opium and an electronic poison PIN, but..."

Zheng Chonghuan lowered his head.

For a moment, I didn’t know what to say or how to describe it.

The current social values ​​​​generally nail "games" on the pillar of "scourge", and have been subjected to all kinds of scorn and ridicule.

Morning wind.

It's getting colder.

There was a sudden silence at the barbecue stall.

For these marginalized people, no one cares about their joys, sorrows, and joys, let alone their "dreams."

The atmosphere became more and more solemn, and the depressing feeling made people breathless.

I don’t know how long later, Zheng Chonghuan heard something.

"My name is Zhang Sheng..."


Zheng Chonghuan raised his head in confusion and looked at the young man wearing glasses under the dim light.

The other young people were stunned.

This sentence: "My name is Zhang Sheng" was extremely abrupt, as if it came out for no reason.

"I can't make you reborn, let alone let you go back to your childhood...or the turning point of your destiny..."

"But, I will build a step for you. As long as you want, you can step on each step, and then move to a higher stage..."

"I don't know if you will realize your so-called "dream" in the end, but you can give it a try..."


Zheng Chonghuan looked at Zhang Sheng opposite in shock.

The young man wearing glasses had a solemn expression on his face...

For a moment, Zheng Chonghuan felt as if his head exploded with a "bang", and then countless "buzzing sounds" sounded in his ears.

Zhang Sheng!

The big boss of [Temple Run], the planner of the S1 Global Finals...


How could I appear in an Internet cafe, have barbecue with them, and then talk to them about dreams...

Unbelievable emotions lingered in everyone's hearts. After an unknown amount of time, they saw Zhang Sheng bring a bottle of beer to several people one by one.


"After drinking this last bottle of wine, if you are willing, you can come with me... If you don't want to, I won't force you..."


Zhang Sheng drank the bottle of beer in one go.

Zheng Chonghuan and the others were stunned for a moment, still in shock, and then they took a few gulps of beer.

After drinking...

Everyone suddenly became excited.

They stared at it several times, and finally, the young man sitting opposite them was really Zhang Sheng!

A person’s name is like a tree’s shadow!

Zhang Sheng’s story…

They heard too much.


Early in the morning on New Year's Eve.

At Lin Guodong's urging, Lin Xia called Zhang Sheng and invited Zhang Sheng to come over for New Year's Eve dinner.


Zhang Sheng's phone is always on call or busy.

Then, she sent a text message to Zhang Sheng, but from beginning to end, the text message was ignored and she never received a reply.

Lin Xia hasn't contacted Zhang Sheng for a long time.

Since Zhang Sheng's career has become more and more successful, he has become busier and busier. It seems that after a brief encounter, the two of them completely separated again. Although they did not become strangers, they seemed to gradually become distant.

When I saw Zhang Sheng, it was either in the news on the Internet or in stories...


Sometimes this emotion can be strange.

I would inexplicably want to know what Zhang Sheng did during this period and what the story was...

Sometimes I think about Zhang Sheng, and sometimes I dream about it. I don’t know when some small feelings arose, but after waking up from the dream, I feel rationally that it is not really, at most it is a kind of appreciation and a testimony. Or, to put it more broadly, they are existences similar to "fans"...

Lin Xia is naturally a very sensible person.

She didn't keep calling unreasonably, nor did she go to Zhang Sheng's company.

"He still didn't answer the phone?"


"This brat is going to cause trouble. When you see him tonight, I'll scold him for you..."

"Dad...Zhang Sheng has been very busy recently, and now he has a game and encounters this kind of thing..."

"Okay, you go and do your work first." Lin Guodong looked at Lin Xia, who was dressed beautifully today, and felt inexplicably depressed.

As someone who has been there, he naturally knows some things.

Looking at Lin Xia’s beautiful back...

He even wondered about Zhang Sheng's sexual orientation.

You say this guy is not enlightened...

This emotional intelligence seems to be quite low...

Do you think this guy is enlightened?

But since his daughter took the initiative, he didn't seem to have any reaction, and he didn't see Zhang Sheng getting closer to any girl...

He shook his head.

Stop thinking about these random things...

At noon, when he was browsing the Internet, he saw a live video on the hot search. The video was related to Zhang Sheng!

In the live video, Zhang Sheng stood at the door of [Mitu Game].

Behind him stood several young men with restrained expressions.

Lin Guodong saw Zhang Sheng take a deep breath.

"I want to give an open class to all the parents and friends on site, online, and all the journalists..."

"This class is called

Responsibility is also called dream! "

(Two updates today, get back on track tomorrow!)

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