I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 484: My talents are destined to be useful (Part 1)

"There are many unforgettable moments in my life..."


"Perhaps many years from now, I will still remember that late summer of 2009!"

"That day, I remember that the sky in Yanjing was gray and smoggy..."

"That day, I remember that after I set foot on this land, I saw the towering steel jungle unfolding before my eyes, with countless glamorous pedestrians, countless electronic screens, and endless streams of various vehicles..."

"The streets leading to nowhere made me frightened and anxious. As I couldn't move forward, I inevitably thought of death..."

"But I dare not think about dreams and the future. After all, what future is there for people like me?"

"I walked into that Internet cafe, and in a daze, I said to myself, if I look for the wrong place again, or if there are no friends there to take me in, then I won't look for it again..."

"It doesn't matter where you go, whether you are alive or dead, whether you are lying down or standing..."

"Anyway, people like me have no relatives or friends. I am hiding in the corner of this world and lingering. No one pays attention to me when I am alive. No one cares about me after I die. Even after a few years, I will not be around." Any trace of..."


"I always remember the smell of that Internet cafe..."

"Sour, rotten, musty smell, foot odor, and that thick, suffocating feeling that makes people breathless..."

"However, it is the most beautiful and splendid palace for me. At least I can shelter from the wind and rain there, and at least I have a place to live..."


【Mitu Game】The door.

The sun dispelled the cold and shone on the land, making the land begin to feel warm.

The noisy and crazy reporters gradually became quiet when Zhang Sheng stood at the door of [Mitu Game] and said the first word in a very low voice.

Countless parents looked at this young man...

Their expressions at first were extremely angry, as if they were standing on the highest moral point, staring viciously at Zhang Sheng, the jackal, tiger and leopard...

However, then the angry expression gradually began to turn into shock, and the face slowly solidified. In just a short moment, something seemed to penetrate from the ears, and then pierced their bodies crazily, Penetrated into their hearts.

This kind of thing made them suddenly silent, and then, before they knew it, the only figure in the whole world was that figure who was not very tall, but stood upright.

They know that Zhang Sheng likes to sensationalize.

They also know that Zhang Sheng's speeches are always full of passion and make people want to stop.

This person is like a brainwashing expert. The more people there are, the better he performs and the crazier his field control ability becomes.

This time...

Zhang Sheng is still using his unique ability to give speeches, but what is different from the past is that Zheng Zheng does not talk about those great principles floating in the sky, nor does he talk about those "inspirational" and "bloody" words. Instead, he uses An extremely simple and profound sincerity, telling the story of two years ago...

"I met a lot of people there..."

"They are what we normal people see as trash, waste, rubbish, maggots and worms. They are despised and criticized by others..."


"Until now, the words of a friend still come to mind..."

"Is this all we have in this life?"

"Is this all we have in this life?"

"Yes, we have no education, no skills, no money, and many of us don't even have a harmonious family. We have dreams, but in this cold world, dreams feel cheap and extremely vulgar..."

"In this life, what else can we do besides this?"

"Many people are saying that all this is our own fault. If we don't indulge in games, if we work hard, if..."

"We can always stand in the sun, just like me now, standing in the sun, looking at these people who have fallen for themselves, criticizing them, and angrily accusing them..."

"We are always aloof, staring at them with overlooking and disgusting eyes..."

"I never said that we were wrong. There is no right or wrong in this world. At the same time, the idiom of self-destruction also applies to many people... Sometimes it is just like some things in our world. , we are not rotten, we are only rotten, rotten to the core, rotten to the core..."

"I crawled out little by little in the darkness. In the darkness, I felt the chill and the coldness. At the same time, I also felt death..."

"I have seen marginalized figures in society. They are alive, but they are not the walking dead..."

"I've heard so many dreams..."

"Like me, people without ID cards, people who are swallowed up by some of the dark sides of this society..."

"Some once told me at the barbecue stall that if they could live again, they would like to stand in the sun, go to work well, and work well..."

"Some want to be singers, some want to be painters, and some want to kill everyone in the game and prove their talents on the platform with players from all over the country and the world..."

"I have also seen with my own eyes that at five o'clock in the morning, a friend who had stayed up all night suddenly burst into tears. He said that he wanted to be a normal person, but he could not go back. If he could live his life again, he would like to live well. Read and study hard..."



In the Internet cafe.

Fatty Wang is still working as a network administrator.

Just like in 2009, he is still in poverty.

In the second half of 2010, he became obsessed with live broadcasting. Almost as soon as he received his salary, he would log in to [YK Live Broadcast] and reward female anchors.

A person living in the lower world can only find his own vanity under the package of the Internet. Even if this vanity only consists of a short sentence of "Thank you, brother", it is enough to excite him for half a month.


It is always the same.

Want to fight...

However, he never fought.

New Year's Eve, February 2nd.

The New Year atmosphere outside the Internet cafe is getting stronger and stronger, but inside the Internet cafe, Fatty Wang is always sitting in front of the bar.

He opened the live broadcast room.

But this time...

He did not watch the female anchor, nor did he log in to [YK Live]. Instead, he opened [Jitu Live] and saw Zhang Sheng giving a speech in [Jitu Live].

As he watched, he didn't know why, but his eyes became wet. Some inexplicable memories hit his nerves. Every word Zhang Sheng said seemed to be talking about himself.


I don’t know why, but there are gradually more and more people watching at the bar.

Before he knew it, a group of people gathered around him.

"I know Zhang Sheng. Zhang Sheng is my brother. He used to sit here. He was impoverished and I took him in..."

Fatty Wang suddenly became very excited, his eyes were bloodshot, and then he yelled with excitement.


What he got in return was a burst of ridicule.

"Haha, if you know Zhang Sheng, why the hell are you still working as a network administrator here?"

"Hey, if you took Zhang Sheng in, why didn't Zhang Sheng take Qian Fei with you? Zhang Sheng must be worth a billion now, right? If you just dig a little under your fingernails, you can buy this Internet cafe..."


"Zhang Sheng's [Jitu Live] is so popular now. You have such a good relationship with Zhang Sheng, why don't you let him give you a supreme membership account?"


The laughter made Fatty Wang angry and anxious. He blushed, and after holding it in for a long time, he took a deep breath.

"The relationship between us cannot be measured by money. In fact, if I want to find him, I can find him at any time, and he will definitely take me in and give me a glorious and decent job, but... I hope The friendship between me and him does not involve any money, we are at least equal..."

Fatty Wang's eager defense provoked a wave of laughter. The sound became more and more harsh, and the smelly Internet cafe became more and more cheerful.

Fatty Wang looked at everyone in disbelief. His face became redder and redder as he suppressed it. There were countless things in his throat that he wanted to say, but after a while, it seemed that all the explanations were like the last struggle to put gold on his face, and it seemed as if he was emphasizing These things can only turn yourself into a joke, and will also discredit Zhang Sheng, and will eventually turn into a weak joke...

He finally said nothing.

In the Internet cafe.

The laughter became louder and louder, and everyone brought out Fatty Wang's past "misdeeds" and whipped him to death...

Including being defrauded of nearly 10,000 yuan in online dating...

Including when he started a business in the second half of 2009, he lost a lot of money...

Including rewarding female anchors with at least 2,000 yuan a month...

The bad deeds seem to have become a breakthrough for people to laugh at.

In the corner of the Internet cafe, several young people with bloodshot eyes were disturbed by the laughter and opened their eyes impatiently.

They walked to the bar, ready to be quiet.


By the time they walked to the bar, the group finally fell silent.

Several young people took a deep breath and were about to leave when they heard Zhang Sheng's voice...

They subconsciously looked at the management screen at the bar.


"My talents are destined to be useful!"

Zhang Sheng's voice seemed to have been very low before, but then it suddenly erupted, and a sound like thunder filled their ears.

One of the young men trembled slightly, and then he subconsciously took another look.

Just such a glance...

It was difficult for him to turn his eyes away, and then he uncontrollably moved closer to the bar.

In a huge Internet cafe.

It gradually started to become quiet...

Several young people who were clamoring to recharge their Internet fees were startled when they felt the sudden silence...


They heard Zhang Sheng's voice.

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