I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 485: My talents are destined to be useful (Part 2)

"My talents are destined to be useful!"


It's getting warmer.

Zheng Chonghuan stood behind Zhang Sheng.

I don't know since when, he was holding a breath in his heart and wanted to scream.

Just at this time……


"Call Zheng Chonghuan!"

"Now, he is a penniless man. Before that, everyone was laughing at him and thinking that he was a waste, a garbage delayed by the game, a maggot at the bottom, a stinking, despicable little person... "

"I believe that even now, there are countless people on the Internet who are still laughing at him and criticizing him from the highest moral point..."


Zheng Chonghuan's whole body trembled. Tension and suffocation, mixed with a high-pitched blood, were lingering in his chest.

He never dreamed that one day he would be thrust into the limelight again.

He staggered a bit and stood in front of the camera unprepared, feeling that his whole body was covered with strange eyes.

A few days ago…

He was forced into desperation. His dignity, everything about him, and even his life, were denied by his parents and netizens.

Living is just like that maggot and that garbage that Zhang Sheng said...

"However, he is the strongest person in [Temple Run], a game that relies on reaction, concentration, and willpower..."

"Yesterday, I was in the Internet cafe and watched him play games. I saw that he has all the talents needed for a professional game player. Even, looking at the whole of China, he shines outstandingly!"

Zhang Sheng pointed at Zheng Chonghuan!

Zheng Chonghuan shuddered again. After Zhang Sheng finished speaking these words, Zheng Chonghuan saw countless people pointing at him, and the crowd was also in an uproar.

"He once told me that he wanted to participate in the [Temple Run] S1 Global Finals, and compete with players from more than 20 countries on the track to compete for talent! He told me that he wanted to win the championship!"


The uproar in the crowd grew louder.

All kinds of eyes looked at Zheng Chonghuan again, but there was always something strange in their eyes.

Zhang Sheng didn't care about these looks, but his voice became louder and louder.

"I always feel that we should not laugh at anyone who has a dream."

"At least they are alive, at least they can chase bravely, at least they dare to face thorns, and they dare to face failure!"

"How do you know how many strange looks they will encounter every step they take? How can they move forward step by step in these looks, how much hardship they endure, how many failures they taste, and then finally give up in despair? Struggling and falling into boundless darkness?"

"How do you know what the real potential of those ordinary people who live in the darkness, who are ignored by no one, who have low self-esteem, and what kind of power they will unleash?"

"How do you know whether today's unknown people will be famous all over the world in the future?



In the Internet cafe.

Fatty Wang's scalp was numb, and a rush of blood surged up.

The rest of the people were staring at the screen. Zhang Sheng's encouraging voice seemed to be a ray of light that suddenly shone into the darkness. They seemed to vaguely see the direction.

There were no exaggerated tears, no high-pitched anger, or clenched fists and roaring like wild beasts.

There is only silence!

Some people's faces were slightly red, some people's eyes were blank, as if they were deep in thought, and some people were briefly confused, feeling ashamed, and still not confident.

However, they all looked at the screen. Zhang Sheng was giving a speech, and his sonorous and powerful voice was like a sharp sword, tearing apart many things.

I don’t know how long it took...

Fatty Wang lowered his head.

He went to the toilet. He kept washing his face in the toilet faucet, over and over again.

The image of himself in the mirror became more and more bloated and ugly. He suddenly thought of the day last year when he received a brand new laptop at the door of his rental house.

In fact...

When he saw the laptop, he knew who had sent it.

He also hesitated for a time.

There is a set of addresses in the laptop. As long as he follows this address, finds Zhang Sheng, and then tells Zhang Sheng about his current predicament, then he...

His life is probably different now, right? Even if you work as a security guard for Zhang Sheng, you can still make a lot of money...


He never did.

He didn't even use the computer Zhang Sheng gave him, but carefully kept it on the last floor of the safe. No matter how poor or difficult it was, he never sold the laptop.

Last year, he worked very hard to start a business and wholesaled a batch of pirated iPhones for sale. The sales were very good at first, but they were soon confiscated, and he even stayed in the store for a few days because of this...

He also thought about making breakfast, but he didn’t know how to do it. He wanted to learn but didn’t know where to learn...

He doesn't know how to do other businesses. All successful people say that the world is full of gold, but when it was his turn, he saw nothing...

Failure ran through his life from beginning to end. The more he failed, the more he doubted himself. Then he finally became discouraged and returned to an unknown network administrator in an Internet cafe. Then, in the virtual world, he listened to the words "Big Brother" "Big brother loves you" and "Big brother, let me express my feelings to you", and get those comforts.

Why didn't you go to Zhang Sheng?

What qualifications does he have to find Zhang Sheng?

To repay a favor?

Perhaps, it is the only self-esteem, or maybe it is because he knows that he is a waste. He has no perseverance, no education, no perseverance, and cannot endure hardship. He will mess up everything. Instead of letting everything collapse and being kicked out by Zhang Sheng, it is better not to see Zhang Sheng and just be a small network administrator. At least, Zhang Sheng still remembers his kindness. At least, he can still have some fantasy after the desperate situation.

Life is so strange sometimes.

"Is this all I have to do for the rest of my life?"

Fatty Wang suddenly asked himself. He looked at himself in the mirror, but there was no response, only a confused expression.

He finally returned to the Internet cafe counter and looked at the group of people.


He found that many players playing games in the Internet cafe had stopped, and many people had turned on [Jitu Live Broadcast] to watch the live broadcast.


【Mitu Game】The door.

The uproar gradually became quieter.

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, no longer said those inspiring words. He did not look at the reporters and parents, but looked at Zheng Chonghuan.

"Zheng Chonghuan!"


Zheng Chonghuan raised his head suddenly, clenched his fists, and his lips were bitten with blood, and the blood seemed to be boiling.

"Let me ask you again, is your dream to climb to the top step by step with the whole world watching, and then hold the trophy?"


"I ask you again, yes or no!"


"louder please!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Don't face it at me, but face it at them and everyone in front of the live broadcast room! Face it at those who have denied you and reduced you to nothing!"


Zheng Chonghuan has never been so excited, and his voice has never been so loud. He feels like a fearless warrior, and no obstacles ahead can hinder his heart!

He even took a deep breath and clenched his fists tighter and tighter!

Go to hell with the nervousness, go to hell with the low self-esteem, go to hell with the denial, I’m going to go my own way, I’m going to go my own way! None of your business!

[How do you know whether today’s unknown people will become world-famous in the future? 】

【I am born with talents that will be useful! 】



"very good!"

Zhang Sheng was very satisfied with Zheng Chonghuan's answer. He took a deep breath and then patted his head.

"Since you have a dream, prove it to me and prove it to everyone!"

"You don't have to worry about what will happen if you fall on the side of the road. You don't have to worry about whether this industry will be stable or whether the game will have a future. It will ruin your body and ruin your life!"

"I will find you a professional coach to help you train for the next competition. At the same time, I will find a professional health therapist to help you properly arrange training, exercise, fitness, nutrition..."

"You don't have to worry about what will happen to you as you get older and your reflexes slow down..."

"I have special channels for you to continue in the gaming industry, if you want to change your job, or improve your academic qualifications!"

"Please remember, standing behind me is my alma mater [Yanshihua]. [Yanshihua] now has thirty-eight freshmen majors for you to choose from..."

"You also remember that there are many companies behind me. My companies include electronic technology, entertainment, new energy, new media, and the construction industry!"

"Their performance is getting better day by day. At the same time, we are actively expanding overseas. More and more channels can supply our industrial chain. You don't have to worry about any employment issues at all!"

"You want to rest?"

"No problem, we [NC Entertainment] have officially signed a tourism cooperation agreement with Brazil. We [NC Entertainment] will pay for you to travel to Brazil for free. Of course, please remember that Brazil is only the first part of our strategy. In the future, we will expand to more than just Brazil!"

"You were injured, you were hospitalized?"

"Don't worry, we will provide you with insurance. If you join us [NC Entertainment], whether you are a management person or a waiter, I will buy insurance for you!"



"As long as I have a bite to eat, I won't let you go hungry!"

"I dare to say this in front of all media, and I dare to say this in the whole world!"


"So! Go chase your dreams!"

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