I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 486 You have to play like this, right?

Yucai Village.

Zheng Guotang and his wife stared blankly at the video of Zhang Sheng's speech in front of the computer.

When Zheng Chonghuan appeared, their eyes widened.

They had no idea how Zhang Sheng found Zheng Chonghuan, and they had no idea why he didn't notify them after he found Zheng Chonghuan.

They just started getting angry...

But then...

After seeing Zhang Sheng's speech, they were a little stunned!

They listened, and then gradually their scalps became numb. They didn't even know when, but there was only a touch of shock in their eyes!

in particular……

Those last few words.

They were dumbfounded, as if a whole new world was opening up for them, and then they saw rays of light in this world!

"Mr. Zhang's company, does it really have welfare benefits..."


Zheng Guotang stammered something like that.

After he finished speaking, no one responded to him.

He turned his head subconsciously, and all he saw was waves of envy.

These two days...

The whole Yucai Village was spreading Zhang Sheng’s story, how crazy Zhang Sheng’s annual party was, and how good the treatment was for those who worked with Zhang Sheng!

Games, [Playing with things to lose one’s spirit], [Electronic opium], [Not doing business], [Destroying people and degenerating], [Poisoning the next generation of youth]

Countless labels have left a very deep imprint on [the game], and in this imprint, all parents’ anxiety has been brought up...

Anxiety is contagious, and then you gradually regard [games] as fire and water!


When one day, someone tells you that playing games will not only give you money, but also buy you insurance, reasonably arrange various trainings, exercises, physical examinations, and even allow you to continue your education, giving you more This skill gives you one more way out, no, several more escape routes. Then, will you still be anxious?

A person’s name!

The shadow of the tree!

Perhaps, when other people said these shameless words, they only got bursts of boos and distrust, but when Zhang Sheng said these words, all he got in exchange was rushing forward one after another.

The more I get to know Zhang Sheng, the more I am shocked by the huge employment system brought about by Zhang Sheng's death, and the more I realize that he can do everything Zhang Sheng says!

"My son, actually, plays [Temple Run] very well...his score is actually very high..."


I don’t know who said this.

Then, a villager hurriedly took his mobile phone and headed towards home!

Immediately afterwards...

Several people woke up from a dream, and then ran away...

Zheng Guotang looked at the figures of these people, then lowered his head and thought about the bonus and certificate of honor given to him by Zhang Sheng on his bank card!

At that moment, his head seemed to explode!

"Quick! Frame the certificate!"

"That's a certificate of honor!"



Ministry of Education.

Zhang Zhongshu was also watching the live broadcast.

Games were once something deeply abhorred, and they were also what Zhang Zhongshu hated the most.

But Zhang Sheng's live broadcast had to make Zhang Zhongshu think deeply.

The game is like a scourge, which has really poisoned the next generation, making many young people addicted to it, and eventually becoming more and more depraved.

But if you blindly block and guard against it, it will only be counterproductive in the end and cause more unpredictable consequences.

[Game problem] is actually a very heavy [educational problem] and a [social problem]. These young people really need a good guidance environment.


How should it be guided?

Zhang Zhongshu thought of many plans, but as he was thinking about it, the issue of [vocational education] came to mind again. When he thought of this, his expression became more serious.

[Vocational education] is a more serious [social issue] than the [game issue]. In fact, since 2007, the country has been advocating various vocational education, and every year it allocates one to some vocational school departments. A large amount of publicity money.

The financial crisis in 2008 made many people wake up from their dreams and realize that although the [financial industry] is crazy, the [real economy] is the true foundation of the country.

[Real Economy] In this large field, countless professional systems have become small but very important screws and indispensable!

The country has always guided [vocational education] in a positive and glorious direction. However, vocational education has always been viewed with discrimination. Many people think that vocational education is only something that only poor students can attend.

“Publicity is crucial!”

"This live broadcast...should it be closed or should it be promoted?"

Zhang Zhongshu murmured to himself, staring at Zhang Sheng's live broadcast with very complicated eyes.

He felt quite confused.

On the one hand, [games] must not be promoted. Playing games and becoming a professional player, no matter how fancy it is, is not a wise choice in Zhang Zhongshu's eyes.

At least, this shouldn't be a straight road.

But on the other hand, the second half of Zhang Sheng’s video always focuses on what should be promoted in the national context of [vocational education]. In a sense, the promotion of Zhang Sheng’s video is completely correct. It's more like a kind of benign guidance!

Besides! Zhang Sheng himself has great appeal among young people. If this video becomes popular, it will not only be a good start for [Yan Petrochemical]’s pilot enrollment, but it will also have a huge publicity effect on [vocational education].

In the office.

Zhang Zhongshu rubbed his eyes, weighing various interests...

After a long time, he stood up. He planned to go to the Ministry of Culture himself to have a good chat about this matter!


Culture-related departments are having a meeting.

The theme of the meeting always revolves around the theme of [Game Control], and in-depth discussions are ongoing.

Some people think that there should be a blanket ban on minors playing games, while others who are more open-minded raised a question.

"In fact, at the turn of the millennium, we introduced restrictions on gaming for minors, but even so, there are still many minors, illegal game arcades, Internet cafes...still secretly letting minors in... …”

"The harm of games is bound to exist, but we should provide reasonable guidance and supervision. I always feel that the problems with games originate from education problems. The most essential reason is the lack of family education and irregular supervision... "

"I have here an advocacy and planning document written by a young man. I have been reading this planning document for the past two days. I feel that although this planning document is immature, the views in it are still worth learning from..."

Zhou Songtao silently took out a USB flash drive, and then inserted the USB flash drive into the computer in the conference room.

On the screen in the conference room, the title "Parental Supervision Project for Online Games Minors" appeared.

Afterwards, Zhou Songtao began to introduce the contents of the "Parental Supervision Project for Online Games Minors" one by one in front of everyone.

When everyone made a suggestion called "Parents can provide their children's accounts to online game operators with the guardianship qualification certificate of the legal guardian and request to limit the time for their children to play online games", the meeting erupted into a very heated discussion. In the end, everyone Everyone thinks this directive is feasible.

After introducing the provisions of the "Parental Supervision Project for Online Games Minors" one by one, Zhou Songtao did not stop, but continued to click on the "Game Anti-Addiction System Proposal".


We focus on introducing this [game anti-addiction] system.

In fact, some of the clauses in both the "Parental Supervision Project for Online Games Minors" and the "Game Anti-Addiction System" are very complete, as if they were created by office staff who have worked in a government unit for many years...

When Zhou Songtao saw these two documents at first, he was quite shocked, thinking how could this thing come from the hands of a student.

But after seeing Zhang Sheng's resume, Zhou Songtao seemed to think this was a matter of course.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

This meeting is over!

After the meeting, Zhou Songtao finalized the plan and asked the Propaganda Department to distribute the document, and then returned to the office.

About ten minutes later...

The office door opened.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Zhongshu from the Ministry of Education knocked on the door with Zhang Sheng's live video.

"Old classmate, let me show you a video..."

"Yo? What kind of video? Could you please come over, Teacher Zhang..."



New Year's Eve.

There were brilliant fireworks and countless people.

That game turmoil did not affect Zheng Huateng’s [National Parkour]. Instead, [National Parkour] built an anti-addiction system in advance and won unanimous praise from parents!

Looking at the fireworks outside the window and the skyrocketing download numbers of "National Parkour", Zheng Huateng is enjoying the gift of the winner.

Since [Temple Run] was "soft blocked" and unable to upload data and download, the download craze of "National Parkour" has exploded into a whole new field.

Within China, the number of downloads has exceeded 20 million!

With a huge number of downloads, that means there are countless users...

Once the popularity of [National Parkour] reaches a certain level, it’s time to cut leeks!


When the secretary hurriedly opened the door, Zheng Huateng instinctively felt that something had happened.

This is also true...

"No! The Ministry of Culture and the Radio, Film and Television Department have unanimously upgraded the "Game Anti-Addiction System". Students under the age of 14 are not allowed to play mobile games unless their parents allow and supervise them..."


"If you are over 14 years old and under 18 years old, with the guardianship qualification certificate of the legal guardian, you can provide your child's account to the online game operating unit and request to limit the time your child can play games!"


"All types of mobile games are not allowed to sell props, game characters, game maps to players under the age of 16..."


"Mr. Zheng, I heard that this proposal was written by Zhang Sheng!"


Zheng Huateng was stunned.

Shortness of breath followed.

It felt like a knife had been cut into a major artery.

Later, he saw the live broadcast of Zhang Sheng's speech in his secretary's video.

After reading this...

He was stunned again!

He realized one thing, his [National Parkour] parents might not be allowed...

But Zhang Sheng’s [Temple Escape] will not only be allowed, but may even be encouraged...

after all!

Who will pave the way for those players?

This not only buys insurance, but also provides employment, and is also linked to education!

When he saw the last scene, Zheng Huateng was so angry that he wanted to slam the table!

Damn you!

Are these players your ancestors?

You have to play like this, right?

(Third update today! Get back on your feet! Rush! Come vote for the month!)

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