I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 487 What do you think of our Lin Xia?

After the sun sets.

The earth is getting colder and colder.

But the streets and alleys of Yanjing are becoming more and more lively, with lights and colorful fireworks everywhere.

The reporters from [MiTu Games] did not leave, but more and more came, surrounding the entire perimeter and causing traffic jams for a time.

Zhang Sheng did not go out, but stayed in [Mitu Game], looking at the new window next to the office.

A few days ago, a group of incited or angry parents smashed the windows of [Mitu Game] with rocks. Song Yao led a team to arrest a group of people, and people from [Bird's Nest Law Firm] also dispatched. With just one order, this group of people could spend the New Year in the detention center, but Zhang Sheng did not continue to investigate for [the crime of intentional destruction of property], nor did he let the [Bird's Nest Law Firm] group take action, but instead lightly Let the people who smashed the windows repair the windows and forget about it.

outside the window.

The fireworks became more and more brilliant, making the entire Yanjing city shine like daylight.

Zhang Sheng looked at the bunches of fireworks in a daze.

In 2011, Yanjing had not implemented a large-scale ban on fireworks, so some areas were extremely lively. However, in a few years, it is estimated that such a lively scene will no longer be seen.

After looking at it for a long time, he finally looked away and then turned on his phone...

He found that his personal cell phone had been turned off.

When he was charging, he found that his phone was occupied by various text message notifications.

In a text message…

He saw Lin Xia.

Just when he was about to read Lin Xia's text message, his phone rang again.

"Hey, Zhang Sheng, where are you?"

"I'm at the company……"

"Is it [Mitu Game]?"


"Then I'm coming in. Are you in the office?"


As soon as he finished talking on the phone, Zhang Sheng heard a knock on the door in the office.


The door opened.

Zhang Sheng saw Lin Xia appearing at the door of the office. He didn't know whether it was due to the cold or some other reason, but his face was slightly red with embarrassment.

"You haven't been able to get through to your phone, and you haven't responded to your text messages, so my dad asked me to come over and look for you..."


"My dad has something to talk to you about. He seems to be talking about various work arrangements for next year and orders from Europe and the United States."

"Oh, alright."

"You haven't had dinner yet?"

"not yet……"

"Then come to my house for dinner, my dad is waiting for you..."



Lin Xia bought a car.

A red Volkswagen POLO.

When Zhang Sheng was sitting in the passenger seat, he felt the heat of the car and looked out the window.

I don’t know why, but when facing reporters during the day, Zhang Sheng was very lively, but when night fell and he saw the fireworks, Zhang Sheng’s eyes became a little distracted.

The memory is like returning to a winter in the original world.

That winter, Zhang Sheng, who had completed his performance, looked at the fireworks in the sky. He smiled and let his men swim in the ocean of money. He listened to countless voices of excitement and excitement, and enjoyed the praises one after another. He felt that the world was the real one. Belongs to him.


this world.

This world is equally lively, but somehow there is an indescribable feeling of loneliness.

"My third book is out. The third book was originally intended to be about science fiction, but as I kept writing, it ended up being about a magical world..."

At first, Zhang Sheng and Lin Xia were silent.

But perhaps this silence was a bit depressing, and the two of them felt inexplicably bored in this small space. Lin Xia finally broke this sense of isolation.

As she watched, she secretly looked at Zhang Sheng from the corner of her eye.

After not seeing each other for such a long time, Zhang Sheng's appearance has not changed much, but his personality seems to have changed a bit and he has become silent.

It seems that there are many things being pretended. As a writer, Lin Xia likes to listen to stories. This is an instinctive desire, but it is impossible for her to ask directly.

"Magical world?"

"Similar to the story of a magic academy..."

Zhang Sheng was still looking out the window, while Lin Xia was driving and telling the story of her third new book "Harry from the Magic Academy" intermittently.

The protagonist's name is Harry. He has been an orphan since he was a child and stays at his aunt's house. One day, he suddenly receives an inexplicable admission notice and then enters a very magical academy...

Lin Xia described this story vividly...

Zhang Sheng looked out the window at first, a little dazed and absent-minded, but after hearing Lin Xia gradually tell this story, something seemed to flicker in his mind.

this story……

It's very much like the "Harry Potter" in the original world.

"Are there any similar movies or novels?"

After Lin Xia roughly summarized the whole story, Zhang Sheng suddenly asked this question.

"Yes, there are, but whether it's Chinese or Western, they are just simple plots that are not deep enough. The story I want to write is an adventure story about a young man and his friends growing up, similar to a fairy tale..."

The car was driving on the street.

There was a traffic jam.

On New Year's Eve, it's the central area of ​​Yanjing. Traffic jams are normal, sometimes for three or four hours.

Traffic jam is a very anxious thing.

But Lin Xia didn't seem to feel this way. She was immersed in the story of "Magic Academy" and told Zhang Sheng about one character after another.

Zhang Sheng just listened at first. Later, Zhang Sheng seemed to be moved by the story and began to make some suggestions. But at first they were all about naming some non-staff characters. For example, the villain of this story could be called Voldemort, such as the dean of the magic academy. If you are long, you can call it Dumbledore. For example, the school of magic can be called Hogwarts...

Lin Xia listened carefully to Zhang Sheng's suggestions and kept everything in mind. When the traffic flow in front started to turn again, Lin Xia glanced at Zhang Sheng again.

Zhang Sheng is currently providing Lin Xia with materials and some stories for the new book...

Looking at Zhang Sheng's serious expression, Lin Xia's eyes unconsciously lost focus for a moment, and then looked back to the front.

When Zhang Sheng finished speaking...

The whole car suddenly became silent again.

There was only the noise outside the window and the bursts of fireworks.

Zhang Sheng continued to look ahead calmly, looking at the approaching [Haishu Garden].

"Zhang Sheng..."


"Sometimes, I feel you are weird..."

When he was about to drive to the gate of Haishu Garden, Lin Xia suddenly said this without any warning.

Zhang Sheng was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "What's so weird?"

"I feel that you have two very strange qualities. On the one hand, I feel that it is a loneliness that is so profound that people dare not visit. When I look at you, sometimes I always think of a vast expanse of white sand, and on the other hand, I feel that you have two very strange qualities. On the one hand, I feel that there is a devil hiding under your polite appearance, and this devil is very restless..."

"Haha...what a demon, don't read too many novels..."

Zhang Sheng was still smiling.

But Lin Xia was extremely serious. After the car parked, she did not get out of the car. Instead, after parking in the underground garage for a long time, she finally looked at Zhang Sheng.

"Zhang Sheng, you can always point the way to anyone who is confused and lead them to the right path, but I feel like you are like a person wandering in the darkness..."

"Don't read too much about psychology, it's easy to get confused, what's dark and light, what's wandering..." Zhang Sheng was still smiling, shook his head, and then got out of the car.

Lin Xia also walked out of the car. After a long silence, she suddenly took a deep breath: "You need a harbor to rest..."

Zhang Sheng stopped.

"Then tell me, what kind of harbor?" Zhang Sheng's smile disappeared and he just stared at Lin Xia: "Actually, I also want to know more about myself..."

Lin Xia did not retreat, but her face became redder and redder, as if she had mustered up some courage. But after looking at Zhang Sheng's calm expression, she was slightly confused. After thinking for a moment, she finally said seriously: "I think ,I……"

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard Zhang Sheng's cell phone ringing.

But Zhang Sheng didn't pick her up, but looked at her seriously.

But she finally said nothing: "Let's talk next time, go up first, my parents have been waiting for a long time."

"Oh, I'll bring the gift up first..."



Last year's New Year's Eve was extremely lively.

Many people came.

But on New Year's Eve this year, apart from Lin Xia's family, there was only Zhang Sheng.

Gu Jiangyan's legs are already in great condition.

Except for the slight impact of strenuous running, everything else is just like normal people.

She was a bit cold by nature, but when she saw Zhang Sheng coming, she still had a smile on her face and warmly invited Zhang Sheng to come in.

Lin Xia followed Zhang Sheng...

Watching Zhang Sheng chatting with his parents...

She keenly felt that Zhang Sheng seemed to have changed a lot in more than a year. Although he still seemed talkative and had a smile on his face, Lin Xia always felt that there seemed to be an extremely weak place deep in Zhang Sheng's heart... …

Both parties sat down to eat. Lin Guodong chatted with Zhang Sheng from time to time about the current situation of [Yaohua Technology] in 2010 and some work arrangements.

Zhang Sheng also responded, and from time to time he made some suggestions that Lin Xia couldn't understand. Especially when the two talked about the future of new energy, 3.5G, and 4G ideas, everyone in the room couldn't interrupt.

Lin Xia didn't say a word and looked at Zhang Sheng silently from beginning to end.

During this year...

She often sees various news about Zhang Sheng on the Internet.

Nowadays, Zhang Shengguang is bright and beautiful, and he is swimming in the business circle like a fish in water. The intersection between the two people in reality is getting less and less.


Lin Xia didn't know why, but Zhang Sheng's figure occasionally appeared in his mind.

Whether it's when I'm writing a book or when I'm in college...

At first I was thinking about Zhang Sheng’s story…

This is a perfect inspirational story. He rose from hell despite adversity and got to where he is now step by step. His experience can completely write a "best-selling book".

During this process, she also felt sympathy for Zhang Sheng. Whenever she thought about Zhang Sheng being alone in this world, without a father or a mother, walking forward step by step in the cold darkness, she felt a little bit distressed. I want to do my best to help him...

But then...

As I thought about it, a "strange" emotion gradually emerged in my heart.

Perhaps it was the admiration he had gained step by step from humble beginnings, perhaps it was the sense of calm in him through the brief encounters, or perhaps it was the inexplicable emotion for a moment.

She felt that this should be the [emotion] described in the novel.

She has never denied this [feeling], but...

What can she bring to Zhang Sheng now?

Lin Xia glanced at Zhang Sheng again.

At this moment, Zhang Sheng lacks nothing, but he seems to be unable to help him with anything...

Lin Xia has always been thinking rationally about his so-called [affection] or [good impression].

I don’t know how long it took...

"Zhang Sheng, what do you think of our Lin Xia?"


Lin Xia heard this.

Then he looked up suddenly.

But he saw his father, who seemed to be a little drunk, and suddenly asked such a question.

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