I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 488 Come and confess your love to me!

"Zhang Sheng, what do you think of our Lin Xia?"

When Zhang Sheng heard this sentence, he subconsciously looked up at Lin Guodong.

Lin Guodong's face was slightly drunk, but his expression was smiling.

Gu Jiangyan coughed slightly, and then frowned slightly, but in the end she did not stop Lin Guodong from saying this, but continued to drink a glass of red wine with a normal expression.

The air fell into a brief silence.

Only the big TV next to the sofa was playing various news about the Spring Festival Gala.

Lin Xia was suddenly nervous and vocal. She felt that her father's question was so abrupt that no one was prepared. She even felt that no matter how she answered this question, it would be embarrassing.

She looked at Zhang Sheng again...

But Zhang Sheng's face was a little stunned. He turned around and looked at her briefly, and then laughed.

"Uncle Lin...what do I want to know?"

"Many aspects..." Lin Guodong stared at Zhang Sheng with a smile, his eyes seemed to be looking forward to it.

"Dad!" Lin Xia took a deep breath, trying to stop this embarrassing and controversial topic.


"A long time ago, Lin Xia was my classmate. She was very good at studying. I once wanted to surpass her in study, but I found that no matter how hard I tried, I could never pass her... If I was in high school , I think she was probably my competitor... At that time, I thought she was very hateful and annoying..."

Zhang Sheng has never been one to shy away.

He put down the bowl and chopsticks, gently poured himself a glass of red wine, his eyes stayed on Lin Xia's beautiful face for a moment again, and then looked out the window.

For a moment, fragments of his high school days appeared in his mind...

When he was in high school, he turned out to be a stubborn and aggressive person. His dream was to attend Yenching University.

In a small county town, if he wanted to go to Yenching University, he would naturally have outstanding grades, so Lin Xia became an obstacle on his way.

He used to work as hard as Lin Cheng...

Every day before dawn, he ran to the dormitory bathroom and memorized words and formulas by the faint light...

He has no weekend breaks, no recreational activities, and never interacts with classmates. His world is always surrounded by grades and scores...

Lin Xia is his biggest enemy!

After Lin Xia appeared, the original person never got first place in the exam again. No matter how hard he tried or how hard he tried, he could not pass Lin Xia's exam. For a time, Lin Xia even became his nightmare.

outside the window.

It started to snow again.

Lin Xia didn't know why, but her face was slightly pale, especially the word "hate", which was very harsh.

"Lin Xia's appearance seems to constantly remind me that I am just a mediocre, ordinary person, and it even makes me farther and farther away from Yenching University..."

Zhang Sheng was still faintly recalling the emotions of his former self. There was no longer a smile on his face, but he became more and more serious.

Lin Xia's face became paler and paler.

I felt inexplicably depressed, but I wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything. In the end, I could only eat while maintaining a sense of calm on my face.

"Later, my family suffered changes, and I knew that it was no longer possible for me to be admitted to [Yenjing University]. Of course, I once felt that the world was very unfair..."

"I once felt sorry for myself. Lin Xia has everything and is a little unwilling..."

"But I, I have nothing..."

"She is always dazzling and attracts everyone's attention, but I can only stay in the corner, silently dealing with all kinds of things that are not my age. Even the teacher thinks that I can only take the junior college entrance examination..."


Lin Xia looked up again.

When she saw Zhang Sheng's slightly red eyes, she felt like she was being stabbed deep in her heart.

I felt like my nose was sore at one point.

Gu Jiangyan, on the other hand, remained silent.

"Uncle, if you want to ask how I felt about Lin Xia at that stage, then my feelings were probably these..." Zhang Sheng looked at Lin Guodong.

Lin Guodong's smile did not freeze because Zhang Sheng said this, but he still smiled: "What happened next?"

"In 2009, I felt Lin Xia was like an angel..."

"That year, I came to Yanjing alone, with a huge debt and no relatives. Everyone avoided me like a mouse. I thought of Lin Xia. Among the few things I knew, I knew Lin Xia. Xia has a house in Yanjing and she should be a rich young woman. Then, with the attitude of giving it a try, I came to [Haishu Garden], I met Lin Xia, and then asked Lin Xia to borrow money..."

"Lin Xia lent me a thousand yuan..."

"At that moment, I can't describe the feeling in my heart..."

"It was like sinking in the abyss, suddenly finding a ray of light, and then grabbing that ray of light tightly..."


Lin Xia was listening.

Zhang Sheng's voice was very low, but it was accompanied by the most sincere emotions, which once made Lin Xia feel uncomfortable.

Then, she saw Zhang Sheng looking at her.

At that moment, she was inexplicably panicked, and then she wanted to escape, but finally failed.

"Lin Xia, I said, this is the most valuable investment in your life!"

"I don't know if I am qualified to say this now, but at that time, I always reminded myself like this..."

"I told myself, I can't let anyone down anymore, I have to cheer up, I have to get up..."

She saw Zhang Sheng take a deep breath and say these words in a more sincere voice.

do not know why……

After seeing Zhang Sheng's eyes, Lin Xia's eye circles suddenly turned red.

Gu Jiangyan looked at Zhang Sheng and Lin Xia silently, and then looked at Lin Guodong.

There was no smile on Lin Guodong's face, he could only be serious: "What happened next?"

"Later, gradually, that feeling of gratitude turned into emotion..."

"I will remember my birthday for the rest of my life..."

"It was a very peaceful night, and then I heard the most beautiful birthday song in my life..."

"I remember that day... there were candles in the cake. The light of the candles was unusually warm and beautiful..."


When Zhang Sheng spoke, he stared at Lin Xia from beginning to end.

Lin Xia's face suddenly became very hot, and she wanted to run away for a while. In the end, she stopped looking at Zhang Sheng and lowered her head to eat.

After Zhang Sheng finished speaking, his eyes started to smile again: "Uncle Lin, I don't know what stage of Lin Xia you want to ask, but now Lin Xia, I think he should be one of the most important people in my life... …”

Lin Xia never dreamed of...

Zhang Sheng suddenly said this in front of his parents without any concealment.

Unexpectedly, when he said this, his father nodded and stopped smiling. Then, regardless of his mother Gu Jiangyan's frowning expression, he looked at Lin Xia again: "Lin Xia, what do you think of Zhang Sheng?"

Lin Xia's face turned redder and redder: "Dad, what on earth are you going to do?"

After seeing Lin Xia's somewhat angry expression, Lin Guodong finally smiled: "Nothing, just asking... I think Xiao Zhang is a good person. Your mother and I are very optimistic about it. If you can, you..."

"Dad! Eat!"

"Okay, eat, eat!"


after dinner.

Zhang Sheng and his father were busy in the study.

They seemed to be chatting about something.

And my mother seemed to have received news that something was going on at the bureau, so she packed her things and prepared to go to the bureau.

After washing the dishes, Lin Xia sat alone on the sofa in the hall and watched the Spring Festival Gala.

But from beginning to end, I felt a little bit uneasy.

She simply went back to her study to prepare her third new book.

After reading the character profile, I became increasingly upset and simply returned to the hall.

Zhang Sheng walked out of the study.

When Lin Xia saw Zhang Sheng's figure and saw that his father had not come out for a long time in the study, he took a deep breath and finally made a decision.

"Zhang Sheng, let's talk?"


The two walked out of the hall and out of the balcony.

Snowflakes were still flying in the sky outside the balcony, and the earth in the distance was gray for a while, illuminated by fireworks from time to time.

Tomorrow is the first day of the Lunar New Year and the New Year.

"Zhang Sheng, my dad is talking nonsense, don't take it to heart... He drank, he rarely drinks that much..." Lin Xia's face was still slightly red, but she finally said these words.

"Don't worry, I never take it to heart..." Zhang Sheng nodded.

"That's good..." Lin Xia laughed, but somehow deep down in her heart, there was an indescribable emptiness, and she felt a little lost. Of course, she understood her emotions very well, and of course, she also adjusted Gotta go fast.

"But when I was eating, everything I said was serious..."

Zhang Sheng leaned on the railing and looked at the beautiful fireworks in the distance: "Lin Xia..."

"Well, what's wrong?"

"When I was in the parking garage, I was thinking about a question. I couldn't get the answer before. Now, I think I should have the answer..."


"I think I should ask you a very serious question!" Zhang Sheng withdrew his gaze, and then stared at Lin Xia seriously.

"You ask, but don't look at me like that. I don't feel comfortable with it..." Lin Xia suddenly became nervous as never before and turned her face.

"Lin Xia, when we were in the underground garage today, did you want to confess your love to me?"

Outside the balcony.

Fireworks burst out suddenly.

Zhang Sheng stared at Lin Xia.


Lin Xia was stunned when she heard this sentence.


His face turned red.

He hurriedly denied it, seeming to have lost the courage he had before.

However, Zhang Sheng still pressed forward step by step, staring into her eyes.

"I am a very serious person. I have thought about a lot of things along the way. After thinking about it for a long time, I feel that I should be a little more proactive."

"..." Lin Xia was still confused.




Could it be that he...

"Lin Xia..." Zhang Sheng took a deep breath.

"Huh?" Lin Xia responded in panic.

"I tell you now, very solemnly, confess your love. I am listening carefully! My emotions are brewing!" Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and became more serious!

Lin Xia was stunned, her face became redder and redder, she subconsciously took a few steps back, glanced at the room, and became even more panicked: "I, Zhang Sheng, you... don't be like this, this is my home, my parents are still exist……"

"Then when your parents are gone, will you confess your love to me? Then I will sleep with you at night?"


"If you like me, just say it out loud, otherwise, an outstanding man like me will be snatched away by other girls..."


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