I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 489 I slept with you!

Outside the balcony.

The fireworks became more and more brilliant.

Lin Xia suddenly didn't know what to say. An unknown fire suddenly arose. She clenched her fists and wanted to hit Zhang Sheng's calm face hard.

Stinky, self-righteous, shameless, shameless...

Countless words seemed to be imprinted on that face, making Lin Xia's chest feel more and more depressed, and she wanted to bite him!


As a lady, she finally didn't do this.

He just took a deep breath, and then stamped his feet in anger!

"Then take it away!"


"No! Bah!"

"Who wants to confess to you! How can you be so shameless!"


She glared at Zhang Sheng fiercely, and then walked into the hall.

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, stayed on the balcony, watching Lin Xia leave with a smile on his face.


This world’s 2011 Spring Festival Gala.

to be honest……

Not much.

The first is the singing and dancing. Well, it can only be described in four words, that is, the singing and dancing are weak.

After several singing and dancing performances, Zhang Sheng became acutely aware that it would be difficult to produce another popular piece of music during this year’s Spring Festival Gala...

Popular artists Zhou Yu, Xu Diding, and Lu Zihan looked bad and had no characteristics at all. A few of them said a lot of New Year greetings, which were nice but not really good. The backup dancers behind them were even more scattered, as if they were watching a rural festival. The sense of opera is barely bad, but after searching for a long time, I still can't find any characteristics...

In addition, the originally anticipated sketch has gradually lost its original charm. It seems that all the themes are built around the main melody. After adding some "Internet memes", it is neither funny nor has any profound resonance. , but all preaching...

If we want to talk about highlights, this year's Zhao Degang skit does have some highlights, well, but the whole story is centered around group buying advertisements such as [Fengyu Mall], [Lainiao Delivery], [Harvest Group Buying] and so on.

Zhang Sheng has listened to no less than five group buying brands in the same sketch...

Even [Fengyu Mall] was so exaggerated that it directly gave a close-up of the brand LOGO.

In the end, the sketch summarized these group buying websites and condensed it into the big theme of "Internet in the Era"...

Lin Xia hugged the pillow and sat on the sofa watching the Spring Festival Gala.


Obviously, her attention was not on the Spring Festival Gala, but on Zhang Sheng.

This person...

You don't really plan to sleep here, do you?

Gu Jiangyan had already gone out, and Lin Guodong had also gone out. It seemed that there had been a new breakthrough in mobile phone technology, and they said they would be back in the early morning, but no one knew when.

In the huge hall.

There were only two people sitting.

This feeling was very strange. Lin Xia held back her face, feeling that it was inappropriate for Zhang Sheng to stay here. She wanted to remind him that it was time for him to leave, but for a moment she didn't know how to speak.

After thinking about it for a long time...

"Zhang Sheng, there are so many group buying ads for this year's Spring Festival Gala!"

"Well, this year's Spring Festival Gala advertising area has been completely taken over by group buying websites. The revenue from advertising alone has already exceeded 700 million..."

"Oh, Zhang Sheng, I'm a little sleepy..." Lin Xia struggled for a long time, and her face turned redder.

"Ah, then you go to bed first. I will watch the Spring Festival Gala for a while and see how many advertisements there are..." Zhang Sheng nodded, but didn't say anything.

"Zhang Sheng, what I mean is, it's getting late, how about I send you back first?" Lin Xia looked at Zhang Sheng staring at the TV screen with interest, took a deep breath again, and felt that It should be made more clear.

"No, it's inconvenient for you to drive this late at night. It's too hard. Don't worry, I'm not a child. I can make my own arrangements..." Zhang Sheng replied, still staring at the screen.

"Zhang Sheng, that's not what I meant. What I meant was, you, it's very late, you may have to go back..." Lin Xia felt that she would suffer internal injuries if she kept holding it in, so she finally couldn't help but say.

"Ah, Lin Xia, you didn't mean to invite me to sleep at your house?" Zhang Sheng was stunned when he heard this.

"I...I didn't...it's just you and me today, it's inconvenient..." When Lin Xia heard this, her face turned as red as an apple, and she no longer knew how to describe her emotions.

"I think it's very convenient. I've slept here before. Last time I slept on the sofa. It's no problem to sleep on the sofa this time..."

"No, today is different..."

"Lin Xia, I originally thought that when you came over to invite me to the New Year's Eve dinner, you meant to invite me to sleep here. I have been wondering whether the relationship between us will get closer..." Zhang Sheng tweeted He pushed up his glasses, looked at Lin Xia who was losing ground and said this seriously.

"Zhang Sheng, don't be like this... Let me think about it, this is a bit sudden... and, and..." Lin Xia didn't dare to look at Lin Xia, and she panicked for some reason.

She had thought about some things and made some preparations.

But the originally imagined plot was not like this...

At this moment she suddenly became afraid.

"Lin Xia!"


Lin Xia looked at Zhang Sheng.

But Zhang Sheng took a deep breath, his expression more serious than ever: "Lin Xia, I said, this is the most worthwhile investment in your life!"


Seeing Zhang Sheng's serious expression, Lin Xia felt like her heart was beating wildly like a deer.

Zhang Sheng's increasingly deep and even affectionate feeling made Lin Xia feel a little confused and her mind went blank.

"Lin Xia, look into my eyes and tell me, are you willing to invest in me again?" Zhang Sheng continued to stare at Lin Xia.

"You..." Lin Xia wanted to escape for a while, but found that she had reached the corner, and this was her own home. Where could she escape to?

"Lin Xia!"


"Although I have been busy these days, I have been thinking about a lot of things very seriously... thinking about our family backgrounds, thinking about the future, thinking about my personal emotions, and thinking about the personalities of both parties... Please forgive me. , I am a very rational person, and two people being together is, in a sense, a matter of two families, um... well, I am the only one in my family..." Zhang Sheng coughed lightly.


"I have thought about it for a long time and waited for a long time. Countless past experiences and scenes have all condensed into an emotion called "good feeling"..."


"I can't describe that good feeling as love. After all, we haven't experienced much with each other. I can only say that as I sit here, watching the Spring Festival Gala face to face with you and chatting with you, my mood will be unusually peaceful... …”


"This is no longer a cold sofa, nor an empty room, nor is it a young man wandering in the commercial ocean at midnight, unable to find a sense of belonging, and drowning in confusion..."


Lin Xia saw Zhang Sheng take out his mobile phone.


I opened the text messages that I had read.

"This is the text message you sent me this year. Although I rarely reply, I have read every content in the text message... During that time, I was always thinking about my emotions. Today, you came to pick me up. At that time, I silently made a decision in my heart, feeling that I should put an end to this relationship... It was a new beginning in my life and the first step forward for me..."


Lin Xia saw the text messages on her phone and subconsciously stopped talking. Her face became hot and she wanted to find a hole to crawl into.


Zhang Sheng, however, was always serious, and his eyes even became more and more intense: "Lin Xia, let me ask you, do you want..."

At this moment, Zhang Sheng's cell phone suddenly rang.

Zhang Sheng answered the phone subconsciously.

The call was from Zhang Panpan.

Lin Xia looked up at Zhang Sheng, and then...


"Zhang Sheng, where are you?"

"I'm watching the Spring Festival Gala, what's wrong?"

"Zhang Sheng, I just came down from the Spring Festival Gala. Are you free tonight?"

"Ah? I might not be free tonight...what's the matter?"

"Zhang Sheng! I want to treat you to a supper, and then..."

"Then what?"

"I want to tell you something!"



"Sorry, not at night. I have something very important to do tonight. I'll have nothing to do during the day tomorrow. If it's not urgent, you can come to my office tomorrow..."


Zhang Sheng answered the call, and then, under Lin Xia's complicated expression, turned off the phone completely.

Then, he continued to look at Lin Xia.

"Lin Xia, whether it is emotional, practical, or other aspects, I feel that I like you!"


"I won't force anyone. If you think I'm pretty good as a person and you are interesting to me, then we might as well be a little bolder and take a step forward..."


"I still have many advantages. At least you don't have to worry about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. I have no parents, and there is no relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. As for relatives, I have severed ties with them long ago. I am the only one in the whole family..."


"You don't have to worry about the betrothal gift. I have abundant capital now, so the betrothal gift is not a problem at all. You don't have to worry about the house. I am worth more than one billion. I can buy a house anywhere in Yanjing... cough, cough, of course, if you It almost makes no sense to buy a place like the Forbidden City..."


"You don't have to worry about my character. I am sincere, serious, dedicated, eager to learn, good character, talented, knowledgeable, optimistic, cheerful, positive, and have a blazing red heart, dedicated to the rise of China. Struggle is the leader of the times..."


Lin Xia listened attentively, and was a little touched at first, but at the end, the more she listened, the more she felt that Zhang Sheng was bragging...

She finally couldn't listen anymore: "Zhang Sheng, I have never seen anyone as shameless as you..."

"Hey! Haven't you seen it now?"

"..." Lin Xia felt that looking at Zhang Sheng's face, she was going to get internal injuries if she kept holding it in.

There was a sudden silence in the hall.

Only the last sound of the Spring Festival Gala...

After a long time.

"Then, then, let's try..." After Lin Xia left these words, she lowered her head and left the sofa.

"Should I sleep here at night? Find me a quilt..."

"My Father……"

"Don't worry, Uncle Lin won't come back..."

"Then my mother..."

"Don't worry, Aunt Gu won't come back... If you don't find me a quilt, I will sleep with you..."


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