I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 495 Forced to fight!

iPhone4 was released in May last year!

According to the plan laid out by the IPO sales team and marketing team, iPhone 4S will be released around June or July this year.

They have nearly half a year to allow the market to digest the iPhone 4, while also preheating the market and raising consumers' "desire" emotions to the highest level!

Release iPhone4S ahead of schedule!

This was a decision made out of anger, and it was not a very rational decision.

Joes was unanimously opposed by everyone except a few old buddies who had started the business together!

Everyone is advising Joes to calm down and not to get into trouble. Moreover, only the copycat phones in China equipped with Android system, even if they have the same configuration, are still not as good as the iPhone 4S or even the iPhone 4 in terms of performance in all aspects. It’s incomparable, not to mention that the Android system is full of ads and bugs, and the phone will get horribly stuck after a year of use. It doesn’t pose any threat to the iPhone 4S at all...

Their proposal is actually sensible!

If it was Jos a year ago, he might have calmed down!

However, suffering from headaches due to piracy, being disgusted by the messy "replacement with replacement" policy in the Chinese market, coupled with the deterioration of his health, looking at the Chinese mobile phone like a clown, Joes no matter what I can't even calm down!

This sentiment indirectly affects the working atmosphere of staff of all sizes in IPO companies.

Starting from February 3rd to February 11th.

IPO companies are always looking for spies.

Almost everyone has been questioned by the FBI, and surveillance is installed in almost every corner. Employees who enter and leave the IPO company every day will be questioned and tested in various ways...

Daily surprise inspections have become a daily routine.

Joes even personally took the legal department to the copyright and patent agency in the United States to investigate, which made the other party's leaders so anxious that they slapped the table and posted various itineraries over the past year.

However, from beginning to end, nothing was found, and nothing could be found at all.

Everyone told Joes that this was an accidental incident, even though the [Apple 4S] he was about to officially sell looked very similar to the future iPhone 5.

But in fact, some materials are still different. Even the structure and details of the other party's iPhone5 series appearance patent are still very rough. If it is done by a partner manufacturer of the IPO company, they can make it more refined. Similar to this...

However, Joss always believed that there could not be such a terrible coincidence in the world!

This is almost science fiction, and he even suspects that the moment he gets all the appearance patents for the iPhone 6, the other party will slap the exact same appearance on his face.

"Mr. Jos!"

"you say……"

"The other party's appearance patent was registered earlier than ours! In fact, in the United States, the other party also registered the appearance patent with it... However, because of the relationship in our own country, we delayed their patent... "

"What do you mean!"

"Is it possible that the other party did not copy our patents, but that we borrowed from them? Or, our design team went to the patent department and plagiarized their patents, and then..."


In the office.

Weiss saw that Joss' whole body was trembling, his face was pale, and he was filled with overwhelming anger, as if he was about to explode at any time.

She lowered her head, not daring to say any more, feeling both worried and scared.

A few days ago, Jos went for a genetic test...

In fact, Jos goes for a genetic test every year, but this time the results of the genetic test are increasingly unsatisfactory.

Joes' pancreatic problems are getting more and more serious and are spreading. In addition, staying up late, smoking, and eating irregularly all year round, especially in the second half of the year, various situations with the iPhone 4 and his relationship with Google have made him miserable. Jos's body has reached a critical point.

In the office.

The water-like depression and silence have come over me.

It seemed that in the next moment, the anger like a violent storm would be vented on Weiss, and then she would be responsible for this gaffe.


Joss did not throw the tea cup, nor did he curse, nor did he smash everything in the office. Instead, he sat back on the chair silently and looked out the window.

After a long time, Joss sighed quietly: "Is there any evidence?"


"Don't talk nonsense without evidence!"

Weiss looked up.

But seeing that Joss' whole body was like a rubber ball that had been drained of air at this moment, he shook his head feebly.

This powerful man who once created an era and even wanted to wander in the new era, at this moment, actually looks a bit old.

"The Chinese market is the most important market for our iPhone series. It has huge market potential and huge consumption. Even if I am gone, we must guard this market and not let it become Google's paradise..."


"Let the FBI give up the inspection, iPhone5, I will personally invite designers to design a new concept, of course, I will also participate in the design..."


"The iPhone 4S launch conference continues, still scheduled for February 18! In half a year, we sold 29.8 million iPhone 4 units globally and 11 million units in China, which shows that our brand has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."


“This time, I am not angry because of the clowns who pirated Chinese mobile phones, but I want the world to know that from now on, the king of the mobile phone field will no longer be Nokia, Samsung, or Android. The system’s brand-name mobile phone, but our iPhone!”


"This is our battle to ascend to the throne, and it is also a brand new era that we will rule!"

Weiss saw a high-spirited fighting spirit gradually glowing on Joss's face, just like the high-spirited "Dream Maker" ten years ago.


February 13th.

When the IPO official announced the iPhone 4S launch date, it was fixed at 18:30 on February 18, California time...

The entire Chinese science and technology circle was shocked, and then it started to boil in an instant!

A person’s name is like a tree’s shadow!

In May last year, the madness of iPhone 4 left an indelible mark on the hearts of countless users and technology businesses.

Astonishing sales of 29.8 million worldwide and 11 million in China!

Countless people are witnesses!

Almost as soon as the time was announced, countless group buying websites and users here frantically surrounded the major stores of [IPO China] across the country, waiting for the latest news announced by [IPO China].

Weibo, major social media, news...

Countless media outlets were blown away by the news of the iPhone 4S. On that day, Huaxia’s pre-orders for the iPhone 4S exceeded 100,000. The major [iPhone stores] were almost full. Countless people didn’t even see the phone. The queue started.

Many netizens find it incredible.

They have seen the news about iPhone 4S. Except for the unclear core things, everything else is no different from iPhone 4. It can only be said to be an upgraded version!

Why are there so many people rushing to buy?

Some people are saying that they favor foreigners and think that China’s own [Apple 4] and [Apple 4S] are very good. Why do you have to buy iPhone 4S?

But soon, such remarks were suppressed by various fruit fans.

Some people say that this is a revolutionary product in the field of mobile phones...

Some people also say that this is the mark of the times, it is a work of art, and it is a kind of admiration for the trend among young people. Even if [Apple 4S] does well, it cannot compare to iPhone 4S. There is simply no difference between them. Across the distance from a Samsung store...


[China’s own Apple company].

Yes, don’t doubt it, and don’t be shocked. The registered company of [Apple 4] is this name.

And there is a complete version of the Apple LOGO, which is a copycat to the extreme!

Ma Hongbo, who made a lot of money in the copycat phone industry last year, is currently staring at all kinds of breaking news about the iPhone 4S.

There was unavoidable anxiety deep in his heart. He understood that he was about to encounter a behemoth, and at best, he was just a small shrimp who made his fortune by relying on a copycat village and borrowed some benefits, nothing more.


Now, all this is beyond my control.

[China's Own Apple Company] This company has four shares. Lin Guodong's [Yaohua Technology] accounts for 40% of the company's shares, and Zhang Sheng's [Bosch Technology] accounts for 20% of the company's shares. , of the remaining 40%, I own 30%, and 10% are technology stocks...

In fact, last year, when he took [Apple 4] out of a crowd of domestic mobile phones, Lin Guodong and Zhang Sheng found him. One of them directly spent 300 million yuan, and the other directly used [Bosch Technology]. [Mobile phone lithium battery] production, free supply, and various resource promotion methods to become a shareholder...

Facing Lin Guodong, Ma Hongbo simply couldn't refuse!

Facing Zhang Sheng, the young man who started his career with him, Ma Hongbo saw the hope of his own mobile phone, and he naturally did not refuse!


At the end of last year, Lin Guodong once again invested 200 million in [Apple 4], and Zhang Sheng also invested 100 million to polish various technologies of [Apple 4S], and aggressively purchased related overseas parts and new production lines.

In January this year, they actually already had their own finished product [Apple 4S] to compete with the iPhone 4S, but they just kept it secret!

Ma Hongbo no longer struggled with why Zhang Sheng knew the various parameters of the iPhone 4S in advance. Zhang Sheng's various advanced actions were incredible to many people at first, but later, everyone gradually got used to it.

At this moment.

He knows that he is now standing at the cusp of the times, spending nearly 700 million yuan to assemble the [Apple 4S], just to compete with the iPhone 4!

"Maybe we can't win the IPO company..."

"Maybe we will even continue to lose this money! Or even lose more!"

"But losing money doesn't matter..."

"We are going to drive down the price of Apple 4S!"


In the office.

Ma Hongbo, Zhang Sheng, and Lin Guodong sat on chairs, discussing the next arrangements for facing the menacing iPhone4S.

Zhang Sheng took a deep breath and made a summary of this meeting!


February 18, 6 p.m.

Jos took a deep breath, looked at the speech script, and prepared for the final preparations before going on stage!


He saw a message.

That was Zhang Sheng, who was far away in China, actually wearing the same clothes as him, even the shoes were exactly the same, and even put on the same glasses as him, and then...

Get on stage early!

After seeing Zhang Sheng's photo and the layout of the venue over there...

Joss's heart suddenly hurt again!

(Three updates today...)

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