I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 496 Press Conference!

Flint Arts Center.

Joss sat on the chair with a pale face, desperately sucking oxygen, but his chest was still rising and falling, and medical staff were constantly caring for him.

Assistant Weiss stayed by his side, looking worriedly at his face and the time that continued to pass on the wall.

There are still about twenty minutes before Jos takes the stage.

The doctors looked at Weisi complicatedly, indicating that Weisi had better give up this time on stage.

At present, Jos's body seems to be unable to support him on stage this time, let alone shout some exciting slogans.

not far away……

McCann Kusuo is reading the speech over and over again.

In this conference, José is the protagonist but there is always a backup plan.


McCann Kusuo is the alternative.


Joss was very excited, reading the speech while taking oxygen, but then threw the speech on the ground.

"Weiss! Open that damn Chinese press conference video. I want to see what he is going to release!"

"Mr. Joes..."

"Open! I want to see what that Chinese guy can do besides copying everything from me. What other despicable methods does he have!"


Weiss was startled when she saw the stubborn Jos and quickly tried to dissuade Jos.

Even my old friend McCann Kusuo put down his speech and hurried over to hold Jos's hand.

"Don't be so impulsive!"

"You are the leader of an era. You single-handedly created the iPhone era. You are the well-deserved king of the era!"

"I don't know why you pay so much attention to that Chinese man. He is as small as an ant. No matter how noisy he is, he is not worthy of you staring at him or making him angry..."

"Sooner or later, the appearance patent matter will come to light. Everyone in our company is convinced that he is a despicable plagiarist and a clown who wants to take advantage of our iPhone 4S. For clowns, we can laugh, ignore, or Treat it as dust in this world, not worth mentioning..."


McCann Kuso is well aware of Jos' current physical condition.

I also understand that from the second half of last year to now, Joes was once angry about the pirated mobile phones from China that spread to Laos and the United States...

He regards the iPhone 4 series as the most proud work of his life. This emotion is like that of a perfect sculpture artist who does not allow any flaws in his works.

There is no doubt that the Chinese on the other side of the ocean are the "criminals" who defiled the work!

This moment made Joss want to tear each other apart.

So far, no one has explained why the other party has patents for the iPhone 4 series, and even has appearance patents for the yet-to-be-released iPhone 5 series!

McCann Kussow also felt magical, but at this moment, he had to persuade this old friend who had walked step by step to wear the crown for iPhone4.

He can't fall here!

McCann Kuso's dissuasion made Jos's face look slightly better, but...

He is still determined, even as stubborn as a child: "I want to watch the video of his press conference!"

No one could resist him. After about five minutes, his emotions finally calmed down. Then, in desperation, Weiss finally took out her iPad and clicked on the [Apple 4S Press Conference] in [Jitu Video]. 】……

Everyone saw the appearance of the Chinese named Zhang Sheng.

He's on stage, and...

"last year……"

"We launched the iPhone 4!"

"There is no doubt that this is an epoch-making masterpiece and a revolutionary product!"

"Competitors are all vying to imitate our design patents, such as the iPhone 4 from across the ocean! This once made us very distressed. We [Bird's Nest Law Firm] have been working continuously with the IPO since May last year. The company negotiated, appealed, and complained, but in the end there was no result because our patent is only registered in China and cannot be registered in the United States!"

"This is the most painful thing for me. I even had insomnia because of it..."

"But, later, I understood the truth that any good work can be imitated..."

Weiss stared at the screen.

Joss also stared intently, his face flushed, and the anger that had been suppressed with great difficulty suddenly surged into his heart.


There was a moment of silence backstage throughout the press conference.


Competing to imitate?

What are you trying to imitate?

We, imitate you? Are we copying you? Damn it, what are you talking about? What on earth is this despicable, shameless Chinese guy talking about!

Everyone was angry and excited, as if they had been slapped hard. Deep inside, almost everyone was roaring silently.

Weiss' hand holding the iPad was shaking.


After all, they couldn't reach into the screen and give the Chinese guy wearing a top, Weiss 501 jeans, and a pair of Newlon 991 shoes a hard slap.

McCann Kusuo stared at his speech with an ugly expression.

He looked at the first few lines of his speech.

He saw something like that!

An incredible creepy feeling and a chill that seeped into his bones made him couldn't help but clench his fists.

His mind went blank, and for a while he felt like he was living in a dream.

The first few lines of the speech are almost translated from English into Chinese. They cannot be exactly the same, they can only mean one thing.


Fortunately, it’s different down there!


Yanjing, National Convention Center.

There was a roar of people.

Countless people gathered around the young man wearing glasses and dressed casually on the stage.

This young man is only 23 years old!

However, no one can underestimate the huge energy exuded by this person.

His speech is always like a concert that touches people's hearts, sometimes low, sometimes high, sometimes peaceful.

Under the spotlight, he stood in the most shining position, so young and confident, surrounded by countless bright lights and countless eyes from the audience.

"A long, long time ago, I had a mobile phone dream! And a long, long time ago, I also had a dream. In my dream, I got this exact same [iPhone 4]. I was lying on the bed, listening to music and playing Playing games, watching movies, or even when I’m hungry, I open [Honeycomb Ji Delivery] to order takeout. If I want to buy something, I open [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and place an order with one click..."

"Then, I don't know when, I woke up from the dream. After waking up, I looked at the old antique mobile phone. I was very sorry and angry!"

"I live in a poor world. The mobile phone I long for is still the kind of push-button mobile phone. I can only stare at the old MP3 and MP4 in front of the window but can't afford it. I want to have breakfast, and I have to have it. Go downstairs and buy..."

"Last year, I made some money. After making money, the first thing I did was to pay off the debt. The second thing was to carefully design the beautiful vision for the mobile phone in my heart with paper and pen. , I wanted a gorgeous retina screen, glass casing, and stainless steel edges. I wanted it to be ultra-thin, more technological, and sci-fi, so I got [Apple 4]..."

"Everything good is imitated!"

"It was not originally called [Apple 4], but I was angry that my creativity was borrowed and I always felt that I was at a loss, so I called it [Apple 4]!"

“At this moment, I’m not angry about the overlapping appearance of my iPhone 4, and I’m no longer obsessed with what method they used to obtain our appearance patent. I don’t even care that the other party’s iPhone 4S still uses the same casing. , conducting a second sale..."

"I am 23 years old this year! I am very young. I am very creative and have endless energy. At the same time, I also have the ability to design!"

"This is our Chinese [Apple 4S]!"

"We are no longer limited to the so-called old bottle with new wine. As we all know, the [iPhone 4S] just announced display size is 3.5 inches, with a resolution of 960x640 and a pixel density of 326ppi, while our size is 4 inches with a resolution of 1136x640 , the pixel density is also 326ppi, the display is longer, and the aspect ratio is 16:9, which is closer to the current mainstream configuration and better suited for video viewing!"

"We are lighter and thinner than iPhone 4S, weighing only 112 grams and having a thickness of 7.6 mm, while 4S weighs 140 grams and is 9.3 mm thick... This is the data announced by the other party..."

"By the way, we always have signal! It's not like the iPhone 4, where even making a call is intermittent..."



at this press conference.

Lin Guodong is here.

When he saw the [Apple 4S] Zhang Sheng was holding on his cell phone, Lin Guodong couldn't help but applaud!

In fact, Lin Guodong and the entire mobile phone project team spent nearly 200 million yuan just to design the first [Apple 4S] prototype!

Why does a mobile phone cost so much?

Because the machines for designing the arrangement and distribution of mobile phones must be purchased from overseas. In addition, including glass, screens, chips... In fact, everything from the operating system to the appearance, even down to a small component, is They spent huge sums of money, asked overseas companies to help with the design, and paid a large sum of technical fees, and then they made an [Apple 4S].

Such a huge expense was condensed into a small machine, and finally it came out!

Following Lin Guodong's applause, the entire venue burst into thunderous applause.

When the big screen behind Zhang Sheng showed a close-up of the [Apple 4S], many young people stood up in excitement!

Reporters were also excited.

Constantly taking photos with my phone...

It seems that they have returned to the moment when Joes first released the iPhone...

Many people realize that this may be a revolution, a revolution from China’s domestic mobile phones!

And Joes, who is far away in the United States...

There are about five minutes until we go on stage!


At this moment, Jos' face looked extremely ugly.

His eyes were bloodshot and his breathing was getting heavier!

He felt an unprecedented provocation. The more he saw Zhang Sheng's press conference, the more he felt it was a provocation!

The most important thing is that he realized that all speeches for iPhone 4S must be rewritten, and the thickness, length, and width of the other party's phone must be avoided...

"Mr. Joes..."

"Damn Chinese, I'm going to kill him!"


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