I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 498 Sunset and Rising Sun


very long.

Vaguely, it seemed like I was dreaming about the scene when I was a teenager, sitting in that dark warehouse, leading McCann Kusho and other young people to design personal computers together.

The scenes of the past are passing by in front of my eyes like a horse racing...

That year, the personal computer they designed was a great success, and they became famous instantly. What was once a small warehouse with only a few people turned into a large enterprise with assets of 2 billion US dollars and 4,000 employees in the 1990s...

That year, they also fell out with old friends because of different management concepts. The company was besieged by competitors and was on the verge of bankruptcy. In the end, they miraculously survived with the help of new products.

In recent years, they have launched the iPod (multimedia player), the iPad, and the epoch-making product iPhone...

Along the way, they encountered many opponents, some were sinister and cunning, some were upright, and some had forced them into a corner...

However, they have never lost, and are even invincible in their own field. The launch of every product is accompanied by countless screams and madness. At every press conference, users around the world swarm like believers, scrambling to watch. Looking at the omnipotent him on the stage...

Decades seem to pass by in the blink of an eye!

In his eyes, the Chinese on the other side of the ocean should have been one of the many but insignificant opponents, not even a competitor...


Why is he angry?

Five o'clock in the evening.

The California sun gradually set over the mountains, and the afterglow of the sunset spread over the bedside.

Jos woke up faintly.

The first thing I did when I woke up was to ask about the [iPhone 4S] launch conference.

Weiss told Joss that the conference was a success...

When the artificial intelligence Siri of iPhone 4S made its debut on the stage, the audience burst into unprecedented cheers...

Although it was the first time for McCann Kuso to stand in front of the stage and release this work, he controlled the series of events after he fainted in an orderly and unhurried manner.

"Mr. Joes..."

"Although iPhone 4S was released several months ahead of schedule, it is still a well-deserved revolutionary product, and we are still at the forefront of the times!"

When Weiss saw Joss, who was looking haggard and getting older, she felt heartbroken but excitedly described the scene at the time...

In order to make Joss feel more at ease, she took out the iPad she carried with her and showed the scene of the [iPhone 4S] conference directly to Joss.

On the hospital bed, Joss was very weak, but still holding on to his body and watching the scene at the press conference carefully. When he saw McCann Kusuo's high-spirited and teenage-like expression, and heard the cheers and applause of the audience, he was so excited. For a moment, there was an expression of relief and satisfaction on his face, but then, this expression gradually turned lonely.

"Where is that young man from China? I want to watch his press conference..."

"Mr. Jos, that is a small and insignificant person. All of us think he is a clown, and no one will care about him..."

"We were nobodies once!" Joss stared at Weis.

In front of the hospital bed.

It suddenly became quiet.

Weiss opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but found that nothing could come out.

Joss was still a stubborn person to the core. He stared at her closely. After a moment, Weiss finally gave in, then took out her phone and opened the [Apple 4S] press conference.

Jos watched the press conference very seriously.

Seeing Zhang Sheng's sonorous and powerful voice, I also saw the scene was even crazier, almost as noisy as a concert.

After seeing what the press conference meant, Joss was still so angry that his whole body trembled and he clenched his fists, but he did not faint after all.

Twenty minutes later, Joss finished watching the concert, then gently put the iPad aside and stared at the ceiling.

"The doctor said, how long can I live?"


"how long!"

Joss looked weak, but his eyes were unusually firm, as if he was bursting with strength.

At this moment, he seemed to have suddenly changed a lot. He no longer seemed to be escaping from death, as if he could face anything head-on.

Weiss didn't speak, and Joss also fell into silence for a long time. Although he was weak, he was thinking about something.

Then, suddenly he laughed.

He smiled and closed his eyes again.

When it was getting dark, Weisi answered a phone call.

When she returned to the ward after answering the phone, Weiss looked at Joss lying in the hospital bed, her eyes a little complicated, but then she became angrier than ever before!

Those shameless people in China actually hyped up Joes...


February 20th.

The morning sun rises slowly from the east.

Yanjing, a busy and anxious city, once again welcomed a new life.

Each piece of news shocked the entire Chinese technology circle.

【Jos is dead! 】

[Jos, the founder and CEO of the world-famous enterprise [IPO], passed away yesterday...]

[iPhone4S is suspected to be the last work of Mr. Joes...]

[Zhang Sheng is so angry with Joes! 】

【The end of an era...】


The news first spread from Tieba, and then gradually spread to major QQ groups, and then became a "hot search" on Weibo. Eventually, many Weibo celebrities began to repost it [Jos The news of his death once boiled over the entire social media.

[Tengji Technology] In the office.

Zheng Huateng also saw the headline of [Q Dog News]. The headline used the most explosive title to describe [How Zhang Sheng pissed off Joes to death]...

When he saw this news, Zheng Huateng was stunned for a moment. A complex emotion that could not be expressed in words hit Zheng Huateng's heart, and he was a little absent-minded for a while.

His first computer was a desktop computer produced by IPO Company. On that computer, he truly came into contact with various online circles and learned about online social interaction...

In the nineties!

When he was still a young man, Zheng Huateng, as a Chinese-sponsored overseas student, visited an IPO company in the United States.

That year, he saw countless tall buildings in Silicon Valley and also saw the behemoth IPO company...

The unspeakable shock still lingers in my heart until now, and I can't go back for a long time.

He saw Jos, that towering, god-like figure.

He has no airs and looks very approachable. He simply explained to these young people what the Internet is, what technology is, and what the future is...

For Zheng Huateng, the short period of more than ten minutes seemed to be the most precious lesson in his life, which made him firmly move towards the wave of the Internet...

Zheng Huateng quickly recovered from his memories, and he immediately asked his subordinates to confirm the accuracy of the news.

About five or six minutes later, the other party responded.

"The IPO company did not respond positively..."

"Where is the source of the news? Is it Tieba?"


Zheng Huateng quickly recovered from his brief sadness and became calm.

Immediately afterwards, he once again looked through all kinds of messy news on the Internet.

When I saw the hottest news at the moment, it was describing how awesome Zhang Sheng’s [Apple 4S] press conference was and how it made Joes faint on the other side of the ocean. It felt like I was standing there, watching Joes faint. After the appearance, Zheng Huateng finally confirmed the news. It was an unscrupulous hype...

The hype most likely comes from a group of people from [NC Entertainment], or from those people behind it...

Who knows?

In February of this year, the group buying market went too crazy. More and more overseas capital and foreign capital were lost, and the entire market was in a mess. Even big companies like them couldn't tell who was causing trouble!

Zheng Huateng didn't pay attention to these things at this moment. He just confirmed that he had completely sold off the shares of [Groupon (Baotuan.com)] at a high level, and then stopped paying attention to other things.


China’s group buying market in February.

It has indeed become a mess.

As the listing of [Groupon] is approaching, more and more good news are coming from the other side of the ocean...

Those capital investors who were watching in the dark finally couldn't hold it any longer and got out one after another, holding a large sum of money and preparing to participate in this shocking gamble!

In just a few days, China's large and small group buying websites have gone from close to 5,000 to officially breaking through 5,000, reaching an incredible number.

In the first half of February, almost every day we could see news that a certain group buying website had received hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions or hundreds of millions of capital injections.

These messages tend to resemble the same template...

Or a few college students start a business and engage in group buying, and then become an instant success, and then capital sees it, and the capital throws money crazily, and the poor college students suddenly become millionaires...

Or the bosses of some small companies accidentally discovered the trend of group buying, and then sold some products. After selling and selling, they found that the products sold better and better, and made a lot of money...

What’s even more exaggerated is that there are even rumors that a large company like [Harvest Group Buying] was snatched away by a little-known small group buying company. Then, that small company was highly sought after by capital and lined up to send money... …

More and more chicken soup news is spreading crazily on major social media and even in some nooks and crannies...

The advent of the Internet age has made it impossible for many people to distinguish which news is true and which news is false.

With so much news, the entire China group buying market has naturally gone crazy!

In major shopping malls, even second- and third-tier shopping malls, no matter it is day or night, countless local promoters are frantically trying to grab merchants and grab business!

Throw money!


Close combat!

Throw shit!

It seems that it has become a necessary skill for group buying to grab high-quality merchants.

In such a crazy market...

Zhang Sheng’s exciting launch of [Apple 4S] has become the focus of countless group buying merchants!

[This product will make Joes angry to death! 】

[According to internal information from the IPO, Joes originally planned to release iPhone 4S after May this year. However, after seeing the parameters of China’s [Apple 4S], Joes was stimulated and decided to advance it, because [Apple 4S] has various In terms of performance, it is not inferior to iPhone4S]

[Unprecedented victory, Huaxia Technology is far ahead! 】

[Jos’s death, the culprit is the first to win! 】


Countless messages have been blasted on major Internet sites!

Behind every piece of eye-catching news, there seems to be something guiding and hinting at.

That is, Huaxia’s [Apple 4S] is not inferior to the iPhone 4S, but its appearance is more refined and artistic. At the same time, the price is cheaper. At the price of 1999, it achieves the ultimate price-performance ratio!

This is……

A [Quality Merchant] that people must fight for!

February 20th.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

There was actually a long queue in front of the [Apple 4S] flagship store in Yanjing!

Countless young people waited excitedly for the opening of the [Apple 4S] door, and then rushed in. In just ten minutes, all the inventory was wiped out.

However, some people are still queuing up...

On the other side of the [Apple 4S] flagship store, there are countless [Group Buying] merchants frantically competing for [Apple 4S] priority group buying authorization!

Several brands even started fighting on the spot...

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