Ma Hongbo is very excited!

Since February 18, after the press conference, Ma Hongbo stayed in the office, excitedly listening to the various good news brought by his subordinates!

On the 18th!

Nearly 7,000 units were sold in one day!

Throughout the whole day on the 19th, this number soared to 11,000 units, and [Apple 4S] was once sold out nationwide!

The queue at the entrance of the [Apple 4S] flagship store was once as long as that of users of the upcoming iPhone 4S opposite or next door [IPO] ([Apple 4S] flagship store has always been opened in [IPO China] since last year. Opposite or next door...)

The exciting news stimulated his fragile nerves, making his heart tremble with excitement, and even his mouth cramped from laughing...

He stayed up from noon on February 18th to the afternoon of February 20th. During this period, he couldn't stand it any longer, so he took a nap for a while...

When he woke up, he saw the news that [Apple 4S] was being robbed in various ways, but because it was out of stock, it was sold from 1999 to 4999!

His first thought was to increase production capacity!


He called Zhang Sheng immediately.

But as we all know, Zhang Sheng’s phone is always busy. If you want to contact Zhang Sheng on the phone, the probability is no less than winning the lottery!

After calling several times and failing to get through, he immediately left the [Apple 4S Flagship Store] in Yanjing and ran towards [NC Entertainment]...


Meet Zhang Sheng...

It’s getting harder and harder!

The door of [NC Entertainment] has always been surrounded by a group of people. I don’t know when.

Many of these people are media.

There are always all kinds of breaking news about Zhang Sheng. As long as you can get some inside information or hear Zhang Sheng say a few words about his views on the technology industry, you can make headlines!

There are also countless large and small capitals, and that press conference...

It detonated the capital market. Over there, the [Group Buying War] was in full swing. Here Zhang Sheng opened up a new battlefield. This group of capital swarmed in again. They held a lot of money, waiting to see Zhang Sheng. Victory, I hope to get a share of the pie in the new track of [smartphone]...

In addition, there are countless mobile phone companies that cooperate with Zhang Sheng.

These mobile phone dealers saw the great success of the [Apple 4S]. They were excited but unwilling to do so. They felt that everyone started at the same time, so why did your [Apple 4S] become popular first?

Seeing these mobile phone dealers, Ma Hongbo once pulled up his mask for fear of being seen, and then beat them severely.

While waiting in the lobby, Ma Hongbo also saw a group of group buying brands.

Some are [Harvest Group Buying], some are [Fengyu Mall], and some are group buying brands that have just emerged recently...

He knows very well that currently [Apple 4S] is a powerful tool for attracting traffic from [Group Buying Website]!

For this mobile phone, which has the same performance as iPhone 4S but has amazing cost performance, many Chinese users are very proud of it and are in a very hungry state!

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] The number of visits in the past few days has almost exploded. With millions of visits, it has jumped into the top ten Chinese shopping websites!


The production capacity of [Apple 4S] is always limited. A flagship store can only produce about 300 units a day at most!

300 units were completely in short supply, so these users began to look for supplies through various channels!

Although some group buying websites did not obtain the authorization of [Apple 4S], they uploaded [Apple 4S] and [iPhone 4S] mobile phone photos to the homepage of the website and became their flagship products. Unexpectedly, this wave of traffic actually attracted a lot of crazy, some small Yes, a little-known little website has more than 10,000 visits...

Against such a backdrop.

The group buying brands that are fighting to the end cannot miss the big traffic trend of [Apple 4S] and [iPhone 4S], and they are all looking for Zhang Sheng like crazy...

In the evening of February 20th.

After waiting for nearly three hours, Ma Hongbo finally met Zhang Sheng.

He held a stack of data and excitedly followed Zhang Sheng to report on the amazing sales and popularity of the [Apple 4S]. He also excitedly told Zhang Sheng that he wanted to spend money to expand the production capacity of the [Apple 4S]. Then, how how……

But Zhang Sheng was very calm about this, without even a smile on his face.

outside the window.

The rain pattered.

"Maintain the status quo and don't expand the factory for the time being..." Zhang Sheng looked at the information and plan handed over by Ma Hongbo, and shook his head after looking at it for a while.

"Mr. Zhang, are you going to engage in hunger marketing?" Ma Hongbo suppressed his excitement and asked: "If it is hunger marketing, Mr. Zhang, you can rest assured that our market demand is terrifying..."

"This time you need about 1 billion to expand the factory. Where are you going to find 1 billion in funds?" Zhang Sheng did not answer Ma Hongbo's words directly, but looked at Ma Hongbo with squinted eyes.

"Mr. Zhang, with the current market enthusiasm, it is easy to get 1 billion funds. If we don't invest ourselves, we can go to the capital market to find investment. As long as you nod your head, let alone 1 billion or 2 billion, you can get it. If If you are not interested in this, I can go and get it... Moreover, Mr. Zhang, with so many group buying brands asking us to cooperate, we can even collect a wave of money first, and then, while collecting money, we will expand the factory. The house is available for purchase off-plan. You can also have a phone call..."

The huge success made Ma Hongbo very excited. Unprecedented self-confidence emerged from his body. He took a deep breath and spoke boldly to Zhang Sheng!

His excited voice echoed in the office.

Zhang Sheng narrowed his eyes: "Mr. Ma, if you walk too fast, you will fall. If you want to stand on a high place, you must climb step by step, slowly, and be careful with every step." .”

"Mr. Zhang, I understand the truth, but now we have such a good momentum. If we don't seize this momentum, if the momentum passes, we... we won't have this chance! iPhone 4 sales last year were close to 30 million. China has 11 million units, 11 million units!" When he heard this sentence, Ma Hongbo became a little anxious.

Zhang Sheng stared at Ma Hongbo.

Ma Hongbo had just started to look at Zhang Sheng, his eyes always filled with excitement and eagerness, and he even wanted to express everything he wanted to say.


Gradually, Ma Hongbo was seen to be inexplicably guilty, and he subconsciously avoided it, but he didn't know where he was feeling guilty.

"Do you really think we can have the same sales volume as iPhone 4S?" Zhang Sheng suddenly asked this question.

"Our products are not inferior to iPhone 4S, and our prices are so affordable. To be honest, I really can't understand why we don't have such sales. At least in the Chinese field, I am very confident in our products..." Ma Hongbo hesitated. After a moment, he looked up at Zhang Sheng, his voice as confident as ever!

They spent hundreds of millions of dollars on [Apple 4]. Such a large amount of money made him feel that his product was a top-notch product!

"Apart from appearance, are we really better than iPhone 4S?" Zhang Sheng looked at Ma Hongbo again.

"We..." Ma Hongbo nodded, and then wanted to say something and talk to Zhang Sheng using parameters, but when he saw Zhang Sheng's squinting eyes and the deep meaning in his voice, he seemed to be choked by something in his throat. After a while, he could only look at Zhang Sheng in silence.

"iPhone 4S uses a dual-core IPOA5 processor, which is twice as powerful as the previous generation iPhone 4. Although our processor is also dual-core, it is actually worse than iPhone 4... We use a processor from [American Sky] The S4 processor we purchased is more expensive than the IPOA5 processor, but the actual model is a mid- to low-end processor from the United States... Have you compared this?"

"..." Zhang Sheng's question made Ma Hongbo stunned for a moment, and then he lowered his head.

In fact, the procurement of [Apple 4S] was basically done by people from [Yaohua Technology], and he was only responsible for signing. Although he was aware of the differences, he had never made a comparison.

"The operating system we use is Google's Android system. We don't even have the basic ability to change the Android system ourselves. We can only follow the other party's upgrade iterations and carry out subsequent upgrades. Our operating system is comparable to Is it iOS for the iPhone 4S series?" Zhang Sheng looked at Ma Hongbo's silence and continued to say these heart-wrenching words.

"But, Mr. Zhang, all of our domestic mobile phones are using the Android system, and Google has announced that they will always be free! In terms of performance, it is actually no worse than IOS!" Ma Hongbo raised his head and looked at Zhang Sheng unwillingly.

"Is it really not bad?" Zhang Sheng stared at Ma Hongbo.

Ma Hongbo lowered his head again.

“In addition to the operating system and chips, there is also the stainless steel design of our [Apple 4S]. Guess why we hired overseas designers to design this? Guess also, why we spent so much money on the appearance? Do we really have the ability to be truly sophisticated?”


"You can compare the various aspects of component design between our [Apple 4S] and iPhone 4. You can take it apart to see what the differences are. Then you can take apart each component and compare it carefully. See Behind the seemingly similar appearance, how big of a gap is actually there?”


"We only have lithium batteries, which we made ourselves. But if you think about it again, are our lithium batteries really better than iPhone 4S?"


"I made a list for you before and asked you to buy according to the specifications on this list, but in the end, you can only find components that are almost the same, similar, or two grades worse. We even spent a lot of money. The things I bought are only unsatisfactory, do you know why? The real core things, let alone 500 million, even if I give you 5 billion, you can't buy them!"


"In addition, iPhone4S has its own artificial intelligence Siri, what do we have?"


"Do you really think that by spending so much money on a casing and marketing, we can defeat the iPhone?"


"Being far ahead is just a slogan. You can deceive consumers, but don't deceive yourself..."

In the office.

Ma Hongbo lowered his head.

Suddenly I felt very stuffy, so stuffy that I couldn't breathe.

Zhang Sheng sighed: "Our power is too limited. [Apple S4] is just a part of my plan. It is more like a leader, spending money on expanding the factory. Never be in a hurry. The market is very urgent. We cannot be anxious, we must be slow, and we must be steady... Moreover, we are far from enough to truly compete with the iPhone, we need help!”

"What help?"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Then, Shen Xiaoxi opened the door.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Li Zongyao is here. He said that he has made an appointment with you..."

"Okay, let him in in five minutes."


After Shen Xiaoxi went out, Zhang Sheng looked at Ma Hongbo: "Remember, Mr. Ma, we are only responsible for lighting fires and throwing out bait when fishing. As for those things like charging into battle, we should never do it. Someone will rush to do it. , we just need to collect money and continue to accumulate strength..."

“Is our [Apple 4S] a bait?”


Zhang Sheng did not speak, but looked at the door silently.

After a while: "Mr. Ma, it's time for you to leave. Don't affect my collection of money..."


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