I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 501 The Road to Empire

After dinner.

Li Zongyao regained some strength and was no longer so hungry.

Staring at [Honeycomb Extreme Gift], even though he is a senior capital spokesperson like Li Zongyao, Li Zongyao feels quite regretful.

When Zhang Sheng was working on the [Honeycomb Ultimate Free], he and a group of people were engaged in a group buying war, and even Zhang Sheng, who had suffered thousands of blows, reported a wave of "fake and shoddy products" from behind, which wasted a lot of time. After calming down the situation, I came back to my senses. In just a few months, [Honeycomb Jisong] has swallowed up countless markets in China, especially the Yanjing office buildings, which were basically dominated by Zhang Sheng. The [Honeycomb Extreme Gift] is taken.

Although his [Lai Niao Takeaway] is up!

However, it is still a step too late, and a step too late means that he needs to invest more money to grab market share.

After more than a month of conquering the city, we have indeed grabbed some market share, but it will take a long time to really surpass [Honeycomb Extreme Gift] and even poach the core merchants!

One step is slow, each step is slow, and coupled with Zhang Sheng, even if Li Zongyao's analysts have analyzed it for several months, they still can't understand what this guy is going to do next or what pit he will dig!

The street lights outside the office window turned on.

After Zhang Sheng finished eating, he leaned back on his chair and silently picked the pieces of meat between his teeth.

Li Zongyao knew that it was meaningless to argue with Zhang Sheng a second time. He came here this time not to quarrel, but to cooperate.

[Hongtian Capital] Overseas big bosses were very angry that Li Zongyao missed the opportunity of [Honeycomb Extreme Gifts] some time ago. At the same time, he burned so much money in the group buying war but still failed to produce any results. This time, Although Li Zongyao came with money, he came under pressure.

He must win China's share of domestic mobile phones!

"Mr. Zhang..." Li Zongyao looked at Zhang Sheng silently.

"Mr. Li, tell me."

"As you said, this is your home court. How can we cooperate..." Li Zongyao no longer talked about the market, let alone the future, but stared at Zhang Sheng.

"How much money do you have?" After Zhang Sheng looked at Li Zongyao's expression, he no longer showed any arrogance. Instead, he threw the toothpick into the trash can and poured tea for Li Zongyao again.

"It depends on what aspect of your cooperation..." Li Zongyao could not directly tell Zhang Sheng, but responded.

"Let me tell you the bottom line, I will not give up a penny of the market share of the [Apple] series..." Zhang Sheng stopped beating around the bush.

"Then what do you mean..."

“I own not only apples, but also [pineapples], [blueberries], [pear] and other ten domestic brands. This is our turnover last year... Among them, [pineapples], [blueberries], [pears], etc. [Pear] The turnover of these three brands each exceeded 10 million last year. The profit is not high, only about 2 million, but each of them is a healthy company..."

As Zhang Sheng said this, he took out a stack of documents from the drawer and handed it to Li Zongyao.

Li Zongyao carefully looked through the data in these files. He was silent for a long time and finally looked up at Zhang Sheng. He felt that Zhang Sheng was joking: "You want me to invest in these mobile phones?"

"It's not these, but you pick a brand that you think you can invest in... If you believe me, you just invest money, and I will do the subsequent management and operations..."

"I invest money, but I don't have any appointment or dismissal rights, so I'm just going to be the one who spends money?" When Li Zongyao heard this, he was a little unbelievable: "Am I not spending money to sponsor you? I'm helping you work. ?”

"You can understand it that way." Zhang Sheng nodded.

"It's okay, but you have to give me the data..." Li Zongyao looked at Zhang Sheng's expression, thought for a moment, and nodded, but then stared at Zhang Sheng: "I will give you 3 years. Within 3 years, I will choose The brand wants to create profits for me...I want to draw up an agreement!"

"You want to sign a betting agreement with me?" Zhang Sheng frowned.

"Yes, I have the risk of losing money when I invest. As the capital for investment, I must have protection. Moreover, Zhang Sheng, don't think that I don't know what tricks you are playing. Mobile phones are the most critical part of your strategic layout. There are With the basics of mobile phones, you will be invincible in your next food delivery, online shopping mall, including film and television videos, and even future live broadcasts and games..." Li Zongyao stared at Zhang Sheng closely: "Bring an unpredictable future to the future. , everything is handed over to you, allowing you to become the second giant like [Tengji], this is not what I want..."

The office fell into a brief silence.

Then, a smile appeared on Zhang Sheng's face: "Then, let's exchange shares, what do you think?"

"How to exchange shares?"



Ten p.m.

In Zhang Sheng's office, the lights were still on.

Shen Xiaoxi was once curious about what was going on inside.

However, she did not knock on the door.

At about eleven o'clock in the evening, the investment team brought by Li Zongyao walked into Zhang Sheng's office, and several people from Zhang Sheng's [Bird's Nest Law Firm] also crowded into the office.

At half past eleven, Meng Kai, the boss of [Blueberry Phone], also walked into the office with a solemn expression.

Shen Xiaoxi felt sleepy, and the various things at [NC Entertainment] were causing her headache, so she finally couldn't bear to sleep in the lounge prepared for her by the company.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Shen Xiaoxi woke up from her sleep and finished washing!

When I came to the office, I saw that Zhang Sheng's office was still noisy.

The two sides still seemed to have not reached an agreement, and the conversation became more and more intense, and there was another sound of banging on the table.

Shen Xiaoxi couldn't help but become a little worried.


Fortunately, ten minutes later, the office door finally opened.

She saw Meng Kai, the boss of Blueberry Mobile, walking out of the office excitedly. After saying hello to her, he held a document under his arm and ran and cheered like a child.


He saw Li Zongyao walking out with his business team with bloodshot face, as if he was seeing the god of plague and hurried away.

After everyone had finished leaving, Shen Xiaoxi saw Zhang Sheng walking out silently, with a gloomy expression on his face and erratic eyes.

"Mr. Zhang, how was your chat?"

"Not ideal... you can ask someone else, I'll be quiet for a while."

Shen Xiaoxi looked at Zhang Sheng and shook her head, without any expression of joy on her face.


The negotiation that lasted all night failed completely!

After seeing Zhang Sheng's expression, Shen Xiaoxi wisely did not ask any more questions. Instead, she took out documents one after another from the handout folder and reported to Zhang Sheng several revenue figures of the [NC Entertainment] entertainment industry.

The movie "Big Diamond" that was previously signed at the [Southern California International Film Awards] performed well. It was released for half a month and the box office exceeded 100 million. At the same time, the box office share of "My Sassy Girl Sadako" was also officially As a result, this movie earned more than 40 million for [NC Entertainment] at the box office. In addition to the two movies, Ah K’s new album is still performing strongly on the Internet...


Zhang Sheng simply glanced at such data, nodded, and then left the company silently.

Looking at Zhang Sheng's back.

A flash of worry flashed in Shen Xiaoxi's heart.

I have known Mr. Zhang until now...

Mr. Zhang was always happy but it seemed like this was the first time she had seen Zhang Sheng with such an expression.

That negotiation last night!

What happened?

February 22nd.

Shen Xiaoxi has been thinking about this all morning.

By noon, she saw Zhang Sheng returned to the company.

This time.

Behind Zhang Sheng was Dong Xiaojing, the boss of [Starlight Future].

After chatting for a while, Chen Fengshun, the boss of [Pineapple Mobile], ran in excitedly from outside and almost ran into Zhang Sheng's office at a trot.

After Chen Fengshun walked in, Shen Xiaoxi saw the person in charge of [Bird's Nest Law Firm] walking in again.

When Shen Xiaoxi asked, the person in charge of [Bird's Nest Law Firm] did not hide anything.

Last night, Mr. Zhang was thinking of ways to exchange shares for shares of [Lainiao Takeaway], and even took out shares of [Apple Mobile Phone] in exchange...

But, it failed!

Mr. Zhang talked about the future all night, leaving the analysts on the other side speechless. However, Li Zongyao still refused to accept the share exchange, and just chose to directly invest 200 million yuan in [Blueberry Mobile Phone]. Of course, he did not sign any market agreement. Instead of a gambling agreement, they signed a general investment agreement.

This seems to be the best outcome for everyone, including all the staff at [Bird's Nest Law Firm].


"Mr. Zhang seems to be very... How should I put it? I don't know if greed is appropriate, but in the middle of the night last night, I felt that Mr. Zhang's eyes were strange. It seemed that if allowed, he would want to take off Mr. Li's pants. Walk……"



Leo John looked at the [Temple Run] S1 Global Finals venue that had been built, and at the increasing number of tourists and spectators from all over the world, and he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

just now……

He answered a phone call.

On the phone, he was highly praised by the leaders of Rio, who invited him to visit China with the [Brazilian Trade Group] in April as a representative of Rio companies.

This is undoubtedly something that adds glory to your face!


This joy did not last long before he received a call from Mexico.

The old friend in Mexico still laughed very heartily and kept praising him. After a lot of praise, he hinted when China would purchase the next batch of mobile phone components. They had already opened up channels for some factories in the United States. , now they can get similar goods in batches.

They even plan to set up a Mexican Ministry of Foreign Trade to be responsible for communicating with Brazil, the United States, China, and Mexico.

He also expressed that he hoped to introduce that Chinese person...

Of course, it was impossible for Leo John to let his old friend from Mexico meet Zhang Sheng, so he just dealt with it vaguely. Otherwise, how the hell would he make money in the middle?

After chatting, Leo John saw a large amount of money in his account again, but he didn't have time to be happy...

The call from China came.

"Hey, brother!"

"Mr. Leo John..."

"Please don't call me sir, my brother, the distance between us is not that far..."

"Ah...cough, cough..."

"Haha, brother, this time you are..."

"I want to purchase something... I have made an investment for four of my mobile phone brands. I would like to ask if it is in Mexico..."

"Haha, no problem. By the way, didn't you want some things from iPhone 4S last time? I asked my friend in Mexico to get some for you. I don't know if it is right. I will ship it to you first..."


"Really, brother, when have I ever lied to you? By the way, bring a batch of your [Apple 4S] mobile phones. Some of your friends in Mexico and their American friends may want..."


(Please give me a monthly ticket!)

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