February 22nd.

The weather is no longer so cold.

The warm sunshine outside the window shines, and batches of buds gradually grow on the withered yellow grass.

[Apple] In the office.

Ma Hongbo completely disassembled the [Apple 4S] mobile phone and was precise about every part, as well as the internal design and layout...

All spread out on the desk.

At the same time, he listened silently to [Apple 4S] chief designer Yang Hongwei talking seriously.

Yang Hongwei!

He was once the person in charge of [Huaxing Mobile Phone], a terminal under [Yaohua Technology]. Later, [Huaxing Mobile Phone] was hit and collapsed. Lin Guodong turned from the bright side to the dark side and sent Yang Hongwei to keep an eye on domestic mobile phones.

In the second half of last year...

Since Zhang Sheng completely released the appearance patent, China's copycat phones have gone crazy. Once you turned on the TV, even on the same channel, you could see two or three different ads for copycat phones. Many of the advertisements were almost brainwashing and bombarding. It sticks to users' heads, allowing them to pay without even realizing it.

The reason why Huaxia's "Blueberry", "Pear", "Pineapple" and other copycat mobile phones can sell so many at once and take shape so quickly is Yang Hongwei's absolute contribution.

In the second half of last year, the frenzied fight in the group buying war could not conceal the craziness of the fight between copycat phones. In the end, [Apple] officially broke out of the siege by using a LOGO that imitated the iPhone 4S to an alarming degree and won the victory with good sales. With the key investment of Lin Guodong, we obtained the [Apple 4S] appearance patent and priority application rights for new product development.

Ma Hongbo was excited at the beginning, and his surging ambition could not be suppressed. He even made bold remarks at the year-end meeting about what he would do in 2011...

It was quite enjoyable when I was talking about it, and it felt like Zhang Sheng was giving guidance to the country.

Although [Apple] cannot compare with Samsung, Nokia, or even big brands like HTC, or even [ZTG] among domestic mobile phones, it is still the leader in domestic mobile phones with a turnover of over 100 million.

"The peak performance of the Android system can only last for a year and a half at most..."

"In other words, after the Android system installed on [Apple 4S] has a service life of one and a half years, our mobile phones will start to freeze. This is an unavoidable problem for many domestic mobile phones..."


In the office.

When Ma Hongbo saw Yang Hongwei sitting next to him say these words, his mood began to become heavy: "Can't we improve Android?"

"Yes, but, lots, lots, lots of money..."

"How many?"

"In addition to lacking core technology, we also lack funds, and we also lack an industrial chain... Therefore, Mr. Zhang will give up the share of other brands of mobile phones, let capital come in, act as a catalyst, and connect the industrial chain... "

"Can't we buy it?"

"How can I buy core technology?"

Yang Hongwei glanced at Ma Hongbo and sighed quietly: "We still have a long way to go!"

Ma Hongbo nodded.

Suddenly, my mood became heavier. After a while, I thought of something, and the heavy feeling became slightly better: "But it's not too late, right?"



Noon on February 22nd.

Li Zongyao came to [Lainiao Takeaway] and met Zheng Xudong, the founder of [Lainiao Takeaway].

Zheng Xudong has taken a leave of absence from [Modu Jiaotong University] and is officially preparing for the next food delivery war.

“From December last year to mid-February this year, we have ranked second in the country in the field of food delivery. Except for the Yanjing area, our outlets in Shanghai, Yangcheng, Sichuan and other places are enough to compete with [Honeycomb Ji Delivery]. 】We are fighting against each other, but the other party has the upper hand. At the same time, the merchants that the other party cooperates with are extremely loyal, and our core is still at a disadvantage..."

"In other words, we need more money to subsidize and expand the market!"


Zheng Xudong is very young.

Now, he is only about one year older than Zhang Sheng.

He is extremely far-sighted. At the same time, many of his ideas are extremely advanced and well-deduced. Many people privately evaluate Zheng Xudong as the next Zhang Sheng.

However, it is obvious that Zheng Xudong is very dissatisfied with such an evaluation. He does not want to be the next Zhang Sheng, let alone live in Zhang Sheng's shadow.

In his ambitious eyes, there is always only the belief to "defeat" Zhang Sheng and let [Lai Niao Ji Send] be crowned!

Li Zongyao took the [2011 "Lai Niao Ji Gift" schedule] handed over by Zheng Xudong. When he saw that July had officially surpassed the "Honeycomb Ji Gift", he nodded with satisfaction.

This is what he admires most about Zheng Xudong.

The goal is always clear, the steps to reach the goal are extremely clear, and even the daily plan is as detailed as possible!


Zheng Xudong returned the schedule to Zheng Xudong, and then took a look at the recent series of data performance of [Lai Niao Ji Send].

Still very satisfied.


When he saw Yan Jing, he frowned deeply.

"Why can't we capture this area of ​​Yanjing?"

In the Yanjing area, the [Lai Niao Ji Send] subsidy amount is extremely large, but the territory it occupies is very limited. All major office buildings and major universities have been completely lost, and they can only survive in a palm-sized territory.

"That's Zhang Sheng's territory... He has very strong control over this area. It's not easy for us to survive now. However, after March, I will find a way to capture this area!"

"Well, you go down first!"


[Lai Niao Takeaway] In the office.

After Zheng Xudong left, Li Zongyao sat quietly alone.

He admires Zheng Xudong and firmly believes that Zheng Xudong will definitely defeat Zhang Sheng as long as he invests in him!

Therefore, when Zhang Sheng was furious and talked to him about stock exchange that night, even though the analysts thought it was feasible, Li Zongyao refused from beginning to end.

Those people behind [Hongtian Capital], even Li Zongyao, have never been interested in how much money they make...

They want the market!

Completely control the market in a certain field in China!

Although he invested in Zhang Sheng’s [Blueberry], in the field of takeaway, he always thought about killing Zhang Sheng and then swallowing this piece of cake completely!

Cooperation has areas of cooperation, but competition also has areas of competition!

Just as he was thinking about his next plan...

He got a call.

After answering the phone, he immediately opened [Jitu Video].

[iPhone4S] Released on February 18th.

But it will be officially sold in China around March.

In the meantime, you have to go through some approvals from the Ministry of Commerce. At the same time, you have to go through various inspections by the customs, various taxes...

There are a lot of things going on.

Even though it only lasts about ten days, this time is the best time for the rise of China Mobile!

Whether we can seize these last ten days and push the domestic [Apple 4S] to a new milestone is a question that everyone is concerned about.

Mr. Li wants to see Zhang Sheng exert his strength!

"Family! Don't want 1999, just 1899. The anchor has completely lowered the price of [Apple 4S]. Pay attention to the anchor, and the anchor got 10 [Apple 4S]!"


"Far ahead, family members, 1.2.3, okay, let's get on one first and connect..."


"Sorry, family, 10 units of [Apple 4S] have been sold out... Okay, family members are here, I will sing "Eternity" for everyone to thank my family for their support. My assistant has already spoken to [Apple 4S] The official has urgently communicated the supply of goods, but because [Apple 4S] is now too popular, we will not be able to get excess stock for a while, but... don't worry... our [Jitu Live] is a brand owned by Mr. Zhang. Give us a larger amount of goods, everyone will help to light up the little stars, and the anchor will sing for everyone first..."


"Everyone can make a reservation first. Every day in our live broadcast room, a minimum of 10 [Apple 4S] units will be given to you, which is cheaper than the official selling price... This is sold with live broadcast discounts, in order to give back to the fans for their support to the anchor. Never give up!"


He saw that in the live broadcast channel of [Jitu Video], an anchor named [MR Cowboy] was working hard to bring goods.

Li Zongyao vaguely remembers that [MR Cowboy] used to be the singing anchor of [YK Live], and later moved to [Jitu Video] with a group of fans. Unexpectedly, just after he started live broadcasting, [Apple 4S] mobile phone actually became the anchor's Selling point!

Li Zongyao clicked on other anchors, and then he saw more live broadcasts. They seemed to be live broadcasting while trying to "bring goods". The top anchors could get products such as [Apple 4S], and those second- and third-tier anchors When I couldn't get it, I picked up some sexy underwear, souvenirs, etc...

He watched for a moment!


Li Zongyao's pupils suddenly shrank!


Damn it!

He is keenly aware that the [Live Broadcast] project of [Jitu Video] seems to be the next trend!

Zhang Sheng seems to have occupied this trend again in just a few months!

"If 4G comes in the future, if these apps can be moved to mobile phones, and if wireless becomes more and more popular, then the mobile phone industry..."

Li Zongyao thought carefully for a long time...

The more I thought about it, the more horrified I became.

Suddenly looking back, it seems that the other party has laid out every network layout incisively and vividly, and has not missed any corner. The future business empire has already taken shape!

If you really want to be done by it, then...

In the future, wouldn't he be a more powerful overlord than [Tengji Technology] and [Taozhu.com]?

A few days ago, he realized that Zhang Sheng was going to build a network, but he had never truly felt the craziness of this network as he did now.

He shook his head violently!

Suppressing the fear in my heart, I immediately stared at the craziest [Group Buying] in China!

With the launch of [Groupon] on March 1st, there is less than a week left.

China's group buying market has finally ushered in the final battle!

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