I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 506 Greedy Gamer


There are bursts of drama, singing about the feelings of family and country, and the sadness of separation.

Outside the tea room, Zhang Xing was having dinner and sitting in a side room, sitting face to face with Liu Ying, the head of the investment department of [Jiahu Technology], chatting about [group buying].

Very sad thing...

Zhang Sheng took him to the opposite side of Ma Yunhua and drank tea with Ma Yunhua silently for an entire afternoon. During this time, he couldn't even go to the bathroom without holding in his urine. His bladder was about to explode.

I finally took advantage of dinner to go to the bathroom. When I came back, I found Liu Ying coming over with a smile on her face and inviting herself to the side room very enthusiastically.

Zhang Xing had a smile on his face and followed Liu Ying to chat about [Group Buying] in the past year, but deep down he felt complicated and unwilling.

If Zhang Sheng hadn't brought him here...

Until now, he was not qualified to enter this club, let alone have a word with Ma Yunhua...

I have struggled for so many years in a daze, fought one battle after another in the capital market, and worked hard and ambitiously to create one business miracle after another. But in the end, I am still a low-level person, unable to get on the stage.

How helpless is this?


He knows his current situation.

Since breaking away from [Hongtian Capital], [Group Buying] has actually been going downhill. Although it has been holding on hard, it has almost left the core competitive track!

The bleak listing of [Groupon], the originator of group buying, dealt a fatal blow to countless group buying websites with a single market value like [Groupon]. He can only survive by clinging to the thighs of [Honeycomb].

For now!

He has no right to speak in front of capital and is just a vassal who can be replaced at any time.

As for Zhang Sheng...

Zhang Xing didn't know whether he should lament that "the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead", or whether he should sigh with regret at witnessing the rise of a little person to a point where he could only look up to him...

In short, Zhang Sheng may be one of the few winners in this group buying war!

And at this moment...

He is enjoying the booty!


Established capital.

Mostly smart.

Ma Yunhua is naturally no exception.

In this group buying war that swept across China, Ma Yunhua realized the disadvantages of [group buying] very early on.

The localization of the old and American model into China will inevitably lead to cultural collisions and conflicts. A single model will always lead to a dead end.

Therefore, he and Zheng Huateng of [Tengji Technology] coincidentally hyped up this [group buying war] behind the scenes, and then cashed out at the highest point, waiting for the market to be miserable before taking action, and then using a new model , win over the market.

In the past six months, Ma Yunhua has been paying attention to Zhang Sheng's [Honeycomb Ultimate Gift].

The advent of [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] made Ma Yunhua's eyes light up, and he soon realized that this was the new model he needed. He was eager to have this new model be used by the payment system behind his [Jiahu Technology] .

However, as a qualified hunter with abundant bullets, the most important thing he lacks is patience.

He is waiting!

Even if a new model is very promising, it may not survive the impact of countless capitals. A hasty move will only make the cost of acquisition higher.

In half a year, [Honeycomb Jishu] has survived and is doing well. It is thriving in the entire [Group Buying] market, although it was attacked by [Lainiao Takeout] in the past few months and lost a lot of money. There are many markets, but it is still the leader and the best!

at the same time……

Ma Yunhua not only saw [Honeycomb Jisong], but also Zhang Sheng’s [Jitu Live Broadcast], and [Temple Escape] produced by [Mitu Games]...


Let Ma Yunhua see a network!

Huge payment network.

"In this year, I have hit the wall many times. Although I held on and was always alive, more and more opponents and more and more pressure made me feel overwhelmed... This time, give me a call, Mr. Ma. , I also want to discuss the future path with you, as well as the payment system..." Zhang Sheng looked at Ma Yunhua, and his expression became serious.

When Ma Yunhua, who was listening to the show and eating dinner, heard these words, her expression became serious: "How do you want to cooperate?"

Ma Yunhua likes to chat with Zhang Sheng very much. Chatting with Zhang Sheng is very easy. You often only need to ask a question, and he can continue what you said and get to the core point more to the point.

Chatting with smart people saves a lot of time and effort.

In fact, in the past year, the reason why Ma Yunhua invested in some [group buying websites] was actually to pave the way for payment!

In 2010, on May 26, the central bank announced the first batch of 27 approved third-party payment licenses.

Zhilibao, the largest third-party payment platform in China, is among them.

This license comprehensively covers many payment business types such as Internet payment, mobile phone payment, bank card acquiring, prepaid card issuance and acceptance, and currency exchange.

After getting this license, Ma Yunhua knew that she had to take the next step!

In fact.

In Ma Yunhua's strategic layout, [Taozhu.com] has been a part from beginning to end. So far, [Taozhu.com] has achieved great results, but the money it makes is not that much.


However, it was able to gather a large amount of funds and use these funds to form the third ring investment, becoming the pillar industry of [Jiahu Technology].

In fact, Ma Yunhua’s [Jiahu Technology] has never been an Internet technology, let alone a high-tech technology like [Yaohua Technology], but a [financial empire].

Yes, Ma Yunhua has only one vision from beginning to end, and that is to create a Chinese version of the [Rothschild Family] to serve a higher level of capital...

The most important link in the early stage is the [payment] link.

In fact, Ma Yunhua was not the only one doing this. Ma Yunhua vaguely sensed that Zheng Huateng, the man behind [Tengji Technology], was also eyeing this area.

"My [Qiangsheng Online Mall], [Jitu Live], including [Honeycomb Jisong], [Temple Escape], all my properties have priority over [Zhilibao] payment..." Zhang Sheng said He didn't make any demands, but said these words silently.

"I remember that your current payment system is based on [Yaohua Technology], right?"

"Yes, but the [Yaohua Technology] payment system is very crude and has not formed a system from beginning to end. However, some time ago, I saw something in [Zhilibao]..."

"Brother Zhang, I naturally welcome cooperation with us, but for cooperation, I must ensure that all your industries will serve our [Jiahu Technology]. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Well, whether it is [Taozhu.com] or [Jiahu Technology], there is no traffic channel like [Tengji Technology] Qgou. This is an inherent disadvantage... In order to solve this disadvantage, other companies must Foreign industries have drawn in, adding wings to [Jiahu Technology] and maintaining a steady flow of traffic..." Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes and smiled.

"I must control your industry in my hands. In other words, I want absolute control!" Ma Yunhua nodded and looked at the stage outside the window.

"I have so many industries, Mr. Ma, which ones are you interested in?" Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes, with a faint smile on his lips.

"From [Entertainment Industry] to [Takeout Industry] and even the Game Industry, I am interested in every one of your industries. I am willing to spend a lot of money to buy them!" Ma Yunhua squinted her eyes while humming along with the melody on the stage. smiled.

"Mr. Ma, you know I'm not short of money..." Zhang Sheng shook his head.

"I know you have a big appetite, so tell me, what do you want?"

"I'll exchange shares with you..."

"Oh? What shares should I exchange for?"

"I can give out about 20% of each of my industries. I want to exchange for your [Taozhu.com] and [Zhilibao]... 20% of the shares!"

in the room.

Ma Yunhua's smile froze briefly, and then finally regained her composure.

He had thought that Zhang Sheng had a big appetite, but he had never thought that Zhang Sheng had such a big appetite. After a while, he continued to laugh: "I appreciate your courage, but we should not talk about this unrealistic topic. .”

The distant stage.

The horns finished singing and bowed.

Ma Yunhua applauded, and soon after, the stage fell silent.

The gentle light shines on the entire garden, which is elegant and remote.

There was a brief silence in the room.

I don't know how much time passed, but Zhang Sheng looked at Ma Yunhua calmly: "Mr. Ma, what do you want to do?"

"We [Jiahu Technology] can give you 5 billion to package your industries, and you can still be the CEO and retain the right to speak..."

"5 billion is too little!"

"I always have a lot of time, I can always wait... After the group buying war, there will be a food delivery war. You are a thorn in the side of the food delivery war, a thorn in the flesh. If you can survive the group buying war, that is what we are all waiting for, but the food delivery war, no matter Is it us [Jiahu Technology], [Tengji Technology], or the unwilling [Soudu], you have to make a choice..."


"You are sitting at the card table now, and you also have a bunch of chips that we think are good, but we have more time. Whatever cards you play, we can follow. After you have used up all the cards, you can You can’t get 5 billion anymore. If you quit the game worthless, you should make a choice at a high point and become the wisest person. All the choices are in your hands..."


A gust of wind blew.

Ma Yunhua didn't look at Zhang Sheng, but looked at the empty stage and said quietly.

Zhang Sheng had a calm look on his face: "Mr. Ma, it's a pleasure to chat with you today..."

After saying this, Zhang Sheng stood up.

"Well, me too!" Ma Yunhua didn't stand up or leave.

"Then I'll leave first."

"Okay, think about it carefully."

Zhang Sheng left the room.

Just as he closed the door, Zhang Sheng's cell phone rang.

But Zhang Sheng didn't seem to answer.


About a minute or so.

When she heard the phone ringing, Ma Yunhua, who was sitting calmly, suddenly stood up.

Then, he walked outside the house.

When she saw Zhang Sheng leaving the club with Zhang Xing, Ma Yunhua was silent for a moment, and then immediately called Zhang Sheng: "Brother Zhang!"

"Mr. Ma?"

"Wait a minute, I'll see you off."

He smiled again and walked downstairs.

After sending Zhang Sheng outside and about to get into the car, Ma Yunhua was silent for a moment, and then continued to smile: "It's getting late, brother Zhang, don't rush back yet, I'll take you to visit our [Jiahu Technology] ]..."

"Mr. Ma, no need, we have to go..."

"It's not easy for you to come to the West Lake. After all, I have to show my kindness as a landlord. In this way, I will take you boating on the West Lake in the evening and talk about cooperation by the way..."

"This..." Zhang Sheng looked at Ma Yunhua's face, seemed to think for a moment, and then nodded: "Okay, then I'll make a call..."


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