I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 507 Those people at the card table

Boating on the West Lake.

Quiet but elegant.

The lake was fluorescent and had some waves.

Before boarding the boat, Lao Ma had a warm smile on his face and chatted with Zhang Shengchang about this era. However, after boarding the boat, Lao Ma's face suddenly became serious and his eyes flashed a little.

Staring at the lake, silent for a long time.

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, looked at Zhang Xing at the bow of the ship.

This was a large ship with a black awning. Zhang Xing volunteered to get on board and then took over the position of the ship's boss.

But in fact, I was neither skilled nor knew where I was going, so the whole boat was just wandering around beside the broken bridge, bumping into the bridge wall from time to time, making a long "dong" sound.

"Can horses know how to swim?" Zhang Sheng looked at Zhang Xing's clumsy appearance and then looked at Ma Yunhua.

He broke the silence that lasted for more than ten minutes.

"Yes." Ma Yunhua still squinted her eyes. Her eyes, which were not big in the first place, were like cracks. From time to time, a bit of cold light shot out, making people feel inexplicably cold.

"Oh." Zhang Sheng didn't react at all to Lao Ma's eyes, and just continued to look at the lake calmly.

In the moonlit awning boat, the air fell into silence again.

Both sides seemed to be waiting, but neither side seemed willing to say anything.

This was very painful for Zhang Xing, who was rowing. The boss of the boat explained that rowing is easy, just do this and that. But after he actually got the paddle, he did this and that for a long time, and he couldn't get it right. The boat started to wander around the center of the lake. The more it wandered, he He became more and more anxious, and kept knocking the boat against the bridge wall. The boat owner on the shore was so anxious that he wanted to plunge into the lake, swim over and grab the oar.


It passed gradually as he paddled hard.

He glanced at the center of the awning boat, only to find that the two of them were still sitting opposite each other, still not intending to say anything.

Oh shit!

I'm not going to paddle here all night!

This idea came to him deep in his heart, and then a feeling of annoyance surfaced, feeling that he was such a big fool.

Zhang Xing was so stupid, rowing like a blind chicken, that the always well-educated Lao Ma finally couldn't withstand the churning of his stomach. After the two sides were frozen for dozens of minutes, he finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"I don't need any of your shares, but I must ensure that users open our [Zhilibao] first, open [Zhilibao] first, and then use [Zhilibao] as the basis to log in to each of your Website, of course, we will provide corresponding subsidies. After users purchase products through our [Zhilibao] first, we will issue red envelopes to promote users’ next consumption... Of course, users must first log in to your [Qiangsheng Online Mall] , or purchase from [Honeycomb Ji Free], no problem, but after logging in, you must first jump to our [Zhilibao] to receive the red envelope..."

The boat was swaying, Ma Yunhua's face was calm and cold, but one hand was tightly grasping the wall of the boat in the darkness where no one could see it.

Zhang Sheng, who was very good at psychological suggestion, asked "Can you swim" in extremely calm and cold words, which made the atmosphere on the whole ship become weird.

Even though Ma Yunhua has seen strong winds and waves, she also knows that her life is more important than anything else.

But before the matter is finished, it is impossible for the ship to stop, let alone to suddenly call other ships to come and pick it up.

When negotiating, it is impossible for the opponent to seize any psychological flaws, otherwise, the opponent will press harder and harder, and finally force you into a corner.

He wants Zhang Sheng’s properties!

That is an ecological chain that people have to pay attention to. Good [Honeycomb Jisong], [Jitu Live Broadcast], and even his shopping website [Qiangsheng Online Mall] are bound to be the best [Zhilibao] in the future. of help!

This help may not be used by him, but he must not seek refuge with Zheng Huateng!

Over the years, he and Zheng Huateng have been constantly fighting on various tracks, and they have become red-eyed!

"Mr. Ma, that doesn't do any good to me..."

Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes.

To put it simply, Ma Yunhua does not want users to get discounts on other platforms first, and then use Zhilibao as a third-party software to pay.

Ma Yunhua herself wants to regard [Zhilibao] as a large platform that has all functions and at the same time can activate [Zhilibao]’s daily activity and suck the blood of other cooperative brands.

"I said, I can invest. For example, we [Zhilibao] will invest at least 10 billion yuan for the next strategic cooperation system. Under these 10 billion yuan, many red envelopes and many coupons will be born. These coupons will naturally It can be used by your software such as [Honeycomb Jishu] and [Jitu Live], thus indirectly helping your software to gather user loyalty. You are the core figure in the next [Takeaway War], and all capital will be used. If I want to besiege you, with my ammunition support, you can fight and expand without any worries..."

"Mr. Ma, we are all businessmen, so you don't have to draw the big pie. To tell you the truth, I am looking left and right now. Mr. Zheng from [Tengji Technology] has been calling me. I hope to chat with me... [Tengji Technology] has been coveting the payment market for a long time, and he has been working on it, and I have games under my banner..." Zhang Sheng stared at Ma Yunhua, his eyes distracted. A faint light: "Mr. Ma, your plan doesn't seem to be a big problem to me, but you forgot to consider the user experience for us. If you buy something, you have to log in to our [Honeycomb Ultimate Gift] again." Only when you log in to your [Zhilibao] can you receive preferential payment. Then, the time spent in the middle will indirectly bring the user experience to the bottom. If another product appears at this time, the user will immediately switch to another..."

After Zhang Sheng finished speaking, he paused briefly: "Mr. Ma, I might as well tell you that we have signed a payment agreement with [Hua Xia Bank], and in the future, major banks will cooperate with us..."

When Ma Yunhua heard this sentence, her eyes narrowed even deeper: "Finance itself is a credit system. There is no credit system. Many financial system institutions in China are no different from the pawnshops one or two hundred years ago. They just changed their names to The bank should just be bigger! Mr. Zhang, I hope you can understand that after our [Zhilibao] is completed, banks will also lose their jobs! "


The cabin fell into silence again briefly.

Zhang Xing, who was on the bow of the boat, finally figured out some skills, sailed out of the bridge hole, and rowed towards the deepest point.

The moonlight reflected on the lake, Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses, his eyes were extremely deep, and after a long time, he stared at Ma Yunhua.

"Mr. Ma, let me tell you, you may have huge financial strength, but as long as I am willing to lower my head, countless resources will swarm in. These funds are enough for me to win this battle in the future! I can integrate [Zhilibao] into my payment system, but I must consider the user experience of all our industries!"

Zhang Sheng took a deep breath, his face was both cold and murderous, and he stared at Ma Yunhua like a dagger: "Mr. Ma, I am not the [Mi Nuo Group Buying], nor the [Group Buying], I came here to find you You are talking about cooperation, not coming here to ask for help!"

"I'm also talking about cooperation." Ma Yunhua suddenly became cold when facing Zhang Sheng's expression, but she didn't stand up. Instead, she sat down, but held her hand tighter: "You have traffic, I have Platform, I have more capital, your foundation is weak, my foundation is deep, you charge forward, I sit in the rear, this is the best cooperation plan!"




Zhang Xing paddled until early in the morning.

My whole body was soaked, and I finally reached the shore.

When he rowed to the shore, Zhang Xing took a breath and his whole body almost went limp, but he finally held on to his body and handed the oar to the boat boss.

Zhang Sheng and Ma Yunhua walked down from the cabin one after another.

"Haha, brother Zhang, come here often. Next time, I will take you on a bigger boat..."

"Okay, okay, definitely!"

"Brother Zhang, it's so late, don't leave, just go to my Yaju and stay overnight!"

"It's okay, my car just arrived!"

"Okay, Brother Zhang, you have a lot of things to do, and it would be unkind for me to force you to stay. That's okay, I'll take you to the car."

"Haha, Mr. Ma, you don't have to be so polite."

"I want it, I want it!"


A group of people stood and watched Zhang Sheng and Ma Yunhua walking shoulder to shoulder in the direction of the car.

After a long time, Zhang Sheng got into the car under Ma Yunhua's gaze. Ma Yunhua watched Zhang Sheng leave with a brighter smile on her face.

But when Ma Yunhua got into the car, his expression instantly turned cold, a little ugly and a little complicated.

"Little Fox!"

After cursing, Liu Ying in front turned her head subconsciously and hesitated for a moment: "Mr. Ma, the cooperation with Zhang Sheng..."

"We have initially reached a cooperation, but this person must be guarded against... On the surface, he smiles and is humble and respectful to everyone, but he turns ruthless and stabs in the back... He can definitely do this kind of thing, pointing out I don’t know when I will take your life!”

Lao Ma stared through the window in the direction Zhang Sheng left, his face uncertain.

Just now on the boat, I watched Zhang Sheng stand up...

Lao Ma estimated that this guy would definitely pull him into the water!


On the other side of the car.

"Mr. Zhang, are we included in Lao Ma's payment system?"

"Yes, but you must not expect too much from such a smiling tiger. This person will stab you in the back!"

The car is driving on the road.

Zhang Xing turned to look at Zhang Sheng's cold and serious expression.

After a moment, he nodded: "Where should we go next?"

"Go to [Tengji]!"

"Could we..."

"Lao Ma wants to include us in his payment system. He is not the only one we have to choose from..."

"Would that offend Lao Ma?"

"If you don't offend him, he will stab you in the back. It doesn't matter. Brother Zhang, you have to remember that instead of being stabbed by others, it is better for us to sharpen our knives first so that we can stab people at any time!"


Zhang Xing looked at Zhang Sheng who was filled with murderous intent.

Unconsciously, I felt cold all over my body.

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