I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 517 Don’t mess with Crazy Zhang! (Third update! Additional update!)

In the early morning of April 12th.

【Zhongsheng Mobile】.

Ren Kai stared at Zhang Sheng's video.

The video comes from [Jitu Video].

This is a press conference!

Zhang Sheng, who had not been seen for a long time, once again stood in front of the public.

"This is a decision I made after careful consideration!"

"Our boss of [Apple] Mobile Phones, Ma Hongbo, once thought I was crazy and advised me to be more sensible!"

"I am a person who insists on having my own way. If I think of something, I will do it. If I don't do it, I will feel as if there are tens of millions of ants biting me!"

"I think I am very sensible. Since [NC Studio], I have been constantly reminding myself that good things cannot be kept but must be shared. This is an era of sharing. You help me and I will help. Only through you can everyone make progress. The more people who actively enter this market, the bigger the cake will be!"

"Yes, I always feel that no matter how well I run the market, I can't take over the market alone..."

"I also feel that the market has never been a monopoly, let alone someone who can cover the sky with one hand... This childish and ridiculous fantasy must be abandoned!"

"Of course, I also think that a mobile phone cannot be a luxury product. It is just an electronic technology product. It is just a tool, a tool to serve the public. Anyone who wants to make a mobile phone a unique luxury product in appearance , must be stupid..."

"Is it difficult to make a mobile phone?"


"I feel it deeply!"

"In 2009, I started my business. In early 2011, I had some success. However, since I invested in mobile phones such as [Apple 4] and [Pineapple], I have been losing money on my books from beginning to end... …”

"Moreover, this kind of loss is not in millions or tens of millions, but in units of hundreds of millions of yuan!"

"For this reason, I did not hesitate to borrow a sum of money from Mr. Lin of [Yaohua Technology]!"

“All colleagues and friends who are familiar with our [Apple 4] understand the cruel environment in which we started to develop mobile phones... We were buying machines everywhere, looking for adapters everywhere, and even asking for batteries. The requirements are extremely high, and they are screened over and over again, and even our [Bosch batteries] were abandoned at one point..."

"What for?"

"The purpose is to create our domestically produced mobile phone brand with the best cost performance that users can use!"



Zhang Sheng's speeches are always sensational and make people excited from beginning to end!

In the video, many reporters and users’ faces were flushed, as excited as people who had been brainwashed!

However, Ren Kai was not infected, but his face became increasingly ugly.

He believed that this young man could indeed do it!

Last year, when he announced all the appearance patents for the iPhone 4, leading to a craze for domestic copycat phones, Ren Kai should have understood that Zhang Sheng is a lunatic!

Not good, not good! It’s getting worse!

They [Zhongsheng Mobile] are preparing to put the rectified new mobile phones on the market in May this year!


Once Zhang Sheng makes his so-called "patent" completely open source, it means that their [Zhongsheng Mobile Phone], no, not only their [Zhongsheng Mobile Phone], but even the old domestic mobile phones will be subject to countless copycats. Challenges from mobile phone brands, the mobile phone market will be in chaos...

Ren Kai understands one thing very well, that is, after the chaos, the entire market will be reshuffled. The old strong ones will become stronger after surviving the chaos, but they will not be able to survive...

The passing of the times will never say hello to you, and will even kick you hard, kicking you into the corner of history, not even worthy of surviving!

At this moment, the office door opened.

"Mr. Ren!"

"What's wrong?"

"Zhang Sheng has already brought all the mobile phone dealers in Yangcheng, big and small, to their side..."

"Is he really going to do this?"

"I heard a piece of news. Zhang Sheng not only wants these mobile phone manufacturers to make money, but also has a large assembly factory in Brazil. Just a few days ago, all the factories were replaced with new production lines, except for ours. As long as you cooperate with other domestic mobile phones in that factory, they will give you 10% profit..."

"What!" Ren Kai gasped, feeling as if his head was going to explode completely at this moment: "Damn it, when will there be a mobile phone factory in Brazil..."

"Mr. Ren, Zhang Sheng was already preparing for this matter last year. It's not a secret, but you didn't take it to heart at the time..."

"..." Ren Kai felt the world was spinning, and then his head buzzed. After a long time, he continued to stare at the assistant: "Continue!"

Although the assistant realized that Ren Kai was not in a good mood, he still took a deep breath: "The person in charge of the factory over there is Leo John. Leo John and Zhang Sheng have always had a good relationship. This time, it seems that the factory Not only has it opened up the "trade channels" on the Chinese side, but there are also channels on the Mexican side. I can't find the channels for some parts, but Zhang Sheng seems to be doing it with money! This sudden attack, Zhang Sheng is too cruel. !”

When Ren Kai heard all this, he no longer knew what to say.

Looking back, he suddenly realized that he didn't know when he had gotten into trouble with such a madman!

what to do!

what to do!

At this moment, Ren Kai's mind was suddenly in unprecedented confusion!

"Can we attack the factory over there?"

"Mr. Ren, are you crazy? The factory over there has signed a cooperation agreement with Huaxia. No one dares to touch this line. After the financial crisis, our leaders in Huaxia have been developing domestic demand and opening up foreign markets. , and even working on the Belt and Road Initiative... We are going against the will of heaven at this time, aren't we looking for death!"


The assistant was both excited and frightened. She stared at Ren Kai, fearing that Ren Kai would make a series of irrational behaviors.

But fortunately, Ren Kai just nodded, his eyes uncertain, but he didn't insist.

Just when Ren Kai was silent, the knock on the door rang again in the office.

Then, without waiting for Ren Kai's consent, the visitor opened the door!

"Mr. Ren, I said it at the meeting a few days ago. We don't want to mess with that lunatic Zhang Sheng. We have to cooperate with Zhang Sheng. Zhang Sheng's industrial chain is not so easy to change!"

"Mr. Ren, wake up. Now is no longer the time when we [Zhongsheng Mobile] are the only one and can fight whoever we want. Win-win cooperation is the way to go, Mr. Ren!"

"It's good now. You've driven Zhang Sheng into a panic. Zhang Sheng overturned the table!"

"Are you satisfied now?"

The person coming is a veteran of [Zhongsheng Mobile] and one of the shareholders of [Zhongsheng Mobile]. If Ren Kai can take the position, his vote is also extremely important!

At this moment, the visitor's face was red, his whole body was shaking with anger, and he was staring at Ren Kai.

Ren Kai did not dare to look at the visitor and could only lower his head.


On the afternoon of April 12th!

[NC Entertainment] The large conference room was packed with people.

Xu Bowen sat in the corner, silently looking at these second- and third-tier mobile phone brands.

In the past few months...

Zhang Sheng assigned Xu Bowen a task.

That is to constantly look for “new power” brands with potential among China’s domestic mobile phone brands.

While Xu Bowen helped Zhang Sheng manage the communication between these brands and Zhang Sheng, he repeatedly compared each brand owner and the company's development over the years. If appropriate, he would include the other party in the cooperative brand...

He once felt that his job was extremely boring, but he never dreamed that Zhang Sheng had such a big appetite, and his behavior this time was so crazy!

The bosses of mobile phone brands such as [Pineapple], [Pear], and [Nimei] sit in the most conspicuous positions.

As a mainstream brand that cooperates with Zhang Sheng and has shares, their brand will always have priority "technology use" rights. In addition, their mobile phone is about to be released, so they are not worried about being robbed of the market.

And the group of people behind...

With excited eyes and cheers, almost everyone was staring at the figure slowly walking up to the rostrum.

Many of their brands actually missed the era dividend when the first iPhone 4 was released, and at the same time, they also missed the second wave of era dividend when the iPhone 4S was released!

Watching this pot of gold being scooped up by others, especially when they saw the legendary sales of [Apple 4], they were so envious that their eyes were filled with envy!


They never thought that one day, Zhang Sheng would actually send someone to invite them!


Zhang Sheng actually knows how to...

"Today, I have only one purpose!"

"My purpose is very simple. I don't want to make a long, messy speech today!"

"I don't want to use sweet words, make speeches, make people's blood boil, or anything like that, let's just get straight to the point!"

"Mr. Ma, stand up!"


When Ma Hongbo heard Zhang Sheng calling him, he was stunned subconsciously. He was a little confused, but he still stood up.

"I called you here today..."

"First, I announce that Mr. Ma will be our [NC Technology] future core partner!"

"Second, if you can come here, that means you believe in me. If you believe in me, then I will help you make money!"

"You don't have to be the next Mr. Ma, but you can become Mr. Zheng, Mr. Xu, Mr. Zhou..."

"Third, if I can step on one outlet, I can step on the second, third, fourth... It doesn't matter if you missed one era, it doesn't matter if you missed two eras, I will take you Entering the third, fourth, or even fifth outlet..."

"Okay! No need to talk nonsense, I just want to say that everyone who follows me has become rich!"

"Now, everyone, bow your heads!"

"see it?"

"The ground is shining with gold. Prepare your pockets, have a good rest, eat well, and then pick up money with me!"


In the conference room.

Zhang Sheng raised his fist.

Immediately afterwards...

There was a burst of crazy screams at the scene.


More than ten minutes later.

Zhang Sheng left the conference room.

Made a call to the Department of Commerce.

"Teacher, when will you lead a team to visit our factory in Brazil?"

"Mr. Leo John, I have been waiting for your confirmation!"

"Is it okay this time?"

"Very good!"

(Third update, additional updates! Please vote for me!)

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