I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 518 People in the Industrial Chain

In the 1980s, during the preparations for the Yangcheng Special Economic Zone, the electronics industry became the main industry in processing trade, and electronics industry resources from Hong Kong Island and the mainland continued to move closer to Huaqiangbei.

In the 1990s, [Yangcheng International Electronic City] officially opened, followed by Wanshang and Dabaihui, and Huaqiangbei gradually became the largest wholesale and retail center for electronic products in southern China.

On the eve of 2000, thanks to the geographical advantage of being close to Hong Kong Island, Huaqiangbei naturally became the national wholesale center for electronic products. At that time, there were no Internet e-commerce, and that was the era of Huaqiangbei...

The pace of the times is like a rolling torrent that never abandons day and night.

Some people relied on their keen sense of smell to follow closely and achieve a leap in class, but most people were left behind by the times, and belatedly realized how golden the era they once lived in was.

Lin Yerong walked out of the conference room of [NC Entertainment]. The orange-red sunset outside the window was setting off the sunset, hazy but sentimental, hanging on the horizon, exuding an orange-red romance.

Lin Yerong looked up.

It seemed that he wanted to sigh with a poem like "The sunset is infinitely beautiful, but it's almost dusk", but as a primary school graduate, he was not so well-educated after all, so he could only take a glance at it, and then keep stroking his heart.

He knew that he was once again standing at the juncture of history.

A year ago, when Zhang Sheng opened the iPhone 4 appearance patent, he was just a wage earner from Huaqiangbei in his forties who failed to start a business.

He wanted to grit his teeth and fight again, but he gave up that opportunity due to various family factors such as mortgage loan, car loan, and children.


The opportunity was just missed.

He was briefly annoyed and regretful, but more importantly, he was discouraged...

Already 48 years old, he has been missing various opportunities since the 1980s...

He missed the most glorious years of Huaqiangbei. In those years, money was made every day. As long as you were willing to work hard, even a fool could earn a building.

He also missed the years when housing prices in Yangcheng soared. He kept waiting for the price to drop, and kept waiting, and then waited until he could no longer afford it...

He even missed [Tengji Technology]. In 1998, Zheng Huateng of [Tengji Technology], a young man with a gentle appearance, rented next door to him. He even met and greeted Zheng Huateng. We also had breakfast together downstairs, and the other party warmly invited him to come to work at [Tengji]...

In the years after the millennium, Lin Yerong seems to be a bystander, missing opportunities again and again...

He also worked very hard to start a business, but every time he started a business, it was not smooth. He waited until others had left the game, then he looked around and entered the market hesitantly, and finally became the tragic successor...

Sometimes he felt that fate was playing tricks on him, and sometimes he would go to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha, thinking that it was destined that he could not make money...

Such words to comfort himself made his restless heart feel a little better, but the increasingly expensive living expenses and housing prices made him breathless like a dead dog.

In this situation.

He met Xu Bowen in a suit. Xu Bowen first came to Huaqiangbei with a group of people to inspect the market. The first store happened to be the store where he worked. He treated Xu Bowen very warmly. Xu Bowen saw him Enthusiastic, I would occasionally sit and drink tea in the store, and ask about the latest situation of Huaqiangbei. Then, after going back and forth, the two parties gradually became familiar with each other.

After getting to know each other, Xu Bowen said that he used to be a security guard...

This shocked Lin Yerong for a long time, and then, somehow, an entrepreneurial flame gradually ignited.

That night, he couldn't sleep all night...

That night, he talked a lot to his wife...

The wife did not complain and was very considerate. The next day, she took out all her own money and even some money from her parents’ family!

"If you don't have vision, just follow those who have vision, and you can just be a dog..."

"It's okay at home, go ahead and break in!"

At the end of 2010, Lin Yerong's wife's words made the fire in Lin Yerong's heart burn even more intensely. Then, with his wife's support, he sold everything and bet everything on this "mobile phone bonus."

"Mr. Lin, please pick a design patent... We have designers here to connect with you..."


"Mr. Lin, you don't have to worry about the sales and advertising channels after the mobile phone is released. We have a relationship with [Wanda]'s young master Wang Jiancong. In some [Wanda Malls], we have priority in selecting counters...online Our [Qiangsheng Online Mall] can be sold. At the same time, in terms of advertising, some anchors on our [Jitu Video] live broadcast website are trying to help bring goods, and the current experimental results are good..."


"For your mobile phone lithium battery, you can choose our [Bosch battery]. The price is all ex-factory price. For the core processor, you can choose the manufacturer in Yangcheng that wholesales with us [Apple 4]. At the same time, some of our accessories are currently , we can also purchase overseas, we have authorized manufacturers in Brazil... You can place an order with us now..."


"After the first batch of mobile phones are assembled, we will go through special quality inspection and audit. I am responsible for this. If the inspection is successful, then OK..."


"By the way, although we are small, we still have to go through the necessary procedures. Some time ago, the leaders of the National Development and Reform Commission have approved our IOOP mobile phone production license..."


"Screen, touch, baseband, chip... If you have channels of your own, you can apply for your own channels. If you don't have channels, we can help you get channels at the same purchase price..."


The sun sets.

The sunset dyes the sky red.

Lin Yerong sat in Xu Bowen's office and watched Xu Bowen talking a series of words.

His originally excited mood gradually became a little confused, and finally he couldn't help but look at Xu Bowen: "Mr. Xu, I have a question!"

"you say……"

"You have opened up all the channels for us, so what are we going to do? We just put in money with our legs crossed and wait for the money to come?"

"How is it possible? You want to invest and build the factory anyway. By the way, when it comes to building the factory, we [NC Technology] are willing to subsidize your factory construction fund of 400,000 yuan... Of course, the premise is that you must comply with our requirements and specifications. The money can be approved only after our audit department is satisfied with the construction of the factory..."



In the early morning of April 13th.

[Zhongsheng Mobile] In the conference room.

Ren Kai looked at several domestic mobile phone giants squatting in the conference room.

Every corner of the hazy conference room was filled with the choking smell of cigarette smoke.

The three bosses of [Zhongsheng], [Taomi], and [VIK] kept smoking and remained silent.

Before 2004, the three parties were rivals.

On the track of domestic mobile phones, you and I are fighting to the death, and the sky is dark and the earth is dark.

Although [Zhongsheng] won, the other two parties also took a bite.

After 2005, the three parties are still rivals, but they are more like a group of unlucky guys who have been beaten by overseas mobile phones and can't find a way to win. They are lingering in the market, relying on their past glory to survive and working as dogs for communication companies.

The age of smartphones…

All three parties are actually coveting this piece of cake.

However, in the past year, due to disagreements within the company, the performance of the three companies in the field of smartphones has not been outstanding.

When I finally want to do something this year!

The sudden release of Zhang Sheng's Apple 4S not only interrupted their rhythm, but also had a profound impact on the entire mobile phone landscape in China.

"Xu Bowen, Zhang Sheng's number one horse boy..."

"In the past six months, he has been active near Yangcheng in Brazil and China. He alone contributed to the various accessories channels for [Apple 4]..."


The person in charge of [VIK], Li Dongcheng, has a dry throat.

In the hazy smoke, he coughed violently, and then placed a document on the table.

Several bosses circulated the information to each other, but after reading it, instead of getting better, their faces became even uglier.

The success of [Apple 4] has made an industry chain more mature.

Ordinary people will only tightly cover the industrial chain. After all, this is a way to make money and cannot be made public...


Zhang Sheng has completely disclosed his "chain"!

Those "cottage phone" brands that seek cooperation with Zhang Sheng, from appearance patents, to screens, to various accessories...

They can all get the lowest price through Zhang Sheng's channels, and there are even many foreign components that they can't even get on their [Zhongsheng] mobile phones!

Even if you get it, the price may not be as cheap as Zhang Sheng’s channels...

Although they know about Zhang Sheng's "chain", they don't have any channels for Zhang Sheng to get the goods!

"He wants to tear down the table, and then he will bring a group of people to sit on the table... and make new rules by himself!"

[Zhongsheng]'s Ren Kai's face became increasingly gloomy.

Anyone who is not a fool can realize that they are already on the edge of a cliff. If they don't take a step forward, their market will be swallowed up, and then many competitors will appear for no reason.

Until that moment...

They no longer have the final say in all the rules.

Mobile phone pricing, future trends in mobile phones, definition of mobile phone brands, user preferences...

It’s not them who has the final say!

Just when a few people took a deep breath, another piece of news made them even more painful!

It seems to be the day after tomorrow, which is April 15th...

Xu Linlin from the Ministry of Commerce will take a group of companies to visit Brazil in an "unofficial" manner.

And Zhang Sheng...

It seems that they are going to Brazil together with a group of "local Chinese entrepreneurs".

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