I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 520 Give me one more minute!

The original world.

Many people call the moment in 1986 when the American ABC channel broadcast a game show about two children playing games live for the first time as the beginning of global e-sports!

In 1990, Nintendo of Japan held game competitions in 29 cities across the United States. This event was the first official video game competition in history and also kicked off the game competition.

There is no Nintendo in this world.

But there is something similar to Nintendo’s [Rainbow Island Game].

The red and white consoles, home consoles, arcade machines, RBG, etc. that were once popular all over China were all produced by [Rainbow Island Games].

Since the 1990s, the organization of many international events has originated from the sponsorship of [Rainbow Island Games], the big sponsor behind game events such as "World War II Pioneer" and "Boxing Fighter". It is also [Rainbow Island Games].

International competitions have been held for many years, and they were once very lively, but in the end they were limited by the game itself and did not form a specific and huge industrial chain...


In the past few months.

Zheng Chonghuan seemed to be in a dream.

He was once featured on CCTV, was infamous for a time, and was even stabbed in the spine by countless people, as if everyone was shouting that he was a social scum who was "unfaithful and unfilial" and "poisoned for life by games."

He once escaped from everything and lived in a dark Internet cafe, surrounded by stench and nausea, living like a walking zombie.

However, from the moment Zhang Sheng found him, he felt that the gears of "fate" seemed to be turning.

He moved from the remote village [Yucai Village] to the [Mitu Game Club] in Yanjing with Liu Xiaoqi from the same village.

[Mitu Games] ordered a set of exquisite team uniforms for them. Although there are various advertisements posted in the team uniforms, the materials of the clothes are very good and they are very comfortable to wear...

At the same time, [Mitu Games] has also assigned them special nutritionists and coaches to help them arrange their time reasonably, and at the same time, it also arranges for them to exercise and study...

In the spacious training room, Zheng Chonghuan doesn't have to do anything but play games seriously!

Everything, everything...

It’s all too unreal!

Even a few months later, when he got on a plane and flew to Brazil with a group of players who were also from China, he looked at the clouds on the horizon and it was still unreal!

This was the first time in his life to fly on a plane and the first time to go abroad. Although due to certain restrictions, they could not carry the red flag to represent China, but deep in their hearts, they always carried an unspeakable feeling. Sense of glory and tension...

He never thought that one day, playing games could become a career!

Am I really good?

He lowered his head and asked himself.

But there is no answer.

Suddenly there were bursts of exclamations from the side.

A group of teenagers saw the beautiful white clouds outside the cabin...

Having never flown before, they were immersed in the wonders of nature. If it were not for the window restrictions, they might have stuck their heads out, touched the white clouds with their hands, and felt the feeling of soaring.

Zheng Chonghuan suddenly became nervous again and subconsciously grabbed the seat belt. He inevitably thought of something. If the plane crashed, then the people on the plane...

He shook his head violently.

Trying not to think about these things, in order to divert his attention, he lowered his head, took out his [Apple 4S] phone, opened [Temple Escape] and immersed himself in a new round of running scores.

Just at this time……

He felt someone moving next to him.

He subconsciously turned his head and saw someone carrying a camera, who seemed to be helping the contestants shoot a documentary.

In the last row of the plane were some middle-aged people wearing masks.

Civil servants cannot leave the country casually unless permitted.

However, the [Brazil and China Trade Inspection] is a "project" that must be taken seriously, so this project can easily attract many official inspection personnel.

They came with a mission.

Xu Chenlong from the China Sports Bureau is also here...

The deputy mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Eduardo, personally called the leaders of China's sports department to invite them. The leaders of the relevant departments naturally attached great importance to this and sent Xu Chenlong to inspect.

When Xu Chenlong saw Zhang Sheng for the first time, he felt quite fond of him.

This man seemed to be quite humble and very knowledgeable. Whether he was getting on the plane or arranging seats, he always sat comfortably.

But after getting on the plane, Xu Chenlong felt that Zhang Sheng was like a politics teacher, chattering to him about [e-sports].

"Teacher Xu, I have always felt that e-sports is a sport where video game competitions reach a "competitive" level!"

"It is similar to Go and Xiangqi. It uses electronic devices as sports equipment and is a competition between people that combines intelligence and physical strength..."

“Through e-sports, participants can exercise and improve their thinking ability, reaction ability, limb coordination and willpower, and cultivate team spirit. Professional e-sports also has high physical requirements, and players often experience fierce battles. …”


Xu Chenlong listened too much and felt that Zhang Sheng's voice was all in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

Even when I closed my eyes and took a short rest, the sound not only did not decrease, but became clearer. It even turned into some kind of brainwashing sound at one point, and I almost remembered it.

"Fortunately, Xiao Zhang is on the right track. If he engages in phone fraud, I can't imagine how much damage this person will cause to people's property!"

Opening his eyes, he saw Zhang Sheng walking to another row, continuing to smile and chatting with people in another unit. Xu Chenlong took a deep breath and glanced at Xu Linlin next to him.

Xu Linlin looked slightly embarrassed.

I didn't know what to say for a moment.


the second half.

It is very stable for Xu Chenlong, the inspection secretary of the China Sports Bureau.

Zhang Sheng's voice finally disappeared a lot in his mind.

After getting off the plane, their group received a warm reception from Eduardo, the deputy mayor of Rio.

The long red carpet and the welcoming flowers lined the aisles once made Xu Chenlong feel the enthusiasm of Brazilian people...

They were placed in the most expensive hotel in Rio. There were plainclothes and police officers everywhere next to the hotel, which gave Xu Chenlong a sense of security.

Wait until 8 o'clock in the evening on April 14, when Xu Chenlong is getting ready to go to bed...

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in!"

"Teacher Xu..."

"Oh, hello, Mr. Zhang, what's wrong?"

"Teacher Xu, is it convenient? I want to talk to you..."

"Convenience is convenient, but you brought such a stack of things here, what you mean is..."

"Just talk about work, simply talk about work..."


Xu Chenlong saw Zhang Sheng holding a stack of information in his hand. He didn't know why, but his heart suddenly lurched, and an inexplicable pain in his balls hit him.

But in the end he nodded and let Zhang Sheng walk in.

"Mr. Xu, we may not have talked in detail on the plane. I think before the game starts, I should talk to you about our "e-sports"..."

"you say……"

"Mr. Xu, we parents and people in China are afraid of games, but I always feel that games are reasonable when they exist. While they need to be taken seriously, they also need to be guided correctly. We currently have a special club. , train and allow these young people to play games healthily, and at the same time, it can also provide some employment. Although it is not too much at the moment, everything is difficult at the beginning..."


"Furthermore, what we have actually done is something that is beneficial to the country. We have enabled many young people in the marginalized areas to find their own positions through interests and hobbies, and use them as careers. Our [Jitu Live] and the cooperative brand [Humi Live] can allow these young people to be better guided and exposed in the public eye, similar to star players..."


"We will re-shoot a series of documentaries to record every detail of these stars. At the same time, we will change the entire society's concept of games..."


"Of course, Teacher Xu, you should understand that my alma mater [Yanshi Chemical] has responded to the national call and has put vocational education on the agenda, and it is the next strategic goal. Our [Mitu Game] and [Yanshi Chemical] 】Cooperate to allow retired players or players from other clubs to receive secondary training and provide new jobs..."


"We have a complete system in it..."


"Furthermore, future games can create more tax revenue for the country, provide better guidance, and even, in a sense, reduce more crime rates..."

Xu Chenlong sat opposite Zhang Sheng.

While listening carefully, he flipped through the various information provided by Zhang Sheng, nodding from time to time.


Somehow, the buzzing in my head got louder.

After Zhang Sheng finished speaking, he actually felt that his remaining sanity was on the verge of collapse.

He took a deep breath.

"Xiao Zhang, I will tell the leaders about these things. It is getting late, so you should go and rest first!" He pushed up his glasses, showed a polite smile, and stood up first.

"Ah, Teacher Xu, actually, I still have a lot of things I want to talk to you about, such as..."

"We will have time to chat later. It's too late now. There is a lot of work to do tomorrow. You might as well rest first and take your time. I will take your opinions and suggestions seriously..."

"Give me one more minute, Teacher Xu, don't think I'm verbose..."



Xu Chenlong finally invited Zhang Sheng out of the room.

After Zhang Sheng left, the room finally became quiet.

He was lying on the bed, thinking about the concept of [e-sports]...

Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, Xu Chenlong suddenly realized that he seemed to have been "brainwashed" by Zhang Sheng.

(There is only one update today. Something happened and my phone was smashed. I am in a bad state and look like an idiot.)

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