April 15th.


It’s late spring in China, it’s warm and sunny.

In Brazil, it is summer, with an average temperature of 27 to 35 degrees Celsius, which is very hot.

Li Zongyao stepped off the plane and subconsciously blocked the sun with his hands, but he still couldn't resist a wave of heat hitting his face, as if his skin was in a furnace in an instant.

The assistant came over in time and helped him block the direct sunlight. He felt a little more comfortable, but he was still out of breath.

This feeling only got a little better when I got in the car and drove towards the Rocinha slum.

This is not Li Zongyao’s first time in Brazil, and it is certainly not his first time in Rio. He even visited the Rocinha slum five years ago at the invitation of the Rio City Market and Investment Department.

To be honest, he had a bad impression of the largest slum in South America.

The road is full of potholes, there are telephone poles standing everywhere along the way, and there are countless pedestrians with cloudy eyes. Even if you close the windows, you can't resist the stench. The muddy road is constantly bumpy. Sitting in the car is simply a kind of torture for the body. , not to mention the wealthy area next door, even compared with ordinary slums, the conditions here are considered poor.

After arriving in the slums, Li Zongyao's senses became even worse!

Walking on the road, the world is like a maze, making it difficult to distinguish between east, west, north and south...

The living environment is messy, dirty, dilapidated, and full of garbage. The stench is even stronger, and you don't even know how to get rid of it.

Looking at so many people living in rows of low-rise rooms, Li Zongyao once had the feeling that they were just squirming maggots in the garbage dump. What was even more exaggerated was that not far away, bursts of gunshots could be heard from time to time. .

Li Zongyao reluctantly inspected Rociniya for half a day, and he and his team finally came to a conclusion.

That is, except for "visiting slums" to provide material for "curious tourists", there is no investment value here.

Five years later.

He comes to Rocinha again.

The imaginary potholes on the road have disappeared and been replaced by a flat and spacious asphalt road.

There are a lot of cars on the road, and at the same time, you can often see a group of Chinese people taking pictures everywhere with their mobile phones...

On the side of the road, there are street lamps and signboards, which point to a road.

[Southern California Business Friendly Cooperation Zone] Directions...

[Bosch Technology] Factory direction...

[Hongwei New Energy Battery Vehicle Factory Area] Direction...

[Apple Technology Direction]......

[Pineapple Technology Direction]......

[Southern California International Film Awards] Exhibition Area Direction...

When Li Zongyao looked at the signboards, a burst of surprise gradually appeared on his calm face, and then the surprise turned into a frown.

He suddenly realized that he had been staring at Zhang Sheng's various industries in China, but subconsciously ignored that in the past year or so, Zhang Sheng's industries were not only booming in China, but also in [Rossini] Ya】Savage growth is growing in this neglected garbage dump...

When thinking of this, Li Zongyao began to feel a little complicated.

The car keeps driving forward!

The road ahead has become increasingly congested.

There are more and more vehicles, and at the same time, more and more tourists are walking along the way.

Most of the tourists were yellow, from China, South Korea, and some from Europe and the United States. As the vehicles were driving slowly, they saw participating vehicles from South Korea.

He saw a vehicle called [SOA Club] parked next to him. Through the car window, he saw a young man wearing glasses.

"His name is Lee Sang-cheng, and he is the winner of the highest score in the world for [Temple Run] so far. The [SOA Club] behind him was originally a small Korean game company, which is not well-known. At the end of last year, well, there It may be that at the beginning of this year, their leader, Jin Minjing, received an investment from China's [Shengteng Technology]. After receiving this investment, they quickly went to South Korea to build a club. They arrived in February this year. During March, they spent more than three million to sign all ten players from South Korea's [Temple Run]..."

"Game clubs, like football and basketball clubs, are commercial clubs. Yesterday we analyzed various data together. Mr. Li, in the future [game clubs] will be one of the advertising outlets for capital. For China, games are not They may all be banned, but only if they are well guided and monitored. After the new round of game market consolidation is completed, we unanimously believe that the game field will usher in a new round of vigorous development, with a new game format in the form of live broadcast. It will become one of the mainstreams of youth entertainment in the future..."


Li Zongyao stared at [SOA Club] in a daze.

Liu Xun, the assistant and investment analysis manager who was accompanying him, started chatting with Li Zongyao about the [game] project.

After Li Zongyao listened, his eyes became more complicated and he silently pulled down the car window.

On the surface, he became calmer and calmer, as if he was indifferent to everything and always maintained the attitude of a superior.

But deep down, inevitably, an unprecedented sense of frustration welled up in my heart.

He has a very large and professional analysis team!

He is confident that his knowledge and layout in the market can rank high in China and even the world.

However, Zhang Sheng always seemed to be one step ahead of them, and he was already paving the way before they even reacted.

When they realized it belatedly, Zhang Sheng had actually become the rule maker!

Liu Xun seemed to be aware of Li Zongyao's complexity. After he finished speaking, he didn't say anything else and just looked out the window silently.

Outside the window...

The traffic is getting more and more congested.

The traffic policemen on both sides ran over to give instructions very conscientiously, but as more and more people came over, these traffic policemen also felt helpless and kept calling for reinforcements. After nearly ten minutes, their cars were all moved. Not even half a step.

"Liu Xun!"

"Mr. Li is here!"

"From now on, you will let your analysts no longer have to analyze the market..."


"Keep an eye on Zhang Sheng all the time. You must report to me every day what he is going to do, what he is doing, and what he is planning to do. If possible, I even hope that I will tell him what he is doing when he goes to the toilet. To know!"


When he heard this sentence, Liu Xun was shocked.

But then, thinking of all the incredible behaviors he had recently investigated about Zhang Sheng, he nodded.

Damn this man!

What a monster!


In fact...

On the morning of April 15th.

Not only Li Zongyao of [Hongtian Capital] came to Brazil.

Even Pang Lei from [Hongsen Capital], Dong Zhongjun from [Eps Capital], Zheng Huateng from [Tengji Technology]...

Many well-known investors from China’s capital circle have come to Brazil.

Most are stuck on the road, surrounded by countless tourists, and are in a dilemma.

But a few people, such as Zheng Huateng, were smart enough to book a room in advance at the four-star Rocinha Hotel.

[Temple Escape] The S1 Global Finals is more lively than Zheng Huateng imagined!

Nine o'clock in the morning...

He left the hotel together with his bodyguards and assistants.

While outside the hotel...

He happened to see some staff members in suits and ties getting off the bus.

He stopped and stared at the middle-aged woman leading the team.

That middle-aged woman's name is Xu Hairong.

He is [Chief Host of the Editing and Broadcasting Department of the Integrated Media Center of Modu Culture Radio, Film and Television Group Co., Ltd.] and [Modu Radio and Television Station]...

Behind him, followed a group of young people, who seemed to be their students.

At this moment, Zheng Huateng looked at Zhang Sheng, who was not far away, walking towards them with a smile on his face.

"Teacher Xu, you are here! Haha, great!"

"Senior Brother Liu, hello!"

"Senior Brother Zhang, haha, hello, you!"

"Senior Brother Xu, hello..."


From far away, Zheng Huateng could hear Zhang Sheng's hearty laughter.

When Zheng Huateng saw this scene, he pushed up his glasses.

"they are……"

"Mr. Zheng, I don't know how to describe Zhang Sheng. Some time ago, Zhang Sheng disappeared for more than a week. In this more than a week, he passed the National Radio and Television Announcer and Host Qualification Certificate. This certificate It is divided into ten levels. Levels 1 to 6 are the basic level, and levels 7 and 10 are the professional levels... Zhang Sheng, this guy, passed the level 7 certificate quietly..."

"Then these people..." Zheng Huateng frowned slightly.

"I don't know what Zhang Sheng did in that week or so, but... I have to admit that Zhang Sheng's communication skills are terrifying. I don't know how Zhang Sheng deceived me. In short, just now, I just received the news that the host of the [Temple Escape] S1 Global Finals is Xu Hairong. Xu Hairong is one of the examiners for this [National Radio and Television Announcer Host Qualification Certificate] exam. Apart from Xu Hairong, this time The game commentators for the competition are all professional-level hosts..."

When Zheng Huateng heard this, he was inevitably stunned.

Then, his frown deepened.

Just at this time……

He saw that after Zhang Sheng finished saying hello, he took this group of senior fellow apprentices and headed towards another bus.

Then, the bus door opened.

Immediately afterwards...

Zheng Huateng saw a middle-aged Chinese man walking over with a group of foreign young people.

Zheng Huateng narrowed his eyes.

That is……

Former CCTV host Fang Shengmin!

"I don't know what means Zhang Sheng used, but Xu Hairong not only came to help Zhang Sheng in person, but also invited his senior brother, Mr. Fang Shengmin. Mr. Fang Shengmin has trained a group of overseas hosts overseas..."

While Zheng Huateng was deep in thought, he saw another bus coming...

"Japan, South Korea, the United States, Brazil..."

"Zhang Sheng has invited all the hosts in these areas, and they are all professional-level hosts!"

"In a game competition... this guy Zhang Sheng actually did it as professionally as a TV station!"


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