I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 538 The troublemaker is here again! (Third update!)

When you investigate carefully.

You will find the big names who are active in the Internet market and are doing well...

Success is no accident.

For example, Lei Lei, the founder of Taomi Mobile.

Twenty-one years ago in 1990.

[Hanyang University] A junior student named Lei Lei made his first million in life with an anti-virus software.

At that moment, Lei Lei became famous in the circle...

Then, he ambitiously stared at the barbaric era of China's Internet, and used the first pot of gold to start a computer company of his own...

The goal is simple!

That is, he is focusing on computer operating systems. He plans to make operating systems, then work for Microsoft, become the second Beers, and become the world's richest man...

Then, reality teaches him how to behave...

The Internet in the barbaric era was an era of high-level monopoly. New computer companies were completely unable to receive work. They only lasted for half a year before going bankrupt.


That year, he was only a senior!

April 29th.

[Taomi Mobile] Headquarters.

"Mr. Li, mobile phones are the top priority of our strategy, it is our root..."

"However, the future direction of [Taomi Mobile] is not just mobile phones. I always feel that the 3G era and the 4G era need a root system..."

"Zhang Sheng's success has made me deeply realize that the Internet is actually an ecological chain..."

"The core of this ecological chain is the system. Although our [Taomi Phone] system is built on the Android system, we always have core technologies..."

"The 3G era is ultimately a transitional stage. In the future 4G era, we can rely on more advanced systems to connect wirelessly. It can be an intelligent robot like Siri in the iPhone 4S, or it can be an intelligent health bracelet, or even In the future, it can be connected to cars, covering intelligent driving, and we can even imagine the interconnection of everything in the 5G system!"


Twenty-one years later, although Lei Lei has reached middle age, his eyes are still ambitious.


This kind of ambition is relatively more calm.

In the office.

Lei Lei sat on a chair, facing Li Zongyao, describing the future of their [Taomi Technology] to Li Zongyao in great detail, showing off his talents as much as possible!

[Taomi Mobile] was acquired by [Hongtian Capital] for a majority of its shares for RMB 400 million.

It seems to be a dog for capital, but in fact, it is also Lei Lei's first step forward.

The situation of [Taomi Mobile Phone] is completely different from that of domestic mobile phones such as [Zhongsheng] and [VIK].

Domestic machines such as [Zhongsheng] and [VIK] have always been stagnant and resting on their laurels!

But [Taomi Mobile] has never stagnated and always has its own path.

Unfortunately, the layout is too huge!

The 4G era and 5G era are so huge in the future...

It is so huge that hundreds of millions are invested in research and development every year.

However, the path of research and development has never been easy. [Taomi Mobile] does not have a strong foundation in [Yaohua Technology]. Coupled with repeated failures in research and development, the data on the books has always been a loss. Let [Taomi Mobile] fall into the dangerous stage of collapse of capital flow.

However, Lei Lei always felt that the path he took was not wrong!

It’s just that he needs time and more money!

For Lei Lei.

Money is not an issue!

In the era of smartphones, [Taomi Phone] has also caught up!

It even made its own mobile phone with an improved Android system [Taomi 3].

Moreover, we also planned a series of marketing methods such as [Taomi 3] mobile phone!

He originally planned to focus on the [Taomi 3] mobile phone first. Its various parameters are slightly inferior to the iPhone 4S, but almost the same as the iPhone 4. The most important thing is to play the "cost-effectiveness" card first, and completely use the "Taomi 3" Launched into the market and become the mobile phone of choice for young people...

The success of [Taomi 3] will bring a wave of blood to the books of the loss-making [Taomi Mobile], revitalize long-dormant stocks, and even double the market value!

He then used his good performance to collect money from capital, and then he used the money to carry out deeper research and development work!


When Zhang Sheng suddenly announced the release of [Apple 4S], and when Lei Lei saw the configuration and price of [Apple 4S], he realized that the mobile phone industry was about to change!

That night!

He stayed up all night!

I think about that press conference over and over again!

That press conference sent shivers down his spine and left him with a huge psychological shadow!

It was a press conference that he had rehearsed many times, and even the price of [Apple 4S] was 1999, which was the price he originally planned to give [Taomi 3]!

It was as if a pair of eyes had peeked into his innermost thoughts in advance, and then completely wiped out his carefully planned strategies and arrangements!


When the "cost-effectiveness" card was played out by Zhang Sheng, they [Taomi 3] faced the embarrassing situation of having no cards to play.


In just a few dozen days, the mobile phone industry has changed!

Then, the mobile phone industry was in chaos!

Then, all his rhythms were broken and chaotic...

All the plans were in vain, and even the capital chain of [Taomi Mobile] was cut off...

He understands that if he wants to survive and maintain his huge plan, he can only survive by breaking his arm!

He had to take advantage of the fact that [Taomi Technology] was still valuable, so he had to invest in capital in advance in exchange for some life!

Therefore, while internally stabilizing the old shareholders, he proactively contacted new capital to find fresh blood to replace those old shareholders who were still stubborn.

Neither Pang Lei's [Hongsen Capital] nor Li Zhongjun's [Eps Capital] let go, and they even found Ma Yunhua through connections...

But, like other entrepreneurs, his concept was too advanced.

4G and 5G…

Maybe it's just what you said, but no one knows what the future will bring.

Most of the capital has no patience and keeps investing money in [Taomi Mobile] to lay out the entire chain and then reap the rewards!

Moreover, a bastard like Zhang Sheng has already attracted a lot of capital and a lot of copycat brands, and has already entered the mobile phone track. They have successful substitutes in their hands, so why bother to come up with another brand to compete with you [Tao] How about doing transactions with Mi Mobile Phones?

A lot of capital is not very interested in the brand "Taomi Phone". They only want the users and various data that will be freed up after the collapse of "Taomi Phone", but they will eat it up...

Just when Lei Lei was most helpless...

He received a call from [Hongtian Capital] Li Zongyao.


[Taomi Mobile] Survive!

"Mr. Li, [Tengji Technology] has achieved a generation of hegemony, and Zheng Huateng is one of the hegemons of this era!"

"But, whether it's [Tengji Technology] or Ma Yunhua's [Jiahu Technology]..."

"I don't think he is invincible. Everything that flourishes must decline. This is a natural law. As powerful as Rome or the Qin Dynasty, they will all weaken one day..."


[Taomi Technology] In the office.

Lei Lei continued to outline the future with Li Zongyao.

Li Zongyao listened silently with a smile on his face.

In fact, he had been paying attention to Lei Lei many years ago, but he never had the right time to take him under his wing.

Zhang Sheng's sudden attack made Li Zongyao realize that the opportunity had come!

“Don’t forget, we [Hongtian Capital] have shares in [Tengji]!”

"But, it's just that Qgou has shares... [Tengji Technology] is actually a big capital no less than [Hongtian Capital]. Zheng Huateng, Mr. Zheng, has long been out of your control!"


Li Zongyao was silent for a moment.

Lei Lei didn't say anything more.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of [Taomi Technology].


Lei Lei saw Zhang Sheng, who was wearing glasses and looking polite, walking out.

When Li Zongyao saw Zhang Sheng, he couldn't hide his smile and greeted him immediately.

"Haha, Mr. Zhang! You are here!"

"Mr. Li, Mr. Lei..."

"boss Zhang."

Lei Lei also stood up when he saw Zhang Sheng.

The face that had been full of pride and ambition just now suddenly felt a little bit indescribably bitter.

The appearance of this young man smashed all his plates, but at this moment, you can say you hate it...

Everyone is competing in business, and business competition is life-or-death, and I can’t even hate it.

He sighed quietly in his heart, and after saying hello to Zhang Sheng, he sat down and left the office consciously.

After Lei Lei leaves...

Li Zongyao smiled and asked Zhang Sheng to sit down.

"You went to [Jiahu Technology]?"

"Yes, gone."

"Mr. Zhang, when I invite you to come and chat this time, I actually want to talk to you about future layout issues. Now you..."

"I want to work in [Tengji Technology], so I asked Lao Ma to cooperate..."

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Oh shit!

What happened to this young man?

Li Zongyao was suddenly interrupted by Zhang Sheng when he was halfway speaking.

Then, he heard words that frightened him and made him cough for a while.

"Mr. Zhang, you..."

"Mr. Li, time is limited, so you don't have to make tea for me. Since you invited me, I will have a showdown with you. I'm ready for the takeout war, whether you fight now or next..."

"Hey, no, you, a young man, why do you fight when you open your mouth? I just want to talk to you about feelings. There were too many misunderstandings between you and me. The world is not about fighting and killing. I can give you some information on my mobile phone. If we cooperate, we can equally share the market and make money together..."

"Mr. Li, you [Hongtian Capital] have invested in Qgou, but Zheng Huateng and Mr. Zheng want to spin off the users of Qgou into another social software. If he succeeds, then you [Hongtian Capital] will have no right to [Hongtian Capital] Tengji Technology] will not be able to form any constraints, and it will be easily kicked out..."

"How do you know [Tengji Technology]..."

"Mr. Ma told me that Mr. Ma planted spies in [Tengji Technology]..."


"Mr. Li, believe it or not, it's up to you. By the way, Mr. Li, I also want to develop a social software similar to QGou. Now that it's done, I'm going to work with [Tengji Technology] soon. Do you want to do the same?" Let’s work together on a social software?”

"Mr. Zhang, what do you mean?"

"Didn't you acquire [Taomi Mobile]? You can complete [Mi Chat]. If it is completed, you will completely control another trend in the smartphone era..."

"Mr. Zhang, I'm not talking to you about this today... I'm talking to you..." Zhang Sheng's expressionless and uncharacteristic words made Li Zongyao feel that Zhang Sheng was becoming more and more unfamiliar.

"Mr. Li, we don't have anything to talk about emotionally. If we want to talk, we'll talk about interests and money. I'm just telling you this this time to tell you that voice chat will be a big trend in the future... There are more benefits waiting for you, you If you want to follow, just follow. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to follow me. I’ll show you first…”

"Sit down, let's talk in detail..." Li Zongyao frowned, and then looked at Zhang Sheng. He was keenly aware that the amount of information in Zhang Sheng's mouth was huge, and it might even be a big outlet.

"I'm not going to sit down anymore. I'm going to do the flying skills tomorrow. It's up to you whether you want to follow me or not... Okay, I'm leaving now!"

"Mr. Zhang...I'll give it to you..."


After Li Zongyao sent Zhang Sheng away, he carefully recalled what Zhang Sheng said. Then, he called a group of analysts to analyze a big pass...

Finally Lei Lei was called.

"Mr. Lei, let's continue the topic we just didn't finish talking about..."

"Mr. Li, I want to rely on [Taomi Phone] to build a social tool for the smartphone era, and then use social tools to integrate user resources..."


When he heard this sentence, Li Zongyao stared at Lei Lei: "Do you also think that we should make social software?"

"Do it! And do it quickly!"



May 1st, Labor Day.

[Tengji Technology].

After Zheng Huateng comes to the company...

He heard a message.

A social software called [WeChat] appears in the built-in APP system of all major new mobile phones.

(It’s unbelievable that our monthly ticket has reached 43!)

(Thank you readers!)

(Three more updates will be delivered today, can we do another one?)

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