I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 539 The war begins

The sun in May is bright and warm.

In the office.

The assistant lowered his head and did not dare to look at Zheng Huateng.

At this moment, Zheng Huateng was silently picking up the [Apple 4S] phone and clicking on a software called [WeChat] inside.

This is a very simple chat software.

It has almost no features and is completely plain. It seems that its only functions are sending text messages, sending MMS messages, and sending voice calls. It is completely a reduced version of Q Dog.

However, Zheng Huateng's face became more and more ugly, and the more he looked, the more silent he became.

This is fatally similar to the product they are about to develop [WeChat], even the icons are similar...

He clicked in, and then saw a small man standing alone in front of the earth.

Then, there is the registration interface. [WeChat] supports mobile phone registration...

Zheng Huateng's face looked a little ugly, and there was a vague sense of fear coming from the depths of his heart! This [WeChat] is almost exactly the same as the concept he and Zhang Xiaoqiang proposed some time ago.

And their [WeChat] is undergoing final debugging at this moment. They were still in a meeting yesterday to test [WeChat] and planned to do internal testing for department employees for a while, but now...

The guy who looked sincere and innocent to the core, who stood in front of me and called him "Mr. Zheng" affectionately, actually started all the functions a month in advance!

After a brief period of fear, he began to become suspicious again.

He even looked at the assistant next to him. Seeing the way the assistant lowered his head, Zheng Huateng couldn't help but wonder if the other person was a spy, here to steal secrets.

Oh shit!

After a while, he placed the [Apple 4S] on the table and his expression gradually became calm.

Although Zhang Sheng said many times that Ma Yunhua told him...

But after spending so many years in the mall, Zheng Huateng couldn't believe Zhang Sheng's nonsense, and he had an almost perverted confidence in his [Tengji Technology].

He doesn't believe it...

There is a spy!

"I hope to see all Zhang Sheng's schedule these days!"


Ever since Zhang Sheng stepped out of [Tengji Technology], Zheng Huateng had sent people to keep an eye on this guy.

The people under him are also very reliable. They have drawn up Zhang Sheng's itinerary for the past few days and even have photos.

All right!

Zhang Sheng didn't hide his schedule at all, he did everything with a big show...

After Zheng Huateng saw Zhang Sheng leaving his side, the first place he went to was Ma Yunhua's [Jiahu Technology].

After chatting with Ma Yunhua for several hours, Ma Yunhua personally sent Zhang Sheng out.

Later, Zhang Sheng returned to Yangcheng and ran to [Taomi Technology]. However, this time, he did not stay in [Taomi Technology] for long. He came out in less than half an hour. After coming out, he walked around for a while. I circled [Yaohua Technology], then returned to Yanjing, and went to [Apple 4S]...

A detailed itinerary appeared in front of Zheng Huateng's eyes.

After reading it expressionlessly, he silently put the schedule aside, and then fell into thinking.

He and Ma Yunhua...

There is always a fight over payment systems.

Ma Yunhua has his own [Zhilibao], which controls half of China's online shopping industry. However, Ma Yunhua has his own shortcomings, which are diversion channels. They are always shortcomings, so he can only devour various new enterprises to make up for his shortcomings. insufficient……

The development of an enterprise requires the foresight and strategic vision of a leader. Ma Yunhua has made great achievements in the e-commerce field, while he has flourished in the social field.

These two fields may seem unrelated, but everyone knows that if both are taken into consideration, the company will inevitably reach a new peak.

Therefore, there have been rumors on the Internet that Zheng Huateng has an e-commerce dream, while Ma Yunhua has a social dream.

Zhang Sheng wants to succeed and aggressively attacks various fields. Ma Yunhua needs to rely on Zhang Sheng's ambition to break the shackles of "social interaction". The two industries are extremely complementary...

Zheng Huateng is always deducing the future.

Although he is not afraid of Zhang Sheng's challenge, even Tengji Technology itself is a company that is catching up from behind.

But a thorn pricked deep in Ma Yunhua's heart.

The future payment system is too important, even to Ma Yunhua and Zheng Huateng. Whoever wins will truly control the lifeblood of the new era!

Just at this time……

"[Jiahu Technology] Ma Yunhua personally came out to issue a statement of cooperation!"

"What a statement!"

“His [Zhilibao] has officially reached payment agreements with [Honeycomb Jisong] and [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. Now, as long as you log in to the [Zhilibao] APP, you can enter through the [Zhilibao] APP. [Qiansheng Online Mall], [Honeycomb Jisong], [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and other users can log in to [Zhilibao] to receive red envelopes..."


Zheng Huateng saw his assistant raise his head and hand a piece of news to Zheng Huateng!

When Zheng Huateng saw this scene, his pupils shrank sharply!


Zhang Sheng has quietly turned to [Jiahu Technology]!

this moment……

He thought about what Zhang Sheng asked him when he was chatting with Zhang Sheng a few days ago.

"How soon?"


"Can it be faster?"

"It can't be faster."

"Is it possible that it will come out in early May?"


After a long time, his face became ugly!

This guy! !

Zheng Huateng's emotions were instantly shocked, and a stronger sense of betrayal surged into his heart, but he still remained rational and did not get angry.

"Let [WeChat] Mr. Zhang come in..."


After the assistant left, Zheng Huateng thought for a moment, and then took out his mobile phone and made a call to Li Zongyao from [Hongtian Capital].

But the call didn't go through.

on the contrary……

My [Apple 4S] suddenly vibrated.


He saw a prompt.

[Your address book friend Mr. Li Zongyao wants to add you as a friend. Do you agree? 】


year 2010.

The advent of the epoch-making iPhone 4 marked the quiet arrival of the mobile era.

At the end of this year, a social app called Kik appeared in the United States...

This APP was very low-key when it appeared, and no one paid any attention to it. But a month later, when the social app reached one million users...

Many people in China realize that Kik is very likely to be a outlet!

Zhang Xiaoqiang from [Tengji Technology] noticed it, so he started writing a proposal, starting to outline the content, and preparing for their [WeChat].

Lei Lei from [Taomi Technology] also noticed it. He realized that this is most likely the first ticket for the mobile Internet. Whoever gets on board first with the new mobile social software will be able to take advantage of it in a real sense. He controlled social rights, but at that time [Taomi Technology] was in a financial crisis. Survival has become Lei Lei’s first choice...

"This is the first ticket for mobile Internet!"

"I said, [Tengji Technology] is not invincible. As long as we get the tickets first, we can establish the right to speak in the next era!"


May 1st.

On the way to [Jiahu Technology] in the car, Lei Lei opened [WeChat] excitedly.

When he registered a WeChat ID and entered a new page, he was attracted by the simple appearance and simple operating system.

This function is exactly the same as what he had in mind!

Compared with Qgou, it is more concise and convenient. Its simple and comfortable voice and picture chat functions easily allow users to return to the essence of social software!


More advanced than he imagined!

[WeChat] seems to have made one of the most important expansions to social networks!

During the registration process of [WeChat], users need to enter their phone number and email address.

These addresses will be sent to the [WeChat] server. After that, the system will automatically search in the database which people in the user's address book also have WeChat installed and match them. There will also be a column prompting whether you are willing to become a member of this person. Friends...

As soon as Lei Lei finished registering, he saw a prompt.

[Zheng Huateng on your mobile phone is also using [WeChat] as you. Do you want to add Zheng Huateng as a friend? 】

Lei Lei subconsciously nodded yes.


There was no response for a long time.


He looked at Li Zongyao again.

At this moment, Li Zongyao seemed to have just added Ma Yunhua and tried to send a voice message to Ma Yunhua.

"Mr. Ma, can you hear me?"

"Mr. Ma, we will be at your company soon..."


After sending the voice message, Li Zongyao immediately took a photo and then sent it to Ma Yunhua's WeChat.

After a long time, Ma Yunhua gave a voice response.


The car soon arrived at the headquarters of [Jiahu Technology].

Lei Lei and Li Zongyao walked into the company.

After knocking on the door of Ma Yunhua's office, Ma Yunhua invited the two of them to sit down.

Afterwards, the two took out their mobile phones and operated WeChat.

After a while, the two discussed the future of [WeChat], and then both nodded.

Li Zongyao sighed quietly.

On the one hand, I feel that Zhang Sheng's behavior will definitely become a major problem in the future.

But on the other hand, it has to comply with a layer of underlying logic.

Ma Yunhua hopes to use Zhang Sheng's channel to roll out his [Zhilibao] first [Tengji Technology]...

Li Zongyao saw another big trend, even what Lei Lei said [the first ticket for the mobile Internet].

[WeChat] has already polished the template as soon as possible. Although it is simple, it is becoming mature, and future generations only need to learn from [Tengji Technology] and copy this template.

It is impossible for him to do nothing while leaving the mobile Internet, a social outlet that is very likely to replace or rival Q Dog, to do nothing.

"Countless capitals know that Zhang Sheng wants to do this and work with [Tengji Technology]..."

"Everyone knows that Zhang Sheng is at his weakest now. If he takes action, Zhang Sheng will most likely be attacked from both sides!"

"However, I hope to see Zhang Sheng extend the front line in all directions, and then consume the power of [Tengji Technology]. When [Tengji Technology]'s social products are weak, they will rush forward..."


"Zhang Sheng's purpose is also very simple. On the one hand, he hopes to stabilize us, and on the other hand, he hopes that we will fall into the trap. In this way, he is not [Tengji Technology]'s only target..."

In the office.

Li Zongyao and Ma Yunhua were chatting about Zhang Sheng.

When both sides fell silent, Lei Lei suddenly stood up.

"This is a conspiracy...but we must do it!"

"We all have to go up for the mobile Internet tickets. Moreover, Mr. Ma, Zhang Sheng is a double-dealer. If he cooperates with you today, he will dare to stab you tomorrow. Your payment system needs more allies. We [Taomi] Technology] plans to develop a social software called "MiLiao"... We are willing to become part of the system of [Jiahu Technology] and help you make up for your shortcomings in social networking in a real sense!"


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