I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 564 Harvesting Capital (Part 1)

Capital is bloodthirsty.

At the same time, capital is impetuous and monopolistic.

They are eager to be the earliest in the market for their investment, and to be the only one with an advantage!

The funds you are more eager to invest will return to you ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times in the shortest possible time.


It is impossible for them to choose the dirty work of researching and developing batteries, and it is even less possible for them to invest hundreds of millions of yuan at this juncture of the booming development of the Internet to lay out a road that will take half a year, a year, or even two years to see some results. [Entity] context.

[Fat Xiaoan Hotel] In the private room.

Outside the window, a bright moon floated in the sky, and its bright moonlight shone on the earth, making the land in the distance a bit more vast and cold.

Li Zongyao frowned and looked at Kelly next to him.

Kelly nodded solemnly at him.

As an analyst sent from the head office of [Hongtian Capital], Kelly has led the market analysis team to make suggestions with Li Zongyao since he was the Q-dog of [Tengji Technology].

these years……

They saw the take-off of China's economy, and various markets were booming at an alarming rate...

During this period, they invested in the Internet, real estate, food...

Every time you invest, you make a lot of money.

Li Zongyao maintains absolute trust in this old friend.

After Li Zongyao saw Kelly's expression, his frown gradually relaxed.


The door opened.

"Mr. Li, how are you thinking about it?"

Zhang Sheng wiped his hands with a napkin and sat in front of Li Zongyao, with no expression on his face.

He sat opposite Li Zongyao, holding a menu in his hand but not ordering.

"In round A, I will invest 50 million first and see the market..."

The smile disappeared from Li Zongyao's face, as if he thought for a moment, and then said this sentence slowly.

"Oh." After Zhang Sheng heard the words fifty million, there was no other expression on his face, but he nodded silently.

Then she rang the bell at the table, and then there was a knock on the door, and a little girl walked in.

"Xiao Chen, serve two portions of egg fried rice..."

The little girl in uniform was stunned, as if she had never imagined that Mr. Zhang would order two portions of egg fried rice for less than thirty yuan when he came to the hotel for the first time.

She hesitated for a moment, then glanced at Li Zongyao and Kelly: "Mr. Zhang, do you need anything besides egg fried rice?"

"Just two portions of egg fried rice..."

"Two servings?"

"Yes! It must be outrageous for Mr. Li to come all the way and let him go there hungry, right?"

"What about you?"

"I'll go to the second floor to eat!"


When Zhang Sheng said these words, the little girl's face turned red from suppressing it. After a moment, she nodded.

The atmosphere in the VIP room suddenly became solid, and Li Zongyao's originally calm mouth twitched slightly, and then took a deep breath.

After the little girl left, he stared at Zhang Sheng.

"Zhang Sheng! Fifty million Series A investment, this is what every investor will do. Fifty million is a lot, enough for you to manage the entire business! You only rely on an ordinary taxi-hailing software. Just come to me and ask for investment. I didn't even see the market, so I just invested money for you. What am I not sincere about?" Li Zongyao's face gradually became slightly distorted, and when he spoke to Zhang Sheng, he looked a little lowered. sound.

"Fifty million is too little..." Zhang Sheng sat motionless, his face still expressionless.

"I spent 20,000 yuan to make any taxi-hailing software that can replace your product!" Li Zongyao's face turned even colder when he saw Zhang Sheng's expression.

"I have a complete industrial chain. Believe it or not, do you want to build a taxi-hailing app and buy your car from me?" Zhang Sheng calmly took a sip of tea.

"Zhang Sheng, do you really think you can cover the sky with just one hand?" Li Zongyao stood up suddenly.

"I have never been able to cover the sky with just one hand, but I am convinced that as long as I make a phone call, someone will immediately invest in me!" Zhang Sheng put down the tea cup, and his voice became calmer, but full of penetration.

Li Zongyao's face was gloomy and uncertain.

After a long time, he sat back in the chair.

He lit a cigarette and held it between his fingers to smoke.

But the moment he lit it up, he saw Zhang Sheng frowning: "Smoking is not allowed here. If you smoke, please get out!"

"Zhang Sheng, am I no longer qualified to smoke here?"

"These are the rules, this is my territory, you have to do as the Romans do." Zhang Sheng stared at Li Zongyao.


The air briefly became solid again.

The anger deep in Li Zongyao's heart is beyond words.

He took a long puff of cigarette, stared at Zhang Sheng, and even blew out a few smoke rings, his provocation was very obvious.

Zhang Sheng, however, didn't make any movement, just looked up.

Just when Li Zongyao took a second puff, water suddenly sprayed from above. Li Zongyao was caught off guard and was drenched all over in an instant.

"Zhang Sheng!" He wiped his face and spat out these two words fiercely, looking quite embarrassed.

"I said, these are the rules." Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and handed the napkin to Li Zongyao.




Gradually it got deeper.

Li Zongyao followed Kelly into the car.

Disappeared into the vast night.

Zhang Sheng watched the two people leave. After handing the contract to the lawyer next to him, Zhang Sheng got on the car to the airport.

Along the way...

Zhang Sheng received a lot of phone calls.

"Mr. Zhang, are you done?"

"Busy working."

"Do you have a new project recently?"

"Yes, we are going to make a taxi-hailing software..."

"Ha, if you don't talk to me about something good, you're not interesting enough..."

"This software is not mature yet..."


Not long after Li Zongyao left, Pang Lei from [Hongsen Capital] immediately called Zhang Sheng.

The other party obviously knew that Li Zongyao had just met Zhang Sheng and talked about a new project.

Zhang Sheng did not hide anything and told Pang Lei bluntly that Li Zongyao took out 300 million yuan and put it into his taxi app.

Although Pang Lei's voice was calm and he looked cheerful, it was obvious that there was some urgency in his words.

He made an appointment with Zhang Sheng for supper.

Zhang Sheng refused.

"Mr. Pang, I'm going to Hangzhou. Let's forget about the late night snack!"



The other party paused briefly, and then immediately asked where Zhang Sheng was.

When Zhang Sheng said he was going to the airport immediately, Pang Lei hurriedly told Zhang Sheng to wait for him first, as he happened to have some business to go to Hangzhou.

Then Pang Lei asked Zhang Sheng what ticket he bought and where he was.

When Zhang Sheng's car arrived at Yanjing Airport, when he got off the car, he saw Pang Lei, who was wearing glasses and had a gentle look on his face, hurrying over from outside with a few foreigners.

"boss Zhang!"

"Mr. Pang, what a coincidence." Zhang Sheng looked at Pang Lei at [Hongsen Capital] with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Zhang, what a coincidence, let's get on the plane and chat?"


When Zhang Sheng and Pang Lei got on the plane, Pang Lei immediately changed Zhang Sheng's ordinary cabin into first class.

The moment the plane took off, the enthusiastic smile on Pang Lei's face gradually turned serious.

"Mr. Zhang! Did you sell your taxi-hailing app?"

"Not yet...Mr. Li has paid out 300 million, but it's hard work. I'm going to wait a little longer..."

"I will directly invest 300 million for you. I just found out that you registered a company called [Didi Di Taxi] Company, right?"


"I want 30% of the company's shares! But I hope to be the only investor in the software."

Zhang Sheng was silent for a moment, then laughed: "Mr. Pang, are you sure you want to vote?"

"Vote! I brought a lawyer here. If you want to sign a contract, you can sign it immediately..."

"Mr. Pang, please speak quickly. Okay, let me take a look at the contract first." After Zhang Sheng looked at Pang Lei's expression, his eyes flickered for a moment, and then he nodded.



Zhang Sheng took over the contract.

When he saw the gambling agreement and some trap clauses in the contract, the smile on his face disappeared: "Mr. Pang, I hope to see a venture capital investment agreement, not a gambling agreement..."

"This is a guarantee for both of us... a capital cooperation method." Pang Lei explained with a smile on his face.

"I want to find a partner, instead of turning myself into a laborer..." When Zhang Sheng saw a series of [capital terms] in the agreement, some of which even Zhang Sheng couldn't understand, Zhang Sheng realized that this contract Something didn't feel right. He handed the agreement back to Pang Lei and shook his head.

Pang Lei and the other foreigners looked at each other, then the smile on his face disappeared, and then he squinted his eyes: "Mr. Zhang, if you feel dissatisfied with this contract, it doesn't matter if we switch to an ordinary investment contract... But, three billion, it may be invested in phases..."

"In the first round, my minimum requirement is 200 million..." Zhang Sheng responded.

"Two hundred million, this..." Pang Lei was silent for a while, and looked at a few foreigners.

This time, the foreigners did not respond. It seemed that they were communicating with their eyes.

After a while, several foreigners and Pang Lei left the first class cabin.

Zhang Sheng looked at the clouds and the vast void outside the airport, and silently closed his eyes to rest.

About 2 hours...

Pang Lei then followed a few foreigners and walked over. He hesitated and woke up Zhang Sheng.

"Mr. Zhang, the first round of 200 million is only 200 million. However, we will send people to [Didi Dache] to supervise the work. At the same time, we need the company's detailed information and plans..."

"Buy money first, then look at the plan!"



Early morning.

Li Zongyao followed the analysis team to repeatedly discuss the topic of whether [taxi-hailing software] is worth investing in.

After confirming again that it would be a hot spot in the future and a project they must invest in, he called Zhang Sheng again.


Zhang Sheng's phone has been busy.

It wasn't until two o'clock in the morning that the call finally got through.

"Mr. Zhang, I've thought about it and will do as you say..."

"Sorry, Mr. Li, it's useless for you to think about it. I have already accepted investment from [Hongsen Capital]!"



Li Zongyao’s expression changed drastically!

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