I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 565 Harvesting Capital (Part 2)


Let all secrets be hidden.

A person's itinerary and next step, if they are really paid attention to and investigated by someone who is interested.


He would be completely exposed.

June 11th at 2am.

The news that Zhang Sheng had contacted [Hongsen Capital] and [Hongtian Capital] was immediately placed on the table of countless capitals.

Of course, they didn't know what exactly Zhang Sheng, Pang Lei, and Li Zongyao talked about.

All we know is that Zhang Sheng’s recent signs and clues indicate that Zhang Sheng’s next project seems to be a [taxi-hailing APP].

After the capital investors reacted, they became very excited and immediately put the topic of "taxi-hailing APP" on the table of the "investment analysis meeting".

Wait until 6 o'clock in the morning on June 11th.

Many well-known domestic capitals.

For example, Dong Zhongjun behind [Eps Capital], Xu Fenghua behind [Yingsi Capital], and Xiong Xiao from [KDG Capital]...

Their top domestic and overseas analysts, through various calculations and analyses, immediately set their sights on the future [taxi-hailing APP].

That's the outlet!

No less popular than the takeaway industry!

That’s a big piece of cake that no one has really entered yet.

It's crazier than the previous [Thousand Regiments Battle], with higher benefits, and can even control the big cake that is the lifeline of the entire China's travel!

Capital is bloodthirsty and crazy. This level of madness is like a river bursting its banks, and it cannot extricate itself in an instant!

In the past, the [Thousand Regiments War] put countless small and medium-sized capitals in jail and could not extricate themselves, but this could only make them stop for a while, but it could not hinder their steps!

Countless established capitals immediately determined their future investment directions...

After determining the investment direction, a sense of crisis emerged in front of them again!

The first to eat crabs and the first to occupy the market will always have the most advantage.

The appearance of Zhang Sheng allowed them to take many detours!

June 11th.


"The [Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference] is about to be held, and we have received inside information that Zhang Sheng will represent [China New Energy Electric Vehicle] on stage for a minute..."

"Don't underestimate it for one minute. This is a world-class event. If you can speak for one minute at such an event, you have already made clear the official attitude!"

"In the past two years, Zhang Sheng has always had a close relationship with the business side. At the same time, Zhang Sheng's [Hongwei Battery Car] was released on June 18... combined with Zhang Sheng's acquisition of [Zhongde Map]..."

"The direction of everything is already obvious!"

"Zhang Sheng has his own industrial chain, and he has an absolute advantage in future competition!"


[Eps Capital] Dong Zhongjun listened to the analysis team talking about a lot of things.

After receiving inside information one after another, his expression became a little excited.

However, when he saw that Zhang Sheng's itinerary had reached Hangzhou, he became anxious and contacted Zhang Sheng immediately without thinking.

It's a pity that Zhang Sheng's phone is always busy.

Dong Zhongjun realized something instantly.

They [Eps Capital] have been paying attention to Zhang Sheng's movements, and other capitals are also paying attention to Zhang Sheng's movements.

He made a prompt decision!

Just ask your subordinates to buy the tickets and head straight to Hangzhou!


West Lake Vinegar Fish is a famous traditional dish in Hangzhou and one of the eight major Chinese cuisines.

This is a delicious dish.

But in fact, it's extremely unpalatable.

Other dishes are all about texture and taste, but West Lake Vinegar Fish tells you history...

All right!

In fact, it's just a gimmick.

Similar to Su Dongpo and Dongpo Rou...

June 11 at noon.

"Brother Zhang, are you elegant today?"

Ma Yunhua is still so arty.

He specially chartered a boat, and then, on the boat, he invited the most famous West Lake vinegar fish master in Hangzhou. While boating on the West Lake with Zhang Sheng, he tasted this most famous dish in Hangzhou.


The opera band playing music and singing not far away is a must.

After all, Ma Yunhua is a lover of opera. He has done a lot of things like listening to music and enjoying art.

Over the past month!

He saw Zhang Sheng's sincerity!

This guy worked recklessly for [Tengji] from various channels. Whether it was from lawsuits or market competition, this newborn calf was totally fighting for [Tengji].

Ma Yunhua is very satisfied with Zhang Sheng's behavior!

Of course, the social software war never happens overnight.

At this moment, although Zhang Sheng's [WeChat] and [WeChat] were covered in blood from fighting, he still had some energy left.

He thought that when Zhang Sheng had finished his last battle and couldn't hold on any longer, he would buy [WeChat] behind his back and give Zhang Sheng a boost!

West Lake in June...

The temperature is suitable and the lake surface is sparkling.

Zhang Sheng and Ma Yunhua didn't talk about their careers, the recent developments on [WeChat], or [Jiahu taxi]. Instead, they ate fish with vinegar, sipped tea and music, and chatted about romance.

Zhang Sheng has a strong appetite for Ma Yunhua...

During this period, Ma Yunhua was also teased to pretend to be a good pussy. When she saw Zhang Sheng's look of amazement, Ma Yunhua felt very happy.

Wait until three o'clock in the afternoon...

Ma Yunhuaping quit the singers and cooks, and finally brought her investment team to talk to Zhang Sheng about [taxi-hailing software].

"Mr. Ma, this market is blank. [Tengji Technology] has not responded yet. We can definitely be one step ahead and occupy the market..."

"Seizing the [taxi-hailing market] means that you have one more card. This card may be the final winner between your [Jiahu Technology] and [Tengji Technology] in the future!"

"Zheng Huateng of [Tengji Technology] wants to build a payment system. The birth of [WeChat] and its recent trends are really unspeakable!"


A gust of wind blew.

Zhang Sheng and Ma Yunhua started chatting about [taxi-hailing software].

In fact, when Ma Yunhua met Zhang Sheng, she already knew from Zhang Sheng's clues that Zhang Sheng was going to start a taxi app!

That's why he made an appointment with Zhang Sheng immediately.

Take Zhang Sheng for a boat ride on the West Lake.

"Brother Zhang, you came into contact with [Hongsen Capital] and [Hongtian Capital] before me, right?"

"Yes! Mr. Li of [Hongtian Capital] talked to me yesterday, but we did not reach an agreement." Zhang Sheng responded calmly after facing Ma Yunhua's eyes that seemed to see through everything.

“Where is [Hongsen Capital]?”

"Mr. Pang just signed an investment intention with me..." Zhang Sheng did not hide the matter, but replied.

"Do you want more than one fish?" After confirming, Ma Yunhua's expression froze slightly, and then she narrowed her eyes.

He already knew Zhang Sheng's intention.

"I'm fighting with [Tengji Technology]. I need funds. Moreover, other capitals can think of [taxi-hailing APP] through some of my actions, and [Tengji Technology] must also think of it. I want to mix things up." , and then fish in troubled waters..." Zhang Sheng nodded.

"I can understand, but if you use the so-called [Jiahu Taxi-hailing APP] to defraud me of money again, it would be unreasonable..." Ma Yunhua nodded, and then laughed.

this era……

It’s an information war!

Whoever can control the first-hand information will win!

"Mr. Ma, I never meant to lie to you, so I have always been very honest with you. Once I sign, I sign! I will never hide my ambitions from you. I want to use [taxi-hailing APP] Raising Gu, I know very well that if I go to seize the market with [taxi-hailing APP] now, I may be the first to eat crabs and occupy certain advantages. However, I do not have a strong capital backing behind me. Sooner or later, like [Honeycomb Jisong], it will be pushed to the second place by [Tengji Technology] and other capital, and it will be difficult to survive... Instead of doing this, I might as well open up the market and let capital and capital fight... I sell cars , just sell batteries!" Zhang Sheng looked at the sky and replied calmly.

After listening to Zhang Sheng's words, Ma Yunhua couldn't fault it, but she didn't respond immediately.

The two were silent for about a minute. Zhang Sheng looked at Ma Yunhua again: "I will sign a payment agreement with you while the capital does not know how many software apps I have sold. All my [taxi-hailing apps] will be used in the future." I will pay with your [Zhilibao], this is my sincerity..."

"Will you make payment software in the future?" After listening to this, Ma Yunhua suddenly squinted his eyes and stared at Zhang Sheng.

"No, I hope to be in the real industry, not Internet finance...Internet financial capital requires a huge operation team, and I don't have such a team." Zhang Sheng met Ma Yunhua's gaze and responded with a smile.

in the air.

There is an invisible sense of chilling.

After a while, Ma Yunhua nodded with satisfaction.

“I will still invest in [Jiahu Taxi], I will give you 300 million, but [Jiahu Taxi] will be integrated into my [Jiahu Technology] system, and we will send people to operate this software... 300 million is the same as The money you spend to buy a car, at the same time, the promotion of [Zhilibao] must be combined with [WeChat]..."

Zhang Sheng thought for a moment, then nodded. Just when he was about to speak, another cell phone suddenly rang.

Zhang Sheng held another mobile phone.

I saw the words Zheng Huateng appearing on the phone.

Zhang Sheng was stunned.

Ma Yunhua's face also condensed.

After seeing Ma Yunhua's expression, Zhang Sheng answered the phone without hesitation.

"Mr. Zheng."

"Mr. Zhang, I am somewhat interested in your taxi-hailing software and the new energy industry chain behind it. Come over and have a chat sometime..."

"Mr. Zheng, I'm sorry, Mr. Ma and I are rafting on the West Lake right now, and we are discussing how to fuck you... I don't think we need to talk..."


After hearing Zhang Sheng's words, the other end of the phone hung up instantly.

Zhang Sheng looked at Ma Yunhua.

Ma Yunhua, who was drinking tea, was choked and kept coughing.

Immediately afterwards, his expression was extremely wonderful.

Young people don’t respect martial ethics!

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