I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 566 Damn Zhang Sheng!

June wind.

Blows very warm.

However, Zheng Huateng's face was terrifyingly cold.

He stared at the words [Zhang Sheng] on his phone for a long time before putting down the phone.

It was not blocked or deleted, it was just gently put aside...

[It seems that Zhang Sheng is single-minded and follows Ma Yunhua all the way to the dark side. 】

The sun shines through the window and shines on Zheng Huateng's gentle face.

He frowned, leaned back on the sofa in the office, and rubbed his sore eyes.

A bit of anger and exhaustion inevitably rose deep in his heart.

I am angry that Zhang Sheng, a young man, does not understand current affairs, and I am tired that there may be a series of "big payment moves" in the [Jiahu Department] next, which might overwhelm the [Teng Technique Department] and mess up the situation.

In recent years, [Tengji Series] and [Jiahu Series] have been competing all the time on various channels on the Internet...

There are winners and losers for each other, but no one can do anything to the other, and a balance point is always maintained.

The mobile Internet era has come too fast for many capitals, so fast that they were in a hurry.

But for [Tengji] and [Jiahu], the arrival of the mobile Internet era is a new battlefield opened up after many years of planning.

The [Takeaway Industry] is in full swing, the [Group Buying Industry] is fiercely fighting, and even the [Thousand Group War] is burning money...

Everything is paved for mobile Internet payment!

"We [WeChat] already have advantages in the social field, but we still cannot take it lightly. The future taxi system may become one of the winners in the payment industry..."

“At present, the user base of [WeChat] is still not stable enough, and it still needs to be brewed to enter the next stage... Although [WeChat] has less than 10 million users, Zhang Sheng already has a certain amount of counterattack capital after joining [Jiahu]... …”


The breeze continued to blow.

Zheng Huateng stared at the ceiling and muttered to himself.

A moment later, there was a knock at the door.

Zhang Zhixiang, who had started a business together, walked in with a solemn expression.

"In the taxi-hailing industry, a lot of capital is already ready to enter the market. Should we wait any longer, or enter the market? The [Armor-Tiger System] is coming with force. If we are late, we will be late..."

He sat opposite Zheng Huateng, and as soon as he sat down, he said these words.

Zheng Huateng continued to rub his eyes, and after a long pause, he finally spoke: "The fighting hasn't started yet, we have to wait! Our focus still has to be on [WeChat] to guard against Zhang Sheng's sudden attack. He now has We have money, but they are still targeting our lower lane, and we have to guard against it!”

"What about [taxi-hailing]? Should we give up?"

"We won't give up, but the situation is unclear now and we need to wait."

"Jiahu won't wait for us..."


In the office.

The two former entrepreneurs began to disagree for the first time.

Zhang Zhixiang hopes that [Tengji Technology] will immediately establish a [taxi-hailing division] while [Jiahu Technology] is not yet mature, follow the trend and open up a new battlefield.

But Zheng Huateng felt that if he rashly entered the [taxi-hailing] track, everything would be dictated by others. It would be better to wait for the established capital to get out of the game first, and then take action when they run out of ammunition and food.

More than an hour later...

[Tengji Technology] The leaders of each business department received a [meeting call].

And the content of the meeting.

It’s the [taxi-hailing APP] project arrangement.


June 11th.

For China Capital, this is the most stressful day.

Zhang Sheng seems to be everyone's favorite, and the phone calls are already ringing off the hook!

There are endless gossips about Zhang Sheng's various itineraries.

They saw Zhang Sheng meeting [Hongsen Capital], and they also saw Zhang Sheng meeting Ma Yunhua from [Jiahu Technology]...

There are rumors that Zhang Sheng sold Didi Taxi to Pang Lei and officially reached an agreement with Pang Lei of Hongsen Capital.

Some people say that Zhang Sheng and Ma Yunhua reached a new round of payment agreement and completely fell out with [Tengji Technology]...

Some people predict that the first battle in the payment war between [Tengji] and [Jiahu] will be the taxi-hailing system...

June 12th…

More and more gossip is flying around.

Capital heard the news that [Tengji Technology] established a [taxi-hailing APP] business group overnight, and also heard that [Jiahu Technology] had opened a new business unit internally. Peng Lei, the person in charge of [Zhilibao], [Jiahu Technology] 】Following Ma Yunhua, one of the strongest women in the world, personally led the team into the [Business Department], and also heard that Li Hong of [Soudu Technology] held a full-day meeting on June 11th. What is the specific content of the meeting? It’s unknown what it is, but someone broke the news that Li Hong will spend one billion yuan to prepare to join forces with [Soudu Map] to do a big thing!

Countless news that is not known to be true or false has made some already crazy capital ready to make moves!

On the afternoon of June 12th.

Li Zongyao from [Hongtian Capital] asked his assistant to keep calling Zhang Sheng.

After calling nearly fifty times, I finally got through!

The two parties chatted for a long time on the phone. When Li Zongyao heard that Zhang Sheng seemed to have terminated his cooperation with [Hongsen Capital] Pang Lei, he immediately rushed to Yangcheng with his lawyer.

When he saw the [Didi Taxi] business headquarters being renovated, he hurried in without even looking.

[Didi Taxi] There were several young people in suits sitting at the business headquarters.

Outside the business department...

He saw a group of drivers queuing back and forth.

He walked into the door and finally saw Zhang Sheng.

"boss Zhang!"

"Mr. Li, why are you here?"

"Mr. Zhang, I brought 300 million in funds and changed the contract. We will cooperate in any way you want!"

"Mr. Li is quick to talk, but I don't need investment now!"

"It's good to work with me!"


outside the house.

More and more drivers are queuing up at the door to apply for [taxi-hailing licenses].

In the office, the calls from the uniformed staff have not stopped. If you listen carefully, they all come to inquire about the [taxi-hailing APP].

Everything seemed to be disturbing Li Zongyao's mood, making Li Zongyao become more and more anxious.

This cooperation negotiation lasted for nearly two hours...

When the two parties finally signed an agreement and Li Zongyao finished paying, Li Zongyao saw Zhang Sheng standing up, and then handed Li Zongyao various data and plans from the [Didi Taxi] company.

After Li Zongyao read the schedule, he was very satisfied!

This plan is exactly the same as the process analyzed by his analysis team.

After reading this...

Zhang Sheng took out another confidentiality agreement and handed it to Li Zongyao.

"Mr. Li, I am planning to officially announce our [Didi Taxi] on June 18 at the [4th World Environmental Protection Conference] and apply for [Employment Support Fund] with the relevant departments. However, during this period, our company's shares will be Be secretive and do great things in silence!”

"Zhang Sheng, have you really terminated your cooperation with [Hongsen Capital]?"


"Zhang Sheng, look into my eyes and tell me, are you right?"

"Mr. Li, you invested more money than Mr. Pang. This is your sincerity, so I can guarantee that my sincerity to you is definitely more than Mr. Pang!"


Li Zongyao stared into Zhang Sheng's eyes.

Seeing that Zhang Sheng's eyes didn't look like he was lying at all, Li Zongyao finally nodded.

Afterwards, the two parties chatted again and reached a preliminary agreement. Li Zongyao sent his analysis team and a group of staff to the [Didi Dache] company and began to intervene in [Didi Dache] APP management and other series of Work.

Time passes day by day.

People sent by Li Zongyao conducted a series of investment reviews on [Didi Taxi].

Later, they concluded that there was nothing wrong with Didi Taxi’s management system...

Employees are making phone calls everywhere to provide services for the next taxi app. Hu Guozhu, the manager sent by Zhang Sheng, is also working diligently in and out every day, attracting batches of drivers...

Wait until June 16th...

Li Zongyao finally invested about 200 million with Zhang Sheng...

Just when Li Zongyao was sharpening his skills and preparing to make a big fortune in the taxi app!

Li Zongyao suddenly received a call!

This phone call...

Li Zongyao's eyes widened!

His face even turned red, as if he had been slapped hard!

"What are you talking about? Zhang Sheng had people secretly register 8 taxi-hailing software companies across the country!"

"He used a piece of software and a company to lure nine big investors into the trap, and got a lot of money? Nearly 1.3 billion in investment funds!"


After Li Zongyao answered the phone, he felt like his whole body was spinning. He couldn't catch his breath and almost suffocated.

He was shaking all over and biting his lip!

After a long time, he finally gritted his teeth!

"Oh shit!"

"God damn Zhang Sheng!"

"Didn't he say that he has terminated the cooperation with [Hongsen Capital]?"

"It's unauthentic, it's so unauthentic, this damn thing, it's too unauthentic!"

"Damn it!"

"I was lied to!"

"We have all been deceived. This guy is just here to cut the money!"

"Lawyer, where's the lawyer! I'm going to ask the best lawyer to sue him!"

"damn it!"


Li Zongyao picked up the [Confidentiality Agreement] on the table, tore it into pieces, and slapped the table in anger!

Li Zongyao, who has been in the investment industry for so many years, has never been deceived like this!

He called Zhang Sheng immediately.


The phone was on, as always.

Li Zongyao’s face turned red!

About ten minutes later, the lawyer hurriedly came to the door, and then told Li Zongyao a piece of news with an ugly face.

"Zhang Sheng has not committed any illegal activities. His investment cooperation with us is through normal channels..."


"He just opened a leather company to sell shares, but the investment came from capital in person!"

"His company has no problems and is still operating. In some companies, he is not a legal person. Hu Guozhu is a legal person, but there are no problems with personnel, including customers, including qualifications..."

"He just eats more than one fish..."

"Zhang Sheng's previous "integrity" and "success" were so deceptive. We never imagined that he would suddenly do something like this!"


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