June 2011.

This is a wonderful node.

The future 4G has not yet started, and the 3.5G era is at its peak, with countless apps flooding into the communications market.

Countless new types of capital that have just emerged stared at this market with bloody eyes and licked their lips greedily...

The fragrant smell exuded from this piece of meat was so tempting that I opened my big mouth and bit into it desperately.

As for whether this bite will break, whether it will be poisoned, or whether it will fall apart...

This has never been within the consideration of the beasts. Greed has completely taken over their bodies and minds, and even everything.

And the old established capitals...

It's a little more rational.


The more rational you are, the more dangerous you feel, and the more you have to be careful about being knocked unconscious by random punches that appear in the dark.


[Tengji Technology].

The lights were on from 6 o'clock in the evening to four o'clock in the morning on June 19.

In the conference room.

Smoke billows.

Zheng Huateng, who rarely smoked, was holding a cigarette and smoking silently at this moment.

In the huge conference room, there were stern-looking middle-aged people sitting in suits and leather shoes, staring solemnly at the projection at the end of the conference room.

They all started the business with Zheng Huateng at [Tengji Technology] from the beginning of the millennium. They are one of the core backbones of [Tengji Technology]. They will participate in every key transformation of [Tengji Technology].

"A very pessimistic fact is before us!"

"In the past year, we have been focusing on the Internet industry and once ignored Zhang Sheng's real economy..."

"Zhang Sheng's [Hongwei MINI] technology is still immature..."

"Especially the lithium battery he advertised, the gap between it and the [Dening era] is not just a big step..."

“However, no matter how immature it is, it is still one of the battery industries currently supported by the state. In the past year, all the revenue of [Bosch Technology] has been invested in the research and development of lithium batteries. In our opinion, This was a thankless decision, but now that I think about it, it was Zhang Sheng’s ambition and determination..."

"He is like a gambler. He gambled for a year, and then he won!"


Li Cunhou, the chief analyst of [Tengji Technology], pulled out one of Zhang Sheng's real economy networks amid the choking smell of cigarette smoke.

Zheng Huateng looked at a series of data on the projection, silently put out his cigarette butt, but looked out the window at the distant sky where dawn was about to dawn.

[Tengji Technology] can use capital means to acquire or invest, but it is impossible to build its own [real economy network] like Zhang Sheng from now on.

On the one hand, the price-performance ratio is really low and thankless. It’s impossible to just build a stove just to have a bowl of rice, right?

On the other hand, it is a bit late. It is unwise for them to enter the market now, and if they are not careful, they will shift the future strategic focus of [Tengji Technology] and collapse...

“We don’t build cars, but we must follow [taxi-hailing APP]!”

"Just now, Ma Yunhua from [Jiahu Technology] has announced his entry, officially opening [Jiahu Taxi]..."

"[The taxi-hailing industry] is a cornerstone of the future payment industry, one of the important cornerstones. If the balance of victory is completely tilted towards [Jiahu Technology], we will lose in the first battle!"

“At the same time, we must also join small programs like [WeChat], and we must do it quickly!”

“We absolutely cannot [WeChat] grow at such a rapid rate again, it is absolutely not allowed!”


There was an extremely heated discussion in the conference room.

At that time, the east lit up a little fish belly white, and a glimmer of light penetrated through the window.

The discussion gradually died down.

In the conference room, everyone looked at Zheng Huateng.

When Zheng Huateng finished smoking his last cigarette, his eyes were complicated at first.

Zhang Sheng’s cancer caught people off guard!

Every time he appears in front of the camera, it will bring a big outlet.


It is expensive and labor-intensive, and it is destined to be an extremely long and deadly battle.

Everyone knows that [Taxi Battle] is definitely more ruthless than the previous [Thousand Regiment Battle]!

But don’t follow!

After the market is completely absorbed by [Jiahu Technology], they will launch a wool payment in the future, so just sit back and forget it!

After a long time, Zheng Huateng's complicated emotions gradually calmed down and he put out the cigarette butt!


Just when Zheng Huateng finished announcing this sentence, a text message came from Zheng Huateng's mobile phone.

The text message showed that [Soudu] next door already carries a [Soudu Didi] and is ready to join the battlefield!

According to the latest news, at this moment, Li Hong from [Soudu] has gone to China Automobile [Xinya] and Nissan [Dongfeng] to prepare for a new round of cooperation.


[In the exhibition area of ​​the 4th World Environmental Protection Conference].

Three Japanese electric scooter brands, [Yuaneng], [Green Horse], and [New Era], were suddenly attacked and could no longer hold their ground.

Their exhibition area is getting colder and colder. [Four-wheeled Battery Cars], [Three-wheeled Battery Cars] and other [Otoule] samples are displayed in the exhibition area at this moment, just like antiques from the old era.

Their batteries are lead-acid batteries. Although their safety is not bad, their battery life and discharge capacity are very weak...

Their casings are made of cheap plastic or metal casings with ordinary paint colors. They were once very popular and sold an astonishing 30,000 units in April and May. But now they have become a bit old. It seems like a product of another era.

They are still displayed in the exhibition area, and all the people in charge have left, leaving only a few people looking at the stalls.

And not far away...

Nie Xiaoping from [Hongwei] looked at the crowded crowd excitedly. His throat had long been hoarse from shouting, but he still couldn't resist the waves of enthusiasm.

When a breakthrough product comes out...

It is destined to have unprecedented shocks in this era.

June 18th.

In just a few hours, the number of orders for [Hongwei MINI] exceeded 200, and the deposit alone has already amounted to one million!

On the morning of June 19th.

The forum area of ​​the [Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference] next door is in full swing.

The stores of [Hongwei Technology] were already overcrowded. Although Nie Xiaoping had prepared 300 [Hongwei MINI] in advance, they were completely sold out in the afternoon of June 19.

The order volume here has already exceeded a thousand, and is heading towards 1,500 crazily!

100 [Hongwei Fengxing] cars were even snatched away!

The staff were busy registering all kinds of booking information from users, and their hands were cramping while writing, but they still couldn't resist the wave of enthusiasm from users.

Orders were gradually scheduled from June to July. By the afternoon of June 19, pre-orders were already scheduled for October!

"Everyone, please stop crowding!"

"Everyone, please stop crowding!"

"Take your time, take your time!"


Nie Xiaoping's throat was hoarse, and he finally had to use a loudspeaker instead of himself to say this series of words.

In the [Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference Exhibition Hall], the air-conditioning temperature is obviously very low, but so many people crowded in, the temperature still rises, and Nie Xiaoping is covered in sweat.

At this moment, he was both exhausted and excited.

In the evening, when the [Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference Exhibition Hall] was closed, he got in the car and returned to the store he had just rented in Qingdao, and saw a long queue outside the store.

In this long line...

Young girls accounted for the majority, and at the same time, there was also a group of middle-aged people. Even though night had fallen, these people were still very excited.

A group of reporters were interviewing in this long queue!

During this time, they heard a series of noisy sounds.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

"Boss, I've been waiting in line for 5 hours!"

"Yes, boss, is there a faster way? For a brand as big as yours, can't you have a few more staff?"

"Yeah, we're buying the car in full, can we do it in advance?"


Nie Xiaoping got out of the car and heard a series of sounds.

He lowered his head and prepared to walk into the company in a low-key manner, but unexpectedly he was pulled by a group of people to make a lot of suggestions.

Looking at the faces, Nie Xiaoping tried his best to keep a smile and humility while answering every question.

But at this moment, he could no longer tell how many of these people were temporarily arranged queue actors, and how many were customers who sincerely wanted to buy a car and came to queue.

Wait until June 19th.

At ten o'clock, the team gradually became smaller.

The newly recruited staff were almost paralyzed.

The managers who came from Yanjing even sat down on the sofa, drinking water gurglingly, and piled stacks of documents as high as a mountain.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

When they saw Nie Xiaoping walking in, everyone was shocked!

He stood up immediately.

"At the end of this year, I will give you a big red envelope!"

Nie Xiaoping's throat was still hoarse. He took a deep breath and said this to everyone in very excited words.

[Hongwei Technology] The Qingdao branch immediately burst into cheers...

Just when Nie Xiaoping took a deep gulp of water and was about to say a few words, he saw waves of even noisier sounds coming from the door.

Immediately afterwards...

He saw Zhang Sheng walking in with Xu Guangbiao.

He hurriedly greeted him.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Xu!"

"Mr. Nie, you've worked hard these past two days!"

"If you don't work hard, there is no hard work in making money. Instead, Mr. Zhang, you have worked hard these past two days, and you will have to speak on stage the day after tomorrow..."


[Hongwei Technology] The employees of the Qingdao branch looked at Mr. Nie, who had stood up straight and looked as angry as a tiger. After Mr. Zhang came over, he nodded and bowed down instantly, and their expressions suddenly became very exciting.

But Nie Xiaoping, who was immersed in excitement, was completely unaware of these glances. Instead, he quickly welcomed Zhang Sheng and the two into the office, looking like a loser.

"Mr. Nie, I'm here to talk to you this time. I want to go a step further and make something..."


“I want to connect all my industries using [WeChat], and create a small program in WeChat. This small program is our [Hongwei Technology] small program, and it’s called electronic warranty card and membership reservation card... "


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