I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 573 Dirty Business Competition

14 years ago in 1997.

Che Shun, the founder of [Yuanneng] battery car, registered [Yuanneng battery car] with the National Trademark Office.

In 1998, [Yuanneng] battery car won the title of "Yangcheng Consumer Shopping Brand of Choice"...


[Yuanneng] founder Che Shun passed away due to illness, and his son Che Zhenglong took over his father's position. As soon as he came to power, he attracted a sum of Japanese foreign investment...

From now on...

It became a Japanese brand.

Relying on that Japanese foreign investment, battery cars rapidly expanded to all parts of the country. At its peak, it even dominated China's battery car sales championship every year.


June 20, 14 years later.

【Yuanneng】Battery car headquarters.

Che Zhenglong held a meeting of the elders.

At the meeting, Che Zhenglong spoke seriously about what he saw and heard in the "Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference Exhibition Area".

Also mentioned [Hongwei MINI], [Hongwei Fengxing]...

A visible sense of crisis was lingering in the entire conference room.

The veterans who have experienced many business wars are aware of the seriousness of the situation at this moment.

Although [Yuanneng Battery Vehicle] was still the best seller among the three major brands of battery vehicles in China in April and May, Zhang Sheng’s sneak attacks have already stabbed them hard.

The second day of the [4th World Environmental Protection Conference] was held!

[Yuanneng Four Wheels] Battery Car's [Laotoule] product has received nearly two hundred return orders...

Some even lose all their deposits and are determined to return the car!

"Zhang Sheng seems to have come up with a product that is far ahead of this era..."

"We must keep up with this wave. Even if we lose hundreds of millions in production lines, we still have to keep up..."

In the conference room.

A voice echoed.

A middle-aged man in his forties pushed his eyes, his eyes were complicated, and his voice was solemn.

Over the years, [Yuanneng] has gone through ups and downs, but they have always been at the forefront of the industry. They have never been overtaken by others like they are now.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten.

If you remain careless, or refuse to transform and stand still, you will die sooner or later!

In fact, when he saw [Hongwei MINI] in the live broadcast room, he felt a very scary signal!

“We grabbed a prototype of [Hongwei MINI]. In fact, I really don’t want to use the word [grab] to describe it, but for this high-end prototype of [Hongwei MINI], I did make some personal sacrifices. Thanks to the relationship, I just got one!”

"I have asked my colleagues in the technical department to dismantle [Hongwei MINI]. I believe it won't be long before the approximate parts cost and sample of [Hongwei MINI] will be placed in front of us..."

The middle-aged man's name is Zhang Xiangyu. Although he is only forty-six years old, his hair is already nearly half gray.

He stood up and expressed his opinion.

Just as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door in the conference room, and then a young man in work clothes hurried in with a USB flash drive and a series of photos.

When this person walked in, the conference room instantly became quiet, and everyone looked at this person...

After seeing Zhang Xiangyu and Cha Zhenglong nodding at the same time, the young man hurriedly walked to the main seat in the conference room, and then inserted the USB flash drive into the computer.

A moment later...

From the casing to the steering wheel...

From lithium batteries to display mirrors...

From chassis to tires...

The dismantled [Hongwei MINI], the brand and photos of almost every important component were displayed in front of everyone.

And of course, there’s an offer!

"This price is too cruel!"

"Take the highest allocation of 3.88 as an example. If, without the support of the state, it sells for 3.88, in our opinion, this is the pure cost price!"

"However, their [battery cost] is more controllable. They may be able to make a little profit with some [navigation], but they will definitely not make much..."

"If you include various operating costs, you may still lose a little bit..."

"However, the little money lost happened to be due to the country's various support policies. For example, wherever [Hongwei] builds a factory, the government will exempt taxes, rent, and even provide some subsidies..."

"If we sell at a price of 3.88, we have to pay for it. The more we sell, the more we pay for it!"


The more detailed the dismantling.

The more shocking it becomes.

Everyone present took a deep breath.

Zhang Sheng doesn't talk about martial arts, he just comes up with a price that no one can earn...

It has seriously disrupted the market and pushed people directly to a dead end!

There was silence in the conference room, and then everyone present looked at each other. After a long time, there was no sound.

“We can use a similar look, but we don’t have to use their parts!”

"For the spare parts they import, we can definitely use ordinary domestic products, such as brake pads. We can definitely use the most basic ones!"

"And, for batteries, why do we use lithium batteries? We can use lead-acid batteries. Lead-acid batteries are safer..."

"The important thing is that as long as we make the shell exquisite, it will be OK!"

"I did a brief survey and found that the reason why consumers are now interested in this [Hongwei MINI] is because of the appearance of this car. Is it difficult for us to imitate an appearance?"

"Moreover, this replacement can minimize our losses. At the same time, our production speed can also keep up. We must take advantage of this wave of dividends of the times!"


In the office.

A voice rang out.

When everyone saw the voice, it was another veteran of [Yuan Neng] who stood up and then told him a plan!

"Yes, the key is to be fast. From now on, we have to build the frame as soon as possible. After it is built, we will display it in the [Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference Exhibition Area]. At the same time, we will make a Promotional PPT, we use this PPT to first stabilize those users who want to unsubscribe..."

"After stabilizing, we will adjust the production line and I will contact the capital side. Several Japanese brands have been very interested in us recently!"

"We must transform quickly, absolutely quickly!"



The advent of [Hongwei MINI].

It seems to have stimulated the most sensitive nerve of all capital and battery car brands.

Suddenly, everyone became nervous.

This tension quickly caused them to overreact.

On the afternoon of June 20th.

Three brands, [Yuaneng], [Green Horse], and [New Era], announced their new [new energy electric vehicle] products on their official websites almost at the same time.

Without exception, the new products are similar in appearance to [Hongwei MINI], have similar parameters, and even have a longer cruising range than [Hongwei MINI]. All of a sudden, they have attracted the attention of many users.

The person in charge of [Yuanneng], Che Zhenglong, stood up immediately and seriously announced that their upcoming [Yuanneng MINI] product is called [Little Bee] and will be released on July 1st. A batch of products is delivered to users...

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the discussion on "Little Bee" on the Internet instantly reached its peak.

All kinds of revelations are coming out one after another, and of course there are some abuses among them.

[Little Bee] is almost exactly the same as [Hongwei MINI] except for the trademark and some shapes that are slightly different from [Hongwei MINI].

But for this kind of abuse, [Yuan Neng] has never responded at all, and has been pretending to be dead.

On the Internet, some people also came out to break the news.

It is said that [Yuanneng] has abolished all the production lines that have previously invested heavily in it. At this moment, it is paying money and carrying out a new round of reforms in a drastic way.

Someone also broke the news that [Yuanneng] battery car reached a strategic cooperation agreement with [Liwei Electronic Technology] on the 20th...

Some people even broke the news that [Soudu Technology] also invested a round of A investment in [Yuanneng], preparing to do something big...

[Yuanneng]’s popularity once dominated the headlines in the technology circle.

This made Nie Xiaoping of [Hongwei] furious instantly!


When Nie Xiaoping finished his work, he glanced at [Yuan Neng]'s [Little Bee], his face flushed instantly, and he was furious!

He contacted Zhang Sheng immediately!

"boss Zhang!"

"This is complete plagiarism!"

"Damn it, why is everyone starting to learn [Teng Technique] instead of being original? Why are they plagiarizing our achievements!"


"Mr. Zhang, I hope my colleagues from [Bird's Nest Law Firm] can come over. I want to file a lawsuit with them!"


Nie Xiaoping's voice filled with indignation was not received by Zhang Shengren.

Just after listening to the phone call, Zhang Sheng responded calmly after a long time.

"Mr. Nie, all you need to do now is collect money and sell the car. You don't have to worry about anything else..."


"In terms of price, we have an advantage. We are the pioneers. If they want to plagiarize, they will plagiarize. If they want to plagiarize, they will plagiarize. We don't care about anything. The bigger their reputation, the better!"

"Mr. Zhang, I don't understand!"

"They can't sell the same configuration at our price! They can only ask the official for subsidies, but, Mr. Nie, they can't make up for it with subsidies. We [Hongwei MINI] can get subsidies because we get various Certificate, if they want to get the certificate, it will take at least three months at the fastest... Moreover, I have already agreed on the rules with the relevant departments. If they don't use my set of parts, their safety cannot be guaranteed. It can still only be listed illegally..."

"So, the harder they invest and the louder they become, the more they lose? Will everything be wasted in the end?"


"Mr. Zhang, what can I do?"

"Do you have any free time now?"

"I...if I push, I have time!"

"You are going to collect the car accident data and news of [Laotou Le] in April and May...the more detailed the better! But after collecting it, you don't want to send it out. It is best to wait until their industrial chain is fully developed and make an investment. After the huge amount of money has formed a competitive scale, I believe these data will be more... At that time, the relevant departments will take action..."

"Mr. Zhang, you are... a little dirty!" Nie Xiaoping felt a chill down his spine after hearing this.

"What's so dirty? We act upright and stand upright. When we win, we also win uprightly!"


"Mr. Nie, remember, we have to think about the safety of our customers. We must always follow the country's lead. We must be the number one company under the sun. We must be entrepreneurs, not capitalists!"


"By the way, these words should be added to the entrepreneur's speech at tomorrow's [Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference]!"


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