I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 578 Industrial Blowout


Netizens are very simple.

If you are good to them, they will be good to you.

You stand in the spotlight and speak for them.

Put yourself in their shoes and put yourself in their shoes.


They will support you no matter what.

Someone has said that although a drop of water is water, insignificant and fleeting under the sun, a drop of water becomes a river, a lake, or a sea...


Since the [Samsung S5940] mobile phone was launched in mainland China on June 6, nearly two million mobile phones have been sold!

The price of 1599 is too amazing!

It’s so amazing that no consumer will resist the price of 1,599.

It is shocking that the industrial chain just established by China's copycat mobile phones collapsed overnight.

Countless newly released mobile phones are in mourning. In just over half a month, many manufacturers had to sell them at a loss.


Faced with the golden name of [Samsung] and the price of 1,599...

Their phones can no longer be sold!

shopping mall……

This is a battlefield without smoke.

Since it is a battlefield, everything is changing rapidly.

Everyone thinks that in the second half of 2011, the Chinese market will probably be dominated by [iPhone4S] and [Samsung S5940].


No one could have imagined it.

June 25th.

A mobile phone that has gradually faded out of the public eye suddenly received an astonishing order of nearly 100,000 orders in one day!

The name of that mobile phone is [Apple 4S], which is currently the only mobile phone brand owned by Zhang Sheng.

In fact, starting from the afternoon of June 25, a long queue formed at the entrance of [Apple Technology].

Just started……

The staff at the after-sales service point were shocked when they saw this long queue. They thought a wave of returns was coming. So many mobile phones had to be returned...

Isn't this the end?

But when I saw everyone rushing into the store excitedly with banknotes in hand, ready to buy mobile phones...

The store clerks were shocked!

The [Apple 4S] trend has passed, why do these people come here to buy mobile phones instead?

Are they dreaming, or are these people crazy?

Moreover, the [Samsung S5940] was coming fiercely before, and Mr. Zhang was already ready to reduce production. Suddenly, he could not produce so much goods!

Their confusion was soon answered!

On the Internet, there is an article on Weibo called [When the iPhone 4 was released, he has been working hard to make mobile phones affordable for ordinary people like us! 】The article has over a million likes.

The owner of the article is named [Advertising Migrant Workers].

This is an unfamiliar Weibo blogger. Previously, the content posted on Weibo was basically about "overtime" and "salary". There were no likes or attention at all.


This article published on the 24th suddenly and inexplicably became popular!

The content of the article is from the [iPhone4] era to [iPhone4S]...

During this period, the article mentioned the wave of 699 copycat mobile phones last year...

[At that time, Zhang Sheng was in a lawsuit against iPhone 4. We don’t know at all the circumstances under which he made all the appearance patents he had worked so hard to register public and made them available to everyone for free. I only know that on that day , I used the art of boasting by Joes of the [IPO] company on the other side of the ocean, and even used the touch of the unaffordable and unavailable iPhone 4...]

[Later, iPhone4S and [Apple 4S] competed on the same stage. We saw that one appearance was stagnating, while the other appearance moved up a level again... One sold for 4999, the other for 1999...]


This article is very long, about 10,000 words, divided into two parts.

But this article is written with sincerity...

At the end of the article, Zhang Sheng’s various entrepreneurial experiences were dug out, from [mobile phone] to [takeaway], from [Hongwei MINI] to [online ride-hailing]...

I also talked about Zhang Sheng’s current predicament...

Zhang Sheng invested nearly 400 million in the research and development of lithium batteries last year...

Then, some time ago, Zhang Sheng was targeted for plagiarism by [Tengji Technology]. Then, he was short of money and had to sell his other mobile phone shares such as [Blueberry] and [Nimei] and some of his food delivery shares. , all sold...

The article talked about why Zhang Sheng broke the contract. It said that starting from [Temple Escape], [Tengji Technology] repeatedly copied Zhang Sheng's products. Such shameless behavior made Zhang Sheng intolerable...

As mentioned in the article, it took Zhang Sheng half a year to be able to afford a car for everyone, running to the relevant departments almost every day, constantly applying for various tedious license plates and tests, and finally got the license from the relevant departments At the same time, he also subsidized a sum of money to sell the car...

[Perhaps, only those who truly come up from the bottom can never forget their original aspirations! 】

The article was touching, especially the last sentence, coupled with Zhang Sheng's words standing in front of the stage, it immediately moved countless netizens.


"Mr. Ma, [Apple 4S] pre-orders nationwide have exceeded 100,000 units!"

“The single-day orders and sales are actually the same as [Samsung S5940]!”



【Apple 4S】Headquarters.

Ma Hongbo looked at the orders for [Apple 4S] in shock. He never dreamed that one day, [Apple 4S] would have a second life after the craze had passed.

He immediately went to the store and saw the queue.

He never thought that one day they would be able to recreate the grand occasion of the press conference without hiring actors!


The night is getting darker.

[Hongwei New Energy Technology]

There are more and more people...

Nie Xiaoping watched a group of young people crowded into the exhibition hall, scrambling to grab the sales contract...

Some squatted on the ground, some leaned on the sofa, and some leaned against the wall...

He originally thought that [Hongwei MINI] was already popular when it was released, but he never dreamed that a few days later, the popularity would not decrease, but would become even more popular!

Amidst the noise...

Nie Xiaoping looked at the production order.

It seems that they were conservative before and should add more production lines and build more factories...

At this moment, it’s too late!

It’s too late to place orders for the second half of the year. In just a few days, they have ordered close to 50,000 cars, and this number is rising crazily, surpassing [Yuaneng], [Green Horse], [ New Era] and its [Laotou Le] sales have exceeded the total sales in two months!

The excitement made Nie Xiaoping feel sad and happy at the same time.

Fortunately, the sales volume is amazing. They have finally achieved overtaking in a corner and are very likely to reach the top!

But the worry is that with their current scale, these 50,000 vehicles will not be delivered until at least the first half of next year. Customers are destined to wait for a long time...

He returned to the office.

The phone in the office kept ringing.

Countless phone calls were made for consultations and people coming to pick up cars. Of course, there were also some private calls from local governments.

"Mr. Nie and many places in Zhejiang Province hope that we can lead a team to inspect the construction of factories. The local leaders promised to provide various subsidies and sponsorships..."


Nie Xiaoping saw the assistant hurried in and said a series of words.

He was in a daze, and then he nodded calmly and asked his assistant to go out and work first, and he would think about it himself.

However, when the assistant left and he was sitting alone in the office, he suddenly scratched his head and laughed silly, as if he had lost his mind.

Who would have thought that a battery car factory that was about to close down two years ago would suddenly be where it is today?

This is no longer smoke coming out of the ancestral tomb, this is the explosion of the ancestral tomb!

After a long time, he managed to stabilize his happy mood, and then walked out of the office. He looked at a group of people queuing up orders and started to get busy.


Early morning on June 26th.

When the first ray of sunshine from the sky shines on this land.

Zhang Sheng walked into the office of [Shengteng Technology].

Just walked into the office.

He just got a lot of phone calls.

A call from [Apple Technology], asking how to arrange [Apple 4]. Now that the orders have exploded again, should we continue to increase the production line and produce [Apple 4] or how to do it...

I also received a call from Nie Xiaoping. Nie Xiaoping told him that orders for [Hongwei MINI] and [Hongwei Fengxing] were also booming. The market was already in a stage of oversupply and hunger. All night long, customers gathered around their company waiting for orders. The printer has run out of ink...

He received a call from Chen Mengting, who told him that [Bosch Battery] orders were also full. After the exhibition, [Bosch Battery] was going crazy and might build another factory...

He also received a call from his school, Yanshihua Shen Yi, who told him that registration for the first phase of [vocational re-education] students was full...

School officially starts on July 1st, but the ribbon-cutting speech for the new teaching building will be held on June 28th. I hope Zhang Sheng, as a representative of entrepreneurs, can take the stage to chat...

Zhang Sheng was overwhelmed with countless phone calls.

The industries he has invested in and participated in are like blowouts at this moment, ushering in an unprecedented explosive period!

After finally answering the phone, Zhang Sheng touched his buzzing ears and prepared to take a rest.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.


He saw Xu Guangbiao and [WeChat] local promotion manager Liu Changyu in the office and walked into the office excitedly.

"Mr. Zhang, we have finished debugging the mini program. Now [WeChat] can register the [enterprise mini program], and in the [enterprise mini program], we have also enabled some simple functions such as warranty cards and registration cards!"


Zhang Sheng nodded.

Here, he took over the new version of the test program of [WeChat]...

A smile appeared on the corner of the mouth!

And [Tengji Technology] is far away in Yangcheng.

Zheng Huateng, who had just entered the office, suddenly felt an inexplicable chill running down his spine!


He looked out the window blankly...

Not long after...

Zheng Huateng received a piece of news that made him take a deep breath!

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