I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 579 Things may change!

In 2003, an instant messaging software called UC

In 2005, Microsoft launched a mobile phone called MSN into China...

In 2006, China Mobile also launched a mobile phone called Fetion...

In the past ten years...

[Tengji Technology] When I started my business, I encountered many opponents.

Some of them pushed [Tengji Technology] into a corner, and the number of registered users and active users completely surpassed Qgou.

Some of them come from the United States and come across the sea to fight...

Some of them rely on mobile technology, control a large number of users, and are aggressive and overwhelming...

Under the baptism of bloody storms, [Tengji Technology] not only failed to succeed, but instead established an indelible position as China's social hegemon.


There has never been any social software that is as tenacious and fierce as Zhang Sheng’s [WeChat]...


Relying on industry!


On the afternoon of June 26th.

[WeChat] More than 20 key managers of the business department gathered in the conference room.

Everyone had tired, nervous, and depressed emotions on their faces.

The restless breathing sound was like ripples, lingering throughout the conference room and lingering for a long time.

Zhang Xiaoqiang held the pen and stared at the scratch paper on the table repeatedly...

these years……

[Tengji Technology] There may seem to be many ways to defeat your opponents, but in fact they are just a single method.

That is a reference!

[Tengji Games] Countless games that are now in full swing are all born from [reference]. What is reference?

It is to conduct a series of splitting and research on the most popular game code and core gameplay, and upgrade it into a [Tengji Game] that is more suitable for the market.

Then, relying on the huge number of users, it attracts countless players and eliminates opponents in waves of business wars.

With the support of a strong legal department, some tricks may be simple enough for a fool to know, but they will never work.

In the past year, [Tengji Technology] received nearly a hundred cases, but in the end, they all passed safely...

Cicadas chirped outside the window.

Even with the air conditioner turned on, it was still difficult to resist the bone-deep heat in the entire conference room.

I don't know if it was due to psychological effects or other reasons, but everyone felt a sense of suffocation when staying in this conference room.


Unless they want to lose their job.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to leave.


In the conference room, which had been silent for nearly half an hour, there was finally a sound of opening the door.

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Huateng walked in from the outside with his lawyer and a gloomy face.

"Mr. Zheng!"

"Mr. Zheng!"

"Mr. Zheng..."


Zheng Huateng did not respond to them, but sat on the main seat and stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that the world that was still sultry just now suddenly turned cold, so cold that it was bone-chilling.

After watching for a while, Zheng Huateng still did not speak, but turned to look at Zhao Xiaoshan, a lawyer from Tengji Technology's legal department.

"This court session will be held in Yanjing?"

"Yes, Chen Zhizhong of the Yan Petrochemical Legal Department has contacted many people during this period, including many authoritative lawyers in Yanjing. They have all contacted us. We have fought for it, but this lawsuit is completely different from the previous ones..."


Zheng Huateng nodded, his face trembled slightly, but then he regained his composure and just waved his hand: "I understand, you go down and prepare first."


Lawyer Zhao Xiaoshan’s steps were a little heavy.

His expression was as cold as ice.

When he left the conference room, the conference room fell into silence again.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Zheng Huateng finally spoke.

"Tell me, why do we [WeChat] blindly borrow from it without upgrading it, and even some of the codes are almost the same?"

He stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was shocked.

Then, he stood up subconsciously.

“The update frequency of [WeChat] is so fast that we are caught off guard and we have no time at all…”

"Then why did you mess up your position? Give others a handle?"


When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard this sentence, he did not respond, but looked at Zheng Huateng.

[WeChat 2.3] announced a new feature called [Taxi Mini Program].

In the [Mini Program], Zhang Sheng has installed almost half of the taxi-hailing software on the market into the [WeChat] mini program.

That day, Zhang Xiaoqiang received a call from Zheng Huateng, and then he hurriedly asked Zhang Xiaoqiang to make a similar [mini program]!

Moreover, after making it, the [mini program] must be put into use as soon as possible.

On the phone...

Zhang Xiaoqiang and his [WeChat] team are already very tired.

[WeChat] is different from all previous opponents. They [WeChat] just upgraded their version here, and [WeChat] over there came up with a new version...

In just over a month, both sides have upgraded the version more than ten times, as if the opponent has endless new versions.

Behind such a close pursuit is Zhang Xiaoqiang and his team, who work overtime day and night and have endless meetings and planning...

At first, they could still adapt.

After all, humans are not machines.

No matter how strong a team is, no matter how capable a person is, they cannot work at high intensity for such a long time. Moreover, there is almost no hope for such work and innovation.

There seems to be a spy in the company. Often when they think of an idea and prepare a new version that is better than [WeChat], the other party [WeChat] will come up with a more mature version.

Since late June, the entire [WeChat] business department has been filled with a sense of despair.


After Zhang Xiaoqiang received the call from Zheng Huateng, he had to work overtime to take out the updated version of [WeChat] and continue research...

Then, they inevitably [borrowed] some things, which for them was completely numb.

If you can't defeat it in terms of innovation, then [learn from], repeatedly [learn from], until the opponent can no longer update new versions, [learn from] until the opponent surrenders.

Zhang Xiaoqiang used these words to inspire those exhausted teams!

When the team heard this sentence, the feeling of despair finally got better. With hard work, in the early morning of this morning, their [WeChat] was updated to a new version...

Then, this morning, [Tengji Technology] actually received a subpoena from the Yanjing Court...

This time, it is no longer a lawyer’s letter from [Bird’s Nest Law Firm], but a direct summons from the court!

The air fell silent again.

Zhang Xiaoqiang finally sat back on the chair.

Zheng Huateng suppressed some of his irritable emotions, and then looked at everyone calmly.

“In July at the latest, I hope to see [WeChat] be optimized again. This time, I hope to see innovation and difference from [WeChat]...”

"If I can't do it, I will let the person in charge of Q Dog take over the next project..."


After he left these words, he stood up, turned around and left.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who looked anxious, was left behind, as well as countless desperate [WeChat] team leaders.


The afternoon sun is still very hot.

Zheng Huateng returned to the office and locked his eyes on the court summons.

these days……

The legal department of [Tengji Technology] and the legal department of [NC Entertainment] have always been involved in lawsuits.

The theme of the lawsuit is that [WeChat] borrows from [WeChat], [National Parkour] borrows from [Temple Run]...

Almost every time [WeChat] is updated, [Tengji Technology] will receive a lawyer's letter from [Bird's Nest Law Firm].

Zheng Huateng didn't care about this. They [Tengji Technology] always used the same old routine. On the one hand, they tried every means to move the battlefield to their Nanshan District, where they always had the advantage and protection. On the other hand, they just delayed time. They [Tengji Technology] can afford the costs and personnel costs, but others cannot.


The difference between Zhang Sheng and his past opponents is that all his past opponents were based on the Internet, similar to capital investment, and their foundation was always weak.

Zhang Sheng is based on the real economy.

Moreover, Zhang Sheng's network was so large that it became a shining emperor's sword!

[The Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference] seems to be a node, more like Zhang Sheng’s sudden sword flash!

When Zheng Huateng saw that some of Zhang Sheng's remarks at the [4th World Environmental Protection Conference] were published and became a hot search topic, Zheng Huateng realized an extremely strong signal!

The group of people in the relevant departments have been staring at the Internet from beginning to end, staring at every company that jumps out of the "gantry".

And Zhang Sheng...

He is young!

He is only 23 years old!

He is committed to employment, economy, technology, people's livelihood...

His capital is very clean, and so far, he has been standing under the sun from beginning to end...

Everything is like a glittering resume.

Zheng Huateng turned on the computer and saw another piece of news.

The news is [Vocational re-education and adult education will be officially launched on a pilot basis at Yuyan Petrochemical on July 1st! 】

He saw Zhang Sheng in the news!

Even Zheng Huateng felt an invisible pressure coming on him again at this moment!

Employment, vocational education, technology...

Zhang Sheng was laying the groundwork for each of these threads that can easily be overlooked a long, long time ago!

Zheng Huateng lowered his head again and stared at the words in the summons.

"Plagiarism" is a pain point for the opponent!

In addition to "plagiarism", there are also malicious competition and industry monopolies reported to the Ministry of Commerce...

These crimes once made Zheng Huateng sneer, but at this moment, Zheng Huateng had to become serious.

The competition between [WeChat] and [WeChat], [WeChat]’s repeated reference...

The last time [Tengji Technology] won the lawsuit against [NC Entertainment]...

"A group of leaders from Yanjing are watching..."

Zheng Huateng thought of the phone call he received in the morning.

He closed his eyes!

Getting calmer and calmer, but frowning more and more.


Things are going to change!

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