I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 580 His sword! Show off your edge!

June 27th.

All industries under Zhang Sheng experienced a blowout at this moment.

Orders for [Hongwei MINI] have been scheduled from the second half of the year to the first half of next year, and from the first half of next year to the second half of the year.

Orders went from 50,000 to 70,000!

It’s still increasing continuously!

This state has been going on for three consecutive days!

From early morning to sunset in the evening!

[Hongwei Technology]'s few stores have long queues.

Countless reporters and news outlets are reporting on this incident...

Many young people's support for this [Hongwei MINI] has become barbaric.

If [Hongwei Technology] hadn't stipulated that a person could only buy one car with his ID card, the order would probably have doubled again!

Zhang Sheng's remarks on the Internet moved countless people.

【He rose from humble beginnings...】

[Step by step, there are bumps every step of the way. I have fallen down, been suppressed, and even suffered all kinds of torture in hell...]

[However, he always moved forward step by step and never stopped. 】

[After he became famous, he did not indulge in pleasure. He did not buy a luxury car, a villa, or even his own commercial house. He just stayed true to his original intention...]

[He works hard to provide jobs for ordinary people like him, so that more and more people can have a bite to eat, so that more and more people can afford mobile phones...]


Various emotional articles containing such remarks immediately bombarded the hot searches of major media and social platforms, and even some people in Zheng Huateng's [WeChat] groups were reposting...

[Those who hold wages for others should not be trapped in the wind and snow; those who pave the way for freedom should not be trapped in thorns]

Original world.

A gentleman once said this.

This world has experienced turbulent times, and countless people have gone on to save their lives in the darkness and cold, and make their way through the thorny wilderness.

Maybe there is no such gentleman.

But, after all, some people rush towards the light step by step!

The power of words is terrifying.


Words are just propaganda and can only make people feel incited. At most, when the incitement reaches the extreme, they feel as if they have been brainwashed and cannot help but spend money to buy.


[Hongwei MINI] is never brainwashing!

It is a real product, even a generational product.

No one can resist a car that has a beautiful and fresh appearance, can protect against wind and rain, but is as cheap as [Laotou Le].

This is a popular trend!

[Hongwei Fengxing] is also like this...


June 27th.

The streets at noon were so hot that it was like a ball of flames scorching the earth.

The other stores on both sides were empty, but when Che Zhengnan came to [Hongwei Technology], he saw an enviable long queue.

He saw some staff at [Hongwei Technology] giving a free parasol to every customer in line.

[Hongwei Technology] has gathered people’s hearts to the extreme!

Che Zhengnan saw this scene...

His eyes were very excited.

Although, their [Energy Battery Car] was directly stabbed to the core by the sudden appearance of [Hongwei MINI].

However, he keenly saw the arrival of a new era!

The more young people pursue [Hongwei MINI], it means that [Yuaneng Electric Vehicle]’s goal of gritting its teeth and transforming is right!

After he looked at it briefly...

I immediately took out my mobile phone and made a call to the manufacturer of [Yuanneng Battery Vehicle].

"How is the production situation of our [Little Bee] now?"

"It's being assembled. The first batch of cars can be completed before July 1, just by adding more wheels..."


After receiving the reply from the factory, Che Zhengnan was very satisfied, and then he made a call to the marketing department of [Yuanneng].

"From now on, I hope to see overwhelming publicity for [Yuan Neng Little Bee]!"


After making the call, Che Zhengnan glanced at the queue in the distance again.

His eyes began to flash with greed, as if these crazy customers would one day be under his command!

He has investigated and found that Zhang Sheng's [Hongwei Technology] has extremely limited production capacity. Even if it expands factories everywhere from now on, it will not be able to absorb this group of crazy customers this year.

In fact, they can't even eat a large portion of their customers.

Therefore, their [Source Energy] opportunity has come!

a few days ago.

[Yuanneng] received a capital injection of approximately RMB 200 million from R Capital.

200 million yuan is enough for them to enjoy a wave of dividends in this new era [new energy battlefield].


[Green Horse] and [New Era], two competing Chinese brands, seem to have received a large amount of investment in the past few days. According to the news obtained by Che Zhengnan, these companies are about to enter the market.



They are always racing against time!

Che Zhengnan felt an unprecedented sense of urgency!

Just when he was about to return to the company and immediately discuss the next market strategy and layout...

He saw the entrance of [Hongwei Technology], and suddenly there was a burst of noise, even mixed with screaming...

Che Zhengnan looked subconsciously and saw Zhang Sheng actually getting out of a [Hongwei Fengxing] car, and then appeared in front of countless customers queuing up.

Reporters who appeared from nowhere suddenly swarmed in...

The photographers carrying the [Jitu Video] LOGO also excitedly grabbed a good position and took pictures of Zhang Sheng.




"Quiet a little, quiet a little!"

"I know you all come from far away, and some even fly to our [Hongwei Technology] to order a car..."

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work!"

"But, the weather is too hot now. Just now, I was sitting on the [Hongwei Fengxing] car. I saw many friends queuing up, already sweating profusely. I also saw many friends showing up more or less Symptoms of heat stroke..."

"Perhaps, some people are here to support our new energy business. Perhaps, some of us really like this [Hongwei MINI] and our [Hongwei Fengxing]..."

"Anyway, here, thank you for your support and thank you for your love!"

"However, I really can't bear the fact that everyone is queuing up here to book a car on a hot day..."

“In order to allow everyone to have a better car pickup experience, and to save everyone’s time, so that everyone will not waste time waiting in line!”

"My team and I, after repeated research and discussions, we decided to use technological methods to replace manual offline queuing..."

"Do you have an [iPhone 4] phone? It's no problem if you don't have an [iPhone 4] phone, as long as your phone can support our [WeChat]..."

"We have specially developed a mini program in [WeChat]. In the mini program, there is our [Hongwei Technology] official website..."

“As long as everyone takes out their mobile phones, downloads WeChat, clicks on [Hongwei Technology] in the drop-down program, and registers, we can queue online, purchase online, and even through [Zhilibao], Make online payment through our bound [Hua Xia Bank]..."

"In addition to offline contract agreements, our [WeChat] also provides online warranty card registration. Of course, not only our [Hongwei Technology], but also the official after-sales website of [Apple 4], and our [NC Entertainment] We can register warranty cards online for all industry websites, even as small as a battery..."


[Tengji Technology].

Zheng Huateng, who had just discussed a preliminary countermeasure with the legal department, returned to the office.

The butt is not yet hot...

He saw Zhang Xiaoqiang walking in in a hurry.

When Zheng Huateng took a deep breath, and even his eyes were stung by the [Jitu Video] logo, he saw Zhang Sheng's live video.

On this side, the lawsuit regarding [infringement] and [monopoly] has been determined to be against Yanjing, and there is no way to change it.

This is a case that [Tengji Technology] has not accepted at the [Nanshan District People's Court] for several times in its history, and it is an extremely critical and fierce battle!

They can delay, but there is a time limit.

Within half a month, their relevant figures will appear in court.

And on the other side...

He saw Zhang Sheng suddenly take action!

He saw that [WeChat] once again launched a new feature of the mini program...

He saw the words [Zhilibao], and these words made his heart tremble suddenly.

It was like a punch hit him hard on the face. Then, his face turned blue and purple, and he felt a breath in his chest that he couldn't spit out!

In the competition with [Jiahu Technology], Zhang Sheng, the troublemaker, made moves one after another. Although he could still cope with it, he was constantly being attacked and caught off guard!

The key is……

Oh shit!

What a bitch!

Zheng Huateng stared at the small programs on [WeChat] with a calm face, indicating that he understood, and even signaled to Zhang Xiaoqiang to leave while he thought about countermeasures.

Wait until Zhang Xiaoqiang leaves.

His pupils turned blood red.

My heart seems to be burning with fire!

【WeChat】queuing, taxi-hailing, corporate WeChat...

Wait for the small program to make him jealous!


The lawsuit in Yanjing is in full swing, and it is a sensitive period that the superiors are watching!


If you dare to learn from it again, then...

It would be too ugly to eat!

However, if we don’t learn from it, what will happen to the future payment system when this storm blows over?

Not good!

Not good!

The more he thought about it, the more upset he became, and finally he called Zhang Xiaoqiang to the office again, forcing Zhang Xiaoqiang to think of various ways to innovate...

"I want these functions, but I want to originalize these functions, do you understand?"


After Zhang Xiaoqiang listened, he nodded bitterly.

My heart is surging!


I understand your sister!


As a laborer, Zhang Xiaoqiang could only leave the office and continue to stare at his group of people.

"I want to learn from it, but I also want to create some original features. You guys can think of a way!"



【Jiahu Technology】

Ma Yunhua made a call to Zhang Sheng, and he smiled happily.

Zhang Sheng's series of flattering words on the phone made him feel a little elated...


Ma Yunhua, who was immersed in the joy of payment, did not realize that Zhang Sheng's own payment license was about to be issued...

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