I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 581 Amazing results

June 27, noon.

Yanjing City, HD District.

[Lianzhong Computer] China Headquarters.

tea room.

Liu Jiahui sat on a chair and drank tea slowly.

The sun shines through the window and onto the tea table, reflecting a kind and gentle face.

Li Hong sat opposite Liu Jiahui.

He was also drinking tea, but he was looking blankly at the passing vehicles below.

Vaguely, Li Hong was in a trance.

In recent years, with the increasing development of [Soudu] and the expansion of various investment channels, it has competed with [Jiahu] and [Tengji].

The busy business war took away Li Hong's personal time.

It had been a long time since they had sat down alone to chat and drink tea like this.

For half an hour, apart from the initial greetings, the two sides fell into a long silence.

One is making tea and the other is drinking tea.

When it was noon, Li Hong withdrew his gaze, as if he was feeling a little emotional, and said in a complicated voice.

"In the past year, the Internet has seemed to be on a highway. Everyone is speeding forward, but no one dares to stop..."

Liu Jiahui's expression was still kind, he smiled slightly, and continued to pour tea for Li Hong: "How many tracks do you have your eye on?"

"[Takeout], [Travel]..."

Li Hong considered his words for a moment, and then continued seriously: "In the food delivery industry, our [Harvest Delivery] currently ranks third in terms of size... second only to [Honeycomb Delivery] and [Lainiao Delivery]... As for [ [Travel], this track is opening up too fast, the market is in chaos, most of them are Zhang Sheng’s vests, everyone is rushing to get on the horse, it is impossible to seize the opportunity..."

After Li Hong finished speaking, some complex emotions inevitably arose deep in his heart.

With the arrival of iPhone 4 last year, the Internet gradually shifted from the PC battlefield to the mobile phone battlefield.

The competition on the mobile battlefield is particularly fierce, so fierce that it is filled with smoke and blood.

Everyone is like a beast, squeezed into this battlefield, and many small and medium-sized capitals are basically being carried forward.

Liu Jiahui did not respond after hearing this. He just took a sip of tea. After a moment, he said: "[Daishan Club] You young people haven't been here for a long time... I heard that Ma Yunhua formed a group in Hangzhou." [Jiangyuehui], are you gathering entrepreneurs from Jiangnan?"

Li Hong nodded after listening: "Actually, it was established in 2006. [Jiang Yue Club] has two review standards. One is that members' assets start at more than one billion, and the second is internal recommendation by members and all internal votes. pass……"

"Oh." Liu Jiahui nodded, his expression thoughtful.

China's capital has its own rules.

Small and medium-sized capital is simply out of reach, but when you reach a certain scale and want to continue to climb, you will encounter a rule.

The original makers of this rule were some established entrepreneurs in China. Later, some fresh blood was added one after another, making it stronger and more majestic.

Among them, the most mysterious and most desirable organization is called the Daishan Society.

[Daishan Club] was established in 1994.

That year, [Lianzhong Computer] went abroad, established a strong presence overseas, and received a lot of applause.

That year, Liu Jiahui rose rapidly and became an unrivaled overlord in China's computer industry, nearly monopolizing it for an era.

That year, it was Liu Jiahui who watched each emerging capital go through ups and downs. Finally, he sketched out the prototype of the "Daishan Club" in his mind.

From 1994 to the present, the Internet industry has developed vigorously, and in almost every field and outlet, there is a presence of "Daishan Club".

Last year’s [Thousand Group War] seemed to be operated by countless small and medium-sized capitals, attacking the [group buying] field like crazy, but in fact, [Daishan Club] also had a hand.

In 2004, Ma Yunhua also joined the ranks of the "Daishan Society" under the introduction of a friend. However, he was extremely ambitious and eventually broke the rules and was expelled from the "Daishan Society".

Later, he formed his own group in Zhejiang Province and founded the Jiangyue Society with the intention of formulating his own rules...

"Teacher Liu, in this era, some rituals have collapsed..."

"After [Thousand Regiments War], the rules of [Capital Winter] that we all set were destroyed by a sudden Zhang Sheng..."

"He is like Ma Yunhua in his youth, but he is more vicious and ruthless than Ma Yunhua..."

"Since 2009, he has been working step by step and getting up step by step. By this year, he has become somewhat established."

"Now, he and Ma Yunhua have joined forces. This power cannot be underestimated..."


many years ago.

Foreign capital comes to Beijing.

The first person to visit is Teacher Liu Jiahui.

This is an everlasting rule that has remained unchanged since the founding of the Daishan Club.

Even people like Ma Yunhua, despite being expelled from the Daishan Society and ambitiously forming their own system, were still polite to Liu Jiahui when they came to Beijing.

This is status.

When Liu Jiahui heard Li Hong say these words, he was still calm and just gently brewed the tea.

"A few days ago, I met Zhang Sheng, a young tiger..."

"But it's also a thorn in the side..." Li Hong narrowed his eyes.

After he saw the strong sense of appreciation in Liu Jiahui's eyes, deep in his heart, he vaguely sensed something was wrong.

"Young people are always angry, especially young people who come from the bottom and are full of hostility. This is normal..." Liu Jiahui turned to the [Dahongpao] next to him and looked thoughtfully: "I heard that he Do you like drinking tea and have good tea-making skills?"

"It seems that there is such a thing. Ma Yunhua actually admires him." Li Hong nodded.

"We will set up a game in the next two days. You can ask him to have a chat first."


After hearing this, Li Hong frowned slightly: "Teacher Liu, do you want to invite him to the [Daishan Club]?"

"You also said that this is an era where etiquette and music are about to collapse... But even if etiquette and music are to collapse, there will always be someone behind the scenes to maintain order and make rules, right?"


Just at this time.

The phone rang.

Liu Jiahui saw the phone number and showed a faint smile.

That phone call...

It’s Zheng Huateng from [Tengji Technology].


In a country where academic qualifications are regarded as a stepping stone to a job, the development path of China's vocational education is not smooth.

For a long time, [vocational education] has been somewhat discriminatory.

Vocational high schools are schools for idle and troubled students who cannot get into ordinary high schools or key high schools and are abandoned by society.

It seems that the purpose of vocational high school is to restrain those students so that they will not leave too early and cause harm to society.

In fact, in a sense, this is true.

Countless [vocational high school] promotional posters describe how so-and-so will do after going to school, but after you really investigate deeply, you will find one thing.

The teachers read textbooks that make people fall asleep according to the instructions on the podium...

Lying down below...

The group of people who have not yet laid down are either playing mobile games with their heads down, reading novels, or talking to the table next to them. Those who can really listen to the lectures seriously are probably very few...

In three years, a lot of people were mixed up, and it was all over.

After graduation, I don’t know everything I ask, and I don’t know how to do anything…

Everything starts from scratch.

Probably, this is the current situation!

June 28th at 7am.

Shen Yi flipped through several documents such as [China Vocational Education Initiative] and [Adult Education Pilot Proposal].

Even looking at it now, Shen Yi felt that the contents written in these documents were remarkable and of great significance to the times.

a year ago……

Zhang Sheng knocked on the door of Shen Yi's office.

Put these two documents on the desk, and then chatted with Shen Yi for a long time about [Adult Education].

Shen Yi was deeply affected. After the chat, he read the two documents carefully.

After returning, he chatted with his wife Xu Linlin.

From the perspective of the Ministry of Commerce, my wife Xu Linlin is keenly aware that these two proposal documents are an excellent opportunity.


Shen Yi handed this document to the school leaders. After many discussions, the school leaders went to the education department.

In the end, Yanshihua became one of the first pilot projects in [Huaxia Adult Re-education].

At the same time, the state also allocated a large amount of money to Yan Petrochemical.

The adult education teaching building [Chengde Building] was just built.

The modern facilities in the building have also been installed one by one...

7:30 am.

[Chengde Building].

Countless reporters and leaders from the education sector swarmed in...

Chen Mengting, the representative of the school enterprise [Bosch Battery], and Tang Wu, the school expert representative, also rarely wore suits and sat on the chairs reluctantly.

"Where's Mr. Zhang?"

"Mr. Zhang has fallen behind on some studies this semester. Yesterday early in the morning, he asked us to give him a make-up exam. Now, he should be almost done..."

"Oh! Amazing, amazing!"

From the Yanjing Education Department, a middle-aged man walked over surrounded by countless reporters and Ministry of Education personnel.

Shen Yi hurried over to greet him.

When asked about Zhang Sheng, Shen Yi answered truthfully.

Immediately afterwards...

The leader stopped and after giving a heartfelt compliment, he sat down in his seat.

At this time, there was another noise outside the conference room.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Jiahui from [Lianzhong Computer] also came to the scene surrounded by a group of entrepreneurs.

Shen Yi quickly smiled and walked over to greet Liu Jiahui.

After Liu Jiahui and others briefly communicated with Shen Yi, they came to the leader again, shook hands with the leader excitedly, and then took their seats.

Yesterday at eight o'clock...

Yan Shihua received a call from [Lianzhong Computer].

On the phone, Shen Yi was pleasantly surprised that [Lianzhong Computer], which had always been reclusive, actually represented nearly half of the technology companies in Yanjing and came to support their [Adult Education Project].

8 o'clock in the morning.

After everyone took their seats one by one.

Zhang Sheng, you are so late!

What he brought was not only himself, but also the shocking report card that had just been corrected!

When this report card reached the ears of the leader of the Ministry of Education, the leader was shocked, and then looked at Zhang Sheng with a look of solemnity!

"Basic Course on Renewable Energy Technology": full score.

"Mathematics": Full marks.

Except for some special courses that cannot get full marks!

Zhang Sheng appeared in the education system with almost full marks!

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