I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 595: Driving the tiger and swallowing the wolf!

Treat them to guests, behead them, and accept them as dogs.

From the millennium to 2011.

The nature of China's business war is so simple and unpretentious.

Once upon a time, [Original Energy Battery Car] relied on this trick to become famous.


Who would have thought.

One day, will they hit the iron plate?


Che Zhenglong, the owner of [Yuanneng Battery Car] who once dominated the electric car scene, is standing at the door of [Shengteng Technology] at this moment.

When Zhang Sheng’s assistant knocked on the door...

He actually felt a little uneasy.

He straightened his clothes, briefly adjusted his breathing, and then thought about how to talk to Zhang Sheng when he saw him next, and how to minimize the loss.

He originally came with his lawyer and business team.

However, Zhang Sheng didn't see them at all.

So, the team he led could only wait outside...


The noisy sounds came and went for a long time.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he could vaguely hear the bosses of China's small and medium-sized electric vehicles gathering in the living room downstairs, discussing the future excitedly.

These domestic battery vehicles were suppressed by the three giants of Chinese battery vehicles to the point where they could no longer hold their heads up.

However, like weeds, they cannot be burned to death no matter how hard they are burned.

Just at this time……

The assistant walked out from the door with a pale face, seeming a little scared.

"What's wrong?"

"No, it may take a while, Mr. Zhang is still busy..."

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay..."


Che Zhenglong sat on the chair and looked at the assistant's back as he left in a hurry.

Deep in his heart, he gradually felt a little uneasy.

After sitting for a while, he couldn't hold back his uneasiness, stood up and leaned slightly towards the door of the office.


He seemed to hear the sound of something being smashed.

It seemed that the two people were quarreling.

But what was the noise about? It seemed that the soundproofing of the office was very good, so he didn't hear the content clearly.

After the quarrel stopped for a while, he quickly sat back on the chair.

Immediately afterwards...

The door opened.

He saw [Hongwei MINI] Nie Xiaoping with his head lowered, his blood-red eyes showing a bit of complexity, and he straightened the tea leaves in his hair, looking quite embarrassed.

But when he saw Che Zhenglong, his expression was colder than ever.

"Mr. Nie?"

Nie Xiaoping stopped next to Che Zhenglong, then took a deep breath, clenching his fists and shaking slightly, but he seemed to suppress his emotions, and finally did not hit Che Zhenglong's face with a punch. He left without saying a word.

He ignored Che Zhenglong.

"Mr. Che, come in."



There is some clutter in the office.

On the ground were scattered documents and broken pieces of a purple clay pot.

Che Zhenglong's eyes were very sharp. He only glanced at it and saw that the document contained information about [Yuan Neng]. It vaguely seemed to be a [Joint Report Letter]...

After thinking about his after-sales service and obtaining a license plate, Che Zhenglong suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Immediately, a feeling of uneasiness enveloped the whole body...

But when he sat down and faced Zhang Sheng, his expression still maintained the smile it should have.

Just when he was about to speak and raise his [aura] slightly, he saw Zhang Sheng's expression was uncertain and seemed a little complicated, and then he calmed down: "Mr. Che, my time is limited, there is no need to say polite words, let's just go straight Let’s get to the point.”

Che Zhenglong, who was about to smile and say some polite words, looked slightly stiff.

For a moment, my mind suddenly went blank, as if I was holding a breath in my throat and couldn't spit it out no matter how hard I tried.

The office fell into a brief silence.

Zhang Sheng seems to be born with an indescribable aura, especially his eyes, staring at you like this, as if he can glimpse all your innermost thoughts in an instant.

"Mr. Zhang, we found out that you have registered a patent, and we are willing to pay part of the patent fee... misunderstanding, a misunderstanding..." After being stiff for a moment, Che Zhenglong hurriedly smiled again.

"How much?" Zhang Sheng, however, didn't offer any courtesy to him and went straight to the point.

"We are willing to spend 20 million to purchase the right to use your appearance patent!"


When he heard 20 million, Zhang Sheng's originally gentle expression instantly turned cold.

"Mr. Zhang, 20 million is not low. You should also know that although the battery car market is huge, the profit is not high, and all the money earned is hard work..."

After seeing Zhang Sheng's expression, Che Zhenglong quickly added.

However, Zhang Sheng never looked at Che Zhenglong. Instead, he picked up the three or four bright mobile phones on the table and answered a call at random.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, we finally got through. Mr. Zhang, I am Zheng Chaoxian from [Chao Niao] battery car. I have been waiting in your living room for more than three hours. Mr. Zheng, give me the patent licensing point..." ...It doesn’t matter how much the money is! If it’s not enough, I’ll sell everything to get it for you…”


Zhang Sheng turned on the speakerphone and after chatting briefly, he hung up the phone again.

Che Zhenglong's expression suddenly turned ugly. He was just about to say that [Chao Niao] battery car was a second- or third-rate brand of domestic battery cars and had no strength at all...

But then I saw Zhang Sheng answering another phone call.

"Mr. Zhang, I am Jiang Xudong, the head of the commercial department of the [Green Horse] battery car. Mr. Zhang, don't hang up, don't hang up. You might as well listen to my price. Besides... 30 million! 30 million patent licensing fee... "


Zhang Sheng answered the phone, but after listening to a few words, he immediately hung up.

In the office.

Che Zhenglong's face turned the color of pig liver.

An indescribable feeling of anger surged into my heart instantly.

Yesterday, the people in charge of the three battery car companies also discussed that Che Zhenglong would be the representative to buy Zhang Sheng's patent rights for 25 million to calm the turmoil. The three parties were not allowed to raise the price under any circumstances!


I worked hard to get here.


Already stabbed in the back!


Oh shit!

In the face of huge interests, these so-called allies are all fucking bitches!

After briefly answering a few calls, Zhang Sheng looked at the uncertain Che Zhenglong: "Mr. Che, do you know now how much money I can make in the battery car market as long as I am willing to nod?"

"Mr. Zhang...I..."

"Mr. Che, I might as well tell you that Mr. Nie just told me that I must not be merciful to you no matter what. If we [Hongwei New Energy Electric Vehicles] want to succeed, we must beat the so-called old-brand electric vehicles like you." Die, and if we miss this opportunity, we [Hongwei] don’t know how long we have to wait before we have such an opportunity..." Zhang Sheng stared at Che Zhenglong expressionlessly.

Che Zhenglong's face became even more ugly.

Fang Cun was in chaos in an instant, and there seemed to be an overwhelming pressure suddenly coming.

He looked around subconsciously. In the past, when he saw something was wrong, he would ask his professional business team to take action.

But this time, he suddenly realized that during this negotiation, his team was isolated at the door by Zhang Sheng...

Leave and go back to discuss countermeasures?

He dare not leave!

If Zhang Sheng suddenly reaches a settlement with [New Era Battery Car] and even joins forces with [New Era] to specifically attack his [Source Energy], then he will be in trouble!

But stay here...

"I'll make a call and I'll... renegotiate the patent fee..."

"Mr. Che, you can go out and make a call, but Mr. Che, I don't see your sincerity. The three of you battery cars seem to be in an alliance, but each of them wants to eat up the other's market share... I might as well tell you directly, privately [New Era] and [Green Horse] will most likely cooperate to kill your [Source Energy] first!"

"Mr. Zhang, please don't say these words. These sow discord, at most they will deceive children..." Che Zhenglong's heart trembled, but his expression became more serious.

"The three of you discussed it yesterday and asked you to come to me alone to discuss this... Guess how I knew about this matter! I even know that your so-called 20 million is actually lowering the price. The actual price, I am About 25 million..."

"..." After Che Zhenglong heard this, he felt a chill behind his back, as if he had seen a ghost.

He suddenly realized that he might have been betrayed!

Damn it!

Those two families are really trying to get him!

He was calm, but Zhang Sheng's voice was like a ghost, and he still pressed forward step by step!

"For me, fighting this lawsuit is of greater significance. I can collect money from both companies and file a lawsuit against one of them severely!"

"I can be a knife. Even if I can't kill you, I can still injure you. At least throughout August 2011, your stocks will continue to fall!"

"Seeing that you are injured, the other two families will definitely respond and then join forces to attack!"



At this moment, it was difficult for Che Zhenglong to keep his expression calm.

His pupils shrank sharply, and the cold sweat on his back had already wet his clothes.

Zhang Sheng was pressing forward step by step, and his voice was like a nightmare, constantly attacking his psychological defense line!


[Yuan Neng] If Zhang Sheng really expected that situation, then the capital behind him would make him die miserably!


But he wants to eat people!

"Mr. Zhang, don't bluff. Our three families are not as fragile as you think. Mr. Zhang, you..."

"Oh, then let's go, don't waste each other's time here...it's pointless..."


"If you don't move your butt, do you want me to ask security to carry you out?"

"Zhang Sheng, you...you, Mr. Zhang, speak nicely. Although I don't believe it, I am sincere..."


Zhang Sheng's face turned even colder. He didn't even look at Che Zhenglong, but just picked up another phone coldly.

Then, the call was made.

"Security Department? Come to my office and carry someone out!"


"Don't say goodbye, Mr. Zhang, don't say goodbye, Mr. Zhang. Oh, my Mr. Zhang, young people, don't be so impulsive. Mr. Zhang, let's talk carefully. Let's talk carefully. In this way, 35 million, the patent fee of 35 million, I will give it to Mr. Zhang. …”


"40 million, 40 million, Mr. Zhang... If you have something to say, say it well, say it well..."


When he heard the words "forty million," Zhang Sheng's originally gloomy expression softened slightly.

Then, he stared at Che Zhenglong and finally put down his phone.

"Forty million is not enough, but if you are sincere, the agreement between you and [Liwei] and [Weineng] battery cooperation will be replaced by me [Bosch], other than that..."

Zhang Sheng rolled his eyes: "Forty million, I won't sue you if you buy it. This is not a patent fee. I hope it will be 20% of the profit of this series of products!"

"Zhang Sheng, you lion is opening your mouth!"

"Yes, I'm just going to open my mouth. Either you cooperate with me or be escorted out by my security personnel. We'll see you in court!"

"Fifteen, at most fifteen!"

"We can't afford more..."

"Mr. Che, you asked me to cooperate. I have absolutely no intention of bargaining with you! You either sign this contract or leave!"


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