I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 596 Kill kill kill!



It's a little cooler outside after the rain.

[Shengteng Technology] Inside Zhang Sheng’s office.

There were still shards of glass on the ground.

Che Zhenglong's forehead was covered with sweat and he couldn't wipe it off no matter how hard he wiped it off.

This time, he failed miserably in the negotiation!

His final rationality told him that Zhang Sheng was definitely trying to deceive him. He had to be calm and slow and not fall into Zhang Sheng's routine.

But he didn't dare to gamble.

All the initiative lies with Zhang Sheng.

At this moment, the stock price of his [Yuan Neng Battery Car] has fallen three times in a row.

At this moment, countless Chinese miscellaneous battery vehicles below are trying their best to find Zhang Sheng to cooperate...

At this moment, the various tricks of [New Era] and [Green Horse] mentioned by Zhang Sheng were lingering around him, making him besieged on all sides!

The takeaway was delivered.

Zhang Sheng ate takeout as if no one was around.

Didn't even give him any.

Looking at Zhang Sheng with so much fish and meat, he couldn't help but feel a little hungry.

He finally...

Lowered his head.


Zhang Sheng still ignored him and was still eating.

"Mr. Zhang, I agree and I am willing to sign the contract!"

"The pen is on the table, please sign it."

"Can I take a look? I at least need to find a lawyer to take a look..."

"Yes, but you ask your company to transfer 40 million first so that I can give an explanation to my colleagues in the legal department. Otherwise, we will have to go through the process tomorrow..."

"Okay...but forty million, I'll pay twenty-five million first..."

"thirty million!"


Che Zhenglong gritted his teeth until he almost bled. Finally, he nodded.

Half an hour later, Che Zhenglong's lawyer arrived.

Then, after reading the contract, the lawyer said there was no problem. When he wanted to say more, Zhang Sheng waved him away.

Che Zhenglong signed several contracts, and then the company immediately initiated a large commercial payment.

Later, Zhang Sheng took out another contract.

"If you don't like either [Green Horse] or [New Era], I will fuck him! I keep my word, and if you cooperate with me, I will be your sword! Once the sword is unsheathed, it will inevitably see blood. Absolutely There is no reason to take it back..."

"Is it okay for both families?"

"It's okay, as long as you can afford the money from both families...if you use my sword, you have to pay for the usage, right?"

"Then let's go to [Green Horse]..." When he saw the charming smile on Zhang Sheng's lips, Che Zhenglong quickly shook his head and pointed at [Green Horse].

"Okay! Happy cooperation! From now on, we will be allies!"

"Mr. Zhang, for your company's patents from now on, we will..."

"I will give priority to your [Source Energy]!"

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"


August 4th.

Four o'clock in the morning.

Che Zhenglong returned to [Source Energy] with complicated emotions.

He was extremely tired, but instead of sleeping, he held a shareholders' meeting.

At the meeting, he told the shareholders about the contract he signed.

However, the shareholders of [Yuanneng] suddenly became passionate, calling Zhang Sheng a piece of shit, and even called Che Zhenglong a fool, saying that Zhang Sheng had stabbed him severely.


After hearing Che Zhenglong talk about Zhang Sheng's plan to "drive the wolf and swallow the tiger" directly to the "Green Horse"...

The angry and excited mood of the shareholders has eased slightly.

"Zhang Sheng, are you sure you can fight [Green Horse]?"

"Sure! We even outlined a plan in detail. I know Zhang Sheng is using me, but we are also using Zhang Sheng..."

"[Driving wolves and devouring tigers] is no problem, but Zhang Sheng is a fierce tiger with ferocious ambitions, so we have to guard against it!"


The shareholders' meeting lasted all night.

At the meeting...

The shareholders of [Yuanneng] both agree with Zhang Sheng's drive to drive away wolves and swallow tigers, and help him fight against his opponents, but they are also afraid that Zhang Sheng's tiger will bite people in turn.

This is an extremely contradictory thing!

After discussing it all night, we finally came up with some prevention strategies.


Che Zhenglong opened his bloodshot eyes, got into the car, and drove in the direction of the [New Era] Battery Car Company.

He lay in the car for a long time, and when he woke up, it was already noon.

He regained some of his strength, briefly cheered up his spirits, and then walked towards the [New Era] headquarters.

When he arrived at the company, he didn't see his boss Hongbin.

He knew very well that Hongbin was chatting with Zhang Sheng in [Shengteng Technology].

Che Zhenglong lay in the lounge for a while longer. When it was evening, he saw Hongbin walking in from outside with a complicated face.

Neither of them said anything to each other...

Just walked into the office.


[Green Horse] battery car was founded in 2001.

The founder’s name is Jiang Xudong.

In the past ten years, [Green Horse] battery vehicles have been all over the world for many years. Although it ranks among the three giants of Chinese-owned battery vehicles, it has always ranked third in the sales list.

Starting from August 3rd to August 5th.

He and the head of the [Green Horse] Commercial Department, his brother Jiang Xuri, have been actively contacting Zhang Sheng.

However, Zhang Sheng never answered the call.

During this period, he heard a piece of news.

[Yuan Neng] and [New Era] seem to have reached a reconciliation with Zhang Sheng.

Although there was no apology in person, Zhang Sheng's Bird's Nest Law Firm no longer sued these two companies.

He even received news from another family.

The two families settled the lawsuit with 40 million yuan each. Apart from that, they seemed to have reached some agreement with Zhang Sheng.

"Damn it!"

"How could they do this!"

"They fell into Zhang Sheng's trap!"

"Oh shit!"

"Damn it!"


Jiang Xudong was so angry that he almost lost his mind.

He desperately called [New Era] and [Yuanneng]. After the call was connected, although both brands said that there was no such thing at all, Jiang Xudong could hear some unfamiliarity in their tone.

At this moment...

How could he not realize it!

They used Zhang Sheng's knife to stab themselves hard?

He tried every means and used a series of connections to finally contact Zhang Shengfang.

Zhang Sheng only responded with one sentence.

"Sorry, we do not accept any apology, nor do we accept any offline compensation. We must uphold the fairness of the law! See you in court!"

"There is absolutely no reason to take the sword back when it is unsheathed!"


After Jiang Xudong heard this series of words, it was no longer possible to stay rational: "Mr. Zhang, do you think you are good at driving away wolves and devouring tigers? Let me tell you, they are not fools, they will definitely guard against you. Don’t say I can’t fail this time, even if I fail this time, you won’t be able to take advantage of any of my market! They will control the market with thunderous momentum, and by then, you will only be able to earn some royalties!”

"Zhang Sheng, you are still young. Don't be impulsive, and don't get involved with people like them! Do you know that you are seeking skin from a tiger? You are simply seeking skin from a tiger. Don't be blinded by the benefits in front of you!"

"Zhang Sheng!"

"Zhang Sheng, wake up!"

"Are you in the company? Let me see you!"

"I'll give whatever price they give, and I can do more than them!"

"Zhang Sheng!"

"Mr. Zhang, these two families are more complicated than you think. If I fall, you will never have any advantage..."

"boss Zhang!"


This was Jiang Xudong's most angry and anxious day.

The more he deduces, the more he realizes that the situation is extremely unfavorable to him. If this wave continues, he will really have to break his muscles and bones!

At this moment, the decline of [New Era] and [Source Energy] has stabilized.

But his [Green Horse] shares have dropped to 7 yuan from 8.5 yuan at the beginning of the month, and are about to drop 7 yuan!

He couldn't just watch Zhang Sheng's sword stab him hard!

He said all the good things to Zhang Sheng on the phone.


Zhang Sheng never responded.

Zhang Sheng, the man who had killed a thousand swordsmen, seemed determined at this moment to stab him to death!


[Shengteng Technology].

After Zhang Sheng answered the call from Jiang Xudong from [Green Horse Battery Car], he just smiled coldly.

The whole world knows that he wants to drive away wolves and devour tigers, so what?

Even if [New Era] and [Source Energy] are extremely powerful, so what?

"Mr. Nie, let's go, we have to set the rules!"

Under Nie Xiaoping's shocked gaze, he stepped down from his seat.

Nie Xiaoping's heart was filled with awe and shock.

He followed Zhang Sheng out of the office.


The two walked downstairs.

Walk to the small conference room of [Shengteng Technology].

In the conference room, the door opened.

He saw five battery car owners sitting in the conference room and had been waiting for a long time.

They are battery vehicle brands such as [Chaoniao], [Green Energy], and [Brilliant].

a year ago!

[Bosch Technology] When the new battery goes on sale, there are more than a dozen partners.

A year later, after a series of screenings, the dozen partners became five.

Although their sales are mediocre, they have always been Zhang Sheng's die-hard collaborators...

When I saw Zhang Sheng walking in...

Several people stood up one after another.

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang……"


Zhang Sheng waved his hand and then asked everyone to sit down.

"As a friendly businessman, I will naturally grant you the design patent!"

"Let me tell you the truth, [Yuaneng] and [New Era] I want four thousand of their patent compensation fees, as well as the profit of each battery car..."

"But for you, as long as each car is interesting!"

"However, I have a request that I supply various materials and parts for the [new energy battery car] you produce, and the review must be in accordance with the standards of [Hongwei MINI]. At the same time, in order to make our domestic battery car brand more To have service points and become a brand in the true sense, I will set up a special after-sales service point. I hope that every province and every city has an after-sales point. Of course, at present, we can refer to the 4S form of cars. In fact, in the future, we Not only battery cars, but also new energy vehicles..."

"Don't question why it's so troublesome..."

"The cars of the three brands [Yuaneng], [New Era], and [Green Horse] are shoddy and shoddy. The bosses won't care about them now, but that doesn't mean that they will be in the future..."

"Our scale can be small and our brand can be weak, but our public reputation foundation must be strong, and our official foundation must be standardized and qualified. Of course, if you need my services, just ask, we are allies, we are partners, we He is also the controller of the future era!”

"In the future, I hope that each of you will be an entrepreneur, not a capitalist who is only greedy for immediate profits... Only by walking steadily can you go further and longer!"


"I have tried my best to muddy the water for you, and I have given you the ammunition. As for how many fish you can catch in this water..."


"Next, the battlefield will be left to you!"


meeting room.

A ray of sunlight shone in.

The thunderous applause lasted for a long time.

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and smiled.

Covered in sunlight.

A revolution is beginning!

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