I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 601 The war breaks out again! (Third update!)

Originally China.

In 2011, a payment war has already begun.

Lao Ma brought [Alipay] with great force, relying on [Taobao] millions of customers to create the prelude to a financial empire.

Not to be outdone, Xiaoma joined the battlefield with [WeChat], [QQ] and several extremely profitable games...

Third-party mobile payments also come with NFC and are spreading in the market, dreaming of one day becoming the overlord of the new era...

The smoke of war fills the air with a new era!

this world……

When Lao Ma started working on [Zhilibao], he never thought about what the future would be like.


Use it as a payment tool or as a guarantee.

In 2005, [Zhilibao] became independent and began to cooperate with ICBC. After that, the business of [Payment System] began to gradually expand...

Ma Yunhua suddenly realized that this seemed to be something that would change the world!

Later in 2006, Lao Ma became capital. After tasting the benefits of capital, his ambitions expanded even more, and he even gradually felt that changing China and the world was no longer a dream.


August 13th.

Xu Guangbiao, wearing a wig, ran into Zhang Sheng's office excitedly.

His eyes were dark and sunken. Although he was very excited, he didn't know whether he stayed up late or did something else. He looked like he was extremely weak.

"Been squeezed dry by a Korean juicer?"

Before he could speak, he saw Zhang Sheng looking at him with a smile.

His excited expression turned a little embarrassed. He kept explaining that he had been working a lot of overtime recently, and said that [Dungeon] seemed to be a little popular. In just four days of open beta, there were nearly 20,000 registered downloads. He had never thought that There will be so many users entering this game, the servers are somewhat squeezed, and now they are spending a lot of money to buy servers and so on.

Zhang Sheng listened happily, and when Xu Guangbiao really had nothing to say, he waved his hand: "Eat more wolfberry, ginseng, and whip tonic..."

These words made Xu Guangbiao feel ashamed!

During this time, he did gain love.

And it’s the exotic love from [SOA Game] Jin Minjing. This wave of love is so fierce that his waist is still a little sore.

Oh shit!

Or women from Bangzi country know how to play.

When sitting opposite Zhang Sheng, Zhang Sheng finally stopped teasing and silently took out [WeChat].

"Mr. Xu... I'll give you a task."

"What mission?"

“In the past, we have borrowed the [WeChat] payment system from [Yaohua Technology]. Some things seem to be out of date, so I need to pay quickly.”

"Quick payment?"


Zhang Sheng picked up [WeChat] and gave a simple demonstration.

"There are a few main points. First, there is no need for tedious text message verification. Just verify when the bank card is bound!"

"Second: Don't make the password too complicated, change it to 6 digits..."

"Third: Connect with the [Piggy Bank] in [Qiangsheng Online Mall] to open up the bilateral payment system..."

“Fourth: Not only [Qiangsheng Online Mall], but also [Jitu Video], [Honeycomb Jisong], [Didi Di Taxi] and other taxi apps..."

"In short, I want to use [WeChat] to connect various industries under my umbrella!"


After Zhang Sheng finished speaking these words, Xu Guangbiao wrote them down one by one with a pen.

In fact, it seems like such a complicated procedure, but it is actually very simple. Just upgrade the [Yaohua Technology] system that you have been using before, and then change it to their [WeChat] payment. You can even be more exaggerated. , directly use the payment system of [Yaohua Technology] to connect to their [WeChat]. After all, Lin Guodong only has one daughter, and the huge industry in the future is not yet...

Cough, cough!

At this moment, Xu Guangbiao suddenly thought of something.

"Mr. Zhang, we have set up the [WeChat red envelope] system a long time ago. Are we sure we don't send it out now to seize the payment track? That is a big killer!"


After Zhang Sheng heard [WeChat red envelope], he narrowed his eyes briefly, and then looked at Xu Guangbiao with a smile: "It's not the time yet..."

"Then, how long do we have to wait?"

"Waiting for the New Year!"

"New Year's Eve?"

"Mr. Xu, this is our big killer. Only a few people in your project team know about this project. You must keep it secret and don't leak it even in your sleep. Do you understand?"

"I know!"

"Also, I don't mean to say anything bad, but Jin Minjing of [SOA Games], you can make friends, and you can make your kidneys weak, but I hope you can keep the core content of the company a secret!"


Xu Guangbiao was shocked and nodded immediately.

He has never seen Zhang Sheng with such a serious expression until now that he has known Zhang Sheng!

He knew that the matter was serious and he must be cautious and cautious again!

In fact, after last year’s iPhone 4S appearance leak case and this year’s [WeChat] various borrowing incidents, the entire company has been thoroughly investigated N times. Every employee, even the sweeping lady, is almost secretive about the company’s secrets. .

When he saw Zhang Sheng's expression softening slightly, Xu Guangbiao's eyes flickered, hesitating for a moment, and finally asked: "Mr. Zhang, what do you think of Jin Minjing?"

"which aspect?"

"When, when I'm a wife..." Xu Guangbiao hesitated again.

"She is a strong admirer. As long as you are always the second-in-command of [Tengji Technology], you will have a beautiful marriage, a happy family, and she will be a little help in your career..."

"What if I'm not?" Xu Guangbiao took a deep breath.

Zhang Sheng didn't respond. He just stood up and looked out the window silently. After a long time, he sighed: "As long as I don't fall, you will always be the one, unless you want to set up another company and kill me as the leader!"

"Mr. Zhang, I will never establish another business in my life!" Xu Guangbiao trembled suddenly and quickly shook his head to express his loyalty.

"Go and get busy. The next task is heavy. Our opponent is Xiao Zheng, Lao Ma..."


Xu Guangbiao left the office.

Zhang Sheng silently sat back on the chair and looked at Xu Guangbiao's leaving figure.

During these three years...

Among the people who have been following Zhang Sheng, Zhang Sheng is most at ease with three people.

Li Bin, Chen Mengting, Xu Guangbiao...

He trusts them.


Zhang Sheng finally felt that there were still too few people.

There are too few people who know the truth, and there are too few people who are truly willing to listen to him unconditionally and without any second thoughts.

As the industry expanded, Zhang Sheng clearly realized that some people had begun to have some thoughts.

Just at this time……

His [WeChat] rang.


He lowered his head, carefully read a series of accounts, and then personally transferred a thousand yuan to Fatty Wang's WeChat account.

Today, Fatty Wang’s performance doubled.

After Zhang Sheng finished reading, a series of past events suddenly appeared in his mind.

last year……

When he sent a brand new notebook to Fatty Wang's rental house, he thought that Fatty Wang would follow the address and come to him.

He even gave instructions to the doorman, security personnel, Chen Mengting and others.

If Fatty Wang comes over, they will notify him immediately.

A person who is willing to give Zhang Shenghu a place to stay when he is in trouble, instead of avoiding him like a god of plague, his nature cannot be too bad.

But, unfortunately, one year has passed.

Fatty Wang has never been here...

Just when Zhang Sheng was recalling past events, there was a knock on the door.

Li Bin, who had not seen him for many days, knocked on the door and came in.



“This is the performance of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] in the first half of this year... Putting aside all expenditures and operating expenses, our [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has made a positive profit for the first time, but the amount of profit is not large, the total amount is 1,000 Around 10,000... In the second half of this year, I am confident that this amount can be slightly doubled..."


After reading a series of data, Zhang Sheng was very satisfied with the current situation of [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

After seeing Li Bin's hesitant expression, Zhang Sheng realized that Li Bin seemed to have something to say.

"Do you have any idea?"

"Teacher, I want to have a fight!"

"hit what?"

“The current scale and samples of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] are limited to some local specialties and some small items. Although there are many samples, the types are still relatively small... I want to enter the major appliance industry. If possible, I would like to Expand your channels..."

"Major appliances?" Zhang Sheng frowned briefly.

"Yes! [Suzhou Electric] Electric appliance tycoon Zhang Yuanqiao was preparing to go online just yesterday... Today [Taozhu.com] still dominates the world, but there are more and more challengers... [Suzhou Electric], [ Hangmei Electrical Appliances] These electrical appliance giants all seem to want to use home appliances as a carrier to enter the online market. There is bound to be a fierce battle in the future. If we [Qiangsheng Online Mall] sit back and don’t take the lead in taking action, we will most likely be swallowed up. …”

"how do you want to do it?"

"In three years, I want to have zero gross profit for three years, and all the money I earn will be invested in new business development, using online advantages to lay the foundation for a new [e-commerce era]..."


"We cannot give in in this battle, and we cannot avoid it! Instead of waiting for them to come and encircle and suppress us, we should turn our passivity into initiative and use attack instead of defense. Even if we fail in the end, we still have room to retreat..."


"I can issue a military order, but if there is no result for a year, I am willing to bear all responsibilities!"


Li Bin said a series of ambitious words to Zhang Sheng seriously.

After Zhang Sheng listened carefully, he was surprised at Li Bin's growth these days.

Then I felt a little relieved.

Then, he suddenly thought of the e-commerce war called "Zero Gross Profit in Three Years" initiated by Liu Qiangdong in 2012 in the original world...

Point directly at [Suning] and [Gome].

Everything is so similar.


Zhang Sheng sighed again: "Your plan is very good, but we have a fatal flaw!"

"What flaw?"



In the original world, the biggest condition for [JD.com] to win the e-commerce war in 2012 was that [JD.com] controlled logistics, a point that was once ridiculed and stupid by Lao Ma...

And this world...

Although [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has been established for some time, its scale is not as large as [JD.com], and at the same time, there is no logistics behind it...

And, more importantly, the real capital needed to make major appliances is probably not just unprofitable.

Funding is not difficult for Zhang Sheng, but everything is too immature.

Li Bin was silent.

And Zhang Sheng also fell silent in front of Li Bin for the first time.

A few minutes later, Zhang Sheng looked at Li Bin seriously: "When are you going to fight?"

"I plan on September, otherwise, I'm waiting... until 2012..." Li Bin replied.


Zhang Sheng nodded.

At this moment, Zhang Sheng's cell phone rang.

Zhang Sheng received the phone and took a look at it.

He saw a phone call.

The call was from Li Dongqiang.

When he saw Li Dongqiang's number, Zhang Sheng narrowed his eyes, but then smiled.

"boss Zhang!"

"Mr. Li..."

"Mr. Zhang, are you free now?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Then I'll come over now, Mr. Zhang. I told you before that I was going to start a logistics company. Now, I've built a logistics company and I hope to cooperate with you!"


After Li Bin saw Zhang Sheng's expression, he immediately guessed that it was Li Dongqiang who had called him. His expression suddenly changed: "That traitor actually dared to come here!"

He still remembered from beginning to end the period of chaos [Qiangsheng Online Mall] fell into after Li Dongqiang left!

But Zhang Sheng looked at Li Dongqiang with a smile: "Li Bin..."


"He asked us to cooperate with him in logistics. What is your suggestion?"

"..." Li Bin's face was ugly. After being uncertain for a long time, he gritted his teeth: "Although I hate this person, if he can come up with something, I think it's okay to take a look... But this person definitely can't We have a long-term cooperation. If you are disloyal once, you will not be disloyal a hundred times! You have to guard against stabbing us at the critical moment!"


"To cooperate, we want to take the initiative, and we want absolute control over the things he owns!" Li Bin said coldly.

After Zhang Sheng heard what Li Bin said, he did not respond. Instead, he looked at Li Bin with a smile: "Li Bin..."


"This cooperation negotiation is left to you. How much money do you need? Just tell me a number!"


"From now on, you are responsible for everything in [Qiang Sheng Online Mall]. Except for reporting to me on some things about starting a war, the rest of the decision-making power on cooperation is entirely left to you!"


Li Bin was stunned and looked at Zhang Sheng in disbelief.

But Zhang Sheng seemed to be relieved, with a smile and expectation on his face.

He stood up and patted Li Bin on the shoulder: "Go!"

"..." Li Bin was stunned.


Both excited and moved: "I...Teacher, I will never let you down!"



On the evening of August 15th.


"What did you say?"

"The [Dungeon] game released by Zhang Shenggang has over 40,000 registered users! Has the number of people online exceeded 10,000?"


[Tengji Technology].

Zheng Huateng saw a message.

Then, he frowned.

Ye Kai, the person in charge of [Tengji Games], hurried in.

They had no interest in [Dungeon] at first...

Until [Dungeon] users exceeded 20,000, when their marketing department was investigating the data, they noticed [Dungeon].

After some investigation, they finally came up with a surprising possibility!

"Mr. Zheng, this game [Dungeon] may explode!"

(Three updates today! Just in case!)

(This chapter is 4,000 words!)

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