I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 602 Confrontation, confrontation!

This is a simple game.

It's as simple as an arcade machine ported to a computer with some plot added.

There are only 6 professions to choose from, and there is only one pvP arena map - the fighting field.

Achieve level 60 and change jobs at level 18. After changing jobs, each character will have different assigned skills and unique equipment combinations...


This game is so popular.

Although [Shengteng Technology] had anticipated the enthusiasm of the players and had made adequate preparations in the early stage, what was unexpected was that the influx of players used the nearly thirty servers prepared by [Shengteng Technology] in an instant It was so full that [Shengteng Technology] had to quickly add a large number of servers in a short period of time to maintain the stability of the server.


Even so!

There are still some players who still can't squeeze into the server.


In the early morning of August 16th.

This is the most deserted moment for an Internet cafe.


There are more and more customers queuing up, waiting to get online.

In the bar...

People kept coming over to ask if registering for a [Dungeon] account would still include free internet fees. They even took screenshots of them immediately and sent them to Fatty Wang’s [WeChat].

In [Yubo Internet Cafe], more and more people are entering the [Dungeon].

The current [Dungeon] registration method is not single. There is mobile phone number registration, [WeChat] registration, and even account registration...

However, only by registering on [WeChat], [Dungeon] players can get an additional 30 points of fatigue per day.

Don't look at the total of 156 points of fatigue.

But every map you enter in [Dungeon] consumes fatigue points.

156 points of fatigue is simply not enough!

Being able to get an extra 30 points of fatigue is simply good news for new players!

Three o'clock in the morning.

In the Internet cafe, someone excitedly called full-time!

Then, a wave of people subconsciously gathered around...

Fatty Wang also gathered around...

After seeing the cool skills and the new combos unlocked, Fatty Wang couldn't help but feel a little itchy.

This is a hangover from the arcade days.

However, he didn't play the game.

Instead, I immediately opened [WeChat] to pull in a new batch of registered accounts, made a form and sent it to the group. After sending it to the group, I opened another group.

He was in another group and transferred an amount of money to everyone, asking those people to continue to help register accounts tomorrow, attract new members, and develop offline.

In order to save trouble, he even sent some "local promotion tutorials" that [Yue Sheng] privately messaged to him in [WeChat] to the offline group.


Fatty Wang subconsciously reserved the method of developing downlines and letting them make money for himself.

After finishing all this, Fatty Wang opened the payment wallet of [WeChat]. When he saw that he had earned more than 1,000 yuan today, and the total balance had reached more than 3,000 yuan...

The whole person couldn't help but start planning tomorrow's goals...

All he could think about was which Internet cafe he would go to next, and all he could think about was finding his account. Even when he returned to his rental house, he couldn't help but take out his notebook and start looking for various local promotion tips.

Life is like this sometimes...

Driven by money, greed and ambition will gradually become a driving force.

Success after success will make this motivation more abundant!

Even when you encounter some problems, you no longer think about retreating as before, but instead think about how to solve the problem, and then win a batch of markets!

Wait until morning...

He saw a burst of exclamations in the group, and the team leader in their [local promotion group] strongly invited him to resign and join their [local promotion team].

The next day, after a day of deep thinking...

Fatty Wang took a deep breath, and then made a call to the Internet cafe owner.

"Boss! I want to resign."

When he said this, he thought that the other party would say a lot and even deduct his salary.

However, instead of deducting his salary, the other party gave him two more months of salary. This made Fatty Wang very touched!

He even took the initiative to replenish the cigarette money he secretly took, and also recharged the electricity bill of [Yubo] Internet Cafe...

When I just finished doing this, several colleagues from the [local promotion group] came over.

They found an open space, and then the leader assigned tasks to Fatty Wang and planned the direction, such as: how many orders should be completed today, what performance should be achieved, what kind of advertising should be done, and when they encounter [Tengji Technology], what should they do? how is it going……


On the first day that Fatty Wang officially entered the [local promotion industry]!

He encountered the biggest setback in his life.

[Tengji Technology]'s public beta game "Gunfight of Glory" is coming to the public...


August 16th.

It’s the day of the open beta of “Gunfight Glory” owned by [Tengji Technology].

During the internal beta test, the rating of "Glory of Guns" was extremely high, and everyone at [Tengji Technology] valued this game very highly.

Q Dog's "Gunfight of Glory" icon is even very exquisite and eye-catching. The overwhelming advertisements cover almost everything online.

Ye Kai, the person in charge of [Tengji Games], even personally attended the game conference of "Glory of Guns" and announced on the spot that "the long-prepared first public beta team challenge of "Glory of Guns", the team can win up to 50 million in prize money! 】

Such a large traffic investment, as well as the reputation of the previous internal beta of "Gun Battle Glory", made the game "Gun Battle Glory" instantly become one of the most popular gun battle games in the gaming circle.

"Glory of Guns" also provides extremely rich feedback to [Tengji Technology]!

On the day the server was launched, the number of player registrations for this game exceeded an astonishing 100,000!

the next day……

The increase has increased from 100,000 that day to 200,000, almost doubling!

On the third day, August 19, the number of real-time online users of "Gunfight of Glory" exceeded 100,000, and the total number of registrations reached an astonishing 500,000...

Follow the game’s popularity curve!

500,000 people is definitely not the end, or even just the starting point.

This data stunned countless people in the gaming circle, and countless people exclaimed that "Gun Battle Glory" may be the most popular game of [Tengji Technology] in recent years!

August 20th.

[Tengji Technology].

After seeing the amazing data of "Gun Glory"...

There was no surprise on Zheng Huateng's face.

It seems that everything is as it should be.

At this moment, he was staring at "Dungeon", his eyes suddenly filled with murderous intent!

When the game "Gun Glory" entered the gaming circle, the growth rate of the game "Dungeon" was cut off in half.

This game has been online for ten days!

The number of registrations has just exceeded 100,000. For a giant like [Tengji Technology], such a game is considered a failure.

However, for Zhang Sheng, a rookie who has just stepped into online games, such terrifying data is enough to prove that this is a hit game!

Regarding this…

The data department of [Tengji Technology] is convinced that Zheng Huateng has never underestimated "Dungeon".

But it is a pity that he encountered [Tengji Technology] and the hit "Gun Battle Glory". It fell behind in terms of foundation and resource allocation.

However, Zheng Huateng never thought that this was an ant that could be crushed to death at any time.

The number of registrations is 100,000, but there are 50,000 online users and daily active accounts!

The rising speed was cut off in half, but the daily growth rate has always remained around 10,000...

If this game was theirs [Tengji Technology], Zheng Huateng could foresee that the number of registered users would already be in the millions.

"kill him!"

Zheng Huateng made this decision quickly, and immediately contacted Ye Kai as soon as possible.

"How is the communication in the game club going?"

"We are still talking about Zhang Sheng's "Dungeon" project. We may be late..."

"Be sure to win it, put the data out, and good birds will choose trees to roost... Whoever can give them more money will understand..."



[Shengteng Technology].

a few days ago.

Xu Guangbiao looked excited.

But a few days later, the expression on Xu Guangbiao's face gradually turned into anger.

At one point he was so angry that his wig fell off!

[Tengji Technology] The amount of money and attention it has invested in the game "Gun Battle of Glory" is absolutely beyond imagination!

The overwhelming online news constantly exaggerated his concept of [Challenge] and [E-Sports].

["Temple Run" is not an e-sports in the true sense! "Gun Glory" is the real e-sports! 】


Xu Guangbiao went crazy looking at this news that made him extremely angry!

Mr. Zhang worked hard to bring the concept of [e-sports] to the sky, and then...

After the official recognition and the market gradually matured, the other party not only came to pick peaches, but even pulled out a ladder!

His behavior is so bad that it is outrageous!

What made Xu Guangbiao grit his teeth even more was...

During this period of time, almost all of the several game clubs organized by [Shengteng Technology] met with [Tengteng Technology].

After meeting once...

Except for the cooperative club that is the core of Shaozhuang, the other clubs signed the cooperation rights for "Gun Glory" almost at the same time!

You know, their contract for the "Dungeon" PK fighting game is still under negotiation!

"This is a bunch of white-eyed wolves struggling to get out!"

Xu Guangbiao was sitting in Zhang Sheng's office, his angry voice almost making the tea on the teacup shake.

Zhang Sheng was not anxious or angry.

Good emotional control is the quality of a superior person.

He looked into the distance silently...

A moment later, the knock on the door sounded again.

Nie Xiaoping walked in in a hurry...

Then, he looked at Zhang Sheng: "Mr. Zhang!"

"you say……"

"Traditional car companies have also entered new energy sources, and Mr. Zhang, if, if I am not wrong, the Liu family has entered the "Taxi War", not only the Liu family has entered, but the rest of the capital will also enter!" Nie Xiaoping had a rare look of fear on his face, panting and muttering to himself.


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