I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 603 Besieged on all sides!

Fatty Wang knows what [ground push] is.

It was handing out leaflets that he once understood...

However, it was not what he understood as handing out leaflets.

The fight at the bottom turned out to be more cruel than imagined...

They met the local promotion team of "Gun Glory" for the first time in "Dungeon"!

He saw with his own eyes that his side had just won the advertising rights of this Internet cafe, but then, the team from "Gun Battle Glory" rushed over...

He even tore off the poster of "Dungeon" in front of them and replaced it with a poster of "Gun Glory"!


He saw a little boss holding a trumpet...

He took out a wad of money and said, "From now on, whoever can win the Internet Cafe Championship in this "Challenge" will have this money!"

The noise from the trumpet stung Fatty Wang's eardrums as if they were being torn apart.

He saw a group of people from "Dungeon" rushing over like crazy and tearing down the posters of "Gunfight of Glory"...

Immediately afterwards, the two sides got into a quarrel, and all kinds of dirty words were uttered, as if they were going to fight at any time!

The scene fell into chaos for a time, and even called 110, and then the two parties dispersed...

He watched all this.

Only then did I realize that the money was not so easy to earn.

It turns out that even if a game becomes popular, in addition to the game itself, there is also a group of people behind the scenes who are trying their best to promote this game.

The media is one aspect.

on the other hand……

Those at the bottom, the [land promoters] who made noises until their throats were hoarse for a piece of chassis.


So far.

[Hongwei MINI] orders in the Chinese market have exceeded 150,000!

This is a very tempting, even crazy statistic.

[Tidal Bird], [Green Energy], [Brilliant]...

When these three domestic brands announced at the same time that they had obtained the patent authorization for the appearance of [Hongwei MINI]...

The car has not been built yet, there is not even a prototype car, only a ppt, but the order volume has surged like crazy.

Especially China's second- and third-tier sinking markets are almost crazy in their pursuit of such small new energy vehicles.

But, as Zhang Sheng said, this market is very large, and it is very amazing!

Traditional car companies: For example, local Chinese companies [Biweili Automobile], such as [Mitsuhong Wuyan], and [Changfeng Motors] have all seen this piece of cake. Starting last month, they discussed with the team how to integrate the new car into the new car. Make the product, come out as soon as possible, and get a piece of the pie.

Foreign brands: [Morishita Nissan], [Honda], [Toyota] and other brands have announced that they already have similar models and are now accepting reservations.

The situation of capital is unpredictable. As long as there is profit, they will swarm in and greedily eat everything...

And the [taxi-hailing] industry derived from the automobile industry...

The ferocity of the fight has been revealed!

August 18th.

[Jiahu Technology] completely sold out its shares in [Jiahu Taxi] and instead invested in a taxi brand called [Tuxing KuaiDi].

People are very unfamiliar with the brand [Tuxingkuidi]...

However, when netizens saw this brand for the first time, they were shocked to find that [Tuxing Kuaiidi] had already cooperated with one-tenth of the taxi companies in China!

On August 19th...

These taxi companies announced almost at the same time that they would no longer cooperate with brands such as [Didi Dache] and [Didi Dache]...

Almost on this day...

People were shocked to realize that the capital behind a series of taxi-hailing brands that had just emerged on the market had changed.

Pang Lei from [Hongsen Capital] had already cashed out all his shares in [Didi Di Dache] on August 1st...

Li Zongyao of [Hongtian Capital] was a little later. After a simple meeting on August 10, he officially announced that he would withdraw from [Fengxing Taxi] investment immediately...

"Mr. Zhang, let's... cut it off, and then exit! We don't want to fight this battle!"

[Shengteng Technology] In the office.

Nie Xiaoping was scared.

August was the month when orders for their [Hongwei MINI] exploded, and they made a lot of money.

But at the same time, in August, he gradually became aware of some abnormal trends.

The capital that Zhang Sheng had been looking for almost coincidentally withdrew from [taxi-hailing software] at the same moment.

Some of them sold their shares to other small and medium-sized capital companies without even saying hello to Zhang Sheng.

Although there is a contract, there is nothing in the contract that stipulates that they cannot sell their shares...

at most……

It is a violation of management regulations.

Nie Xiaoping became increasingly aware that this selling of shares was abnormal.

The higher you climb, the more you realize the conspicuous red line of capital...

An unprecedented capital rainstorm targeting Zhang Sheng is coming.

Every industry in Zhang Sheng’s industry is a hot spot!

But at every outlet, there are powerful enemies waiting for you!

This time, if everyone gets into trouble...

No, not if, now, judging from the trends in all aspects, everything is already showing signs of being embattled on all sides!

Nie Xiaoping suddenly couldn't imagine it!

Nie Xiaoping looked at Zhang Sheng.

However, Zhang Sheng's eyes were calm and he did not respond to Nie Xiaoping's words. He seemed to be deep in thought.

At this moment, his phone rang, and he saw that the call was from Dong Xiaojing from [Starlight Future].

Dong Xiaojing is Dong Zhongjun’s daughter, and she represents the [Eps Capital] behind Dong Zhongjun.

"boss Zhang……"

"Mr. Dong."

"I also withdrew my capital."


"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I can't cooperate with you this time..."

Dong Xiaojing on the other end of the phone hesitated for a while, and after hearing Zhang Sheng's faint response, she finally added something.

"Can you tell me why?"

"Teacher Liu's daughter, Liu Hong is going to enter the taxi-hailing industry. In the past year, we [Eps Capital] have been favored by Teacher Liu in the past year... My father, Dong Zhongjun, is a member of the [Daishan Association]... My father I feel ashamed of you. After all, we have always had a happy cooperation in the past, and my father also appreciates you very much, but... in short, I am making this call to you on behalf of my father, and on his behalf, I want to apologize to you... "Dong Xiaojing's attitude is very sincere.

"It's okay, then your shares..."

"Our shares have been transferred to other small and medium-sized capitals, and the agreement signed is the same as the original agreement. We are only responsible for investing and receiving dividends, and are not responsible for participating in management..."


Zhang Sheng nodded and was about to hang up the phone when Dong Xiaojing suddenly hesitated for a moment: "Mr. Zhang..."

"Mr. Dong, you said..."

"I heard that Mr. Liu Hongliu once approached you and planned to invite you to cooperate in [taxi-hailing], right?"

"There is such a thing..."

"Perhaps you have your own ideas, but Mr. Zhang, the Liu family is more complicated than you and I thought. His coverage of the investment industry is almost comprehensive. We have probably heard about the attitude of the Liu family, but I have never seen it. They have been so dedicated to an industry..." Dong Xiaojing said a lot of things on the phone.

Zhang Sheng listened silently.

After the end, Dong Xiaojing sighed: "Mr. Zhang, how about I make a plan and help you make an appointment with Liu Hong. She and I are sisters... It is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. One more friend means one more path. …”

"Need not……"

"Mr. Zhang, this is not the time to be impulsive. In the previous capital sieges, there were people from above helping you solve them, but this time, it may be a capital war that even the above will not intervene in... And we, including some banks, , maybe they won’t even lend you money…”


Zhang Sheng smiled.

Then hung up the phone.

Although Nie Xiaoping didn't know who Zhang always called, he roughly guessed that the phone call was probably not good news.

"Mr. Nie, go ahead and do your work first."

"boss Zhang……"


Nie Xiaoping hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded and left the office.

After Nie Xiaoping left, Xu Guangbiao looked at Zhang Sheng solemnly: "Mr. Zhang, we..."

"We have an advantage, and all industries will not die. However, the next battle may be a little harder to fight... But as long as we can survive for half a year, we will really be sitting on the poker table..."

Xu Guangbiao looked at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng's face softened and he smiled, but for the first time he said something like "slightly difficult to type".

Xu Guangbiao's expression couldn't help but become serious.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"On the one hand, you tell Liu Changyu and Mr. Liu that the payment system of the [WeChat] project team will continue to advance. On the other hand... you can help me make another mobile game..."

"what game?"

"[Happy Xiaoxiaole]!"


"[Happy Xiaoxiaole]!"


Xu Guangbiao looked at Zhang Sheng.

But I saw Zhang Sheng lowered his head, and then he wrote a few words.

Then, he saw this passage.

[One night, a magical pea seed fell from the sky, and it happened to land near the village chief's house in the Forest of Dreams. After the seed fell to the ground, it absorbed the water in the pond, grew rapidly, and turned into a towering vine overnight... The next morning, when the villagers woke up and saw the huge vines, they were shocked and gathered together to talk about it. Some people said that they seemed to see the village chief's house on the towering vines. The house seemed to be rising. Some people called for climbing up to save the village chief...]

This seems to be the background story of [Happy Xiaoxiaole].

After a while, Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses, then lowered his head and started writing.

Half an hour passed quickly.

Xu Guangbiao saw the planning plan of [Happy Xiaoxiaole].

"How long will it take for this game to be released?"

"About, two months..." Xu Guangbiao replied blankly.

"Too long!"

"One and a half months at the earliest. There have been a lot of things going on at [Shengteng Technology] recently. Our team formation and review may..."

"Mr. Xu!"

Xu Guangbiao looked at Zhang Sheng's face and suddenly became extremely serious.


"I won't ask you for anything, but the future survival of the company is in your hands... We need money!"

"..." When he heard this sentence, Xu Guangbiao suddenly became excited!


"Mr. Zhang, you said something similar. Look, my hair is gone!"

"Then let me say it again, by the way, has [Plants vs. Zombies] been developed?"

"Finally, the research and development is completed!"

"Okay, okay, okay! Then the company will test it internally and then release it..."

After watching Zhang Sheng say three good words in a row and a series of approving looks...

Xu Guangbiao felt a sudden chill on his head!

It’s impossible for the wig and the part of the hair you transplanted yourself to fall out again, right?

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