I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 604 [Jingsheng] Logistics

A world where capital flows...

Probably, it is a world where flowers are becoming more and more charming.

Many years ago, Li Dongqiang, who was a small home appliance owner, would silently watch the all-powerful capitalists on TV with envy...

Money, glory, status...


They have everything.

Oh, no, at that time, his name was not Li Dongqiang, but Li Gongquan.

Later I met Zhang Sheng.

Later, he founded [Qiangsheng Online Mall]...

Later, I could not withstand the impact of capital and the majestic ambition...

The past two years have been like a dream for Li Dongqiang.

After waking up from the dream, he suddenly realized that maybe he was not the protagonist of the era...


August 20th.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall]

Li Dongqiang looked at Li Bin with a complicated expression.

This young manager of [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

Before Li Dongqiang left Zhang Sheng, he had thought that if he left him with [Qiangsheng Online Mall], he would be devastated and Zhang Sheng would regret it.


In 2011, [Taozhu.com] added 220 million registered users, and the total number of users has reached an astonishing 520 million. The total number of brands of [Taozhu.com] is about 67,000.

In the e-commerce circle, it still stands out among the others and is the only one in the world.

In 2011, the total number of registered users of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] was only a fraction of [Taozhu.com], 20 million, and the total number of brands was less than a fraction, probably around 6,000...

Annual profit is 10 million.

Compared with [Taozhu.com], it is still a seedling.

But compared with [Qiangsheng Online Mall] a year ago, its foundation is more solid, with monthly registered users increasing steadily at around 200,000...

In 2011, apart from the advertising model of Taozhu.com, the only truly profitable e-commerce brand was Qiangsheng Online Mall.

Others are posting money.

This time, he did not see Zhang Sheng.

Deep down in his heart, he was somewhat unwilling to give in, but he also knew very well that things were different now.

Zhang Sheng's current status has already caught up with [Tengji] and [Taozhu.com]...

And him!


"Mr. Li."

"Mr. Li...are we sure to cooperate? Do you want to ask Mr. Zhang?" In the office, Li Dongqiang looked at Li Bin and asked tentatively again.

These days.

He heard some news at [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

Almost all of the executives brought out by Li Bin are opposed to self-built logistics.

Even before Li Bin followed Li Dongqiang into the office, another executive rushed over.

["Taozhu.com Model" is the most successful e-commerce model! 】

[[Qiangsheng] is very likely to be seriously dragged down by the asset-heavy model of self-built logistics, which will affect the company's overall development. The initial investment is huge, but the profit cycle is too short, which is really not conducive to future development...]


There seems to be a lot of opposition in the company.

However, Li Bin just said: "I discussed this decision with Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Zhang agreed."

Then, the other party became silent.

"No, just sign. I will invest 10 million in your logistics in Series A, starting from [Qiangsheng Online Mall]... 10 million, first of all, you have to supply some of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]'s products..."

Li Bin has been following Zhang Sheng for a long time, and his personality gradually resembles Zhang Sheng's. Even the tone of his speech made Li Dongqiang feel like he was face to face with Zhang Sheng.

Li Dongqiang subconsciously took the contract and signed it.

Ten million is naturally not enough for logistics.


“Let’s call the new name [Jingsheng] Logistics!”

After signing the agreement, Li Dongqiang looked at Li Bin, considered it for a moment and said.

Li Bin nodded without any doubt.

When the formalities were completed and lawyers from both sides witnessed the cooperation of [Jingsheng Logistics], Li Bin breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Mr. Li, there will be a tough battle in the second half of the year, or next year. You must fully cooperate with me..."

"What kind of tough fight?"

"Major appliance delivery."

"Do you want to fight [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] or [Hangmei Electrical Appliances]?" When Li Bin said this, Li Dongqiang's pupils shrank, and then he stood up suddenly.

He looked at Li Bin as if he were looking at a madman.

Li Bin was very calm and rational. He didn't speak, but nodded seriously.

"You and Mr. Zhang really look more and more alike!"

After calming down for a long time, Li Dongqiang sat down on the chair. He didn't know whether he was in admiration or because he had not yet recovered from the shock.

"The teacher once said that your future achievements will depend on who you choose as your opponent. The strong will be strong, and you will be strong..."

"What are your plans?" Li Dongqiang nodded.

"I haven't thought it through yet, you go make preparations first."


Li Dongqiang walked out of the office.

After Li Dongqiang left the office, Li Bin silently took out a notebook from his arms.

The notebook neatly recorded a whole book of quotations.

While sorting out his next plan, he looked at the quotations and finally saw [Big capital is considering metropolitan areas, but metropolitan areas are destined to be difficult and protracted. We will do the opposite and build sinking units first, such as rural areas. Surrounding the City] This quote.

This quotation inspired him. He thought about the [Thousand Regiments War], [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas], and what they had been doing [Poverty Alleviation and Farming].

This is their inherent advantage!

However, second- and third-tier cities are lagging behind in terms of computer popularization. The online shopping industry is naturally not as concentrated as in first-tier cities, and it is difficult to deliver logistics and other things to the villages.

The cost is really too high, Li Bin analyzed the pros and cons...

After reaching a dead end, he continued to flip through the book of "Quotations". When he reached a certain quotation, his eyes lit up again!


August 21.

This day was probably the most difficult day for Jiang Xudong.

[2011 China Typical Patent Case] ​​is on TV again.

In the morning, he hurried to the court with his legal team.

At the entrance of the court...

Countless media and reporters are waiting.

Every reporter's pointed question was like a knife stabbing into his heart.

With a dark face, he walked in with his legal team without making any answer.

During this period, he tried many times to find Zhang Sheng and wanted to reconcile privately, but there was never any response from the other party.

In the end, he gave up.

However, in a place like Yanjing, it was as if Zhang Sheng covered the sky with one hand. He couldn't even hire a decent lawyer, so he had to bring his team from Su City.

The legal team no longer has any hope of winning this case. They only said that they will do their best to make the compensation relatively small.

He followed the team and sat in his seat.

He saw that his lawyer was indeed trying his best and used every method to argue...

But still no action has been taken on this [2011 China Typical Patent Case] ​​lawsuit!

Jiang Xudong also saw the most terrifying side of the lawyers at Bird's Nest Law Firm, which shocked him so much that he even thought of the word "unfounded".

The evidence and various materials presented alone are a thick pile!

He simply estimated that the information and evidence were close to more than 200 pages, and each page was densely written. This lawsuit lasted a full day.

Jiang Xudong kept wiping his sweat, feeling tired and nervous throughout his body.

When Jiang Xudong walked out, he was almost unsteady.

They [Green Horse] lost, they lost miserably!

But there is good news.

The amount of compensation awarded for a patent is determined by sales volume and profit.

In the past few months, their industry [ice cream] has had about 30,000 units of advance orders.

Real profits are limited, so it is unlikely that future Internet patent cases will result in billions or even tens of billions of fines and compensation.

Even less than [Tengji Technology]’s compensation...

Well, [Green Horse] only compensated about 80 million. At the same time, they publicly apologized, and without the authorization of [Hongwei Technology], they must ban the sale of [Ice Cream] and related models.

Jiang Xudong's face turned pale...

In the past few months, after seeing the prospects of [ice cream] and other similar products, they have been building factories overwhelmingly.

At this moment, they have spent nearly 400 million on expansion. If all sales are banned, it means that they will lose a lot of money!

Not only that, after the lawsuit ended, not only the lawsuit, but also overwhelming negative news followed.

What made him even more confused was that when he returned to the company, he saw that the tax personnel had already arrived!

Find out their tax evasion!

Oh shit!

One-stop business wars are coming one after another!

Jiang Xudong knew without thinking that the two damned ones [Yuan Neng] and [New Era] were colluding with Zhang Sheng and using all dirty and despicable means to mess with him!


The collapse of a company.

Sometimes it can be slow.

Falling behind step by step and eventually falling apart.

But sometimes, it collapses overnight.

From early August to late August.

The barrage of negative news never stops.

[Green Horse] This was once one of the three largest electric vehicle companies in China, but its stock price has plummeted. All employees in the company have always felt that they are surrounded by a haze.

August 23rd.

Jiang Xudong received news of shareholders selling stocks one after another, as well as news of large-scale capital withdrawals.

Even the Japanese capital behind him immediately sold stocks when they realized that something was not right.

He called one by one and tried every means, hoping that the other party would give him a chance, but in the end, he could only sit helplessly in the chair.

The batch of capital that was withdrawn late is stuck in the quagmire at this moment, and no one has taken over at all.

The [Dealer]'s large number of returns and the suspension of purchases also made Jiang Xudong exhausted mentally and physically. What was the use of all the scrap metal he wanted?

Finally, he called Japan, but there was no response from Japan.

He could only hold on and let the company's public relations department continue to release all kinds of good news, while looking for new capital to help [Green Horse] tide over the difficulties.

But obviously...

No one wants to take on this hot potato!

During this period……

Che Zhenglong from [Yuan Neng] called him.

[New Times] also called him...

They all talked about the same thing.

That is [industrial merger] and equity reorganization.

[Industry Merger] is to merge the [Green Horse] brand under [New Era] or [Source Energy], and one of them will step forward to stop this turmoil.

Merger means one thing.

That is, there may be [Green Horse], but [Green Horse] will never have any autonomy, and [Green Horse]’s previous customers will all be given to another completely unfamiliar company.

Just when Jiang Xudong didn't know what to make...

Zhang Sheng’s call also came.

Zhang Sheng only had one sentence.

"Mr. Jiang, come over for tea..."

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