I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 605 Zhang Sheng invites tea

[Hongwei Technology] is still located in the west area of ​​[Mitu] Economic Development Zone.

Two years ago, the [Mitu] Economic Development Zone was desolate, and everything looked like it had just been built.

Two years later, the area was already busy with traffic.

[Jitu Video], [Honeycomb Jisong], [Tengji Technology], [Hongwei Technology Yanjing Headquarters], [Bosch Technology Yanjing Branch]...

About 70% of Zhang Sheng's industries are all located here.

It is no exaggeration to say that if a fire broke out here, all Zhang Sheng's efforts in the past three years would be in vain.


There is no chance of a fire here.


Zhang Sheng was very polite.

But this kind of politeness made Jiang Xudong feel uncomfortable.

Or maybe it was a humiliation directed at him.


At this moment, no matter how much humiliation he suffered, he still had to bear it.

When Jiang Xudong got off the plane, he saw the [Hongwei Fengxing] online car-hailing car parked in front of him.

Then, the online taxi drove all the way to the [Mitu] Development Zone and stopped at the entrance of [Hongwei Technology].

Jiang Xudong got off the car and then went all the way to Zhang Sheng's office on the third floor of the [Hongwei Technology] office building.

"Sit down, Mr. Jiang."

Before he greeted Zhang Sheng, he saw Zhang Sheng speak first, making tea and gesturing for him to sit on a chair.

The office is filled with the aroma of tea.

"boss Zhang……"

"Drink tea first!"

He spoke, but was quickly interrupted by Zhang Sheng.

Then, he instinctively swallowed what he was about to say, sat down, and drank a cup of tea gently.

He is obviously just a young man of 23 or at most 24 years old, but what is ridiculous is that this young man's aura is very powerful. You even feel inexplicably shorter in front of him.


"Mr. Zhang! I came all the way here not to drink tea with you!" Jiang Xudong took a deep breath and finally suppressed his anger.

"I'm not calling you just to invite you over for tea, but since you're already here, I'll drink the tea first and then we'll talk about things. What do you think?" Zhang Sheng looked at him gently. By Jiang Xudong.

Do I care about you?

Pretend to be paralyzed!

The resentment in Jiang Xudong's heart was about to explode.

I wanted to stand up, throw the tea on Zhang Sheng's hateful face, and then slap him twice...

But he finally drank tea and said: "That's right."

He finally nodded sadly and finished the tea.

After Zhang Sheng saw that he had finished drinking, he finally stopped pretending. Instead, he looked at Jiang Xudong quietly and said seriously: "Mr. Jiang, you [Green Horses] are more useful to me alive than dead, so I miss you." Stay alive!"

"Haha, Mr. Zhang is joking, isn't our [Green Horse]'s current situation thanks to you? I heard some people say something before, saying that Zhang Sheng seems to be full of benevolence and morality, but secretly he is He is a snake-hearted person, extremely hypocritical, and even more hypocritical than a hypocrite. He is so greedy that even a passing dog would bite him...Now that I look at it, he is indeed worthy of his name!"

After Jiang Xudong said these words, the bad breath deep in his heart finally came out.

The whole person's thoughts are also much clearer.

But seeing that Zhang Sheng didn't have any anger, he instead smiled humbly: "The rumors in the world cannot be taken as true. At most, they are just false praise, false praise..."


You really take it as a fucking compliment!

Why do not you go to hell!

Oh shit!

Jiang Xudong felt cursed again in his heart, and a flame that had just been suppressed suddenly rose again. He said with a cold face: "Mr. Zhang, tell me, what on earth are you going to talk to me about?"

"[Yuan Neng] and [New Era] both want you to die, and then they will annex your [Green Horse], but if you are annexed by them, then I will be a wedding dress for others, and I will not get any benefits. …”

"Zhang Sheng, we are not your fucking chess pieces. You understand, you are just a young boy who was lucky enough to win a capital game once. Who the hell are you! If you give me a chance, I will I'll kill you!" Jiang Xudong stood up suddenly, glared at Zhang Sheng, and finally yelled!

As if Zhang Sheng didn't hear the curse, he still took a sip of tea slowly: "I can license the patented appearance of [Hongwei MINI] to you for free..."

Jiang Xudong's uncertain expression suddenly became dull, and then he stared at Zhang Sheng: "I told you, I'm not a chess piece! For hitting a stick and giving a sweet date, you fucking treat me as a three-year-old child? "

"Your industrial chain is all on the road. If you don't accept cooperation with me, just cooperate with [Yuan Neng] and [New Era] and become their vassal. If you cooperate with me, you still have autonomy!"


"Don't be so angry. You are almost fifty years old and half of your body has been buried. Being angry will only make you age faster!"

"I...I..." Jiang Xudong panted, and the breath in his chest seemed to be exploding.

However, he remained silent in the end. After taking a sip of tea, he closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair to rest.

There was a brief silence in the office.

"Our [Green Horse] heritage is still there. It's not that easy to kill us... Even without your authorization, I can still survive!" After calming down, Jiang Xudong finally spoke.

"I don't deny that Mr. Jiang, your ability can make [Green Horse] go through this disaster, but [Source Energy] and [New Era] will desperately want you to die. In other words, if you stand on In their position, wouldn’t you covet the industrial chain of a company that has fallen into capital collapse? Would you let it survive?”


"I just fought a lawsuit and created the earliest public opinion. As for the subsequent stocks, as for the withdrawal of capital, as for everything in the darkness, it was not my doing... You have always said that you are a pawn, but, Have you ever thought that they regard me as a knife, and then I am not willing to be just a knife?"


"Except for that lawsuit, we have been a community of interests from beginning to end! Next, our fronts will be the same. I don't want you to die. If you are alive, they will not be able to eat your flesh. In their fight with you, I Only [Hongwei Technology] and its cooperative battery vehicles can get some meat in the market. If you fall down, they will deal with me..." Zhang Sheng stared at Jiang Xudong.

Just two days ago…

When Zhang Sheng called [Bosch Technology] Chen Mengting, he noticed a detail.

That is, [Yuanneng] and [New Era] did not give up their [Liwei] and [Weineng] vehicle batteries to [Bosch Battery] according to the agreed time.

On the contrary, the cooperation with [Liwei] and [Weineng] seems to be closer!

From that moment on, Zhang Sheng knew that the two companies had no sincerity in cooperation at all. They just used themselves as a knife, and could even deduce that after [Green Horse] was acquired, the guns of these two companies soon turned against each other. Will move towards myself.

Therefore, instead of being passive after being betrayed, it is better to strike first!

Shopping malls are like battlefields...

If you don't abide by the spirit of the contract, what do I care about your benevolence, justice and morality?


"You use me as cannon fodder?" After Jiang Xudong saw Zhang Sheng being so honest, his eyes were bloodshot and he stared at Zhang Sheng fiercely.

Zhang Sheng was just making tea.

in silence.

Jiang Xudong sat down on the chair and became silent.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Xudong looked at Zhang Sheng silently: "You have no other requirements?"



"Survive, do whatever you can to survive!"



In the early morning of August 23rd.

【Source Energy】.

Che Zhenglong is discussing the merger and acquisition plan of [Green Horse] battery car with his team.

Halfway through the meeting, the assistant walked in in a hurry, and then...

"What did you say?"

Che Zhenglong's expression changed drastically!

Then, walked out of the office.

After seeing a piece of reconciliation news from [Hongwei Technology] and [Green Energy], and deciding to license [Green Energy]’s patent appearance...

He called Zhang Sheng like crazy.

we have a deal!

Even if compensation is paid, it will not be authorized?

we have a deal!

I want to kill [Yuan Neng] to death, isn’t this fucking a lie!


The call never got through.

Either the line is busy or on a call.

At this moment, he felt betrayed!

He also made a phone call with the boss of [New Era]...

The other party was also very angry, as if he wanted to hire a killer to kill Zhang Sheng!

Spirit of Contract!

This son of a bitch, this damned one, has no sense of contract at all!

Until the evening of the 23rd...

He finally got through the phone.

On the phone.

"Zhang Sheng, how the hell could you do this! You are violating the spirit of the contract, you..."

"You were the one who broke the contract first. I'm waiting for you to give up your share of the battery and cooperate with [Bosch], but we haven't been able to wait for any news!"

"Am I not planning to get rid of [Green Energy] in the past two days? Our cooperation is just a little late. I didn't say I didn't agree. Moreover, I still have to communicate with [Weineng]. They are originally Our strategic allies and cooperation cannot be done overnight, we have to discuss it slowly, are you right? Rome was not built in a day, right?"

"I don't understand that cooperation doesn't happen overnight. I haven't read many books. I just graduated from high school and haven't even finished college. How can I play like you old people? I only know the spirit of contract. Oral contracts are also contracts. Besides, , we signed a contract... Although that agreement is considered a gentleman's agreement, you can't be so shameless, at least you shouldn't be so shameless, what do you think, Mr. Che!"


"Okay, I have to be busy! Oops, the production capacity of [Hongwei MINI] cannot keep up recently, so I can only ask [Green Horse] to borrow a few factories..."




Che Zhenglong had a ferocious look on his face and slammed his cell phone to the ground.

Just when Che Zhenglong was angry...

There was a knock on the office door.


He heard a message.

[Green Energy], [Brilliance], [Tide Bird]...

Almost immediately, it released its new four-wheel electric vehicle, and surprisingly, there is also a convertible version of the new vehicle!

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