I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 608 Amazing industrial eruption!

August 27, morning.

The hot summer finally dissipated a lot of the burning sensation.

Zheng Huateng was woken up from his sleep by a phone call.

Unless the company encounters some special circumstances, no one will call him.

After he answered the phone, he looked shocked. He immediately put on his clothes and ran towards [Tengji Technology] in a panic.

In the conference room.

[Tengji Technology] Ye Kai took out a piece of data in horror.

That data comes from a game called "Dungeon" by [Shengteng Technology].

On August 20th.

[Dungeon] The number of registrations is around 100,000, and the number of online users and daily active accounts is 50,000!

The departments under [Tengji Technology] have used various methods to attack this "Dungeon" online or offline...

The rising speed was cut off in half, but the daily growth rate was more than 10,000 at the beginning, but later, it fell below 10,000...

Deep down in his heart, Zheng Huateng has never underestimated "Dungeon", but he has absolute confidence in his [Tengji Technology], including "Gunfight Glory"...

However, no one could have imagined that only one week has passed!

The number of user registrations for this game, which has been suppressed by "Gun Glory" on the Internet, has increased from 100,000 to an astonishing 300,000!

In just one week, there was an increase of 200,000!

Moreover, the daily new additions are almost 50,000!

You know, at this moment, the number of registered users of "Gun Battle Glory" has just exceeded one million!

Damn it! No matter how good-tempered Zheng Huateng was, he still couldn't help but curse harshly deep in his heart.

At this moment, he felt a chill rising from the depths of his heart. For a moment, he stared at the 300,000 data and didn't know what to feel.

"Mr. Zheng!"


"The number of [WeChat] users has increased from 10 million to 12 million. Its rising momentum has not weakened, but has intensified..."


In the office.

A message about [WeChat] appeared in Zheng Huateng's sight.

social application!

That is Zheng Huateng's root, and it is the foundation for his life!

And Zhang Sheng, this damned brat who has killed a thousand swords, wants to dig out his roots!

"[WeChat] Version 2.0 this time forces users to "masturbate", and the reputation seems to be unsatisfactory..."

"Based on objective user feedback and macroscopic growth, the 2.0 update is a failed innovation! [Masturbation] is redundant..."

"Of course, our growth rate during the same period is still faster than [WeChat]. We already have about 80 million users, but year-on-year, our speed has slowed down..."


Zheng Huateng listened silently as Ye Kai analyzed a lot of data.

Although they still have great advantages!

But deep down in Zheng Huateng's heart came an even more panicky thought. It seemed that they [Tengji Technology] couldn't suppress Zhang Sheng!

"In the eyes of users, they will only really focus on one social software. The scene of two kings competing for hegemony does not exist. We still have an advantage!"

After Zheng Huateng calmed down, he finally became more awake.


In every next step, don’t give Zhang Sheng a chance!

Zheng Huateng thought this sentence silently.


Not long after he finished reciting these words silently, Zheng Huateng saw the overwhelming news about Zhang Sheng on the Internet.

He gasped!

"Zhang Sheng's real industry is about to experience a blowout!"

He hasn't spoken yet.

Ye Kai murmured to himself!


August 27th.

Cangdong County.

Everyone feels that this day is a day worthy of being recorded in history for Cangdong County!

County leaders held meetings overnight.

Subsequently, Zhang Sheng's industries were approved for an [Industrial Park] plan with an initial investment of 1,000 acres.

This industrial park is led by Zhang Sheng’s industries and responded to by local leading enterprises [Yintie International], [Yongcheng Electric], [Guanghong Plastic], etc., to construct a line of textiles, shoes and clothing, machinery and electronics, food processing, It is a science and technology industrial park integrating pharmaceutical, chemical, printing and other industries.

This news spread quickly, and it was immediately published in [Cangdong Daily].

Ma Yunhua sat in the car and read Cangdong Daily over and over again. Invisibly, there was a pressure on his face, which seemed to be lingering in his heart.

He suddenly became very heavy!

After arriving in Cangdong County, he did not get off the car, but first walked around the [Industrial Park].

This is a flat land next to a highway intersection. At this moment, various heavy machinery such as excavators, bulldozers, and Kamaz are already in place, but they are not working.

Ma Yunhua saw several people wearing hard hats planning something.

After he looked briefly for a while, the car drove towards the government unit again.

In government units.

Zhang Sheng seemed to be in a meeting.


Ma Yunhua had no intention of exposing her identity and going in.

He asked someone to take out the computer and then open [Jitu Video].

[Jitu Video] seems to have become Zhang Sheng’s official show-off zone!

He behaves like a special leader.

At this moment, Zhang Sheng, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, was standing at the main seat in the conference room, following the relevant leaders in the meeting.

The county leaders were listening below, and some were even taking notes seriously...

"During this period, our team has been actively communicating, negotiating, and sampling with [Yintie International], and is very satisfied with [Yintie International]'s products..."

"After friendly consultations and discussions, I am honored to reach a procurement cooperation agreement with [Yintie International] on behalf of our new energy industry, and from now on, [Yintie International] will be regarded as a brother enterprise..."

"These include a series of new and new energy electric vehicles such as [Hongwei Technology], [Chaoniao Technology], and [Brilliant New Energy Technology]..."


Ma Yunhua watched the live broadcast.

After seeing Zhang Sheng's pretentious speech, I wanted to slap Zhang Sheng.

Then, he suppressed his emotions and continued to watch.

It's an honor to have you ***!

Then: "I am also honored to represent these companies to officially enter our Cangdong County. Here, I would like to thank the country for attaching great importance to us small and medium-sized enterprises... and also thank the leaders of [Cangdong County] for their support of us." help……"

Break time for Zhang Sheng’s signing ceremony...

Zhang Sheng seemed to have answered a phone call.

Afterwards, Zhang Sheng left in a hurry. When he came back, Zhang Sheng looked happy.

Ma Yunhua didn't know what Zhang Sheng's expression meant. She only knew that the live broadcast was suddenly interrupted at this moment.

After Ma Yunhua walked around Cangdong County, he received a call.

“The number of Zhang Sheng’s [WeChat] users has exceeded 12 million!”

"Zhang Sheng's payment system is out!"


When she received the call, Ma Yunhua no longer wanted to think about anything, but hurried back to Hangzhou.

When he returned to Hangzhou, he saw that [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and all industries under Zhang Sheng had opened [WeChat] payment services.

"Damn it!"

"He's riding on this craze again!"

"We are working hard on all fronts!"


August 28th.

Although Ma Yunhua is in Hangzhou, she has been paying attention to Zhang Sheng.

Today he saw news that a collaborator named Lacey in Brazil came all the way from Brazil to Cangdong County with a group of tourists.


They have a bilateral travel agreement from Brazil.

Not only did we sign a bilateral tourism agreement, but we also signed a purchase agreement from Brazil...

In the evening, Ma Yunhua saw another message.

Zhang Sheng also moved his mobile phone industry to Cangdong County...

at present……

Zhang Sheng’s [Apple] mobile phone sales have reached a new high for domestic mobile phones, and there is no need to worry about selling!

This wave of [News Broadcast] has even made [Apple 4] mobile phones reach a peak...

Ma Yunhua suddenly realized something!

That is to develop domestic demand and open up overseas cooperation markets!

Zhang Sheng is fucking doing these two!

August 29th.

When Ma Yunhua opened her eyes, she saw Zhang Sheng's news again.

This news comes from the education system...

The leaders of [Yanshihua] College came to Cangdong County for inspection, and on the evening of August 29, they formally signed an agreement with [Cangdong County Vocational High School] to assist the school in establishing the second batch of [Adult Education] pilots!

And Zhang Sheng is still the fucking leader!

August 30th.

Zheng Huateng originally thought that Zhang Shengzhan had stopped, but he found that Zhang Sheng not only did not stop, but also made a big official news.

“In order to support [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas] and to allow more users to get major appliances faster, I decided to set up my own transportation and logistics team. From now on... we [Jingsheng Logistics] will assist [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas] team to cooperate in transporting goods. At the same time, we regard Cangdong County as the first batch of pilot projects for [Jingsheng Logistics]..."


"The battery car industry we cooperate with will also participate in the new round of [Home Appliances Going to the Rural Areas]. We will let our friends enjoy affordable products at more favorable discounts..."


August 31st!

Ma Yunhua woke up from her sleep again.

In the morning, Zhang Sheng didn't do anything else.

However, at noon, Ma Yunhua saw Zhang Sheng coming again!

"In order to better help our users and friends in remote rural areas to start a business and find a job, we [Qiangsheng Online Mall] have established a [working group]. From now until October, if our friends need to start a business or sell a business, Products, we [Qiangsheng Online Mall] will assist friends to open stores for free, all day long..."

When seeing this scene...

Ma Yunhua jumped up instantly!

He took a deep breath!

This one wins!

Taking advantage of this wave of enthusiasm, not only do you have to work on yourself in terms of payment, but you also have to dig out your own roots!


He is so majestic and bright!

September 1st…

Ma Yunhua looked at the headlines again.

This time...

The headline is finally not Zhang Sheng.


The film application process for China's only international film award [Southern California International Film Awards] has officially begun!

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