I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 609 If you can’t make enough money, you can’t make all the money at all!

As of September 2011.

The total output of Chinese local films was 675, with a box office of over 11 billion.

Never mind that in later generations, a movie can easily break one billion or several billion, but you must know that last year, in 2010, the total film output was only 521, ranking third in the world, and the total box office could exceed 10 billion.

year 2010……

The annual box-office champion was a movie that made people laugh and laugh, and was once thought to be a popular movie "My Sassy Girl Sadako".

This is a love story with a girl's violent aesthetics. It once set off a craze for countless girls in Asia to imitate, and even once made many countless boys immersed in the situation of being beaten, suppressed and humiliated...

China’s total box office is 300 million!

The total box office in Asia is 600 million!

A daunting statistic!



Its total box office data is less than a fraction of the Hollywood epic blockbuster "Avatar".

The total box office of "Avatar" in China is 1.7 billion yuan, and the global box office is 2.6 billion US dollars!

Can "My Sassy Girl Sadako" be ranked second in the Chinese regional movie rankings?

I'm afraid not.

In April 2011, an epic disaster movie called "2012" made an astonishing box office of 800 million yuan!


What about third place?

Unfortunately, that doesn’t work either!

The film "Dreamland" directed by Christopher Norey received 780 million yuan.

What about fourth place?

No way...

No one would have thought that in the Chinese region, the Chinese box office champion movie "My Sassy Girl" Sadako was not even ranked in the top ten...

The domination of Hollywood science fiction blockbusters has always been on the minds of countless Chinese movie fans.

This is a daunting distance, and some famous directors even looked back at the film history over the years and finally came up with a very desperate figure.

China's film industry is at least 20 years behind the Hollywood film industry!

When Hollywood movies take out masterpieces of the times such as "Avatar", what are the themes of Chinese movies?

"Future SWAT", "Family Happy Events 2010", "Asura", "Tianji"...

When Hollywood movie special effects shocked everyone's attention and set off a wave of the times...

So, what are Chinese movies doing?

Hyping scandals, celebrities, cheap special effects costing only 50 cents, but claiming to be an epic masterpiece...


When the [Southern California International Film Awards] once again became a hot search topic.

The Chinese film industry was instantly excited!


The [Southern California International Film Awards] is a pheasant award that no one cares about. It is barely popular, but all the big-name directors dismiss it.

In 2010, this award gradually appeared in the public eye, and many directors were paying attention to this award, especially after the birth of globally sensational horror films such as "7 Days to Die" and "Prisoners", and some Chinese films such as "Thunder" Director Gao Yuan and others began to be invited to attend the awards...

year 2011!

When the news that applications for the third [Southern California International Film Awards] had begun appeared in the public eye, the official website of the [Southern California International Film Awards] was paralyzed that day!


It was Zhang Sheng’s appearance on the news network, or maybe it was the huge popularity of the [Second Southern California International Film Awards] in 2010, or maybe everyone began to realize that the award was beginning to gain authority little by little, or Or in 10 years, in the [Southern California International Film Exchange], as long as the films participating in the exhibition have sold their copyrights, countless films that had no chance to appear overseas have sold their copyrights for the first time!

In 2010, under the impact of exciting things!

[The 3rd Southern California International Film Awards] In one day, nearly 150 Chinese films applied for this award at the same time!

Moreover, the level of competition is particularly fierce. The group [Southern California International Film Awards Organizing Committee] headed by Avery Tashi receives countless calls from China every day...

Avery Tashi was so disturbed that he even felt depressed when he heard the phone call.

However, this year’s Chinese movies.

It seems like a hundred flowers are blooming, but it is really too bleak.

Among the 150 registered films, there are also masterpieces with investment of over 100 million or even hundreds of millions.

But what makes Avery Tashi sad is that most of these movies are terrible!

Movies with good box office, similar to "Love to the End", similar to "Broken Love Anniversary", similar to "The Small Town", the plot is very loose, basically based on love, there is no "My Sassy Girl Sadako" 》Such a real feeling that penetrates the bone marrow...

And some so-called literary blockbusters!

For example, "The Feast of the Han Dynasty", a new historical work by Chen Kai, the director of "Tianji"...

After Avery Tashi patiently watched it, he felt a little unrealistic and immediately consulted the Chinese director Bi Feiyu.

Bi Feiyu held back a feeling of constipation, looked at it for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion.

"Perhaps, I am not very knowledgeable."

"I can probably understand what he is filming in "Tianji", but in "The Feast of the Great Han", I can no longer understand what he is filming..."

"Maybe an epic art film..."


Avery Tashi asked several Chinese directors in succession, and in the end, the conclusion he came to was even more constipating.

An investment of 200 million yuan was invested in this movie, and the movie box office was 100 million yuan. There was a lot of criticism on the Internet, and there is even a video of director Chen Kai breaking the defense.

"If you can't understand it, it's because your education level is low. When you go to college and understand a little history, you will be able to understand it!"


Avery Tashi hesitated for a long time and finally rejected the movie!

September 1st.

School season.

Zhang Sheng’s [NC Entertainment] was surrounded by countless people.

Due to the overwhelming amount of traffic and visits, countless young directors have been unable to register for the film through the Southern California International Film Awards.

As a result, many people came from far away, bringing samples of their new movies, crowded at the door of [NC Entertainment], and squeezed in like crazy!

The past three years!

They have really heard too many stories of people who became famous overnight in [NC Entertainment]!

Nowadays, Bi Feiyu has become an internationally famous new international director with his two films "Seven Days to Kill" and "Prisoners", and his status in the Chinese director circle has skyrocketed!

The story of his debut film "The Dog Beyond the Mountain" is still being told repeatedly...

Inspirational stories such as the rise of grassroots and encountering Bole...

It's like an aphrodisiac!

Not only can it inspire people, but it can also drive countless depressed and frustrated young directors crazy!

However, the entire market is surrounded by not only these crazy directors who want to try their luck, but also countless entrepreneurs!


"What, you tell me, the advertising space is full?"

"I have money!"

"You have to queue even if you have money?"

"Why don't they have to queue?"

"Huh? They are [NC Entertainment]'s previous partners?"


In the eyes of capital circles.

Zhang Sheng is a capricious villain, a hypocrite, shameless, vicious, snake-hearted, and stabbing in the back...

If those capitals and the description of Zhang Sheng were to be written into a book, then this book would definitely be the largest vicious encyclopedia in the world!

However, in the eyes of small and medium-sized brands.

What they saw was opportunity!

A hot, crazy opportunity that makes people desperate to squeeze in!

In addition, there is gold everywhere!

They saw with their own eyes that the restaurant [Fat Xiaoan], which was just opened in 2009, has nearly 170 franchised branches across the country in just three years, and has its own [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant], which is now the [Fat Xiaoan Group].

They also saw with their own eyes [Bannilu] Clothing, a small brand that originated in Yangcheng. Last year, it won the advertising space of "My Sassy Girl Sadako" and the endorsement of Ah K. Its sales have soared, almost surpassing the first-tier brands. This year Even when the general environment is not good, he has made a lot of money. He has already exported his products overseas and made a fortune!

As for [Oubang Integrated Ceiling], as for [Hongwei Technology]...

There are so many grassroots success stories that drive entrepreneurs almost crazy!

A person’s name!

The shadow of the tree!

From the beginning of the year to the middle of the year, a large group of brand owners came to [NC Entertainment] to try their luck almost every day...

However, except for the core brands, the rest basically returned empty-handed!

Logically speaking, they should give up!


This thing is just like gambling. The most indispensable thing in the entrepreneurial circle is gamblers and entrepreneurs with perseverance...

When you see a shortcut to success, when you see a lot of gold on the shortcut...

No one will give up!

Even this time...

Even though the advertising space for the [Southern California International Film Awards] was sold out, countless brands still flocked to it, and the scene became more and more crazy!

September 1st.

"Mom! I've already told you, don't accept those messy gifts!"

"Mr. Zhang is on "News Network". We need a positive image. Now, the entire company is advocating sunshine production and sunshine work! We can't hold Mr. Zhang back!"


"How could you do this? I have told you that our [Southern California International Film Awards] is a very formal award, and the key advertising spaces have been sold out. We cannot accept random advertisements. We have to deal with them." Advertisers are responsible. Don’t look at our crazy traffic now, but that doesn’t mean we can accept all brands!”

"Mom! What, uncle and the others also accepted gifts? Return them, you return them!"

"You know this is bribery? We have to make money cleanly!"

"No matter how nice the other party is, no matter how sincere they are, I really can't open the back door for you!"

"I have followed Mr. Zhang for three years. I know very well what kind of person Mr. Zhang is!"

"Don't we make enough money? Last year, I gave you several million, but you just want to get away with any small favors!"

"Don't take money, don't take money!"


Shen Xiaoxi, the vice president of [NC Entertainment], encountered the most difficult thing to solve in her life.

In fact...

It's not just her, Shen Xiaoxi.


"Mr. Shen..."

"What's wrong?"

"Can you think of a way to add more advertising space?"

"It can't be increased, not at all...I said, we have to be responsible to the brand..."

"My best friend asked me. We have been together since childhood. Mr. Shen, please see that I have been doing my best to help the company manage data in the past three years. Please open a back door for me..."



"Dong dong dong!"

Before the conversation was over, a person in charge of the brokerage department over there smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Shen, is it convenient for us to chat? My husband's father wants to meet you..."


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