I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 614 Zhang Sheng’s Sickle (Part 1)

year 2011.

The Chinese film industry has ushered in the most magical year.

[The 3rd Southern California International Film Awards] has officially opened its screening booths, with 10 million tickets sold to the public.

Yes, ten million, not one day, not half a day, but one game!

Countless filmmakers in China were shocked when they saw this scene.

Zhang Sheng is so crazy!

Ke Zhanyi, who once directed "That Summer" and has collaborated with Zhang Sheng for a long time, even stared at the official website of the [Southern California International Film Awards] for a long time, and once thought he had seen it wrong.


After truly seeing the data of 10 million games.

He gasped!


This is not the most shocking thing. The most shocking thing is that these tens of millions of news were stirred up on the Internet at a time when countless people thought Zhang Sheng was crazy.

November 11th…

All 15 movies on the first day were sold out.

Ke Zhanyi stared blankly at the words sold out!

Only three hours have passed since the announcement of the news!

He stared at the news in disbelief that [a mysterious director purchased 5 shows at once].


"I know Zhang Sheng best. That should be a hype..."


Ke Zhanyi took a deep breath. After recovering from the shock, he finally found a relatively logical explanation.

In 2009, when I was working with Zhang Sheng, every time Zhang Sheng held a large-scale event, he would go to various places to hire actors. I vaguely remember that when "That Summer" was released, Zhang Sheng specially arranged for nearly a hundred actors to come to Yanzhou. to help out in the Beijing Cinema.

Marketing this piece.

Ke Zhanyi has never seen anyone better than Zhang Sheng!


Not long after, Ke Zhanyi looked at another piece of news.

That is Chen Kai, the director of "The Feast of the Han Dynasty" and "Tianji", who is promoting the new movie "The Legend of Tang Cat"...


Among the fourth generations of directors.

Chen Kai is a very magical person.

He has won many international awards for his local-themed films.

He even entered the "Cannes International Film Festival" with his film. "Xiang Chu" is known as the proud film of the Chinese people. He is one of the assistant directors...

However, after the millennium, as a series of directors from the older generation gradually passed away, Chen Kai and a group of fifth-generation directors officially became the leading figures in the Chinese film industry...

The movies he made gradually became magical.

The filming of "Tianji" is confusing. Although I can understand what he is filming, I really can't understand what he is expressing.

Later this year, he filmed "The Feast of the Han Dynasty" again. "The Feast of the Han Dynasty" got such a bad reputation that I no longer know what he was filming!

It seems to be a very powerful epic historical movie, with gorgeous costumes, wonderful composition, big scenes and big production, and the acting skills of the actors seem to be online.

But they just didn’t know what they were filming. Some people walked into the cinema with expectant expressions, and then walked out with a blank look on their faces.

With an investment of hundreds of millions, the box office performance was only tens of millions, which made Chen Kai ridiculed by many netizens.

Various comments from netizens made him lose his guard for a time, and he even started to fight with netizens on the spot, saying that some netizens' cultural level was too low and it was normal for them not to understand.

But what’s amazing is that he has repeatedly made such films, but he has always been able to get investment...

""The Legend of Tang Cat" is an epic historical fantasy blockbuster!"

"He will surpass me, any previous film! Even, I can say without exaggeration, he will surpass "Xiang Chu" which won the Palme d'Or at the [Cannes International Film Festival]!"

"We have invited a dedicated prop master, um, Scott, the prop master of epic blockbusters such as "Avatar" and "Prisoners", to join the production of the film's props..."

"We invited Hollywood special effects teams to work together to produce the special effects of the film. The special effects investment is no less than that of "Avatar"! It is by far the best movie in China, bar none..."


On the morning of September 11th.

"The Legend of Tang Cat" held a film conference.

Chen Kai was wearing a suit and leather shoes, with an extremely confident face, and then he was so proud in front of countless media.

It’s epic, it’s Hollywood props master, it’s Hollywood special effects…

The media were shocked.

But after the press conference, Chen Kai went online for the first time, and then he saw netizens starting to mock him again.

His expression became even more ugly, and he felt that the movie atmosphere in the Chinese film industry was simply bad!

"Director Chen...that..."

"What is that?"

On November 12th, we have no way to buy a screening slot for "The Legend of Tang Cat". "

"Why can't I buy it?"

"The rules there say that the same movie cannot be reserved for the whole day..."

"What bullshit rules? Doesn't Zhang Sheng want money? Give him money!"

"This is not a matter of money. In fact, the movie screening quotas for the 12th and 13th were all booked at noon today."


"They seem to have received an inside message, and they don't know who leaked it..."

"what news!"

"Perhaps... the director of "Avatar", Mike Skye, will come to the third [Southern California International Film Awards]..."



Do many directors know that they are making bad movies?

Some directors know it and even read the script. Halfway through filming, they know that the movie is going to be finished.

But due to various relationships...

For example, the investor ordered that the film must be filmed.

For example, company regulations...

For example, some capital needs to be converted into funds through this movie.

Anyway, they had to shoot.

However, some directors don't feel that the films they make are bad at all. Not only do they not feel that they are doing it, they even feel that their film is absolutely top-notch.

Even if the box office is poor, even if the reputation is poor, even if everyone is telling him that what you are making is a bad movie, they still firmly believe that their work is excellent and not inferior to any Chinese movie, but they have not met Bole, The resources are not enough, and some directors even think that the cultural level of those movie fans is too low and they are not worthy of watching their movies...

Movie circle!

There are many such pretentious directors!

From 2009 to 2011, the story of [Bi Feiyu became famous overnight and set foot on the international scene] in these two years has been constantly being told throughout the Chinese film industry...

Reasonable people know very well that Bi Feiyu is a lucky man, one of very few directors among thousands.

But the absolute majority of people are irrational and will involuntarily attribute their failure to the environment, the lack of a good platform, and the limitations of the audience for their films.


At this critical juncture, [The 3rd Southern California International Film Awards] has become a hot search topic...

Along with the trending searches, there are some inexplicable gossips spread by who knows who!

I heard that the famous Hollywood director McCaskey will attend the [Southern California International Film Awards]!

I heard that the director of "Dreamland" Christopher Norey will also come!

I heard that these inside information came from a staff member at the [Southern California International Film Awards]. The staff originally wanted a certain director named Chen to take advantage of the ridicule on the Internet to quickly I bought five games, but who knew, there would be walls and ears, and then...

In the film industry.

I don’t know why, but random rumors started flying all over the sky.

The rumors are getting worse and worse, and all kinds of gossip are flying everywhere!

In order to become famous overnight, in order to once again create a myth like Bi Feiyu.

Countless people are rushing towards the [Southern California International Film Awards]...


"Why is it gone!"

"Tell me, why are there no dates on the 12th and 13th? Even the movies shown on the 14th have to queue up to register?"

"Tell me! Why!"


On the afternoon of September 11th.

Some investors and directors who have raised enough money and are ready to put all their money on the line for their films are staring blankly at the screening quotas at the Southern California International Film Awards.

[Southern California International Film Awards] will be screened for seven days, and the number of screenings released will be 12 per day!

But who would have thought that only one day has passed, and all the screening slots from the 11th to the 13th have been sold out!

They were anxious and immediately went to the official website to consult customer service. Then, they heard the extremely shocking news that everyone would have to queue up for the screening slots for the closing ceremony on the 17th!

Ten million!

Such an astonishingly high price and only one screening, yet countless people are grabbing it!


"A bunch of irrational reptiles!"

Zheng Shaoshuai, a Beijing-based director who had previously filmed "Mountain City", sneered as he looked at the series of messy news about the [Southern California International Film Awards] and the number of seats that had been snatched away...

It's like watching a group of dogs snatching shit.

The so-called gossip...

Anyone with any brain would know that this is Zhang Sheng’s hype!

Can a director like "Avatar" director McCaskey really come to the [Southern California International Film Awards]?

What a joke!

But after sneering, I gritted my teeth. On the one hand, I felt that these film investors were too stupid. On the other hand, I felt that Zhang Sheng was disgusting. He actually used the [Southern California International Film Awards] to make money in various ways. !

Oh shit!

7 days, 12 games a day!

If they are all sold out!

What the hell!


Earn 840 million in vain

This is not how you cut leeks!

Just when Marshal Zheng was feeling complicated, he received a call.

"Young Marshal."


"Do you want to participate in the [Southern California International Film Awards]? If you participate, I will help you arrange a screening. This year, I was invited to be one of the Chinese judges for the third [Southern California International Film Awards] , Teacher Wu Guanli and I have great nomination authority..."

"Teacher, you..."

"With 10 million screenings, many people are now asking me for help. Didn't you just film "Mobei"? I nominated you... We are all very optimistic about this movie... There are also special things after the nomination. screening, but there can be another public screening during a special screening..."

"Ten million public screenings? Is there still enough time to schedule the film?"

"I have reserved a good time for you. As long as you agree, I will help you grab a spot first..."

"Teacher, but that was Zhang Sheng who was cutting leeks... I... I'd better forget it. I still win by being upright and not engaging in these evil ways. Besides, I don't feel comfortable making money for Zhang Sheng... Look at that So arrogant..." Marshal Zheng quickly calmed down.

"Young Marshal... I once heard the leader of the Huaxia Film Department say something very seriously..."

"What words?"

“This is China’s first truly international film award!”


After hearing this, Marshal Zheng was so excited!


The expression is more complex than ever.

After finishing the phone call with the teacher, Marshal Zheng suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of emptiness and powerlessness.

He is sitting on a chair...

Then, he heard another news.


"This guy Zhang Sheng is openly selling movie advertising space?"

"Twenty million for one advertising space, ten prominent advertising spaces in total? Ten million for ten secondary advertising spaces, and five million for ten third-level advertising spaces?"

"One movie? Thirty commercials?"


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