I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 615 Zhang Sheng’s Sickle (Part 2)

Ke Zhanyi gradually felt that he did not know this world.

It was so magical that he even felt it was unreal.

Or, could he no longer keep up with the times?

10 million to play a movie...

The Internet was filled with shock and ridicule.

But the countless shocks and ridicules the next day gradually turned into news that "a person is hard to find".

7 days, 12 games a day.

The booths are all booked!

He originally thought that what he saw was magical enough.

However, on September 13th.

More magical things are coming!

[Bi Feiyu's new film "The Truman" is open to the public for sale with 30 film-embedded advertising spaces! 】

The moment Ke Zhanyi saw this news, he choked!

Especially when he saw the prices of these advertising spaces, he felt his ears buzzing, and he pinched his thigh hard before he felt that he was truly alive.

He calculated it carefully!

This inexplicable movie called "The Truman" already cost 350 million for advertising space alone!

What's going on with Zhang Sheng? Is he already so crazy?


September 13th.

Bi Feiyu ran to Zhang Sheng's office in horror.

He was panting, his heart was beating rapidly, his hair was disheveled, and his eyes were bloodshot.

In the past few days, he has been writing the script of "The Truman", and yesterday he spent all night polishing the script.

After finally writing the script roughly, and when he was about to take a good rest, he received a phone call, and immediately after, his head exploded!


I lost my sleepiness in an instant, and then I ran towards the company like crazy, without even brushing my teeth...

"Mr. Zhang! Don't mess with me. You are joking, aren't you? Mr. Zhang?"


"Mr. Zhang, please speak up. Don't mess with me. Mr. Zhang, I know we may have been spending a lot of money recently, but we can't play like this. If we play like this, our system will collapse! Mr. Zhang, what's going on?"


"Mr. Zhang, my Mr. Zhang, I can kneel down to you, just say something!"


He rushed into Zhang Sheng's office and saw Zhang Sheng drinking tea leisurely. He shouted excitedly.

However, Zhang Sheng looked at him and just motioned for him to sit down.

"Drink tea!"

"Mr. Zhang, you are still drinking tea now, Mr. Zhang, my dear Mr. Zhang, there are many negative news about us [The Truman] on the Internet now! Not only Weibo, Tengji News, even ourselves Under [Jitu Video], there are many videos about [The Truman] making money from movies..."


Zhang Sheng seemed to know everything well and was as calm as ever.

He carefully made a cup of tea for Bi Feiyu, and then handed the tea to Bi Feiyu.

"Mr. Zhang, with this move, not only many netizens on the Internet are making fun of us, but even some brand owners think we are completely crazy!"

After Bi Feiyu took a sip of tea, his voice finally became much softer, but he was still very anxious and anxious.

"Aren't you treating them as fools? Only fools are willing to pay 20 million for a movie advertising space!"

A few days ago, Mr. Zhang was still serious and told him earnestly that he should be the benchmark of his time and shine in the light.

Then, he turned around and directly pushed [Truman] to the forefront.

Bi Feiyu no longer knows how many calls he has received. Even his teacher, the former director of "Xiang Chu", Taishan Beidou in the Chinese film industry, Wu Guanli called him to ask about it.

This wave was not going well, and his reputation was directly ruined!

How could he not be in a hurry!

"Are we very enthusiastic now?" Zhang Sheng said with a cheerful smile.

"Can the popularity not be too high? Mr. Zhang, you can go to any website and take a look. The name [Zhang Sheng] is a hot search no matter which media. Look at the company. All kinds of media are going to mention our company." It’s so crowded…”

"Oh, that's good!"

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter? This... everyone is saying that we are cutting leeks!"

"What does this mean? What does it mean that we are cutting leeks? It doesn't look like we are cutting leeks..." Zhang Sheng stared at Bi Feiyu sternly and corrected Bi Feiyu.


"One more thing, Director Bi, let me correct you again. Fools will not be cut off by us. Only really smart people will be cut off by us..."

Zhang Sheng said something sincere and sincere that even Bi Feiyu didn't understand.

Bi Feiyu stared at Zhang Sheng in confusion.

He no longer knew whether he was crazy or Mr. Zhang was crazy.

Just when he was doubting himself, there was a knock on the door, and then...

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Wang Hai from [Shenchuan Computer] is looking for you... Is it convenient for you?"

"Let him in!"


The door opened.

Bi Feiyu saw a fat man with a big belly but a big smile walking over excitedly.

"Mr. Zhang, hello, hello... I'm Wang Haijun from [Shenchuan Computer]. Mr. Zhang, it's not easy to meet you. I shouldn't be late. Give me the first advertising space of [The Truman]." Keep it, I'm ready for the 20 million!" The fat man held Zhang Sheng's hand, his mood still not recovering for a long time. When he heard that he was the first brand owner to walk in, his whole mouth burst into laughter. It was no longer possible, so I excitedly took out my bank card immediately and wanted to pay Zhang Sheng.

"Hey, this is Director Bi, right? Haha, Director Bi, hello, hello, you are indeed the best among men, Director Bi..."

Bi Feiyu stared blankly as Wang Haijun of [Shenchuan Computer] shook hands with him again, and then said a series of compliments before nodding instinctively.

But the whole person was in a daze.

[Shenchuan Computer] is a domestic brand established in 2006. This computer has placed various advertisements on CCTV and other channels. In 2007, its [Shenchuan Notebook] was ranked among the top five domestic notebook sales in the country. Second only to brands such as [Lianzhong Computer].

In recent years, [Shenchuan Computer] has gradually disappeared for a long time due to the market monopoly of brands such as [Lianzhong Computer].

I heard that last year, [Shenchuan Computer] founder Wang Guoqiang retired and his son Wang Haijun took over. However, after Wang Haijun took over, he did not make much noise and just maintained the status quo.

Just when Bi Feiyu was confused, there was another knock on the door in the office.

Shen Xiaoxi stuck out his head again.

"Mr. Zhang...Dong Mingqiang from [Xingyang Home Appliances], Mr. Dong wants to see you...he is also here to talk about [The Truman] advertising space. The other party has already deposited 10 million into our account first..."


When Bi Feiyu heard this, his head was still buzzing.

Unexpectedly, Wang Haijun suddenly became anxious.

"Mr. Zhang, everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis. In this way, I don't care who gets the advertising space first, we [Shenchuan Computer] must be the first..."


"Mr. Zhang, you can sign the contract however you want..."


"I can transfer money to your account right now! Twenty million, one cent is a lot. I'll call the finance department now. I have your company's account..."


Bi Feiyu looked at Wang Haijun, who was looking anxious and calling the finance department on his mobile phone.

He was in a trance...

Then, I found that I couldn’t understand it more and more.

Could it be that Zhang Sheng's influence is so great now that if he just launches an advertising project, everyone will be brainwashed and rush to send money?


"Mr. Wang, don't worry...you must be the first one. Let me tell you about the contract first..."

"I don't want to read the contract. With your status as Mr. Zhang, and with Director Bi's current status, can you still lie to me? Twenty million, I will ask the finance department to call first. How to sign the contract? Let's sign it now..."




The sun sets.

Zhang Sheng's office was full of people coming and going.

Shen Xiaoxi kept knocking on the door and kept saying that the boss of a certain brand was here...

Bi Feiyu stayed in Zhang Sheng's office and saw the most incredible scene in his life.

[The Truman] A movie that was not even filmed and no one knew what it was, had thirty advertising spots, and then these advertising spots were snapped up again!

Moreover, these people who came in didn’t even ask what kind of movie this was...

Then, they rushed over to see Zhang Sheng...

Like a beast that sees meat and then eats it without any choice!

As soon as I came up, I asked for 20 million advertising spaces, and they wanted it!

Even, the most exaggerated thing is that some people even think that 20 million is too little, and even ask for 60 million to directly buy out a few advertising spaces!

Moreover, the brands that come to cooperate seem to be of high quality, and there are even brands such as [Taomi Mobile] that ask Mr. Zhang to give them the best position. Money is not an issue...

On the contrary, no one interested in the third-tier cheapest advertising space worth 5 million.

Bi Feiyu can no longer understand the world!

as if……

Seeing Mr. Zhang casually waving his sickle...

Then, countless leeks rushed towards the mouth of the sickle.

Is there anything more ridiculous in this world?


Night falls.

Zhang Sheng had a sad face after sending away an advertiser.

"Mr. Zhang, I don't understand. These people..."

After Bi Feiyu saw Zhang Sheng signed several contracts, he finally couldn't help but ask.

"Director Bi, sometimes it is easy for us to be blinded by one leaf. If you really want to see the world clearly, you need to use a more macroscopic vision..."


"It's not news that a dog bites a man, but it is news if a man bites a dog. In this era, I have made a piece of traffic cake. As you can see, our news is very popular..."


"Fools think we are deceiving fools, but I have never regarded fools as our target customers, but smart people..."


"Really smart people have clearly seen the essence of this traffic cake, and they use this cake to promote their brands..."


“The actual advertising campaign didn’t start after [The Truman] was released, but the brand promotion has already started now!”


Zhang Sheng laughed: "Turn on your computer now and see which brand has been searched..."

Bi Feiyu was stunned, and then he saw Zhang Sheng turning the monitor in a circle, and the screen was facing Bi Feiyu!

Then, he saw [Shenchuan Computer] listed on the hot search...

A title!

Stupid people have too much money...

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