I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 616 Grabbing the traffic cake! (superior)

Original world.

A mobile phone named [Xiaomi] suddenly made a cerebral congestion decision in 2021, and spent 2 million to invite Japanese designer "Kenya Hara" to personally design a LOGO.

It is said that this logo took 3 years to design and the design cost was as high as 2 million. In fact, the fees paid successively have exceeded 6 million!

After the design was completed, they announced their design concept: "The more technology evolves, the closer it will be to the form of life."

Netizens were initially looking forward to [Xiaomi]'s new LOGO, but after seeing the LOGO that cost 2 million to design, everyone was confused.

Many people stared at the new LOGO and the original LOGO for a long time, only to feel that it has become a little rounder from the original boxy one!

They don't understand whether it's artistic or not, but they can still tell the difference by looking at the pictures!

Three years and 2 million to design such a Jie Bao thing?

Countless netizens went crazy with joy. They felt that Rebus had been screwed this time, or that he was out of his mind. He was ridiculed by netizens for a time. Even more passionate netizens helped Xiaomi design the next generation icon, which is in the shape of a triangle or a bunny ear. , panda shape...


The netizens who were crazy about it had no idea that Rebus, who was proficient in publicity, spent 2 million this time on an amazing commercial promotion.

Hot searches, discussions, Moments, self-media, major social software...

The topic # Xiaomi’s new logo # alone has nearly 210 million views, more than 30,000 discussions, and has been talked about for a long time...


[Haha, 20 million to buy an advertising space, [Shenchuan Computer] is crazy! Sure enough, after the founder Wang Guoqiang withdrew, [Shenchuan Computer] was also ruined. Isn't this a complete waste! Twenty million, what can’t be done? Want to buy a movie advertising space? 】

[[Shenchuan Computer] It’s true that people are stupid and have too much money, haha, oh, I laughed to death! Twenty million, brother! Are you already so rich? 】

[I have to say, Mr. Zhang is awesome! This group of people has been brainwashed by Mr. Zhang. If one day, Mr. Zhang says that he wants to land on the moon, these people might just follow him foolishly...]


["The Truman" What kind of movie is this? 】

[Twenty million is wasted! 】

[[Shenchuan Computer] Oops, this is my biggest laugh of 2011, hahaha! 】

[Mr. Wang was cheated! What a lie! 】

[But I have to say that Mr. Zhang is awesome. I have watched a few of Mr. Zhang’s speeches. When I was watching the speech, I felt that I was still me. But after watching the speech, I wanted to be a dog to Mr. Zhang! 】

[Hey, having said that, I also want to be a dog. Damn it, I suddenly discovered that the group of people who worked as dogs for Mr. Zhang are all making a lot of money! 】


this world!

The traffic era is booming.

The more magical something is, the easier it is to catch the attention of netizens.

From mid-August to September.

Zhang Sheng's hot searches in various fields have never dropped.

It started in the social field with Zhang Sheng's "Returning Home" to help farmers and the poor, followed by various money-making practices in the film industry (Southern California International Film Awards), and then came to the brand circle!

In the early morning of September 14th.

[Shenchuan Computer] once again appeared in the public eye.

On Weibo, hot words such as "Twenty million for a movie advertising space", "Truman", and "Shenchuan Computer" have become hot searches.

Titles such as "People are stupid and have too much money" and "Shenchuan Computer has given up on itself" have become frequent visitors in major media!

That morning, the reading volume of [Shenchuan Computer] exceeded 10 million, and the number of discussions exceeded 400,000!

Countless mocking voices are mocking [Shenchuan Computer]...

In the morning, a large number of media even rushed to the Yanjing headquarters of [Shenchuan Computer], all asking whether the 20 million was true...

In [Shenchuan Computer] offline stores, you can vaguely see netizens watching the excitement with their mobile phones...

Even some brands that once wanted to cooperate with Zhang Sheng also posted on their respective Weibos about [Shenchuan Computer] this wave of fools...


No one would have thought of it!

Amidst countless ridicules...

It has been many years since a new computer was released. [Shenkawa Computer], which cannot be seen at major counters or marketing stores, released a [Shenkawa T9] notebook and [Shenkawa A12] desktop computer on the afternoon of September 14th. Moreover, The prices are not expensive, they are priced at 3999 and 2999 respectively!


September 15th!

The bursts of ridicule still didn't stop.

However, no one could have imagined that the number of people grabbing the advertising space for "The Truman" not only did not decrease, but actually increased.

"We sent the money, why doesn't Mr. Zhang sign a contract with us?"

"Waiting for the process?"

"Damn it, aren't I just a few minutes behind [Kamikawa Computer]? Is this necessary?"


"If you contact Mr. Zhang again, hurry up! You can sign the contract today, right?"

"You ask, what does Mr. Zhang mean by this? If you think 20 million is not enough, we can add more money. It's okay to add another 5 million..."

"Oh shit!"


[Xingyang Home Appliances] In the early years, it was mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of small household appliances, including soy milk machines, wall breakers, rice cookers, air fryers, etc.

The founder's name is Dong Mingqiang, a 47-year-old middle-aged man from Zhuzhou.

In 2009, [Xingyang Home Appliances], after establishing a firm foothold in the field of small home appliances, began to gradually develop its efforts in some large home appliances fields.

However, it is a pity that although [Xingyang Refrigerator] is not inferior to other refrigerator brands in all aspects, the market has long been saturated and the competition is extremely cruel. Instead of paving the way for [Xingyang Home Appliances], it has directly continued Three years of losses.

In the past three years, Dong Mingqiang has thought of many ways, such as cooperating with other home appliances for OEM, such as developing his own online store, such as finding [Taozhu.com] to organize activities together...



[Xingyang Home Appliances] itself is not a big brand, and it has no market foundation to transform into a large home appliance. It is surrounded by powerful enemies. In the end, the more it tries, the more it tries, and the more it tries, the more it loses.

Department management put a lot of pressure on Dong Mingqiang, and they all strongly stated that the refrigerator must be disconnected, otherwise, the company will be dragged down...

But Dong Mingqiang is very stubborn and feels that if [Xingyang Home Appliances] wants to move to a higher level, it must be involved in the field of major appliances, so that it can make a profit. Otherwise, no matter how small appliances are sold, you will be a foil.

In 2010, he learned about [Zhang Sheng].

He saw with his own eyes that Zhang Sheng launched a battery-powered car and home appliances business to the countryside, and then he watched helplessly as Zhang Sheng made a business that was about to go bankrupt [Hongwei] so impressive that he even made a lot of money!

He realized that his chance might be coming!

In the first half of 2011, he began to try every means to try to establish a link with Zhang Sheng.


Today, Zhang Sheng has a very loud name in the brand circle, and there is considerable pressure from brand competition.

There are nearly 400 to 500 brands, grab the damn 30 spots!

Without exception he failed!


Finally waited until [Truman] saw small brands withdrawing one after another and even complaining, he realized that this was his best time!

But he is fast!

[Kamikawa Computer] This gangster is faster than him!

In the office.

Dong Mingqiang was pacing back and forth while watching the shocking popularity on the Internet, feeling extremely annoyed!

This is a huge fortune!

Oh shit!

The first person to eat the traffic crab is now full of traffic!

On the morning of September 14th, [Shenchuan Computer] had more than 10 million views and more than 400,000 discussions!

On September 15th, that is, this morning, the number of reads of the keyword [Shenchuan Computer] has exceeded 50 million, and the number of discussions has soared to one million!

Even the newly released [Shenkawa T9] notebook and [Shenkawa A12] desktop computer from [Shenkawa Computer] have become a topic...

The sales volume hasn’t been seen yet!

But, brand effect, brand effect!

When the brand effect implanted in people's hearts becomes more and more familiar to young people, then the brand will be the first thought of consumers subtly!

"Responded, Mr. Zhang responded!"

"However, the competitive pressure seems to be very strong, and many home appliance industries have also entered the market! There are even several first-line brands, such as [Chuangdu TV], such as [Jinhong Refrigerator]..."

"Fuck! Damn it, I shouldn't have hesitated for so many minutes! Hurry up and pack your things. Let's go over and sign the contract. Hurry, we must hurry!"


"Forget it, let's go, drive my car, no, take a taxi! Call Mr. Zhang's [Didi Di Taxi], use [WeChat] to take a taxi..."


Dong Mingqiang’s expression changed drastically!

Even if he has given Zhang Sheng money, as long as he doesn't sign the contract for a day, he will be under great pressure!

If the competitors are second- and third-tier brands, they [Joyoung Home Appliances] still have a huge advantage, but if those first-tier brands, especially first-tier brands, suddenly spend money...

He can't stand it!


He had to think about it!

This is very likely to be [Xingyang Home Appliances]’s last, and possibly only, opportunity!

He must fight to the death!


When Dong Mingqiang took a taxi and drove to [NC Entertainment], Dong Mingqiang discovered that there are really too many smart people in the world.

Countless [Hongwei Fengxing] online taxis are parked at the door of [NC Entertainment]...

[Chuangdu TV], such as [Jinhong Refrigerator], [Songsen Air Conditioner] and other sub-tier or first-tier brands in the field of home appliances, have arrived earlier than him, and they all took taxis like him.

More and more media are surrounding...

At a glance, he saw Shen Jinhong, the boss of [Jinhong Refrigerator]. During an interview, he talked about Teran's support for Chinese directors and Chinese movies...

The sight of that stinky fart made him grit his teeth!

He had a sullen face...

However, in the end, I still relied on the relationship that was second only to [Shenchuan Computer] in speed and the [sincerity] of sending money in advance to meet Zhang Sheng one step ahead.

Meeting Zhang Sheng...

Zhang Sheng hasn't spoken yet...

He sat down without saying a word!

"Mr. Zhang, 25 million, advertising fees, no, I will also support Huaxia Film. If you want more money, I may need a little time, but we are more sincere than anyone else!"

"Drink tea first, calm down and then talk about things..."

"Mr. Zhang, let's talk about money first. Mr. Zhang, you can make a price. It's whatever you say. Although we [Xingyang Home Appliances] are currently considered a second-tier brand and don't have particularly abundant funds, I can prepare immediately!"


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