I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 617 Grabbing the traffic cake! (Down)

this world……

The most indispensable thing is gamblers!

The more successful a businessman is, the more he gambles.

[Xingyang Home Appliances] Over the years, he has suffered losses due to large appliances, but Dong Mingqiang has always believed that he will succeed in the end.

"Mr. Zhang, I don't know how to prove my sincerity. Mr. Zhang, I can even say without exaggeration that if you ask me to take out all the money from my family now... I will take it all out!"

"I have multiple properties under my name. In addition, I also have some deposits in Switzerland..."

"If you think it's not enough, I can give you more!"

"We [Xingyang Home Appliances] are not a top brand, but in recent years, our reputation has been pretty good. In the field of small home appliances, we can still rank high..."


In the office.

Dong Mingqiang's eyes were blood red.

The growing sense of crisis made him feel like he was sitting on a card table.

It has been three years since 2009.

In the past three years, he has been losing, and the loss has even hurt his muscles and bones, but now, he must win for himself one last time!

You say it's okay to risk everything, or to make a desperate move!

Zhang Sheng looked at Dong Mingqiang's expression and did not laugh, but nodded seriously.

A moment later: "I'll drink tea first..."

"Mr. Zhang, I..."

"You drink tea first. If you don't drink tea and your throat is broken by shouting, how can we talk about cooperation next?"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Dong Mingqiang was extremely excited.

After taking the tea from Zhang Sheng, he drank it in one sip, regardless of whether it was hot or not. After drinking it, he immediately praised the tea.

Zhang Sheng coughed briefly. He couldn't bear to tell Dong Mingqiang that the tea foam cost a few dollars...

"The reason why I didn't ask you to sign a contract yesterday is, first of all, I signed a contract with [Shenchuan Computer], and I have to give them a one-day traffic period. Since I started my business, I have always adhered to the concept of win-win cooperation. , serving the brand, this is the core and purpose..." Zhang Sheng explained slowly.

"I understand!" Dong Mingqiang nodded.

When he heard this sentence, Dong Mingqiang not only had no resentment in his heart, but became even more excited!

Zhang Sheng is responsible for [Shenchuan Computer], so he will also be responsible for his own work!

"Second, all day yesterday, we were checking your company's information, Mr. Dong, including your profit and loss statements over the years, including what you have done over the years. The companies we choose to cooperate with are not randomly selected. As you know, We are never short of money, and the brands that want to cooperate with us are all queuing up outside. We need to think carefully before confirming cooperation... This is our responsibility to each other."

"I know!" Dong Mingqiang nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Mr. Dong, do you own a number of small home appliances?"


"I will not raise the price for the 20 million main advertising space. To be a businessman, you must first have credibility. However, in the future, there will be several 5 million advertising spaces. Considering your sincerity, I can increase the price." Let me give you one...think about the company's main brand of small household appliances, whether it is a soy milk machine, a coffee machine, or..."

"Can I want them all?" Dong Mingqiang took a deep breath, and then his expression became more serious: "Mr. Zhang, even if it is 100 million in advertising fees, as long as you ask for it, I will get it for you!"

"You always have to give other people a chance, right? Other brands have a harder time than you..." Zhang Sheng was not surprised by the 100 million, but remained silent for a moment, then shook his head with a smile.

"Then..." Dong Mingqiang hesitated for a moment: "One more won't work? Others will offer five million, and I will offer ten million!"

"Being a person requires credibility. Over the years, I have always been the brand name of brand owners. There is no way I would ruin my brand name just for a mere ten million dollars..." Zhang Sheng shook his head.

"Okay then!" Dong Mingqiang was a little disappointed.


"Sign it!"

When Zhang Sheng handed a brand cooperation agreement to Dong Mingqiang, Dong Mingqiang instantly became excited again!

He signed the agreement immediately without even looking at the contract.

After signing the agreement, although his expression was full of excitement, he breathed a long sigh of relief. This matter was finally settled.

"Mr. Dong..."


"We have signed the agreement. I wonder, Mr. Dong, if you are interested in joining our system?"


Dong Mingqiang's whole body was shocked!

The whole person stood up from the chair uncontrollably, and his eyes suddenly burst with surprise. He even thought that he heard wrongly, and his hands were even trembling with excitement!

After calming down for a while, his throat was so excited that he was a little speechless: "Mr. Zhang, what kind of system are you talking about!"

“It has been nearly three years since our [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] was established. In these three years, although our number of users is not as high as [Taozhu.com], we are one of the few shopping malls that make money solely from our products. The website has initially established a certain foundation in user psychology... Now, in order to go further, we plan to expand into new categories. Large appliances are also one of our expansion channels... I have checked your refrigerator, and despite its market share The quantity is extremely low and the brand is third-tier, but the quality and after-sales service have always been pretty good. I will consider selling your refrigerator!”

Zhang Sheng said this slowly.

When he heard Zhang Sheng say these words, Dong Mingqiang's breathing suddenly became rapid.

"You said, how to cooperate, you said..."

"I need you to give me the cost price!"

"Okay, no problem at all, no problem at all..." Perhaps because he was too excited, Dong Mingqiang's face flushed and he nodded sharply.

"Of course, I won't let you lose money. I have a small number of quotas for the [Home Appliances to the Countryside] subsidy this time. I will try to push you up, but it will definitely not be as big as [Jinhong Refrigerator]. It can only help you avoid losing money and earn some travel expenses..."

"Okay, okay, okay, okay, great, I, Mr. Zhang, I...Thank you, Mr. Zhang, I..."

When Dong Mingqiang heard this, he gradually began to speak incoherently, and even his eye circles began to turn red with excitement.

Huge surprises filled his mind, and he once thought that he was dreaming!

did not expect!

Mr. Zhang also gave him a big one!

"It seems that your [Xingyang Electric]'s [Feiyu Refrigerator] still has a batch of inventory, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, that is a large amount of backlog. I guarantee that there is no problem with the product..."

"Okay! I'll ask Mr. Li to help you sell this batch of goods first! But there is no subsidy for this batch of inventory..."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, I, I..."

"If you agree, let's sign another [Strategic Cooperation Agreement]!"

"Mr. Zhang, I have a heartfelt request!" Dong Mingqiang looked at this [Strategic Cooperation Agreement].

He thought of a series of information about [Hongwei Battery Car]. He remembered that Nie Xiaoping of [Hongwei Battery Car] had signed such an agreement. After signing the agreement, [Hongwei] took off!

"you say……"

"I hope I can give you 10% of the shares!"

"Hahaha... shares belong to shares, but money still has to be paid. In this case, I will exchange it for advertising space and give you three more advertising spaces!"


Zhang Sheng's hearty laughter rang out in the office.

When he saw Zhang Sheng say these words, Dong Mingqiang burst out laughing with excitement and nodded repeatedly, as if Zhang Sheng was giving him shares, not him!

Half an hour later...

Dong Mingqiang took a few points of the contract and walked out of the office excitedly.

When he saw countless media gathered around him, Dong Mingqiang couldn't help but burst out laughing again.

The media were confused and wanted to ask more questions, but Dong Mingqiang laughed, took out [WeChat] and took a taxi with his lawyer.

Until after getting in the car...

Several media outlets that were close to him still saw Dong Mingqiang laughing loudly, one after another!


"Fuck me!"

"Did I see the wrong thing?"


"Oh my God, what the hell is this news? Tell me, am I living on Earth now? Why are these brands so crazy?"

"Damn, it's an advertising space for a movie. Oh my god, have these people become stupid, or have I become stupid?"

"This [Xingyang Electrical Appliances] is so ruthless. Just for an advertising space, they sold themselves to Zhang Sheng as a dog!"


On the afternoon of September 15th.

The popularity of [Kamikawa Computer] has not dropped yet...

Another even more exciting news shocked netizens even more!

【Shock! In order to win the advertising space of "The Truman", "Xingyang Electric" not only spent 25 million, but also took out 10% of the shares! 】

【Shock! [The Truman] Thirty advertising spaces were snapped up by major brands! 】

【Shock! First-line brands such as [Chuangdu TV], [Jinhong Refrigerator], and [Songsen Air Conditioner] have also joined in the rush for advertising space! 】

[[Truman] It became popular before it was filmed! What kind of movie is this movie? 】


A piece of breaking news.

bombarding the entire internet.

Countless netizens feel more and more that the world they once knew is gradually collapsing, and they can no longer understand this world at all.


Another wave of people.

But belatedly realized that it wasn’t shit!

On the contrary, it was even a big traffic cake made by Zhang Sheng...

Moreover, the first few companies to eat this piece of traffic cake!

All exploded!

[Shenchuan Computer] and [Xingyang Electrical Appliances] made a lot of money, and the discussion continued for a long time...

Especially the new models of [Shenchuan Computer]!

Unexpectedly, under the attack of big brands such as [Lianzhong Computer], [Puhui Computer], and [Huasuo Computer], it sold pretty good sales for the first time!

However, when that group of people wanted to eat the traffic cake again, they realized that the cake had already been divided!


And the instigator, Zhang Sheng...

Then he walked into the business department with a stack of brand information, and a new war on the Internet was brewing!

(There is another update today, but it may be from 8 to 9 pm. I will try my best to write!)

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