I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 620 Digging out the old horse’s roots?

September 17th.

It’s rainy in Hangzhou.

The weather is gradually cooling down.


Ma Yunhua has been watching the news about Zhang Sheng and keeping an eye on Zhang Sheng's whereabouts these days.

Not only is he keeping an eye on it, but his financial department and analysis team are also keeping an eye on it.


"The [Southern California International Film Awards] earned Zhang Sheng RMB 840 million. In fact, including all aspects of advertising revenue, it was RMB 1.1 billion... The RMB 1.1 billion in Brazil was tax-free. Putting aside the costs, the actual operating income was RMB 1.1 billion. 900 million, 900 million of which includes 20% corporate income tax, resulting in an actual income of 675 million... However, this is not an actual tax, there is also a part of the tax deduction..."

"[The Truman] movie advertising revenue is 350 million yuan, 300 million aside from the 50 million cost of the movie, it is about 300 million yuan. On the surface, the amount of tax-deducted income is 240 million yuan... But in fact, the other party may be more... …”

"As for the construction of factories in the physical industry, Zhang Sheng not only provides tax exemption for mobile phone factory construction, but also has [Bosch Technology] income tax-free..."



outside the window.

It rains continuously.

In the office, Ma Yunhua frowned when she heard that the finance officer was seriously handing detailed tax data to Ma Yunhua.

The more industries involved, the more complicated the taxation will be. The more complicated the taxation, the easier it will be for capital loopholes to appear...

In addition, the more business income, the greater the tax!

If we really want to take a closer look, countless companies in China do not dare to expose their taxes to the public, and will even try their best to find loopholes.


When Ma Yunhua saw Zhang Sheng's tax system, he took a deep breath and found it incredible. Not only did his frown deepen, but his expression was even cold: "Doesn't he have any tax problems?"

"According to my investigation, Zhang Sheng has issued a fatal order to every financial department in the system! Every week, the financial director will be asked to take the revenue to the relevant department to check taxes, proactively report accounts, and even every once in a while, His company would even personally invite personnel from the tax department to come to the company to inspect and verify taxes, which even made the leaders of the tax department a little impatient... What's even more exaggerated is that their company's taxes have been going on like this for a year, and , it seems that every day during the morning meeting, the department leaders will repeatedly emphasize that no red line can be stepped on, especially tax evasion, there must be no..."

"Didn't he use some channels to reasonably avoid taxes and get tax exemption?" Ma Yunhua's eyes gradually became bloodshot, and a feeling of unwillingness came to her heart.

Zhang Sheng is as shrewd as a fox!

Many official channels did not recognize it in the true sense, but it was an upright tax avoidance and exemption system. He did not believe that Zhang Sheng did not understand.


"Except for a few office buildings, Zhang Sheng does not have any private property under his name..."

"He doesn't even have a car?" Ma Yunhua took a deep breath.

"He doesn't have a car. He used to take taxis when traveling. Later, after he got [Didi Taxi], he would always take out [WeChat] to take a taxi..."

"There is no commercial vehicle in the company's name?"

"Employees own a lot of private cars, but there are no business cars under the company's name. There is an unwritten rule in their system. If you really need to use a car in an emergency, borrow the employee's car first... The company will give it to the employee in proportion. Subsidizing gas money... Later, after the cheap car [Hongwei Fengxing] came out, Zhang Sheng actually had a car, but he rented a car from [Hongwei] and drove it..."

"Does this person have no other hobbies? Or...something else..."

"Yes, yes, but..."

"But what?"

"We have followed Zhang Sheng for more than a year. In addition to working, Zhang Sheng also goes back to school to study. He occasionally goes on dates with his girlfriend... He is also very particular about his food. Unless it is a large meeting, he always orders takeout. , at most go to [Fat Xiaoan] restaurant..."

"Hasn't he ever broken a rule?"

"Mr. Ma, I am also in disbelief. However, after repeated follow-up investigations, we finally... concluded that this guy is not a normal person. When crossing the road, he never even ran a red light..."

As the saying goes.

Flies don't bite seamless eggs.

As the saying goes, no gold is pure and no one is perfect!

Ma Yunhua deeply agrees with this. After many years of business, Ma Yunhua has encountered countless strong opponents. He can easily find the opponent's flaws and then defeat the enemy with one move.


When he saw Zhang Sheng, he couldn't help but start to wonder if Zhang Sheng was a saint in his previous life!

A person who obeys the law to such an extent can no longer be called a human being in Ma Yunhua's eyes. He is simply a monster!

"What's the point of this man living like this? What fun does he have? Is he still a human being?"

He sighed in disbelief, and then sat on the chair, unable to calm down for a long time.

After a long time, he calmed down and shook his head: "It should be that the information you investigated is not detailed enough. This guy is insidious. No one knows what dirty things he is doing behind the scenes..."

"Well, we will continue to follow up the investigation and report to you immediately if anything happens. However, Mr. Ma, I discovered something interesting recently..."

"What's up?"

"The brand that Zhang Sheng is cooperating with seems to be from the Huaxia Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd...."

"Oh?" Ma Yunhua was slightly startled when she heard Big Appliances, and then fell into deep thought.

He is acutely aware...

Zhang Sheng seemed to be doing something.

"The popularity of the [Southern California International Film Awards] is very high. Shen Jiahui, the regional leader of [China Film Group], personally visited Zhang Sheng, hoping to schedule more films for local Chinese films and open the back door for some films appropriately, but it seems that Zhang Sheng was not contacted..."

"What is Zhang Sheng doing? Is he leaving a lot of money and not trying to get it? Don't tell me that Zhang Sheng is an ultimate idealist..."

"When the new round of [Home Appliances to the Countryside] campaign just started, he actually took his team to the countryside himself..."


When Ma Yunhua heard this sentence, her brows almost furrowed into a "chuan" shape.

What is Zhang Sheng doing!

What on earth is he going to do!

Damn it, is this person really the so-called ultimate idealist and dreamer?


There must be a reason for him...

"Zhang Sheng spent a lot of money on heavy asset [logistics]..."

"The nearly 1 billion yuan earned in this wave was all taken out and thrown in..."

"And it's not a big city, but the second and third tier cities in the country that are the most thankless and the most expensive..."

"No matter how our team analyzes it, we feel that this guy is really serious about poverty alleviation work, and except for some home appliances going to the countryside, he is subsidizing it with his own money..."

"This man behaves like a saint..."


The analysis team who reported to Ma Yunhua had a wry smile on their faces.

They have met countless entrepreneurs in their lives.

But I have never met an idealist like Zhang Sheng who is as "great and upright" and as "selfless and dedicated" to the extreme...

Ma Yunhua remained silent.

Before that, he would have felt that Zhang Sheng was engaged in heavy assets like [Logistics], which would definitely bring down the entire system.


Whoever comes into contact with this thing will know it. Unless the country is a strong supporter behind it, otherwise, you will not be able to get back your money in the short term!

Moreover, this is another big hole. Before making profits, you have to pour money into it continuously...


Even if it is done, so what?

This kind of profit is very thin...

"You can call Mr. Zhang stupid, but he understands human nature very well and takes all kinds of shortcuts... But you can call Zhang Sheng smart, but he does a series of stupid things..."

Ma Yunhua listened to Song Wen, the leader of the analysis team, muttering to himself.

But Ma Yunhua suddenly stood up!

The pupils shrank sharply!

He suddenly realized!

Zhang Sheng may want to dig up his ancestral grave!


Next door to Cangdong County.

It is Ninggan County, GZ City, close to Western Sichuan District.

September 18th.

County Expressway Exit...

An ordinary bus stopped.

The bus door opened.

Zhang Sheng came down with a group of bosses of a series of brands such as [Shenchuan Computer], [Xingyang Electric], [Jiacon TV], [Hongwei Battery Car], etc.


"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang!"


Several excited county leaders rushed over immediately.

After briefly shaking hands with the county leaders, Zhang Sheng led these brands to the county seat...

When they arrived at the county town, at the highway intersection, large trucks also arrived to deliver goods.

He even personally followed the workers to lift a series of brands such as "Shenchuan Computer" off the car...

Wait until the next day, September 19th...

Zhang Sheng, accompanied by county leaders, went to the local vocational college.

"Xu Xiao, I hope that e-commerce can combine practice with theory..."

"We have to organize students to open online stores. At the same time, we also need students to help their families monetize agricultural products and specialty industries..."


"Of course, I will help you solve the employment problem in your school..."


year 2011.

Chinese e-commerce is booming.

But there is always a distance that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become a habit of the whole people.

the most important is……

Countless people have one common thought.

That means buying books, clothes, pants...

There is nothing wrong with these online purchases.

However, when it comes to buying major appliances: such as washing machines, color TVs, air conditioners, computers...

Everyone is accustomed to going to offline stores.

This situation has actually existed for a long time. Even on Taozhu.com, the largest website in the country, many buyers are still wary of large appliances.

The reasons include many aspects...

Logistics, damage, handling, installation, and a series of after-sales...

Moreover, offline at least you can touch the real thing, but online, all you can see are pictures.

Pictures and entities…

Which one has a stronger sense of trust?

And Zhang Sheng...

They are trying their best to set an example and build this sense of trust!

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