I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 621 Zhang Sheng starts class for the first time! (Third update!)

year 2011.

The home appliance retail giants are still [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] and [Hangmei Electrical Appliances].

It has thousands of offline stores, annual sales of hundreds of billions, a nationwide distribution network, and has maintained decades of purchasing relationships with first-tier home appliance brands.

At the same time, the one-stop service of delivery, installation, repair and maintenance, after 10 years of word-of-mouth lingering, has gradually turned the two stores into two insurmountable electrical appliance mountains, even if [Taozhu.com] is at its peak Ma Yunhua did not dare to underestimate his strength...

With the gradual development of the Internet, with the rise and dominance of [Taozhu.com]!

[Suzhou Electrical Appliances] and [Hangmei Electrical Appliances], two brands that have been fighting each other for nearly ten years, finally suddenly realized that their offline scale had reached a bottleneck.

To expand further, it is nothing more than opening a few more stores across the country, or adding more manpower, and advertising more...

In the Internet age, fighting to the death offline no longer makes much sense.

If you want to expand your territory, you must move the battlefield!

At this point, the two companies suddenly aimed at online sales!

In August, [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] announced the establishment of the [Suzhou Tesco] online sales system. On September 1, the [Suzhou Tesco] website was officially launched.

Almost the next day [Hangmei Electric] announced that [Hangmei Mall] had been successfully built, targeting big cities such as Yanjing, Shanghai, and Yangcheng...


September 21st.

Ninggan County, GZ City.

Since ancient times, big cities have been battlegrounds for military strategists.

Often, countless new business formats first become popular in big cities and then gradually spread to surrounding smaller cities.

[Rural areas surrounding cities] This road is certainly feasible, but both transportation and various costs, including profits, are on the low side...

The price-performance ratio is too low. Ordinary people will not spend ten yuan to do something that costs five yuan...

Of course, although the two companies' main battlefields are still the three major cities, offline advertising is still everywhere.

Advertisements for [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] and [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] are plastered all over the streets, and [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] and [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] are the main consumers of [Home Appliances Going to the Rural Areas], and they are also leading companies.

early morning.

In the two stores, the four words "Home Appliances Going to the Countryside" are written in very eye-catching slogans or LED displays. When customers enter the store, the shopping guides will immediately introduce the major brands of home appliances.

After the introduction, ordinary customers will definitely have to bargain again. Normally, the shopping guides will give customers various benefits, but this time, they took the customers to the computer room next to them to register an account...

Then, under their guidance, place an order online step by step and receive the red envelope.

[Suzhou Electrical Appliances] entrance.

A young man sent the customer away with a smile.

When he saw the shopping guide coming again, he repeatedly warned the shopping guide.

"You must have a good attitude. At the same time, you must let customers, especially the young customers, form a series of consumption habits. After customers form consumption habits, our online channels will be launched. This is The purpose of our [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] Corporation..."

A young man named Zheng Hongqiu is the general manager of [Suzhou Electric] in Ningqian County, responsible for offline maintenance and online promotion...

With the help of the profit sharing from the [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas] project and [Suzhou Electric]’s customers’ trust in them over the years, the half-month online promotion went quite smoothly.


When he saw [Hangmei Electric], the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

As an old rival, [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] is also transforming online this time, and it is coming menacingly. Except for the final price war, the opponent has already used all its tricks!

Zheng Hongqiu even saw news on the Internet that the delivery of [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] was slow and completely inferior to [Hangmei Electrical Appliances]...

Zheng Hongqiu frowned deeply after seeing the news.

Although there are frequent traffic jams in first-tier cities, transportation is convenient...

The traffic jam situation in second- and third-tier cities is slightly better, but the distances across are often extremely long. With the craze of "home appliances going to the countryside", the number of orders has increased sharply, and the delivery team has gradually become insufficient.

Zheng Hongqiu looked at the drivers whose faces were covered with sweat but were urged to order by customers, and thought about countermeasures.

Just at this time……

Bursts of firecrackers interrupted his thoughts.

He subconsciously looked towards the opposite door.

"What's going on on the other side?"

"Oh, we recently opened a new logistics company called [Jingsheng]..."

"[Jingsheng Logistics]?"

When Zheng Hongqiu heard this name, his face was blank.

He has heard of [Post], he has also heard of [Shentong], he has heard of [Suniao]...

Just when Zheng Hongqiu was thinking about what [Jingsheng Logistics] was, he suddenly saw a middle-aged man opposite with a warm smile walking over.

"Boss, congratulations on getting rich, congratulations on getting rich!"

"You get rich too!"

"Boss, I am the boss of [Jingsheng Logistics]. My name is Song Ziqiang. We are responsible for the distribution of various goods throughout Ningqian County..."


Zheng Hongqiu was thoughtful, then subconsciously asked: "How much does a delivery cost?"

“Free delivery today!”


"Yes, normal charges will start tomorrow. Boss, do you need help? We are free now."

"I happen to have a batch of goods, can I deliver them to the countryside?"

"I can deliver it!"


Zheng Hongqiu nodded, but he was not very confident about a newly opened logistics company: "In this case, I will ask the installation master to go with you?"

"Okay! There's room for the co-pilot..."

Song Ziqiang, the boss of [Jingsheng Logistics], worked very hard to help load trucks one by one.

During this period, Zheng Hongqiu also chatted with Song Ziqiang, and roughly learned that the other party had been delivering food in Yanjing. He made some money through thick and thin, and then took out a loan to start a business, aiming at the most basic human freight transportation. .

When asked about the delivery company, the other party did not hide anything and said "Honeycomb Extreme Delivery". He also said that he had just started a business and had little money. The company's current staff are all junior students from vocational schools and are currently only responsible for Ningqian County. In some areas, there are about three small transport trucks. There are not many orders at the moment, they just pick up some small household appliances and the like without any brand.

Song Ziqiang's sincerity made Zheng Hongqiu quite fond of him. He said frankly that the current orders of [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] have doubled, and at least there is no need to worry about the transportation orders from September to November.

When the other party heard this, he nodded quickly and worked even harder to help load the car.

Four o'clock in the evening.

Song Ziqiang's minivan from [Jingsheng Logistics] delivered it.

Zheng Hongqiu took out a shipping fee and handed it to Song Ziqiang. Song Ziqiang refused to accept it at first, but unable to withstand Zheng Hongqiu's force, Song Ziqiang finally accepted the money.

After returning to the store...

The installation master kept saying that the people at [Jingsheng Logistics] are great!

This group of young people are very energetic at work. They not only help deliver the goods to the door, but also help out all the time.

Customers are also praising his hard work.

Zheng Hongqiu nodded: "This is what happened when we first opened. Let's wait and see again. We can ask them to give away some unimportant electrical appliances tomorrow!"

"Okay! I understand!"


Late at night.

Song Ziqiang waited until Suzhou Electrical Appliances closed the door before closing the door as well.

"You all worked very hard today. Take your brothers to have a nice late-night snack. This is the late-night snack money... I have already sent you [WeChat]."

"Ah, so much? Wait, don't you get nothing today?"

"This is Mr. Zhang giving you a red envelope..."

"Mr. Song, where are you?"

"I have to go back and have another meeting. We have just arrived in Ningqian County, and many projects have not been expanded yet... Mr. Zhang has plans for the future..."

"Mr. Song, when can we attend Mr. Zhang's intrapreneurship class?"

"You guys do a good job. I used to be a delivery person. I was lucky enough to go for further studies. Now I am entrusted with important tasks by General Manager Zhang. As long as we maintain [logistics] well, the business is stable, and the income and expenditure can be balanced, I will recommend a few A place for further study is given to you..."


Several young people were very excited. Looking at the money in [WeChat], they felt full of fighting spirit.

"By the way, if you are free, you can go to the [WeChat payment] system of major late-night snack stalls..."

"Huh? [WeChat payment] system?"

"Yes, as long as you open a store's [WeChat Pay] system, the company will give you a bonus of about 300 yuan..."


"Go ahead, by the way, I just got the news that Hua Xia Bank has cooperated with our [WeChat] and has enabled the night transfer function. You can transfer money to your bank card for free within 8 hours at the fastest. You can also say this... …”


After I finish telling the little boy some things about his life.

Song Ziqiang drove a small truck all the way to the Vocational and Technical College in the county.

When he parked the car, he was still a little excited.

He was released after repeated questioning by security personnel and after showing his work permit from [Jingsheng Logistics].

When we arrived at the door of the teaching building, a group of security guards were also standing at the door.

After Song Ziqiang showed his identification again, he was able to enter the teaching building.

He walked a few steps and finally entered the multimedia classroom.

Immediately afterwards...

He was shocked!

He found that the multimedia classroom that could accommodate more than 500 people was full of people. Most of them were delivery people from [Honeycomb Ji Delivery]. There were also some of Zhang Sheng’s local promotion staff who came from Yanjing. In addition, there were a bunch of people. In addition to the outstanding graduates recommended by the school, there are also a large number of teachers from [Vocational and Technical College]...

These teachers stayed up most of the night and took advantage of their internal connections as school teachers to come to the big classroom to listen to entrepreneurship classes?

Song Zi forced his way in for a long time.

During this period, mobile phones were placed at the door outside the classroom and were kept by security personnel, and any recording equipment was strictly prohibited.

The classroom is very noisy.

Everyone is excited!

In fact, the teachers listening outside the window seemed to be watching some celebrities, and several young female teachers were even whispering excitedly.

They didn't quiet down until the principal came over!

"This class is worth tens of millions. Our school had to fight hard to invite Mr. Zhang... As teachers, you must be a role model and don't embarrass our school, you know?"

Several teachers nodded quickly.

Wait until 10:15...

Everyone saw Zhang Sheng walking in.

Song Ziqiang was shocked and excitedly stared at Zhang Sheng as he walked into the lecture hall.

Zhang Sheng lowered his voice.

"This was originally an internal meeting of ours. It was about some work arrangements in our Ningqian County system and some cooperation expectations with our [Ningqian Vocational and Technical College]. It was nothing like a class...

"But due to work arrangements, some things must be kept relatively confidential, so they cannot be recorded, let alone recorded. Please forgive me..."


(Third update, please give me a monthly ticket)

(We are only a few votes away from being in the top ten in the city)

(Please everyone!)

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