I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 622 Don’t delay our class!

About a year ago.

Song Ziqiang is a poor, middle-aged man who cannot survive in Yanjing City.

After graduating from junior high school, he came from a small place and heard people say how prosperous and prosperous the big cities were, so he gritted his teeth and took the car of the decoration team from the same village to Yanjing.

When he first arrived in Yanjing City, he felt that everything was like a dream. He was so shocked that he was like a wild dog that was blinded by a searchlight and did not dare to roar, but only dared to whimper.


The renovation work is over.

The decoration team went back.

However, Song Ziqiang gritted his teeth and stayed in the big city, thinking about how to look like a human being.

But unfortunately, today's era is not like the chaotic world of the 1980s and 1990s...

All the cakes were equally plated, and the remaining scraps were distributed among the social elites.

Song Ziqiang, who has no academic qualifications, no capital, no connections, and a few words that make him bump into each other, relies on his brute strength and willingness to endure hardships to do any job.

Three meals a day, only two meals, one meal occasionally...

In order to save money, I rented a cheap basement. Even after the rent was full, I slept in the corridors and overpasses...

After such careful efforts, I did save a little money, but in the end, it was not enough to start a business...

The children from my hometown have to go to the county town to study, have to take extra classes, and their parents have to support themselves in their old age. All kinds of human and worldly expenses are all money.

Finally, after three years of persistence, I raised more than 100,000 yuan and opened a retail store in a corner of Yanjing.

In big cities, the goods in big supermarkets are cheap, convenient and complete, unlike supermarkets in small places...

After only one year, I realized that the money I earned was not enough to pay the rent, so I had to live frugally for several years and use the remaining money.

After knowing that if he was struggling in a big city, he might as well go to a small place and earn a salary of more than 100 yuan a day, Song Ziqiang finally prepared to come into contact with reality...


He packed his luggage and got on the car back home.

But, when he was about to board the train, he heard the news that the [delivery clerk] was earning over 10,000 yuan a month!

He was stunned!

Immediately afterwards...

Suspicious, he walked into [Beehive Jisong], the place that changed his destiny...


"First of all, I would like to thank everyone sitting here again for taking time out of your busy schedule to hold such a meeting..."

"Thank you all for being with me through thick and thin, all the way till now..."

"I hope you can thank yourself. We have not given up on our destiny, nor on the possibility of climbing up. From the lowest level where no one is paying attention, we are climbing higher and higher towards the common goal..."

"In the past 2011, many of you here were brothers from our [NC Entertainment] system, and there were also many brothers who entered school and prepared to start their own businesses..."

"Of course, it's not just you, there are thousands of other brothers who are preparing to embark on the journey. At this moment, although they are not here, their hearts are with us..."

"I told you about a year ago that I will give everyone a path to promotion. As long as I am still alive and have not fallen down, I will let the brothers who follow me have a bite to eat!"

“One year later, I look back and realize that although I didn’t do everything perfectly, I did my best to fulfill my promise!”


Under the podium.

The thunderous applause lasted for a long time.

Song Ziqiang's whole body boiled with excitement.

A year ago, he was a confused and down-and-out person. A year later, he successfully returned from studying at [Yan Petrochemical] and was entrusted with an important task by Zhang Sheng. He served as the person in charge of Ningqian County of [Jingsheng Logistics] and enjoyed [Jingsheng Logistics]. Dividend rights for the region!

Among all the people present, some are the regional business leaders of [Qiangsheng Online Mall], some are the regional leaders of [Honeycomb Jisong], and some are the regional leaders of [WeChat] promotion...

No exceptions!

These people all started from the bottom, and then were reported by the person in charge to the top. After repeated reviews by Mr. Zhang and his team, they finally signed their names and were entrusted with important tasks!

During this period, everything was paid for by the company, and they never had to spend a penny!

Even some of the training money is funded by the company.

Someone has calculated specifically that [Honeycomb Jisong] may not be so huge. It has branches all over the country and is gradually growing. However, after training, promotion, dividends, operations, etc., Zhang Sheng actually doesn’t have much money. You can make money, barely earn some hard-earned money!

Only those who have truly been at the bottom and have lived in the darkness will realize what will happen if they encounter such a company!

In fact, if Zhang Sheng was hungry, Song Ziqiang would even want to take out his heart and hand it to Zhang Sheng!

"No need to applaud, you all deserve this..."

"Everyone, although you have reached a higher level, you must not be careless!"

"Remember, guard against arrogance and impetuosity. In ancient history, a kingdom could be destroyed overnight. Moreover, now we are surrounded by powerful enemies, and countless people are watching us..."

"We broke the rules!"

"We touched some people's cakes!"

"As we rise step by step, we step up on the shoulders of many people..."

"There is [Tengji Technology] in the south and [Jiahu Technology] in the north. Countless capitals in the middle are staring at us. I am not being alarmist. We must always be vigilant. In this world, there are countless powerful enemies who will use the most bloody , the cruelest way to make our common dream come to nothing!"

"In the field of food delivery, we are still not the leader. [Hungry Bar] food delivery has come in force, repeatedly targeting our strongholds and plundering them! The other brands [Lainiao Food Delivery] and [Fengsheng], which have been merged and acquired, have been separated again , is bringing a large amount of capital and is approaching fiercely..."

“In the field of e-commerce, we are still in the initial stage. We cannot compare with Lao Ma’s [Taozhu.com]. We are not even a fraction of the other party’s... We cannot even compare with [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] and [Hangmei Electrical Appliances]. 】's online store, we have only been established for two years, and our foundation is still weak..."

"In the field of social software, [WeChat] is coming. We are the challenger. We have 13 million users since May, but the other party has already exceeded 100 million. At this moment, they are preparing to overwhelm us with their overlooking resources. die……"



Zhang Sheng’s speech.

More like a declaration before war.

Principal Xu Shangwu, who was in his fifties, looked calm and watched everything silently, but his fingers could not help but tremble slightly.

He had known Zhang Sheng a long time ago that he was extremely capable of brainwashing. However, when he actually came to the scene and heard Zhang Sheng's speech, he realized that this was no longer strong, but close to crazy. Even a veteran like him can't help but think of the series of turbulent years, and even some of the entrepreneurial dreams he had when he was young were inexplicably brought up.

He frowned, tried to calm down, and suppressed some unrealistic thoughts.

Then, looking at the teachers standing at the door...

The young female teachers' faces were red, they were clenching their fists, filled with indignation, and even wanted to roar.

As for the male teachers, their faces were full of excitement, their eyes were fixed on Zhang Sheng's face, and they wished they could resign on the spot and go work with Zhang Sheng.

Xu Shangwu's expression changed slightly, and then he walked over immediately...

"Everyone, it's almost time. It's time for you to go!" He realized that the faculty and staff could no longer listen to this kind of class.

Teachers, don’t look at them teaching and educating people, but they are cooperating in promoting anti-fraud every day.

But in fact, they are a group of very simple creatures.

In a telecom fraud some time ago, several teachers in their school were defrauded out of more than 300,000 yuan, and they are all hanging on the banner at this moment!

"College Xu, we still want to hear it!"

"Yes, Principal Xu, I have no class tomorrow!"

"School Xu, we also have to keep these students safe, don't we? We..."


Zhang Sheng’s entrepreneurial lesson, his ability to confuse people is much more ruthless than those scammers!

And it is based on the premise that grassroots rise one by one and make a lot of money...

How can these teachers, who earn a salary of several thousand yuan a month, be able to withstand this?

After hearing Principal Xu's words, several teachers suddenly became anxious, as if they were in a daze, and listened to the class excitedly without looking back!

"There are security guards, what are you worried about? Let's go!"

Xu Shangwu looked at the group of security guards...

But unexpectedly, I don't know when, several security guards also sneaked to the window and were listening to the class, and their faces became more and more excited.

Li Bin, the vice president of [Qiangsheng Online Mall], used to be the network administrator of a small Internet cafe. His education level was at a junior high school level. In just two years, his annual income is now almost over 100 million!

Now the market leader of China's new [Apple] series of mobile phones, Xu Bowen, is a security guard like them, and a community security guard. Now he is worth tens of millions, and he buys a house and a car in Yanjing...

Success stories one after another, for these low-level security guards, the lethality is too terrifying!

Xu Shangwu took a deep breath: "Let's go!"

"Xu Xiao..."

"Hurry and guard the school gate!"


Xu Shangwu suddenly looked at the school gate not far away, only to find that the school gate was already crowded with people, and even many media had no idea when they came.

They crowded at the door like a swarm. The security guards at the school gate not far away tried their best to block them, but they were unable to stop them.

"Who leaked the news!"

"When Mr. Zhang came in, he told us to keep a low profile. Who among you leaked it?"


Several teachers and security guards were shocked for a moment, and then looked at each other in shock!

"Follow me and stop listening to Mr. Zhang's lectures!"


After several teachers saw Xu Shangwu's expression changed drastically, they finally lowered their heads and left the window helplessly.

But a group of male teachers were hearing this with their blood boiling, and they even completely ignored Shang Wu's ugly expression.

"Principal Xu, it's off-duty time now. We can do whatever we want during off-duty time. You have nothing to do with it!"

"Yeah, what's wrong with us listening to the lecture?"

"Yeah, the school is checking this and that. What's wrong with you asking us to relax? Everyone is so stressed lately!"



There were waves of complaints.

In the multimedia room.

Zhang Sheng frowned slightly.

But he didn't speak.

But several students came over angrily.

"Sorry, teachers, please be quiet, we are listening to the class... If you don't want to listen, you can leave, don't affect us students who want to listen to the class!"


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